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19562737 No.19562737 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best way for businesses to capitalize on BLM outrage?

>> No.19562747
File: 25 KB, 282x671, 1591298224910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretend you care

>> No.19562806

So, the only hope to preserve my values is going to the middle east or Russia?

>> No.19562842

she cute

>> No.19562877

Because they compromise, society will degenerate

>> No.19562908

Source? Need my daily rage quotia

>> No.19563099


t. in the middle east

>> No.19563211

some niggers set up a stand next to Pioneer Square in Portland and are selling BLM shirts lol

>> No.19563219

Based arabo-russkies

Is there a chance for a 7/10 algerian to marry a lebanese qt? Asking for a friend

>> No.19563322


>> No.19563436

>Psycho bitch: "lets vandalize and destroy property at the expense of working taxpayers in order to convey a message about a false dilemma (a Lie) in order to artificially support and enable criminal degenerates who are already a net drain on working taxpayers and society in general"

>psycho bitch: "your disgusting because you won't support us parroting these lies"

>> No.19563483

So easy to make money if you're black right now. You can illegally sell BLM shirts and if any cops give you shit just scream oppression while someone videotapes it and get free gibs from gofund.

>> No.19563538

I have a suspicion this could, and damn well should, backfire in these BLM retards faces big time.
i mean how many more idiots are even going to fall for this blatant lie?

"White Silence = Violence"

they're hysterically screeching to the entire world that if we don't all parrot there bullshit, that we are all violent murdering racists.

that if we are "not with them" then we are violent racists

i cant even see all the useful idiots getting in line with this

>> No.19563569

yes khoya algerians r slayers no cap

>> No.19563596

Loot your competition

>> No.19563622

booby trap stores

>> No.19563751

Swoop in on the plummeting property prices in the area to build factories and spend the difference on Purge Night grade security infrastructure. Hell, make the factories manufacture Purge Night grade security infrastructure.

>> No.19563790
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Short democrats

>> No.19564206

Where can i bet on the presidency as a burger

>> No.19564215

Alaska real estate for when the social order breaks down

>> No.19564287

Yes, funnily enough all this will probably mean more votes for Trump hehe. Even funnier is America is in this precisely because they're way too far right but people will only use this as an opportunity to latch onto their retarded ideals even harder haha so dumb. Go too far right and you'll activate the far left even harder, literally 1+1 level type of shit but of course people won't see it.

>> No.19564464
File: 136 KB, 1332x1386, 1591434577054_blmHOWTO1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee I wonder what the best way to capitalize on BLM outrage is...

Oh wait

>> No.19564486

What is sampling bias you stupid faggot.

>> No.19564523

insurance fraud probably. must be some smart cookies cashing in on these fires.

>> No.19564829
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>Sampling bias against lefties

>> No.19565048
File: 346 KB, 795x719, 1591393975656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter is globohomo stronghold you retard.

>> No.19565122

I don't use twitter than much but i'm assuming you need to see this tweet from a christian conservative to vote on it. Sounds like sampling bias to me. Since I don't use twitter much please explain why a bunch of lefties would be following a conservative christian comedian enough to vote on a tweet?

>> No.19565228
File: 296 KB, 762x685, riots_make_america_conservative.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People retweeting will ensure it leaves the ideological bubble it was created in, and will invariably hit the greater liberal and leftist infosphere of twitter, where large lib accounts will retweet it to their own people to try to dominate the poll.

You could make a sampling bias argument if the poll had 1 or 2k votes. But it's over 80.000 votes now, and still at 85% Right. It's a very significant indication, as far as twitter goes.

>> No.19565251


Doesn't matter who the tweet originates from as long as it gets enough retweets, it will go everywhere. Twitter is a lefty cesspool in general.