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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1958558 No.1958558 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw multimillionaire
>tfw laughing at all the poorfags scamming and insulting each other here on a daily basis for amounts of money which are basically like tissue paper for me

Thanks for the entertainment /biz/. Feelsgoodman being in the top 0.01%

>> No.1958559
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d-delte this!!!

>> No.1958561

How did you earn your money?

Or were you born into it?

>> No.1958563

Most likely NEET role playing on 4channel.
If in the off chance your not, I bet you were born into it. Did fucking nothing to earn anything, and you genuinely believe your entitled to it.

Kys fagit

>> No.1958589

Put in a couple of mil in an S&P500 etf early in 2010. You do the math.

Hahaha u mad bro? :^)

>> No.1958596

Can I have a couple thousand then?

>> No.1958598

"The first million is the bitch, the rest come easy"

Where did your first million come from?

Are you looking forward to school again after the easter break?
I bet all thoes bullies are looking forward to seeing you

>> No.1958601

No. I pay too much in taxes which come as government handouts to your kind anyway.

>> No.1958602
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heb meh

>> No.1958609
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>>tfw multimillionaire
>>tfw laughing at all the poorfags scamming and insulting each other here on a daily basis for amounts of money which are basically like tissue paper for me
>Thanks for the entertainment /biz/. Feelsgoodman being in the top 0.01%
Ihaz returns! praise kek.

>> No.1958612

>november 2015
probably got broke after and currently living in some mud house

>> No.1958613
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If you are rich, surely you would have better things to do then to laugh at the poor.

I pitty you

T. Wagecuck

>> No.1958616

I worked in investment banking before. Because I didn't spend it all on hookers and fast cars like all the normies did, I easily managed to save up a few million. By 2010 it was obvious the market was recovering so I put it all in. Now have couple of million in stocks, couple of million in various bank accounts and cash for a rainy day, 250k in bitcoins and other shitcoins, and some gold bullion, silver and guns incase SHTF.

I run some businesses on the side for passive income.

>> No.1958634

Laughing at poor people will get you killed IRL OP.

>> No.1958649


t. triggered poorfag

>> No.1958650
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On the other hand the poorfag is right:


Talk shit, get hit, OP.

>> No.1958667

most rich people i know dont waste time on the internet and forums

what degree ?

>> No.1958672

prove it

>> No.1958692

good for you OP
you wouldn't mind throwing a satoshi or two my way, would you now

>> No.1958695


> invest in index fund in 2015
> broke now

Never go full retard, anon.

>> No.1958749

please help me

>> No.1958768

Haha, you are a fucking NEET larper.
Now gtfo.

>> No.1958769

Poor faggot larper trying to show off his wealth on a business board.
>Business Board
We dont give a fuck about how much mcbucks you have and the fact you can onlu throw around" millions in this" or " i yhree millions in here" implies that not only you are full of shit but have no idea how any of this works because even if you did invest you havent made any money until you have sold. Also investment banker? Its like you are seriously retarded and think that thats a career in which you could save millions in within 20 years.

>> No.1958928

You sound like a punk boot shiner who would suck my dick for free.

>> No.1958931

So obviously bullshit lmfao

>> No.1959445

You actually can.

>> No.1959514

h-how did you d-do i-it a-anon?

a-are y-you t-telling me to i-invest in v-v-v-vanguard?

>> No.1959542
File: 17 KB, 403x403, 15220043_1149971405050391_8515384267933015213_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a good goyim.

>> No.1959549

LMFAo full retard right here.