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File: 19 KB, 257x253, chico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19549002 No.19549002 [Reply] [Original]

Chico was talking about some deep stuff involving Gates

Most of us know the race war is a cover for German Dokument93

Maybe he was snatched?

>> No.19549073

He left to Guatemala for the summer to pick beans and find himself.

>> No.19549122
File: 65 KB, 1024x768, 1584871322898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chico was a shitcoin pumper and a shill but 60% of his content was Based. Most of us Blockchain dev's loved Chico and we are all a little worried.

If Chico really did disappear without a trace for talking about ID2020 vaccine certs, Digital Dollars & maersk going blockchain we have a real problem.

>> No.19549306

He's currently moving and said he will have content on monday

>> No.19549334

is this a cover for something? what's he up to

>> No.19549378

Like I said, Tyler has departed via winged aircraft to Guatemala for the summer to pick beans and find himself. Totally not weird or out of character.

>> No.19549390
File: 9 KB, 288x175, buybsv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cares about ur little nigger 'influencers'

>Most of us Blockchain dev's loved Chico
>Blockchain devs
>I'm a dev u see
AHAHA you got me there Samesh, that's a lot of cringe. One curry for you!

>> No.19550555


>> No.19550821
File: 39 KB, 617x640, 1750777-frontal2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No one else had the balls to cover ID2020 & David Treat being connected to Ethereum plus other related things.

influencer nonsense aside, what he did was based. I would never do something so dangerous.

>> No.19550938

Chico is a flat out retarded bitch. His big shot attitude talking smacks on BitBoy was funny as hell watching him thinking he's big and bad.

>> No.19551068

A lot of pissed noobs mad about him shilling ewt to them and not mentioning the token issue that is clearly mentioned on ewt website. It’s not needed and companies can pay with fiat or any crypto.

>> No.19551077

>he follows that fucking retard

>> No.19551093

Chico is a pothead dumbass, you'd have to be a literal room tempature iq tard to believe in Chico's lies

>> No.19551577
File: 37 KB, 740x370, Char-Aznable-Masked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Chico is a pothead dumbass
Even a nut job like Alex Jones is right once in a while. DYOR is important in Crypto. As a trader Chico is a brainlet since he holds a lot of chainlink but publishing shit on ID2020, Digital Dollars, Maersk, David Treat is based af.

I follow everything from libtard podcasts to Alex Jones & Daily stormer.

Get out your box bro.

Take everything in and then you have the right to a opinion.

If Chico is pot then BitBoy is bath salts. I do not even bother with him. complete waste of time with 0% useful information.

> It’s not needed and companies can pay with fiat or any crypto.
90% of shitcoins.... that logic alone should have tipped you off.

>> No.19551752

He's partaking in the BLM protests. More content is coming soon bros

>> No.19551770

Shall we....discuss this over LOKI's app?
I don't think it's safe to talk here
t. someone who isn't Chico

>> No.19551796

msg me : xtrailor83

>> No.19551829

chico financially ruined me on ewt!!!

>> No.19551985


>LOKI's app?

links? I do not use or know anything about loki

>> No.19552001


>I don't think it's safe to talk here

Its not and if you have something important to say I do not mind going on private comms. I am not to important myself but I have a direct line to some major black pilled players in Blockchain with deep pockets.

We can make things happen

>> No.19552016


sup glowie

>> No.19552058



>> No.19552099
File: 102 KB, 429x516, fuckwithnewton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would a glowie post this

> no recoil


>> No.19552111

take them

>> No.19552133
File: 148 KB, 640x480, I+know+right+ive+been+_6ea22206fc2c5a81b135291f2001cc0e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.19552995
File: 89 KB, 980x742, 1590943843808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> memes the vaccine/virus cover up

> links to Aryan Caduceus technology bread crumbs


>> No.19553283


What's dokument93?

>> No.19553341
File: 25 KB, 213x184, billyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A panel of scientists in Germany investigated COVID-19 in secret for the parliament. Since no one knew they were investigating COVID-19 no one could pay them off or threaten their carriers until it was released so the information was accurate.


I translated it to English but not very well.
anonfiles doooot

Basically the German's are calling it a hoax and mass protests are erupting in Germany calling for Bill Gates head.

Race War is how they always cover up billionaires fraud in America. Bet you did not know the covid hoax is unraveling or even care lol.

>> No.19553401

I know covid is bullshit, but thanks for this.

>> No.19553441
File: 22 KB, 410x230, _112555787_gatesprotest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well someone finally had the balls to put out scientific proof backed by a government so here we are another race war distraction......

the race war season will probably continue until Germany stops spamming this all over their news. As always Race war is a distraction for the American news media when the goy start openly talking about things harmful to the elite.

>> No.19554151


>> No.19554199


>> No.19554270

>reddit spacing
fuck off newfag

>> No.19554288

chico is just another racist not endorsing FLYD. either buy FLYD or be racist! no third option

>> No.19554646

>88 dubs

even kek is dabbing on niggers

>> No.19555859

You should really DYOR on LOKI anon

>> No.19556198

I downloaded it

Seems legit end to end encryption is always a plus. Tell me more anon

>> No.19556229

Personally I'm just buying LOKI because it's undervalued
Should I download the app too?

>> No.19556412

Way to go Germany.
We love you Germans. We love you Japanese with samurai beliefs.
Wonderful cultures of art and invention and wonderful people's I never want to see oppressed.

>> No.19556423

FLYD is jsut another criminal coin.

>> No.19556520

Maybe.... the app looks pretty good. I like the idea of end to end encrypted chats and if a crypto is needed to motivate servers to run that seems ok.

Honestly I have not looked into it but its a solid maybe.

> Should I download the app too?
buys coin does not download app....... ummm ya I just downloaded the app and it looks pretty good imho.

I am probably never going to buy the coin but I might use the app at some point.