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19548985 No.19548985 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>buy $200 worth of hex, sell the absolute top at $4K
>hold the gains in ETH, then buy ESH and make $10k
>I simply think I cannot lose, so I buy STA, and BAM I have 40K from $200.
>Sell it all and diversify my port back in to MID, STA, and this funny fucking coin called FLAMA.
>sitting here now with $6k worth of ETH now.

Should I kill myself? Who wants my fucking ETH? I’m done with this crypto bullshit and we are all truly a bunch of degenerate gamblers

Fuck this board and fuck my life, you all will lose everything you’ve ever gained some time sooner or later

& first to roll trips gets my private keys before I kms

>> No.19548989


>> No.19548999

That sucks

>> No.19549001

playing shitcoin bingo, fren?

>> No.19549005

nice get

>> No.19549011

s'all good man. i'm squandering away the last of my 3k hoping for miracles. you're in a decent position to start over
look at the potential. take some time off, breathe, relax. do other things.

>> No.19549015

I had it all anon. I was invincible. I’d even have a decent amount of it back if I just ducking held but i didn’t. I ALWAYS sell and buy back in like an idiot

>> No.19549018

I'll take it, Anon. I'm struggling to make ends meet over here. Thank you.


>> No.19549032

Op's a fag and won't deliver, feel better though buddy

>> No.19549045

Oh shit he got trips. Now should I kill myself?

>> No.19549064

Shit man, you want to kill yourself after 30xing your money? What more could you possibly want? It's less than a days wages you threw in and it turned out to be a decent chunk of change. Now try and do it again with $10k, but if 6k makes you suicidal I can't imagine your despair at having 300k. Maybe stick with a high yield savings account if that would be more acceptable to you. There's also negative interest rates out there which might be just the thing to help you find the will to live. It's just weird because most guys are the opposite of you and actually like making money. Why does the idea upset you so much?

>> No.19549065

That's what happens when you play chase the pump with shitcoins. You're still up from your $200 original investment so stop bitching

>> No.19549088

your still ahead from your initial investment, why you losing your shit so hard.

>> No.19549096

that was like me lost a 100 eth unrealized gains could had 200 gonna be very said when its 3.4-3.8k in 2022-2023

>> No.19549104

OP you pulled outa FLAMA too early dude. it's mooning again

>> No.19549108

Just send them to my address larper boy. Seriously though, don't kill yourself. Yea it's a lot of money, but it's a pittance compared to the value of your life

>> No.19549113

OPs larping but hey why not. Feel better fren

>> No.19549125


>> No.19549132

Send them to me (>>19549018) instead. I posted my address first , plus I didn't call you a fag like that other guy. Don't kill yourself, man.

>> No.19549133

I get feeling OP is conveniently leaving out putting more of his own money in at some point

>> No.19549138

I don’t think u understand anons. I bought a house that I don’t even have the money for anymore. I thought they were all headed to zero. I’m fucked.

>> No.19549161

it's fucking 6 hours old and OP thinks he missed it? kek. lets step back and gain a wider perspective anons.....

>> No.19549170

I got trips, follow through. Good luck buddy

>> No.19549178

You have plenty to live for
Fine some eth and I’ll grind like hell and send you back maybe no guarantees double what you give me. I’m incapable of lying, fas.
Do. Not. Kill. Yourself. But I will take your money.

>> No.19549179

post the fucking private keys you degen

>> No.19549193

You're either larping or retarded. Maybe both

>> No.19549195

i hate niggers

>> No.19549200 [DELETED] 


>> No.19549205

So you got a taste of your own medicine, huh, you filthy scammer? Your actions have consequences.

>> No.19549218


Don't do it frend

>> No.19549222


Come on trips!

>> No.19549225

>>I simply think I cannot lose

I found the problem

>> No.19549229

You must have the money if you qualified to buy it unless you worked some fraud in there somehow. Overall it sounds like you made an incredible shot and should stick with this crypto stuff. My strategy is a lot more conservative and I'm only doing about 33% as well as you did. That's still a shitload better than playing boomer markets.

>> No.19549259

I already got trips

>> No.19550081

>selling FLAMA at this stage.
Looks like you got too impatient.

>> No.19550254

Stay well, you're good. If you want to send me some little ETH so I can mess around, I'd like it


>> No.19550271

so fucking excited, hope I reach the moon before I crash and lose it all

>> No.19550285


>> No.19550434
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plz gib

>> No.19550514

Me sir pls I lost my 0.7 eth from these dumps

>> No.19550552

Dont you have to pay taxes on each transaction?

>> No.19550621


>> No.19550684


>> No.19550691

Please tell me youre still holding ghost at least

>> No.19550695


>> No.19550734

STA dolphin here, look at the top wallets they all co-ordinate sold and then bought the dip increasing their stacks considerable.
That's all I'm gonna say, takes a few mins of research to follow the money.

>> No.19550783

Don't kys.... also rolling

>> No.19550828

Bro flama hit like 20x opening and you didn't sell? Fuck when I caught an 8x I tried to sell but fucking txs failed and I had to hold back to a mere 2.5x or whatever it's at now. Don't get too greedy, even if you think something is an absolute moonshot when you see ridiculous numbers like that take some fucking profit.

>> No.19550852

>i have 40k
>sell it
>most liquidity sta ever had was 10k
Larp me a river.

>> No.19551379

it's sitting at it's lowest at 150k liquidity right now though. Not saying it isn't a larp, but there's definitely liquidity

>> No.19551408

>Started with 200, now I have 6k. I want to kms because of muh missed opportunities
Ya, this isn't a larp at all

>> No.19551447

Just put it all in Sta, the new exchange will pump it hard

>> No.19551492

just realize you never actually had that money, the degen aspect of your personality that allows you to gamble 200 into 70k is the same thing that prevents you from cashing it out.

>> No.19551597

You'll learn from this OP take the gains and put them somewhere safe next time. Maybe buy a hardware wallet if it helps you not gamble your money away.

>> No.19551610

You got greedy. Why the fuck wouldn't you stick to normal good volume charted stuff (or at LEAST hodl)

you didn't sell did you?

if you did, then get the fuck in ARPA before it pumps, stake on Binance, AND DO NOT TOUCH IT FOR A YEAR. That's all you have to do.

>> No.19551618

For example I personally keep most of my holding in a ledger S while I keep only 2 ETH in metamask which I'm fine with if I lose and around 0.04 BTC as a collateral for binance through which I tend to make around 50 tether a day (sometimes less but sometimes a lot more since I do 40x). Don't gamble all your money but just do it with a small amount you're down to lose.

>> No.19551624

Also, dumbshit, this is why you cash out your initial when you get a multiplier like that. THEN, you try and keep doing it like you did. If you win, you win, if you lose you still win.

>> No.19551656
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Can I one up the guy if I get quads?
Check 'em also KLEROS

>> No.19551998

>I got trips, follow through. Good luck buddy
kys thirsty retard

>> No.19552010

Anon don't kill yourself! I don't want you being eternally damned. Read the Holy Bible, I recommend starting from the New Testament. Jesus Christ who is God came to the world to save us from sin, from eternal damnation. He died on the cross, yet 3 days later He rose from the grave claiming victory over sin and death. Believe in Jesus Christ, gain everlasting life. I pray my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ helps thee overcome the darkness that swallows you whole. Don't kill yourself anon.

>> No.19552012

>diversify my port
nigga you didn't, you used the 'basket' pricipal. Wow what an amazing story, you gambled on shitcoins, won some, lost some. great job placing your bets.

>> No.19552105

Happened to me too. Stay in the game. Consider selling half the next time you double.

>> No.19552142
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shit happens bro, live on

I sold XIO early and missed 40X gains, but now coffee still tastes good, flowers still smell wonderful and OP is still a faggot

>> No.19552189

You're still up 30000%. I'd be fucking furious too if I went from 70k gains down to 6 but man the fuck up. There are still ways to correct your mistakes. Take away the emotion and go get these gains. I believe in you cunt

>> No.19552523

STA is back up now and FLAMA too, they’re low volume coins so expect some swings.
Both seem like legit gems to me so far. I’d stay away from everything else though.

>> No.19552854

rolling trips


>> No.19552857


>> No.19552869
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>> No.19553426

Don't forget to pay your taxes on each trade you made!