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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19552716 No.19552716 [Reply] [Original]

>Work for an investment bank (16 months and counting) as lowest-tier associate, on same wages as a supermarket manager
>The one benefit is that I have experience in an area necessary to break into becoming a Invesments Planner and then Wealth Manager / Financial Adviser
>To make the step up I also need to pass 6 more exam modules in regulated financial advice diploma
>These exams are fucking hard work and take serious commitment but I have enough savings to sit them all
>Tell my dad I want to quit my job, study full-time while living at home for 6-9 months and smash out my exams (this is very much a realistic timeframe)
>Explain I can then apply for a job that pays 2-3x my current salary and that the only reason I can't do that now is that I need these exams
>He tells me to stay in my job and study in the evenings / sit exams while working
>Explain that I'd love to but that just won't ever happen, I have no energy or will to live let alone work after a shift at work and that I know dozens of 50 year old losers who say 'yeah I just need to pass my exams then I'll make it'
>He rejects this and heavily implies I am just after an excuse to 'do nothing' and quit my job
What should I do?

>> No.19552739

I also should stress I saved up a ton of money so I could support myself while not working for half a year or whatever and take these exams. I'm not going to be leeching off the government/family and lazing around all day

>> No.19552811

It seems like you already want to take the exams, so just go for it, you probably know your situation better than I do.

>> No.19552886

sounds like you're already committed to passing them. just set up a few deadlines where you should have passed a certain amount of exams and let your dad know he can throw you out if you fail to deliver. this should negate his statement about you doing nothing

>> No.19552917

Well he sounds a really good parent who trusts his offspring to act intelligently. I suggest you burn down and loot the house in protest to his tyrannical rule

>> No.19552938

from UK by any chance? was considering doing one of their financial advice diplomas. Is the job market for financial advisers actually good, or should i just remain a codemonkey

>> No.19552942

Find a median solution
>quit your job and find a less paid one in which you have more time and can focus on study


>> No.19552943

This. Bet him something hardcore and he'll see you're not litching pussy.

>> No.19552959

boomers have an absolute aversion to not working full time all the time.

because for them, the only thing you needed to get a job was a pulse, no education required. the concept of having to learn something before getting a job is completely foreign to a boomer.

>> No.19552961

Work out hard after work and study every weekend. Don't be lazy.

>> No.19553016

Save up some money for 9 months to rent out a cheap room/apartment in a cheap area of your country, to pay for food and other expenses and some entertainment. Or just pay your family, if your dad would be up for it.

>> No.19553046

Kill your dad and piss on his corpse

>> No.19553096

Fuck your dad. He wants to make sure you don't become more successful than him and is keeping you down so you're just as miserable as he is. Always do the opposite of what your parents say.

>> No.19553240

Yeah CII Diploma in Regulated Financial Advice it's an extremely lucrative career and I can go from 22k a year to 45-60k starting (and then sky is the limit) moment I pass these exams.
I would understand his hesitation if I was talking about randomly becoming a Doctor and taking 5 years out to get in debt and go back into education from the lowest rung again. But I could pass all these exams in half a year if I wasn't burning myself out everyday, I already have knowledge and experience in the industry.

>> No.19553257

I pay him 300 a month (gbp I am britbong) to live at home, which is fair enough because I am in 20s and working full time. I have made it clear I could pay him 6 months rent up front but it's more about the idea of 'not working'. He has this idea in his head that you should NEVER QUIT YOUR JOB.

>> No.19553375

It sounds like you have convinced yourself you won't pass the exams unless you take 6 months off. So find away to do that even if you have to move out

>> No.19553378
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Imagine taking rent from your very own kids so they can live with you and listen to your boomerish talk everyday.

>> No.19553417

Stop blaming "boomer" dad and man the fuck up, stop playing the victim.

It's your life, make it so.

>> No.19553446

yeah imagine taking your parents opinions into account and having some kind of internal struggle, I should just recklessly pursue whatever I want all of the time.
I agree with your point to an extent but you can't just expect me to not care about what my dad says, only people from shit families think like that. He may be being unreasonable but he's given me a lot of help and money throughout my life so I'm at least considering what he has to say.

>> No.19553517

>being unreasonable
Again, stop playing the victim. You might think he's being unreasonable, but he's allowed to have his perspective as well.

Perhaps he wants to stop helping you financially precisely so that you learn to accept your life on your own terms? Sure he might be financially support you during your exams, but maybe he wants your success to be entirely yours and yours alone from now on?

He has his life, your have yours. Live and let live, homeboy

>> No.19553569

>He may be being unreasonable
why did you edit what I said to remove the operative part of the sentence? You're just being antagonistic.

>> No.19553681

Don’t drink just because your sister doesn’t like it. Live life, don’t react to it.
-Viper the rapper

>> No.19553793

have been looking around, seems the two level 4 diplomas are the CII and the LIBF ones. What made you choose CII over LIBF? thanks

>> No.19554077

I spoke to a lot of IFA's and they all said that CII is the board that they hold in the highest regard and that it's the standard here. They also said the LIBF Dipfa is considered an easy route and not taken seriously. They call it 'diploma of fuck all' within the industry.

>> No.19554099

see this, inb4 'PLEBBIT FAG!!!!!!!' the day /biz/ has serious discussions about qualifying for jobs in finance is the day I will stop using that subreddit

>> No.19554423

double dubs of truth, thanks for the insight and good luck

>> No.19554499

I bet those exams are easy as fuck. 9 months to study for them? Jesus kid. Your dad is right. Just go take them now and apply autism such as: the longest answer is usually right, the one with the most details unless those details are cray is usually right, and if you dont know, guess!

>> No.19554569

arrogant retard, the reason they won't take me that long is that I've already done a lot of work in the field and understand complex shit like LTA, financial protection and FCA regulations which would send you to sleep within 20 minutes of starting the textbook.

>> No.19554632

Why don't you move out again? You have the savings to

>> No.19554649
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Just buy Link with the money instead anon and fuck the wagie exams. I was going to focus on my career at first but then realised that most jobs are just pointless busywork and you can make it from well thought out investments anyway. Our economy is about to completely collapse (worse than 1929) and those qualifications won't be worth shit in the post collapse economy

And no I'm not a doomer. I've made 400k since February from options and crypto and can now afford to retire at 30. This made me realise what a joke having a 'career' is

>> No.19554673

I am trying to save as much money as possible to buy a house next year (I think UK property market will dip soon).
I would take the hit and rent if I hated living at home (this post probably implies I do) but aside from this disagreement I have a good relationship with my family and they pay for all the food, do my laundry etc. It's a tad pathetic I admit but I don't really want to rent, I'd rather be 'that 20s guy living with his parents' for one more year, buy a house and skip renting.

>> No.19554691

I appreciate your advice, I made a fair bit in 2017 and I am holding a lot of crypto currently (I reckon another altseason is about to happen but who knows). That said, I think you're a little overconfident to put it lightly

>> No.19554703

Do with action not with words, once he sees that you are studying for real he will back you up

>> No.19554719

But you will have to work + study first for sometime

>> No.19554728

>What should I do?
Admit that he is right.
He probally knows you won't pass them.

>> No.19554738

You're on here so probably you default to NEET. He's not right in that you're looking for excuse to do nothing but it might not be best to drop everything and do self-directed study for nearly a year unless you know you can stick it out.
I think your best bet is to seek a part time gig and study while doing that as a compromise. Show your dad you're not just dropping everything because you're a lazy degenerate millenial and keep a bit of structure in your week.

>> No.19554752

All I'm saying is we are due the biggest crash in living memory which everyone thinks is not going to happen because of recency bias and currency printing. I think it would be more prudent NOT to spend thousands to get a qualification in the financial sector when the outlook is as bleak as it is.

I started university studying finance in 2007 and then it was impossible to get a job as I graduated straight into the aftermath of the financial crisis, which actually taught me more useful information than any university course or any job could and forced me to seek out alternative ways to become wealthy

>> No.19554778

Your dad is right. Work, save money, tell your boss your looking to learn new things and take on more responsibility and then study for the exam in your spare time.

>> No.19554802

>What should I do?
Buy btc eth and link.

>> No.19554803

He is right. Now it's time to be a man. When you get higher paying jobs they aren't always 8/40.

Grow some balls, make a commitment to spend at least 2 hours a day working towards your goal.

P.s. you also looks way better to employers if you worked AND completed your education goal.

>t. CCIE and VCP

>> No.19554811

>we are due the biggest crash in living memory which everyone thinks is not going to happen because of recency bias and currency printing.
I completely agree, I sold all my shares a few weeks ago and have been gritting my teeth watching this rally but I'm convinced it will tumble in spectacular fashion soon
>I think it would be more prudent NOT to spend thousands to get a qualification in the financial sector when the outlook is as bleak as it is.
I strongly believe there will always be a market for financial advice, probably more so once Karen loses her 340k pension pot and has to consider equity release

>> No.19554829

>Grow some balls, make a commitment to spend at least 2 hours a day working towards your goal.
I'm going to be honest, I wish I could do that but I just can't. I have Crohn's disease so I feel shit and tired a lot of the time but even aside from that I feel so burned out after work that I can barely bring myself to focus on watching a movie let alone working more. I have friends who have done evening classes while working full time and succeeded but I tried that last year and didn't get anywhere.
that's actually a very good idea I might do some freelance copywriting or something for 1 day a week so he shuts up. I could even just pretend to have a part time job and go sit in the park for a few hours I guess.

>> No.19554871

But Karen isn't going to be able to afford to pay you anything dude. Not to mention all the other financial advisers who probably were advising businesses or worked in other sectors then trying to get Karen as their client post crash. Supply and demand

>> No.19554874
File: 94 KB, 750x736, 7A02DDA7-1F5A-41D0-88E3-75788C400C40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn you bongs are fucked. A grocery store manager makes 22k (assuming pounds) so ~$29k? A grocery store is a big business. I had a friend who managed a single wal mart location that got $70k annual bonuses. Even the head dog at a regular store is doing close to 100k for running the place. And even after your exam (and presumably you have a university degree) your dream is 45-60k? So around $60-$75k? For investment banking? Jesus dude that sounds really low. Do you have to live in the city? Is the usual monthly rent where you live like <1000 pounds? I don’t know man, it’s just investment banking is a very high paying prestigious job here, where people walk out of college into $150k working 75 hour weeks. They live in New York in tiny apartments or with roommates cause rent is $3500 a month. Not trying to talk shit, just genuinely surprised at how fucked you bongs are.

>> No.19554906

I think cost of living is slightly lower here. Like you can rent somewhere in the city for 1200 a month. But yes compared to burgers we now barely make anything because GBP/USD has been completely destroyed over the last 10 years

>> No.19554995

This should be an easy conversation given your chosen field. You are on the right track that you will make more money but you haven’t flushed out the whole argument.

Build out an ROI analysis. How long will it take you to study and pass while working full time? 1 year? 2 years?

Build out your personal income/cash flow over that period of time. Contrast that with $0 income for the 6-9 months you said it would take while only studying and then at the higher income for the remaining timeline.

Ex. You currently earn $22k and will earn $44k after the certifications. Studying full time for 6 months will cost you $132k in income. After passing you are then make $22k more per month, so it would take another 6 months to make up the lost income, or 12 months total until you see a return on the investment.

Could you pass the test in less than 12 months if you were working full time? If so you should keep working.

Lay out the various scenarios and talk it through with your dad. Show him you have really thought this out. Right now your argument comes across as it will be easier to pass if I just study, instead of this is the smarter allocation of time and resources.

>> No.19555002

Oh ok, I guess it’s no so bad if the cost of living kinda matches it. I used to think of London as New York tier cost but I guess not.

>> No.19555011

>your dream is 45-60k?
No that's the starting salary for the job I'd go for once I have these modules passed, and I'm talking more about being an IFA than something like a hedge fund manager. I aim to be on 100k ish within 10 years, a very high salary here. The cost of living is incomparable as well and we get around 2-3 weeks more holiday than Americans each year. That said, Britain's wage growth has been fucked for decades and I'm not going to pretend it's as good a salary as it should be. We are pretty fucked here, but so is everywhere really.

>> No.19555068

I just realized I listed the annual as the monthly but the same logic still applies, just divide everything by 12

>> No.19555092

> Explain that I'd love to but that just won't ever happen, I have no energy or will to live let alone work after a shift at work and that I know dozens of 50 year old losers who say 'yeah I just need to pass my exams then I'll make it'
Stop being such an entitled faggot. "Oh boo hoo my dad won't let me live rent-free for nearly a year literally just to study for a single exam". Grow the fuck up dude. Welcome to the real world.

>> No.19555107


Yeah, at the end of the day your da will have to accept your plan. Prove him wrong. I don't know what kind of man he is but it's a win-win, either you do well and he'll take the hit to his pride but be proud of you or it won't work and he can say ' i told you so' and feel a bit smug about it but hopefully still support you.

>> No.19555155
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>lowest-tier associate
>he's a cubicle drone
>think's he'll make it by passing exams
You failed the moment you became a drone, wagie.

>> No.19555234

>Retired boomer with crippling health conditions and a fat pension and his home paid off
Yes my son work to death like me

Fuck boomers. If you have the money not to work don't fucking work. They don't understand that the world is not in the 1980s. You get paid a fraction more than they did but the cost of living is 10-20x higher. Jobs are not for life anymore. You are disposable.
Take the exams, get an edge over Pablo, Jamal and Chingaling

>> No.19555476

I never said anything about living rent free - in fact I stated the exact opposite in wanting to pay him rent up front. It's 6 exams, not 1. I said it would take around 6-9 months, 'nearly a year' is twisting it.
Shut the fuck up. You have nothing of value to contribute and I'd rather you directed your self-hatred towards something other than raging at people on 4chan.

>> No.19555496

>he thinks he'll make it by passing exams
coupled with industry experience, yes that is quite literally how you make it you stupid fucking NEET

>> No.19555558

Keep being delusional. They'll hire 5 pajeets for half your salary total with pajeet certifications, and have them pull 16 hour shifts. Meanwhile you'll be down however much your exams and courses cost. Financial education is a meme.

>> No.19555612

Uhh, yeah sure. I think I'll take my chances with a high paying career while you rant about 'Pajeets' from your mother's basement.

>> No.19555621

dont mind me just looking for who got this

>> No.19555624

finance isnt a field where they outsource to pajeets since most finance work is busy work and more about fraternizing pajeets arent really people who people (higher ups) want to surround themselves in. pajeets replace engineers and it guys because those people get put away in some department on some floor and no one really pays attention anyway. also finance is an easy major any 100-105 iq person can do so there is no shortage of finance grads from decent schools to exploit for low wages

>> No.19555631

This guy is right anon as sad as it sounds. This whole working from home thing has now got companies realising that they can outsource even service jobs to where Labour is cheapest. In future when Karen needs financial advice she will probably have a Skype call with Ranjesh from Mumbai for half the cost rather than having nigel come round to her house to discuss it with her

>> No.19555644


>> No.19555662

i wouldnt worry about pajeets too much but chinese are a threat and if you get chinese or pajeets in your upper management then gradually they'll begin to hire their own.

also the upper echelons of finance are 30 minutes of answering emails and sitting in on minutes doing nothing but getting paid 6 figures. thats the elite send their kids to ivy league schools to study business where afterwards they go back to working for their dad or family friend/relatives company where they hold a high paying busy work job (think american psycho). the elite have so much money and capital they dont need to work but they do for the status.

>> No.19555674

*upper echelon of finance jobs

>> No.19555677

Why does every single fucking career thread on /biz/ turn into people ranting about 'Pajeets' stealing every single job in STEM/finance/medicine, you live on a different planet to people with actual jobs. Sure there's more of them, too many desu, and they are taking a lot of shitty call centre and codemonkey jobs. But if you think it's pointless getting an education because 'Pajeets are taking every job' you are seriously deluded and need to get a fucking grip

>> No.19555682


>wants to show his dad that he really will study really hard everyday honest if he quits his job
>spends his Saturday arguing with fellow fucktards on /biz

Your dad is right kid, if you quit your job all you are going to do is shitpost on here, watch furry porn and waste away.

If you really had the motivation to pass your exams you would be studying right now, now shitposting here.

Good luck though. You're going to need it.

>> No.19555689

I saw that. You're wrong unfortunately. Don't assume because that's how it was in the past that's how it will be in the future

Also you came on here to ask for advice and now you're getting butthurt by people telling you it might not be such a great idea to throw money and time at getting these qualifications. I'm sure there were people in your exact same position in Venezuela 4 or 5 years ago studying for qualifications hoping to get a great job. Ask them now if they made the right decision

>> No.19555694

You want to be absolved of the responsibility to control your own destiny. "I'm too tired from an entry-level position" is a bullshit excuse because you're lazy. Sure, some people are born with the luxury of having their parents gift them their careers, but it is exactly that. A luxury. The vast majority of people can't quit their jobs for months just on the off-chance that they may potentially pass an exam. Med/Law students taking out six-figure loans? Entrepreneurs working 100-hour weeks? What exactly is your vision of how the average person finds success?

If you actually gave a shit, you wouldn't have needed to create this thread in the first place. You'd accept "this is what needs to get done", then just fucking do it. Will it be hard? Sure. Will it fucking suck? Sure. But you know it's what needs to get done and you're either too scared or too cowardly to take the risks needed to do it. You are seeking validation that you are correct and your father is wrong. This isn't some "lift yourself up by your bootstraps" shit, it's reality.

>> No.19555705

Crabs in a bucket lmao, I'm out

>> No.19555724


>> No.19555725

its an excuse to justify doing nothing but it is true that they are fucking up the labour market especially for new grads.

>> No.19555740

just read the op. why not do one exam while working to show him youre not lazy but just how hard it is for you.

>> No.19555919

did you pay for your CCIE? Or did your company/institution pay?

>> No.19556049


US based board. Ain't never heard of this UK bong bullshit.

> 40k a yr gotta take hella exams

Big yikes. In the states ya can make the same in an office space with a hs degree. Even working for a bank.


> 2 - 3 more weeks than Americans

Oof. Nothing worse than a bong acting as if he knows the outside world around em. Typical though. Not sure what's good with that. Canadians do the same thing.


> code money jobs
> call center

Wew look at this wagie talk trash of other wages. You're so young it's astounding.


Typical. Like a child. Why even ask if you already know which direction you're going to go?

imo do as your boomer dad does. He sounds more based than you'd ever wish to be.

>> No.19556138

Tell him he's a faggot, why do you feel the need to justify (good) life decisions to some low test senile fat fuck. Though the apple doesn't fall far from the tree

>> No.19556177

You are a slave in character, always the eternal victim. I think you get a hard on from feeling weak

>> No.19556405

>be me, graduate college
>tell my parents I really want to start a band and try to be a musician
>they laugh at me, “haha if you want to live here you need a job, anon”
>a few months go by of me trying to find a job, going to interviews for soulless positions, don’t get offers for anything I could tolerate
>”anon if you don’t get a job by next week, you are out of the house”
>go to a temp agency and take whatever they get me
>winds up being absolutely horrid and dead end with a low wage
>working on music all this time
>job starts to give me serious anxiety and panic attacks
>have complete mental breakdowns crying on the bathroom floor in my parents house, a type of sadness and hopelessness I’ve never experienced before
>working on music after work every day til 3am, waking up at 6:30 to get to work on time
>after 2 years or so, band actually starts to take off and we start getting offered tours
>all of a sudden my parents support my music ambitions and are bragging to their friends
>meanwhile I have permanent psychological and even physical trauma from the years of extreme emotional stress
Fuck your dad, do what you think is right.

>> No.19556549

boomer dads just have a better work ethic.

my boomer dad bought a new house, moved out of his old house, listed the old house on Craigslist AND got it rented in a week's time. when i came to help him move he was already done. he moved everything himself except for really heavy furniture for which he hired movers.

>> No.19556600

Don't quit your job, get Adderall and you will make it

>> No.19556657

Listen to your father and buckle down you soft little bitch

>> No.19556989


Oh you poor millenial snowflake. Who would of thought that shit gets tough sometimes.

>> No.19557028

Do you have any songs on YouTube. Link?

>> No.19557458

I wouldn’t doxx myself, but yea. I’ve sold hundreds of thousands of albums. Band is dead now though, still the best time of my life.

>> No.19557480

that's no fun at all

>> No.19557792

Wish I'd gotten into music a lot earlier

>> No.19558736

They reimbursed me for the testing.

I did all the work in my own time.

>> No.19559189

Focus on your goals. Isolate what your priority is from the noise. Here your goal is to break into becoming a Wealth Manager/Financial Adviser. Working in your current job isn't necessary for that (since you don't need the money) and doesn't help you move towards it, so it's noise that detracts from the efforts towards your goal.

Also don't try to justify yourself to boomers. It's like trying to explain how GPS works to Amazon tribesmen.

>> No.19559743

i took your pepe art and now fuck off divide and conquer butthead.
> murr boomer vs zoomer
fuck you and your aggressions!