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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19558391 No.19558391 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I'm a leftist that owns capital

Feels good knowing I win either way.

>> No.19558422

into the trash it goes

>> No.19558433
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>thinks being a "leftist" escapes him from the gulag

>> No.19558444
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>> No.19558461
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>abolishes leftism and capital

>> No.19558480
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>Hitler did either of those things

>> No.19558498
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Both of em, go to your library and read up pal!

>> No.19558507
File: 15 KB, 240x185, 7F6EFD1F-3AAE-49C0-AC81-C64E607B98AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and redpilled, op. remember to donate to causes that represent your interests. feels good to take a percentage of my crypto earnings from lurking /biz/ and funnel them into blm and police abolition

>> No.19558538

hitler was a zionist puppet who lost the war on purpose

>> No.19558560

You know it's a shop, right? She doesn't smoke

>> No.19558594

>tfw OP is a faggot

>> No.19558610


You do know Hitler abolished the right to private property? The state could just take whatever at any time or any reason.

>> No.19558627

she should know better than to let her photos on the internet to be shopped

>> No.19558638
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>thinking lefties will let bourgeoisie scum like you live after the revolution

>> No.19558652

implying that's any different from anywhere else

>> No.19558716


Well I'm not THAT far left, but...

>Oh I'm sorry, comrads. My bitcoin wallet got lost at sea in a boating accident

>> No.19558737

Daily reminder bourgeoisie porkies like you gets the rope.

>> No.19558842

You don't "win" because you were too stupid to realize your ideology ushered in an apocalyptic hellscape

>> No.19558849
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Hate the game, not the player.

>> No.19558851
File: 88 KB, 850x478, 50D99C7E-76C8-4043-9EFD-4B2AF9CF8191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not true. That said if you lived like a nigger and trashed your land it was confiscated.

Nazi Germany:
>elimination of usury
>elimination of debt based currency and introduced interest free money based on labor
>free home to a couple that was married and had 4 children (each child counted as 25% forgiveness of a home loan)
>fixed prices on food to stop massive increase or decrease to keep farmers employed and people fed
>work programs as well as mandatory service that led to young men being employed with right after high school.
> low income tax
>large company owners could keep 25% of their gross income as long as 75% went back into the company/workers

I wish /pol/ and /biz/ had more overlap and cross pollination. It would truly be a force bankers and commies would fear aka JEWS.

>> No.19558855

Based chimpout supporter

>> No.19558877


hitler killed himself and you should too faggot

>> No.19558882

>Not true. That said if you lived like a nigger and trashed your land it was confiscated.

Tell that to Junkers.

>> No.19558900

Im a normie who works in environmental science, i love nature and environmentalism. I support several charities like UNICEF also. Im a Link holder.

>> No.19558915

Lenin died paralyzed you're a cancer for your own body.

>> No.19558920

nah the capital part is skin agitprop and pretty much got invented whole cloth - uncle adolf sucked corporate dick like a champ

>> No.19558937


Lenin created a state that lasted longer than a single war. Hitler's lasting legacy is memes.

>> No.19558950

am even more retarded claim
the leftmost 8% of America is ~90% white, and earns an average of $100,000 a year
you..didn't think that revolutions can be grassroots..right?
I mean, you didn't ACTUALLY think that the proles could orchestrate something like an honest to god revolution on their own, did you?

>> No.19558953
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I don't understand how being a leftist helps you in any way.

>> No.19558973

Which ideology will sprout up and be adopted by a first world country I wonder?

>> No.19558988

what kind of leftist are you? the hillary clinton type?

>> No.19558999

Nice empire, lifespan less than 100 years before being eaten by traitors. Good luck with legacy as well.

>> No.19559028
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Being a leftist will cost you a lot more longterm. You are nothing more than a bandwagon rider. However, be thankful that thanks to the right you are allowed to be a leftist in today's world.

>> No.19559043
File: 87 KB, 886x862, 57AA9380-B7C8-4710-A9AD-9622348DA8F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hitler killed himself and you should too faggot

Your days are numbered Kike. The world again awakens to you and you are pulling out all the stops. Even your nigger pets are realizing what you are. I’d tell you to kill your self but chances are you won’t have to. Pic related.

>> No.19559073
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>I'm a leftist but owns capital

Yeah this is why leftism never works. It's all fine and dandy to be poor and cry for other peoples money, but when it's your money on the line you are not donating it to starving africans you are consuming useless shit or investing it.

>> No.19559077
File: 1.56 MB, 3642x2608, monkie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, plus I'm a race-mixing Jew. Feels good mang.

>> No.19559626


I'm not in the top 20% of income earners, some wealth redistribution from the top to the bottom can only benefit me. I don't want my country to turn into Brazil so Bezos can have everyone suck his dick. Fuck neo-liberals and fuck libertarians, capital in of itself is alright.

ie I can personally only benefit from a more left-wing shift in economic policy.

>> No.19559666

what's wrong with her face
she looks handicapped

>> No.19559694

The last thing you want to be after the revolution is a rich White liberal faggot.

>> No.19559862

>be thankful that thanks to the right you are allowed to be a leftist in today's world.

What did he mean by this?

>> No.19559895


You are not getting Bezos money. Higher taxes mens fuck the middle-class.

>> No.19559906


lol what middle-class?

>> No.19559918

We're reaching unprecedented levels of schizophrenic ideation

>> No.19559967

Excellant post, I can hear the bootlicker cope from here. Funny part is, the most vocal of them are young kids still living in their parents basement.

>> No.19559994


people who are not Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates. Redistrubition of giga-wealth is a leftist fantasy. It doesn't work, all you can do is tax the common man to death.

>> No.19560033

>people who are not Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates.

So we have reached the point where to be upper-class you have to have multiple billions and not just multiple millions?


>> No.19560053
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>> No.19560080 [DELETED] 


>> No.19560095

No but you are

>> No.19560102

>classifying yourself as a "leftist"
extremely cringey

>> No.19560287

>It's all fine and dandy to be poor and cry for other peoples money, but when it's your money on the line you are not donating it

Ah, you see. That's why capitalism fails without some top to bottom redistribution. The less of that there is, the more people think it's a good idea to topple capitalism all-together.

>> No.19560360

And the very fact that this reassignment will lead to "tyranny of the majority" discrimination is why communism is idealized.

>> No.19560385
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>tfw i'm a leftist


>> No.19560409

>P-please stop Tyrone, I'm a leftist who owns capital!

>> No.19560415


>> No.19560460

>tfw obscene amounts of wealth all in bitcoin which nobody knows I own
>Bank account looks like a regular poorfag living paycheck to paycheck
>If anyone asks about all the money regularly going into crypto exchanges just say I have a gambling addiction

Down with the capitalist pigs I'll say.

>> No.19560479

I got a 6x on ESH, exited the top and I donated everything but the initial into bail funds. I'm going to take money from you racist fools and funnel it into good causes.

Hate is for the unloved and the unnatural.

>> No.19560487
File: 301 KB, 1600x900, execution_german_communist_1919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure you do comrade :)

>> No.19560552
File: 519 KB, 783x714, 2019-11-17-175054_783x714_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad you can't buy your soul back, you degenerate scum. Good luck living with the mere shell of something that was once human, you leftist goo.

>> No.19560568

you "win" because you subscribe to the "correct" ideology? I don't get it

>> No.19560574

Hitler was a Tavistock creature. Tavistoc is Mk ultra forefather. Hitler is a Rothschild grandson. On his identity card, his second name is Jacob. Jacob Hitler.

>> No.19560580
File: 227 KB, 1023x814, clint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The right keeps the country prosperous which allows the leftists the freedom and means to shit all over it.

>> No.19560581

>tfw I short REITs and take profits into renters unions

>> No.19560629

this. If US turned left overnight then next day everything would fall bc leftists are lazy maggots who can't work on their own but only as part of something else. This is why OP created this thread btw, bc otherwise he can't make an opinion of himself w/o others POV. He is absolutely depended on opinions of him. What a pathetic sight.

>> No.19560657

What are you favorite left-wing podcasters/youtubers, OP?

>> No.19560725


>> No.19560726

i heard chancellor dolfous said something like that after the war and he died shortly after, spooky.

>> No.19561037


Secular talk, david pacman, krystal and Saagar (although Saagar is a right-winger).

>> No.19561187

*Economically speaking, of course. Not socially.

>> No.19561221

Lol bs.

>> No.19561238

/biz/ and /pol/ do have a pretty strong overlap. there's a lot of angry non-whites on this board looking for get rich quick schemes that drown out the /pol/ voice

>> No.19561355

I unironically give money I earn playing the stock market to leftist causes

>> No.19561365
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>> No.19561403

No, you nigger

>> No.19561746

Checked and based. Vegan Chainlink holder here.

>> No.19561916

even if she did. very beta to be scared of smokers

>> No.19562863

Thats most libs. Fork tounged devils

>> No.19562924


>> No.19562987

>3rd world country if you question the religion

>> No.19563156

>Implying the angry non-whites aren't the guys from /pol/.

>> No.19563614
File: 89 KB, 1125x839, 1591397308283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being on the left myself I see no good of coming from this shit;
>Niggers are social/economically opressed
>Best way to invest in nig infrastructure
>Tfw Nigs destroying infrastructure
>Tfw oppressing themselves at this point
>Tfw 2nd Covid breakout gonna wipe out liberals
FeelsGoodMan I can't wait for all the radicals and niggers to die so we can have our nice calm white man liberals opposing the conservative big business right with our smol man individual shops left.

So long far left autists

>> No.19564291
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>tfw you free yourself from ideology, do only what is convenient, and realize that communism is an inevitability in the trajectory of capitalist development

>> No.19564421
File: 162 KB, 785x731, k0IGUXx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-no, you cant rob and kill me, I donated to Bernie, I'm a Leftist! NOOO!!

>> No.19564463

Niggers just turn their part of the city into their culture. Just look at Africa. Gangs, crime, and eternal poverty. That's just their culture.
Trying to change that is racist. Not everyone has to live to whtie people's standart.

>> No.19564483

made me lol
mind if I save it friend :)

>> No.19564535

Mainly due to the fact that conservacels are more likely to be Dunning-Kruger or machismo retards refusing to seek help, or even denying that psychiatric illness exist at all.

>> No.19564662

>Doesn't want country to turn into Brazil
>Supports all the policies that will turn country into Brazil

The biggest black pill is understanding that the average person isn't even capable of using words by their correct definition, let alone developing a coherent logic when it comes to law and economics.

>> No.19564684

>Supports all the policies that will turn country into Brazil

That's you, not me, friendo.

>> No.19564750

Well, I'm a reactionary ethno-monarchist, so definitely not.

>> No.19564780

smugness never comes with smoking fetish i love it

>> No.19564788

>reactionary ethno-monarchist

That stance has nothing to do with economics.

>> No.19564800

Something only a midwit such as yourself would suggest.

>> No.19564814

>monarcho-socialism doesn't exist

Pffft, yeah sure, bud.

>> No.19564844

Your point being?

>> No.19564883


You know, I just don't understand what you are advocating outside of ethnostate-monarchy. So I don't know if you are criticizing owning capital or leftism or both maybe?

>> No.19564894


>> No.19564916

>I hate cigarette smokers

>> No.19564951

Based apocalyptic hellscape if only we had brought it in sooner

>> No.19565006

You suggested my ideology leads to brazilification
>I'm an entho monarchist, which is the opposite of everything Brazil is
You suggest this has nothing to do with economics
>Any cursory glance at statistical data sets clearly suggest the largest factor that determines a countries economic well being is average IQ, followed by strength of property rights. "economic ideology" basically doesn't make any statistical impact. Therefore, an all white country anti-democracy with a pro-property rights entrenched monarchy will be better to live in that a socialist democracy filled with various low IQ groups from around the world
Being a generic leftist only proves you have never thought deeply about humans and how they work socio-biologically.

>> No.19565064


I was referring to Brazil in the sense that it is a stratified capitalist economy without much of middle-class. I wasn't referring to Brazil in regards to race. I thought you were defending liberalism.

>> No.19565729

kulak gulag NOW

>> No.19565744

Sounds like you are (whyte)- National Socialist when you put it that way

>> No.19565912

pretty sure landlords and land owners have been murdered en masse in every socialist uprising ever

have fun with that

>> No.19566307

>National Socialist
I'm a Liberal Nationalist pretty close

>> No.19566389

Is that cope I hear

>> No.19566411

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.19566466


i'm a leftist as well, I'm fine with making money and investing because there is no ethical consumption under capitalism anyway but with that said I wouldn't ever be a landlord or exploit workers for profit that's too far for me

>> No.19566470

Native huh? Haven't your people learned the hard way why trusting government is a bad idea?

>> No.19566598

Based negro poster

>> No.19566691


The actress that played Daenerys in Game of Trones.

>> No.19566719

Bless you

>> No.19566875

>Trusting government
I don't have to trust them to know wrecking your own shit is a stupid idea