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19582761 No.19582761 [Reply] [Original]

I have two friends that come over every once in a while. We are all software engineers. If I make it and buy a new house, I want it to be really nice (cause yolo and thots), but I also still want my friends to come over. Given the recent threads I’m getting concerned about word getting out about me knowing about crypto and getting robbed or some shit. I trust my friends, but I can’t tell them “dont tell anyone I invested in crypto” because then they would know the magnitude of how much I would have to lose, but if I don’t they might just casually mention it in conversation and word would get out.
The only alternative I can see is lying to them about how I made money. I hate to lie to my IRL friends but it’s opsec 101: don’t become a target. What believable excuse can I come up with? Serious answers only please

>> No.19582808

Take the modestpill and don’t get a fancy house.

>> No.19582826

Cut all your friends off. They’re obviously not your friends if you have to worry about them fucking you over.

>> No.19582838

fear not, crypto is going to zero

>> No.19582908

Idk, I want to be comfortable
Practically speaking I guess you’re correct but theoretically all people are corruptible, friendships end, and opinions are mutable. I’d just rather not be on anybody’s radar if I can help it

>> No.19582977

Then get a comfortable one that isn’t fancy

>> No.19582981
File: 192 KB, 409x409, 1591106837057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy gold.
>Hide gold
>Fake your own death
>Kidnap friends
>Move to island
>Chill with friends till the end of days


>> No.19582993

Also an additional question: how tf would you explain having so much free time? I can’t imagine keeping up with so much lying

>> No.19583025


>> No.19583227
File: 186 KB, 1334x750, 1505282183922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to this so I have a question for you people. Do you unironically believe with this much certainty that crypto is going to make you rich? That it's not just a gamble? And even if it does all eventually moon, then what? Real currency and the world economy tanks?

>> No.19583339

Look anon it’s a fucking trade off no if ands or buts you will have to make some sort of compromise if you want to live a life of wealth or freedom whether that’s having no friends/family or going full jogger rich, make a choice in between that you are happy with. I think you are being overly paranoid. People like CSW and Richard Heart still have their wealth. Just don’t associate with joggers

>> No.19583342

don't lie about it, just kind of muddy the waters. say you invested in a tech start up. if they ask what say it was a company that wrote code for atm machines or something. the business was called linkpay, just make it up

>> No.19583357

You're basically scared your friends are going to dox you? Sounds like maybe you do this
Or just rent a separate apartment for your little hangouts.

>> No.19583372

Yeah but if you really need to worry about your personal safety then they’re definitely not your friends. There’s shit friends and then there’s enemies.

>> No.19583377

Simply don't tell them. If they ask or find crumbs, say you "own a few hundred bucks" in btc.

Then, all in Suterusu.

>> No.19583402

>Friends have their own ambitions and goals
>Simping for friends
>Uncomfortable with being alone
>Friends kill you and take your gold


>> No.19583415

The only reason the fiscal irresponsibility of world governments hasn't caught up with them yet is lack of competition

>> No.19583418

Yee but i wanna keep em around if i ever get into a private medicine business mane. Fuck em just like they fuck me

>> No.19583429

What are you holding that makes you think this will ever be a problem?

>> No.19583438

Stay poor

>> No.19583441

Unironically this

Buying and HODLing is no different than lotto tickets or "collector's edition"

Actually acquiring wealth is wise financial management to capture and realize fluctuating valuation as your choice of equity. That's literally the heart of capitalism and any business. Buy low, sell high.

Crypto hodlers essentially freeze equity when they could use it to grow itself by trading on fluctuations in the asset or some other asset.

>> No.19583462

Lol y'all dont wanna work in shit you are passionate about? You can do both to an extent and are you salty you dont have anything you truly love in life

>> No.19583464

>Crypto hodlers essentially freeze equity when they could use it to grow itself by trading on fluctuations in the asset or some other asset.

Nice word salad when you could just say opportunity cost you fucking pseud ledditor.

>> No.19583642

Just tell them your parents bought you it or tell them your renting it as opposed to you bought it.

>> No.19584281

you don't tell them

>> No.19584347

I'm glad I never had any friends kek

>> No.19584393

"I got a really good deal and I've been saving up for the down payment for a while"

>> No.19584629

Nice try but I am HODLing my PNK until 4 USD

>> No.19584796

These sound less like friends and more like connections...shady ones at that.

Tell them you invested some discretionary money in penny stocks and got luckier than a hung stud in a women's prison with a fistful of pardons.

>> No.19585060

Dude it's fucking simple

Buy house

Buy toys

"Yeah I got lucky with crypto friend. It's all gone now. I managed to set up a trust fund with what was left over. Want another beer?"

>> No.19585169
File: 270 KB, 1930x1698, 1579363861289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crypto hodlers essentially freeze equity when they could use it to grow itself by trading on fluctuations in the asset or some other asset.

>> No.19585194

>being fooled by verbosity so easily

>> No.19585298

What if I don't have the time to invest money cause I have other stuff to do. I don't have enough to invest in real estate so this is the next best thing. I doubt crypto will stop existing completely. Anytime soon. I'm just using it as a way to save money with a slight chance of becoming rich while I'm heading into my 30s.

>> No.19585822

I'm not fooled at all, the whole sentence comes across as so pseudointellectual lmao
The pic was obviously ironic

>> No.19585884
File: 65 KB, 1200x514, E7BC336B-877D-45C6-A340-C1C13CEB95EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey faggot, it is no secret that no fund manager is capable of beating a broad index fund. capture value into what? fiat as the govt prints another 6 trillionthis year?

>> No.19585968


Oh man I forgot the government can't destroy its own currency.

>> No.19586080

>hey anon, you rich from that bitcoin yet?
>um, I uh made 40 bucks this week
I guess I understand why you wouldn't want to have this conversation with your friends.

>> No.19586918

You'll never make it in crypto, no worries!

>> No.19586929

Then why would you invest in crypto where volatility is the name of the game?

If you don't have time, buy into a safe index and add money to the pie every month.

How fucking dumb can these memecoiners get?

>> No.19586940

by never ever selling

nope nope nope nope

>> No.19587913

>he doesn't know

>> No.19588168

To be fair, fund managers can and do regularly beat the market, but the extra value is eaten up by fees (if you're the retail investor).

>> No.19588563

Have you tried just not telling them you have crypto and maybe just not talking about it in general?

>> No.19588964

>"wow anon how could you afford this house!"
>savings, also my parents helped and I got a good deal for a mortgage on my dad's veteran credit union
>"well congratulations I'm proud of you!"
there, problem solved, do you think your friends will ask you to show them your bank statements?

>> No.19588978

>Buy low, sell high.
lmao ngmi