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19551127 No.19551127 [Reply] [Original]

The UKs economy is completely fucked. There will be a second wave of covid19 infections forcing yet another lockdown and a complete destruction of the fabric of society in britain. compounded with the effects of brexit will result in a violent uprising and mass beatings for everyone involved in running the system up to this point.

the USA is also completely fucked. the US stock market is going to crash hard as another wave of covid hits. china has stopped trading with the united states starving it of the goods its economy relies on while circumventing pathetic unilateral sanctions by buying oil directly from venezuela and buying onions and meat from south america and russia. the USAs crappy farming exports will not be worth shit and the whole economy will crash to shit. politically speaking the US has failed to provide its citizens with any hope and thus will face the same violent beatings for all involved in running the system.

>> No.19551175


>> No.19551180

its happening

>> No.19551268


>> No.19551279

divest from the UK.

>> No.19551283

based and prept

>> No.19551298

So move to Brazil?

But the covid bats

Where to go? What to do? Suicide

>> No.19551317

unfortunately, if you live in the UK you are considered a high risk for covid19 so most countries will not accept you coming to their country because your country is a diseased mess. the best thing you can do is carry on living in britain while actively working to bring down the state from within. the quicker the whole country is flattened the sooner the ugly mess will be finished and your pain will end.

>> No.19551324

havnt bears killed themselves yet?

>> No.19551381

the UK and US stock market is a bubble that has popped. this is the most obvious dead cat bounce/return to normal that technical analysts will use it as an example for centuries to come. if you're bullish at this time you need to have your brain examined for defects.

>> No.19551396

t. Doomer

open your fucking eyes fighitng the fed didn't work in 2008 its not going to work now

>> No.19551463

you sound like you suck cocks.

>> No.19551471

How can you have a second wave of something that doesn't exist?

>> No.19551662

yes, perfect. i like what you're doing. convince the brits and amerishits that the disease doesnt exist so that it infects them even harder and we get epic further outbreaks. good idea.

>> No.19551677

Kek the stock market will not fall. The corporations already sold and the market didn't dump. They will just buy back in. Then pump it afterwards.

>> No.19551941


people dont understand stimulus money is going to flood in AND the fed is still buying

>> No.19552023

>they will
no they wont.
>the fed is still
you are literally admitting that it is being propped up artificially.

>> No.19552418


>> No.19552597

as someone that hates the shit UK with the force of a thousand burning suns I campaigned for brexit to incite the complete destruction of the country i despised so much. and my plan worked. The UK system is finally going to be destroyed. covid19 was the ultraviolet light that exposed the cumstain that is the british people and provided the little push needed to topple the whole entire country down in to the pit of shit where it is destined to lie. The fact that this is happening in my lifetime is giving me a constant full body orgasm. i live to spit on englands grave.

>> No.19552676

>the USAs crappy farming exports will not be worth shit and the whole economy will crash to shit.

US agriculture makes up less than 1% of US GDP and total exports only amount to 13% of US GDP

are you a zoomer or just extremely dumb

> china has stopped trading with the united states starving it of the goods its economy relies on

nevermind, question answered

>> No.19552692

Yeah but which British stocks should I buy

>> No.19552779


>> No.19552852

extreme cope dude. look around you.

>> No.19552863

none. you have to completely divest from britain and anything british.

>> No.19552885

I look at facts, not screaming retards who don’t even know that China is an export economy that can’t produce enough food domestically to feed its own population

enjoy your larp thread

>> No.19552915

But what about the money printing machine, we live in a post risk world

>> No.19553058

thats the other thing. western money is going to be completely worthless soon. then the UK and USA will not be able to buy their imports their economies so desperately rely on. and all domestic companies will export most of their goods in a mad rush for foreign currencies. people in the UK and USA will be paying thousands of dollars and pounds for a cheeseburger or portion of fish and chips.

>> No.19553312


Whats wrong with China goods getting banned from US soil? It literally prevents from another bat flu coming in

>> No.19553330

>He confused capital exports with product exports!

The US gets approximately 10% of GDP from imports. Of that 10%, 2/3rds are just from NAFTA. The only foodstuffs the US doesn't produce locally in any capacity are olive oil and coffee. The US is the most disconnected economy from international trade; even Afghanistan and North Korea rank higher.

>> No.19553342
File: 222 KB, 596x912, 1586247768075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Just admit that you missed on buying the biggest dip ever and probably the last one for the next 8 years of Bullrun.
Cya in 8yrs when dow hits unironically 50k

>he missed buying the dip . ngmi

>> No.19553351


I've made lots of money since Mars. Have you?

>> No.19553357


>> No.19554055

yall are fucked
glad I live in australia
we're doing just fine

>> No.19554116


Fuck off kangaroo fkin Shackle Dragger

>> No.19554130


>> No.19554170

US seems to be recovering nicely, but look at the stock market of the UK companies, still rock bottom. The country is doomed, these fucking retards WANT a lockdown and they will want another in October to prevent the """second wave""". That's a very bleak future for the UK, at least the next 20 years.

>> No.19554222

boing boing motherfucker

>> No.19554224

sorry but.. why most of people in here are happy about the UK crysis ?
i'm italian so.. i live in a shitty country that deserves shit but.. i can't understand why is there this kind of vision where everyone seems to be happy about the failure of the human race !!!

>> No.19554260

Dollar milkshake theory

>> No.19554304

I work in a UK retail bank. On Friday a load of management got laid off. I also had to start training some remote low level perm to do the absolute dogshit agency work I do because she has nothing to do.

Yeah, the UK economy is fucked. I see neetbucks in my future and am hiding all my savings in crypto so they don't tell me I am too rich to get universal credit.

>> No.19554317

If they don't accept shitty us exports then the us will export some missiles into their capitals

>> No.19554340

You Lads think the bottomed-out market in the UK will go even lower? So many companies have become dogshit pennystocks in the last 3 months. There must be something of a fucking value there that will moon in the next 5 years tho...

>> No.19554372

>market crash
You mean i can repeat the huge gains from this corona panic dip ? hell yeah

>> No.19554547

It's a mild respiratory infection. Thousands will die just like with the rhinovirus, influenza, and coronavirus. It is a normal part of the year and and no be expected.
People are, starting to realize it's harmless. There is no send lockdown even if they pump the fake numbers even harder than they did first go around.

>> No.19554574

The UK has to change very soon, its dancing on a volcano

>> No.19554588

based FSB poster spreading complacency about the virus.

the beautiful thing about the UK is that it's so easy to subvert and destroy. It's fun to do because you can literally shitpost it in to collapsing because its so weak

>> No.19554590

I don't get what's going on with the market at all. It's back to it was in October before any of this shit happened but companies are still shut down, there's massive unemployment, rioting, and unbelievable amounts of debt. Do people think things are just going to spring back to normal?

>> No.19554592

The problem with the "it's all fake" line is China's initial reaction. They don't need to invent stories to control their bugmen.

>> No.19554630
File: 583 KB, 3400x2400, daily-covid-deaths-per-million-7-day-average (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is mostly fake, though. China had to react because they were learning as they went and had to assume it might be like MERS. But Sweden didn't give a shit and they did better than many countries that locked down. The media has been spinning that like crazy trying to say that Sweden is a graveyard but they did fine and didn't have the economic damage that others took.

>> No.19554753

Based on that graph, Spain raised the dead at the end of May. Like coofing Jesus.

>> No.19554849

Same man

>> No.19554893

Yes you dumbass, the FED has admitted PUBLICALLY they are buying. YOU DONT FIGHT THE FED

>> No.19554905

say it with me you dumb bears

>> No.19555041

well the fed can just keep buying those worthless bags until they can't. good luck with that. hahahaha bye bye america.

>> No.19555097

They've actually slowed down buying as the price action they needed to inject less and less money to keep the price stable.

Seriously is everyone in here too stupid to do research?

>> No.19555235

oh so you're saying they've stopped buying everyones bags and its time to sell?

>> No.19555299
File: 233 KB, 1242x1762, Vitalik describes Cardano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iceland or Svalbard. Svalbard is completely visa free.
High speed internet as well I think. Also, Cardano. Post-roadmap they will investigate the possibility of deploying stakepools in space.

>> No.19555317
File: 94 KB, 1156x388, fed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you dumb bear, theyre still buying and they're trying to keep the price stable.

>> No.19555376

so the market is completely manipulated and fake? this is a dangerous time to invest i should sell? got it

>> No.19555521

>why yes I can't understand asset inflation works, how could you tell?

Anyway with how close we are to Election and how many people bank their retirement on their 401k you would be absolutely retarded to expect another massive dump, but I can't fault you for going in cash

>> No.19555587

>the USA is also completely fucked. the US stock market is going to crash hard as another wave of covid hits.
recession is over

>> No.19555701

so a dump is incoming? oof good to know, thanks

>> No.19555877

>mass beatings for everyone
How's this going to work?
Who's going to beat the people that are giving out the beatings? Will they take turns beating each other? Will they have to beat themselves? Will the people they beat then beat them in return? Or are you guys hiring outside contractors to come in from another country and make sure everyone gets a beating? Maybe you'll do the mosh pit thing where everyone beats everyone around them?

I dunno, it just seems hard to fathom. I imagine mass beatings for everyone would be difficult to guarantee and expensive to reliably deliver.

>> No.19555928

no. say you have 100,000 people that need to be beaten en mass in a particular country, you recruit say 1000 volunteer beating squads of 10 people each. each 10 man squad can beat 10 people in a day, thats 10,000 beatings a day. in ten days you've beaten 100,000 people using only 10,000 volunteers.

you collect the peoples names who need the beatings from the payroll files held by the government that you've requisitioned.

>> No.19555950

very well, but if everyone gets beatings that means the volunteer people-beaters also need to be beaten.

>> No.19556014

no. you misread the post, the mass beatings are only for those involved in "running the current system". it's not that many people probably 100,000 max of senior managers for most of the government departments and people involved in academia and the media. and no one will really miss those assholes when they end up in hospital.

>> No.19556213

based level off the chart

>> No.19556352


>> No.19556374

i volunteer!

>> No.19556476

UK is also bringing in chinks from Hong Kong.

>> No.19556591

why would they accept going to a shit hole like the UK? they would rather live under chinese rule honestly. better quality of life and disposable income. better weather, better food and better job prospects.

>> No.19556616

Idk, ask the hK chinks, they want their colonial daddy back kek. It's so pathetic it's funny

>> No.19556659

sounds like fake news they write for western newspapers. if they really wanted they can do it now by flying to the UK and claiming asylum but none do. weird.

>> No.19557051

The market and reality are different things. Funny money is propping up the market and that's the route the Fed and the ECB have decided to go. Ride the wave or stay poor and sit on the sidelines with your "this is highly inappropriate" sign.

>> No.19557209

i dont even know whos coping who anymore

>> No.19557234

The economy and markets are not correlated