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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 47 KB, 1200x1000, chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1951812 No.1951812 [Reply] [Original]

For obvious reasons, I can't disclose who I am or who I work for. What I can tell you is that large, large, LARGE amounts of premined Ethereum have been sold to SEVERAL (100's) of the worlds largest companies. The price has effectively doubled on the etherscan ether price tracker. See for yourself.


The markets have not adjusted to this price, and likely will by April 14th 8:30pm Eastern like the time traveler said. I suggest you buy as much Ethereum as you can as quickly as possible before the price moons. DO NOT WAIT, it might moon sooner than expected.


>> No.1951818



>> No.1951823

holy crawp

>> No.1951826

I assume you have no vested interest in people buying Ethereum right?
You are just telling us this from the good of your heat?
What a great and righteous OP!

>> No.1951831


How does this relate to the trading price of ETH?

>> No.1951839

already bought in before the spike.

>> No.1951851

A large amount of coins that were previously not in circulation have been purchased very secretively .They were not purchased from any exchange and did not influence price on any exchange yet. How ever the underlying value of each token has now doubled.

I'll answer a few more questions that I can without disclosing my employer.

>> No.1951857


>> No.1951861

Lmfao are you serious. How high do you you need the price to get before you and your buddies cash out?

>> No.1951862


Do you specialize in crypto for a company or did you just get lucky in knowing this?

Badass dude, I don't know how etherscan could be wrong.

>> No.1951863

your employer is the US Govt in the form of welfare checks

>> No.1951868

The fucking script probably aggregates prices from various exchanges and uses something to try and normalize them. There's probably some tiny fucking exchange that had its price jacked up by ether some moron fat fingering a market buy, or someone doing it on purpose for who fucking knows what reason.

If there's a huge outlier, it should probably discard it, but the people who wrote the software probably didn't think there'd be THIS much of a discrepancy in the price.

>> No.1951871
File: 73 KB, 437x599, IMG_8953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should've bought more

>> No.1951875

Was clearly not fat fingered, a glitch maybe, but I'm willing to bet BTC holdings on it

>> No.1951876


I work for a company that plans on integrating it's business operations completely into the public blockchain and NOT on it's own private chain.

>> No.1951880

If it aggregates prices and does some kind of normalization, and someone bought 1000 instead of 100 eth on a low volume exchange, it could crank the price up to who knows where.

That high price could very well fuck up the graph's drawing.

I hope this guy's right, don't get me wrong. I've got rather substantial eth holdings, but I wouldn't hedge anything on the words of a guy on /biz/ and possibly buggy software.

>> No.1951882

fuck that already on the moon with pivx as we all should be

>> No.1951885

well this someone spent 4 million doing it

>> No.1951886

billion sorry

>> No.1951889

I'm glad you made money on your cryptocurrency. I don't know too much about PIVX or altcoins, but what I can tell you is that this is beyond the scope of currency. Ethereum will be integrated into every major corporation within the next few years.

>> No.1951898


OP do you know how etherscan calculates pricing?

Low volume exchange (Mercatox) shows $193. Could that be skewing the price?

>> No.1951899


This is either 100% true or a very convincing roleplay. Either way, it's making me consider buying...

>> No.1951900

Ok /biz/ I listened and bought some this morning. Already up but since my account is fairly new I have a daily limit for deposits.

Fuck living in a third world country where banks don't operate until Monday because muh Jesus. Please wait for me before going to the moon.

>> No.1951910

Hello, I am the guy that dropped his entire bank account ($10k) into ETH yesterday.

I hope to god you are not bullshitting us and not planning a surprise dump on fri. I am tired of being poor and getting screwed over every month by loans.

>> No.1951918

Not entirely, but I can tell you that they don't take in account low volume/shit-tier trading sites when calculating the value. Also (from what I understand), the price on etherscan is also determined somewhat by the circulation of coin supply that ISN'T being sent to/from exchange addresses.

Just wait 2 days and see for yourself.

Glad you made some money, hopefully some others do too.

>> No.1951921

Don't worry anon. I got plenty. I'm set.

>> No.1951926

OP is not full of shit. I've been following Ethereum for six months, have savings in it, and have dedicated hundreds of hours of research into following its progress. It's no fuckin hoax.

>> No.1951927

Big. If. True.

Thinking about throwing another k in.

>> No.1951929


Bought as much as I could on my credit card on coinbase.

Don't let me down. If it does work out and I put up a bat signal on /biz/, will you ever return to us?

>> No.1951930

Wow itas trully beautiful watching a pump and dump compaign sweaping /biz/.
Im am pretty sure most of the comments in these threads are from the same source, prumping up lurkers to invest as they watch supposedly "random" users get persuaded. ITs like getting into that card guessing game on a bazzar cause you just saw someone win it.

>> No.1951933


Not true at all, I'm actually an independent user.

There isn't enough money on /biz/ to pump and dump Ether, the volume is too massive.

>> No.1951936

Clearly don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.1951937
File: 61 KB, 1074x680, Enterprise-Ethereum-Alliance-Microsoft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fortune 500 companies
>pump n dump

Stay poor

>> No.1951938

$120,000,000 traded in one hour is not pump and dump you moron.

>> No.1951939
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>> No.1951942

Lol you think its only on 4chan? They are probably planting this shit all over the social sites. 4chan reddit, facebook groups, major forums, news aggregates etc..
This is how its done. ITs people investing tens of millions of dollars

>> No.1951946

We might not see eth go to $90 tomorrow, but it's most definitely not a PnD.

Speculative? Yeah, but there's a lot of promising shit happening. Well worth the risk.

>> No.1951948

Stop watching homeland

>> No.1951959

doubles maxes credit cards

>> No.1951984

Exactly, even if you don't believe my post. The price will go up regardless. I'm just trying to help.

>> No.1951989


Question is OP:

Are you the Time Traveler?

>> No.1951991

The average 24hr volume on polo for ETH during slow periods, when it's just bots battling for scraps is about $20mil
When there's a tiny baby pump, upwards of 8mil is traded in 30-60 mins

The combined trading volume of /biz/, reddit, discord groups, crypto-sites wouldn't even be half of even a small pump.

When it moves, it moves because the big boys are playing, whales whos' individual worth is many times more what our collective is and who we have no access to. We're just fighting over crumbs with our sub-10btc portfolios.

>> No.1952000

OP is definitely the time traveler or with the time traveler

>> No.1952024

I am not the time traveler, but may unknowingly came in contact with him/her. Over the last few weeks, I have been meeting with representatives from other companies in something that is quite similar to the EEA, but not quite. I have no doubt that 'who's who' of the world will be involved in the next EEA announcement, but I can tell you 100% that the companies I have consulted with about blockchain technology specifically on the Ethereum network are just as big, if not bigger. Ethereum will be a household name sooner than you think.

>> No.1952029

Nope, see previous post.

>> No.1952044
File: 296 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-04-12-21-58-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have a graph of their prices from days before currently its $192 lmao

>> No.1952045
File: 23 KB, 276x130, china.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As I am writing this, reports of China accepting/trading Ethereum are coming in. This may have been what the time traveler was referring to. As far as I know these reports are independent to the information I am providing.

>> No.1952069

i just woke up from a dream where eth doubled

i'm not joking

anyone else constantly have dreams about the market? is it healthy?

also nice digits

>> No.1952073

>banks don't operate until Monday
this is why fiat needs to die

>> No.1952075

No it is not. This shit is fresh and should put a nice multiplier on the gains firstly from the glitch kicking in and then up through the massive announcement confirming who's who of earth.

>> No.1952077

the larper pumps are getting interesting
at least he's admitting that some of the 60 million premined coins are moving

>> No.1952084

first thing I do in the morning is check eth

I often have dreams where I do the same thing, can't tell that I'm dreaming when it happens

sometimes I wake up in a bad mood because I dreamed eth is down 10%, only to find that it's up 5%

>> No.1952089

>8 is a good luck number for chinks
>they look up price of new crypto they can buy on etherscan
>it's 88.08
>they buy up the entire market

>> No.1952094


so what even is this web page and how nmuch can i trust it?

I'm holding ETH anyway as its on an up trend but i'm sceptical.

>> No.1952095

look at all their other data and judge for yourself

>> No.1952098

You're holding ETH and don't know what etherscan is?

>> No.1952101


ether scan back to normal

>> No.1952109

Looks like this goes all the way to the top then

>> No.1952111

Etherscan has re-scanned and shows $46.63.

TLDR; OP lied and the world kept turning

>> No.1952112


I'm holding on poloniex, I dont give a fuck about any of these "coins" unless the value goes up.

>> No.1952115

Noob question, if I buy a large sum of Ether on coinbase with a bank transfer, and the price fucking moons, I'm technically in the rocket? Or do you get fucked in the atmosphere suffocating?

>> No.1952118


The price locks in. You will be in zero gravity with us.

>> No.1952121

One question, and you can be vague if you feel safer that way, but its about the company you work for - is it a big company? household name? Financial industry? Be as specific as you want :)

>> No.1952122


can confirm, you'll be locked in with us. I use coinbase

>> No.1952125

FinTech. We are not the biggest company, but chances are you've heard of us.

>> No.1952129

Then you probably don't know shit about and just made this all up.

>> No.1952136

Don't buy on a pump just because a random newfag says so

>> No.1952141

I have been telling you motherfuckers to buy since sub 20s

>> No.1952142

1) what is the time traveler lmao
2) etherscan doesn't show 80$ price anymore im skeptical as fuck

>> No.1952145

top kek
bamboozled again

>> No.1952146


>> No.1952198

for obvious reasons, i can't tell you who i am, but I'm vitalik buterin and i command you to buy more ethers

>> No.1952211


All crypto is speculative, feeding off rumors, shills, and crypto news.It's not tied to jack shit to influence it otherwise (revenue creating corporation, government, or other profit rendering assets). Of course ETH pumps and dumps. BTC is the king of what you're calling "pump and dump" if that's the case. In reality this is crypto market behavior is because of what feeds it's movement.

The sole difference here is the Ethereum NETWORK, not little fag coins for your hookers and blow. There's actually a profit rendering use of them bitches. And these bitches are free moon tickets so why not play with them?

>> No.1952215
File: 277 KB, 1845x869, ripbitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC is officially dead.


>> No.1952225


Thank you. Was just coming back to confirm the dump, and my proven point. Ride the waves of crypto and learn to profit. Moon missions aren't the only way for gains.

>> No.1952270

Old news here disregard, hongkong has seperate rules to mainland chinkslovakia has been able to trade ETH since a month ago.

>> No.1952697


>> No.1952853

The pump hasn't even started.

>> No.1952867

>price shot up from $48 to $50 in 15 minutes

Is this it, /biz/?

>> No.1952888

no, that was just a single whale scooping up some while it's cheap

>> No.1952894

The thing with ETH and others is, if you don't own at least hundreds of them it's not worth getting into now. I mean even at best case scenario ETH doubled in price within a few months the average Joe like me would only make a few hundred dollars out of it.

>> No.1952908

100% not true

IF everything works out then it will be the new backbone of the internet which would put the marketcap in the trillions.

The amount of ETH you will need to be able to stake is probably gonna be around 30 ETH, which will return 7% annually. If you have millions of dollars, getting 7% annually is amazing.

NOW is the time to buy if you can afford it, because when the word of staking comes out...there is gonna be a rush of millionaires getting involved.

>> No.1952912

I'm retarded. Could you please lead me to the proofs that PoS is happening?

>> No.1952921

I think ETH could do well but I'm not personally convinced by some of these predictions of it ruling a new internet etc. I could afford to put a little more in now but I'd prefer to keep my options open.

>> No.1952924

google ethereum casper

>> No.1952928

Nothing is for sure, but look into the dApps, they are starting to come online.

This thing is legit.


This is the social network they are building. Join now and witness the future.

>> No.1952936



>> No.1952963


Confirming this is accurate for average Joe, and feel bad for the dudes wanting to get in believe six figure returns. Dropping 5k at $14 gave me a nest egg that I've doubled selling and buying in at the dips. Even then I'll be lucky to see a few hundred thousand if speculation plays out - I don't dare speculate BTC level anytime soon.

Dropping 5k now and only getting 100 ether has to blow. I think the multi-millionaire ship took off months ago sub 6 dollars and miners. People can still see a nice return buying in now (like today at the latest) considering tech and future application of the Ethereum network.

>> No.1952984

nah...this thing hasn't even started.

Most millionaires aren't aware of Ether yet, but they will be doon.

People like Fred Wilson are pushing it hard now.


>> No.1952995

from here you can absolutely become a millionaire from ethereum, it's just going to take more than buy and holding a few hundred ether. If you start a dapp and sell it to some big investor in a year or 2 when it becomes mainstream you could easily see a couple million out of it. Ethereum is now where the internet as a whole was in about 1995.

>> No.1952996
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>yfw 1 Eth will be worth 100 million $ each in 2025
Only 0.082% of the population are into cryptocurrency and most of that money is in BTC.
We won't be millionaires, we will be ultra giga biga billi trilli billionaries.

>> No.1953000

i laughed twice at this already

>> No.1953001

you won't sell the dApp to an investor

>> No.1953004


You're very good at larping. Are you into ERP by any chance?

>> No.1953016

well I probably wouldn't sell the whole thing, but you underestimate the flood of investment capital that's going to come into ethereum in the next 5 years. When the stock markets crash, the investment class are going to be looking for the next big thing and they're going to find it in cryptos , ethereum being by far the most scalable and developed one that's actually useful as more than a dumb asset like btc.

>> No.1953033

Ethereum is a project, Bitcoin was a discovery

>> No.1953039
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>> No.1953179

wow I can tell by your meaningless, cryptic non-answers that you're a cool guy insider who knows better than everyone else

>> No.1953181
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>> No.1953187

I wish I could tell you who I was, but that wouldn't be fair.

>> No.1953294
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thank u based vitalik

>> No.1953295

Post your wallet or you're LARPing

>> No.1953309

His answer wasn't cryptic at all, lurk more retard.

Bitcoin was the first of its kind, that's why it's so praised.
Ethereum is literally the Web 3.0 and everyone is building upon it.

>> No.1953378

Lets look at all the hype and name dropping going on in recent weeks..

Venture capitalists shilling it, mainstream tv mentioning it, the apps, the news sites and writers with all their wary optimism, fucking Coinbase adds on normiebook...

If this is a pump n' dump, it's the most costly and sophisticated pump n' dump ever, probably.

>> No.1953380
File: 24 KB, 1173x458, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf yall talkin about?

>> No.1953403
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>> No.1953435

they fixed/hid it

>> No.1953583

learn more about chmart contracts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csS1mZFuNSY

>> No.1953594


Anyone got a transcript? Almost impossible to understand

>> No.1953603

actually laughed out loud

>> No.1953679

>Schmart contractsch

>> No.1953976
File: 358 KB, 800x400, 1-rkfJSboUQtrcIh9UqeY8XQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, buy now, trust me. The time traveler and gigapump are all real memes.

>> No.1953982

LTC is the future senpai

>> No.1953985


>> No.1953996



>> No.1954046

Dont trust

>> No.1954055

>secret supply of coins released secretly and no one knows it
>that means each coin is now worth twice as much
Have you ever taken an economics class you dumb nigger

>> No.1954080
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t. Microsoft

>> No.1954083

so a few questions... First off what the fuck is going on here? Is this some Time Traveler warning event or some shit? Also how the hell do you invest in ETH and why the hell should anyone believe this?

>> No.1954087

Because Ethereum is the only cryptocurrency that is being shilled this hard by the jews/globalists/illuminati. It's unreal, you literally can't make this shit up.

>> No.1954095

t. bitcoin bagholder

>> No.1954104

This won't happen.

Just do the math on the market cap.

>> No.1954106

i'm all in Ethereum senpai.


>> No.1954119

>that shitty graph
why even bother drawing the lines?

>> No.1954139

hahahahahaha are you serious, well TA'd, dude

>> No.1954154

where and how do I buy ETH? what's the current price? where is the proof that this isn't a pump and dump and just a scam? I know nothing about Ethereum. convince me? Like it seems like it's a pretty big deal. i just want some information on it

>> No.1954161

Google it faggot.

>> No.1954170

I had a about 500 ETH when it was $1
Sold it at $2 or so, thought I was a smart investor

A friend invested thousands into ETH below $1 and held until today

>> No.1954173

What does this video mean?
What does it have to do with globalism?
This is some "the Simpsons is Illuminati propaganda" shit

>> No.1954179

Top kek you're fucking retarded.

>> No.1954185


Coinbase is bretty guud for buying/selling ETH

the proof is the over 4 billions dollars invested in this

Eth is the next, superior bitcoin

>> No.1954200

So i'm not investing in stocks but the Ethereum cryptocurrency itself?

>> No.1954202

>a character in a TV show, who is apparently an assassin, says he gets paid in cryptocoins
>this means Ethereum is a globalist conspiracy
You're not making any sense, anon.

>> No.1954207


thats right, and when 1 ETH is worth a gorillion dollars/bitcoin you either sell it or convert it back to dollars and take the gains

>> No.1954221
File: 507 KB, 1600x1250, 1495435868368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who makes movies and tv shows?
You dumb fucking cuck.

>> No.1954225

good job dingus

>> No.1954228

>Walt Disney
>George Lucas

>> No.1954231

How many ETH did you buy at $1?

>> No.1954232
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>> No.1954241


>> No.1954255

Are you the same schizo who thinks the Federal Reserve invented Bitcoin to discredit itself, or are you a different schizo?

>> No.1954265
File: 1.39 MB, 1302x1182, 1474285476246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u r schizo

>> No.1954275

Opened a long, thanks guys. It's time for me to get rich anyways

>> No.1954277
File: 27 KB, 358x262, 1339649821951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Emperor's New Groove is anti-white propaganda

>> No.1954298

somewhat new ETH fag here can some anons fill me in on this time traveler business? Also ETH memes pls

>> No.1954302

ETH has gone up $20 in the last month. Is it too late to catch the run up or is this the forefront?

>> No.1954303

Someone on Reddit claims that he is a time traveler with no time machine and that ETH will pump on April 14th at 8:30 PM. He didn't say which timezone.

All of his posts before that were inane Reddit shitposting, shit like "I eat people" and "My gym teacher taught me to relax my anus in the shower"

>> No.1954306

this has to be the most meme prophecy ever, im buying 200 dollars more cause if this stupid fuck was right, maybe he will bless us with another gem.

>> No.1954322

no. most knowledgeable on the subject would not consider it a stretch to say that ETH would reach $200 in the next three years.

>> No.1954331
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>not 200 000

>> No.1954334


>> No.1954335

well which is it

>> No.1954339

200k per coin... no fucking way? this whole thing has got to be the biggest goof ever. Is there any proof that you can provide?

>> No.1954340
File: 85 KB, 1280x640, eth-ally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.1954342

personally i think we could see 1 eth = 1 mil. the use cases are astounding!

>> No.1954343
File: 78 KB, 544x400, 1337478114649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTC can barely stay above $1200
>ETH, with a much bigger supply and guaranteed infinite inflation, will reach $200,000

>> No.1954344
File: 124 KB, 312x380, 1491862533965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only about 0,0001% of the population has cryptocurrency and most people only have 5-10% of their savings invested in it. We have only begun, anon.

>> No.1954346

nope, btw eth just went above $50 but its still looking like it will trend down tonight untill koerns cum to play

>> No.1954348

i really want to jump aboard... it's just that all of this information is coming from 4chan so I have to take it with a grain of salt

>> No.1954354

I have 3/4 of my savings in it...

also I made that pic u just posted the other day btw, feels gud man

>> No.1954355

koerns? and does that mean I should wait for it to go down before buying it?

>> No.1954359
File: 53 KB, 887x560, 1491416178079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice shit senpai.

>> No.1954360

You really have some mental problems with your ETH obsession. Even if you made some bucks with it it's not worth your 24/7 degenerate spamming.

>> No.1954361

yea wait an hour or two then buy, dont wait 2.5 hrs thats when the whales awake.

buy in at around mid to high $48

>> No.1954374
File: 85 KB, 540x568, 1490948997943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some bucks
>yfw i'll be selling Eth for 100 000 dollar each in 2020
Stay mad nocoiner.

>> No.1954376

bought a little over 20 ETH today for $1K

did I make it in time guys?

>> No.1954379

t. bitcoiner in 2013
I don't understand why you people are expecting a coin with a market cap over $1 bil to pump 1000000% in a couple of years.

>> No.1954389

it was just at 48 it's not going up and is at 49. Also do you want me to wait 2 hrs or not lol?
>Wait an hour or two
>dont wait 2.5 hours

>> No.1954392

****Is going up****

>> No.1954394

Any other Aussie shit posters here? Using coinbase? How the fuck do i increase the buying limit?

>> No.1954400

In all seriousness, it seems like /biz/ is obsessed with checking the price constantly and selling as soon as a quick and significant profit can be made, but surely a much better strategy is to hold. When you look at the performance of all the more established cryptocurrencies over time they really are just going up and up, and don't show any signs of slowing just yet. That makes sense really, because it's a hugely disruptive market that seems like it will be central to the banking industry in the future. I think it makes a lot of sense to spread money around a few of the BTC competitors and wait for a few years at least, just ignore it until 2020 and see what happens then.

If you've enjoyed my advice please feel free to send me some ETH or XRP because my fucking accounts STILL haven't verified and I really want to get on the cryptocurrency gravy train reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

ETH: 0x2e4E059D46aF27321668928346F403A99DFb470e

XRP: r3LNjWChqiSjhdFpTwLq2fpTnZZkPBqHy

>> No.1954402

i will not donate to you but i will give you props on the double dubs. VERY nice job

>> No.1954412
File: 140 KB, 700x939, 1489941142966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there we go again, comparing ethereum to bitcoin again, dumbfuck

ethereum is not a currency, it can be used as a currency, but its not what it's intended for

ethereum is a re-design of the internet, a decentralized, anonymous and efficient internet, which has the potential of sucking up every major sites / it companies net worth if they decide to develop dapps on it.

why would microsoft, intel and major banks otherwise be so interested in it? and there's even more to come in may.

educate yourself

>> No.1954416

and if you think a marketcap is the sole limit to how much something can increase in value, then you know absolutely nothing about economics

>> No.1954421

lmao. this isn't a moonship, this is a developing disruptive technology that's going to bring a lot of change to today's society. it's going to go up but it's not going to ~~burastu offu to da moon-des~~

>> No.1954428
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The price would have to increase 4000x to reach $200,000. Without taking supply growth into account, that would put it at $16,000,000,000,000, more than twice the market cap of gold.

The higher the market cap, the more money has to go into it to make it grow.

>> No.1954431

its trending downwards to high $47 on coinbase rn wait till it gets to $48.53, if it doesnt reach that in 1.5hrs then buy

>> No.1954434

hey retard the market cap isnt fixed like that, that market cap could be $1000000000000000000 and there could be only 1 coin in circulation

>> No.1954441

Well thanks for the props I guess, but I'd still prefer 1000 ETH (please)

>> No.1954451

why so do i need to wait for that specific amount? where are you getting this information?

>> No.1954453
File: 61 KB, 725x483, C7F5cPqU4AAp1NF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2020 ETH price will be 150 thousand Per ETH.

>> No.1954455
File: 95 KB, 376x369, 1476216415258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that's why it's more useful to look at market cap than coin value. Lots of ETH shills think that ETH at $50 is the same as BTC at $50 because they don't understand that the supply of ETH is much higher than the supply of BTC.

>> No.1954458

so don't buy...?

>> No.1954462

I didn't say ETH wasn't going up.
10-20x gains in the next 5 years don't seem unrealistic to me, assuming companies like Microsoft are actually using it for something and not just fucking around.
It's not going to $200k though.

>> No.1954468

stats ive been collecting, I drew a trendline an hour ago and its been following it exactly it it says that before the whales awake it will be at,,,, ohhh fuggg buy in now last chance fug it will be at $49.8 around there before whales start in on it

>> No.1954470
File: 16 KB, 238x192, 1471608231578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the number of people that are using cryptocurrency is going to stay the same forever
wew you're rly dumb af dude

>> No.1954475


>> No.1954476

you're a fucking retarded 16 year old faggot lmao

>> No.1954479
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>> No.1954483

so the trend line shows it dropping and I should buy it before it crashes??

>> No.1954487
File: 9 KB, 401x367, 1475774444596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The total value of the North American stock market, including Canada and Mexico, is $28 trillion.
Do you really think Ethereum is going to be valued on the same level as the ENTIRE STOCK MARKET in 5 years?

>> No.1954488

buy in before around 6:30pm PST. It will drop till then, at around that time the Korean whales will awake and bump it up to $52.40.

>> No.1954489
File: 113 KB, 882x731, 1490491571465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Cryptocurrency will eventually replace fiat. Stay mad nocoiner.

>> No.1954492
File: 98 KB, 612x491, 1476015340263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If cryptocurrency replaced fiat it would lose almost all of the advantages of cryptocurrency.
Don't tell me you think scarce resources are immune to fractional reserve banking, or that crypto is any harder to regulate or control than cash?

>> No.1954493

$4 profit per coin...?

>> No.1954494

wow r u retarded or just young? What we are saying is that the correlation between price and stock will not keep going up at this rate, after it changes to pos the value will shoot up and the amt will shoot down due to so many locking up there eth, anyways you wouldnt understand since ur probably about 15.

>> No.1954502
File: 7 KB, 420x420, 1476069951164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't explain where the extra $16 trillion in value will come from.

>> No.1954504

I just opened a coinbase account and bought 5.7 ETH. Never traded/bought a crypto before let alone a stock. What can we actually expect this to bump to before I should sell or should I wait it out for a while?

>> No.1954512


>> No.1954515

I was considering buy 20 ETH just now but i'm still trying to remain skeptic. I can never tell with 4chan lol

>> No.1954520

u should have bought it using a bank acc so u dont have to pay a retardedly high fee

>> No.1954522
File: 35 KB, 317x451, 6196255+_f0273729d60340357273bab763b18f6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He actually fell for it

>> No.1954526
File: 28 KB, 380x250, 1476811918008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not likely.

>> No.1954530

I can't use my bank account until like 3 days from now through coinbase right? Or am I just a literal downy and there was a better way of doing it w/o coinbase? All I know is that I believe the hype at this point

>> No.1954534

it gives u the price u buy at takes six days to get the coins

>> No.1954539
File: 13 KB, 480x360, 1491542270158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I don't know whether I will make meager profits or get meme'd out of $300

>> No.1954541


>> No.1954560

Honestly have over $5k so this isn't the hardest hit on me if I fucked up. Worth a shot to possibly make a few extra doubloons and experiment. This board always has me sweatin' with excitement with these memecoin moon landings, although ETH isn't necessarily a memecoin.

>> No.1954562

okay, care to explain why not?

you must hold some valuable arguments and sufficient knowledge to know why it wont

>> No.1954573

Doesn't work that way my friend.
The burden of proof is on your shoulders to demonstrate that Ethereum will be the backbone of the entire Internet by 2020.
I don't see what advantage it could offer to clickbait news sites like Buzzfeed, to messageboards like Reddit and 4chan, or to online gaming. It might be useful for ecommerce startups but it's definitely not going to replace Amazon's infrastructure.

>> No.1954596

>doesn't work that way

that's just your opinion, if you cant back your claim, then it is worthless

besides, look at >>1954340 pic

that's all u need to know, and there's even more to come in may desu

>> No.1954601

>that's just your opinion, if you cant back your claim, then it is worthless
That's exactly what I'm saying.
You are saying Ethereum is going to be the backbone of the Internet and I am asking you to prove it, or at least illustrate that it's plausible.
"You can't prove that it's not" is not proof.

Just because some companies are investigating uses of ETH doesn't mean they are planning to convert their entire online infrastructure to use it. What advantage would that offer?

>> No.1954605
File: 259 KB, 396x483, YTY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't see what advantage it could offer to clickbait news sites like Buzzfeed, to messageboards like Reddit and 4chan, or to online gaming. It might be useful for ecommerce startups but it's definitely not going to replace Amazon's infrastructure.

bro it will be way cheaper than an amazon infrastucture cuz it will run on every computer that uses the internet. It will be the backbone internet 3.0 the new protocol

Also Vitalik said that with the launch of metroplis they will be releasing their first version of the etherum web browser. its only a matter of time before you log onto facebook using facebooks php code which connects to some login token subscription to verify identity, everything will be a token, the domain names, the databases and every other aspect of a site like facebook.

They will release a mechant gui with a token to sell goods and services like shopify + angieslist, this will merge the two so that for a few bucks you can run an online shopping site that confirms transactions with the etheurm network... ect ect... everything will be super efficent and run better since its not coming from seattle to Montana instead some dood in montana will have your login on his computer that he is playing minecraft on... doood eth is gonna be like $10000000000

>> No.1954613
File: 672 KB, 906x799, 1475770794212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to think billion-dollar corporations don't want full control of their core systems.
Decentralization isn't appealing when you can afford your own cloud server farm.

>> No.1954616

>Decentralization isn't appealing when you can afford your own cloud server farm.

they wont blow up there infrastructure, they will sell it to someone to run pos eth on it retard

>> No.1954618

ethereum doesn't work that way

there's no reason for ethereum to host the internet than a traditional host like amazon

it's advantageous for some storage to be centralized

ethereum will make an interesting layer of the internet for peer to peer interactions and business

>> No.1954623

Are you stupid?
I'm saying having your own infrastructure is better than crowdsourcing it. Amazon has no reason to replace their own cloud with a blockchain. It would offer them no advantages.

>> No.1954626

>there's no reason for ethereum to host the internet than a traditional host like amazon

wtf r u some commie facist scum

>no reason to be more efficient

take a hike

>> No.1954628

keep mind that ethereum will be PoS soon, so a large percentage of ethereum will be stored away from the market

>> No.1954630

its much faster and cheaper. people will stop using their services idiot.

Why would I run my site on AWS when I could host it on some eth token that is $1 a month

>> No.1954637


>> No.1954639


Actually, ETH could be double to triple it is now, we just don't know it... Especially if what the anon said was true about 30 corporations buying secret coins...

>> No.1954642

op was wrong I tweeted at the ethscan guys and they reverted it

>> No.1954645

It has a 15-second block time. How can it process dapps any faster than that?

>Why would I run my site on AWS when I could host it on some eth token that is $1 a month
How are you not understanding that I'm talking about Amazon itself
There are obvious advantages for small companies under certain circumstances but Google and Amazon and any other company with their own server farm is not going to give up all the advantages of centralization to crowdsource their infrastructure.

People aren't going to suddenly stop trading ETH when POS comes out. Volume will drop a bit, but as it is, there's already a lot of people sitting on large reserves of major cryptos as buy-and-hold investments.
>Especially if what the anon said was true about 30 corporations buying secret coins...
He offered no proof except a sudden spike on Etherscan, which no longer shows that spike.
Why would companies buy secret reserves at twice market price, anyway? That doesn't make any sense.

>> No.1954669

pos keeps getting pushed back, it's going to be incrementally implemented starting this summer

bigger thing to the short term price is the mining bomb is going off soon and miners who only care about immediate profit will be dumping less soon

>It has a 15-second block time. How can it process dapps any faster than that?

if you look into services like storj, they aren't connected to the block time, but their paybacks are

>> No.1954688

>if you look into services like storj, they aren't connected to the block time, but their paybacks are
Do you know more about this?
I can guess that it's because the software uses direct P2P communication for some of its behavior instead of relying entirely on the blockchain. I don't think that would be very useful for cloud computing, especially since a lot of people won't like the idea of joining a botnet for a few pennies.

>> No.1954721

storj seems to be more of a proof of concept than an actual business

the devs even say don't buy hardware for it, a lot of people just use the ssd and have a 1tb disk drive sitting empty, and if your costs are low it might make your a bit
I've seen claims that their costs of drives and electricity yield a similar payout period to buying gpus and mining

most might not like it, but there are enthusiasts who do

the actual value is when companies like broadridge could have a use for it

>> No.1954727

I can definitely see the value in Storj but what I mean is I'm not convinced it proves that you can use ETH for computing, just storage.
If I need to run real-time software on the cloud I'm not going to use a blockchain, and applying Storj's model would essentially require convincing people to join a botnet.

>> No.1954740

You can make anything on the ETH network, storj, bitcoin, ripple. thats why ETH is great

>> No.1954741

SO DO I BUY THE FUCKIN ETH or NawT"? damn sun

>> No.1954748


>> No.1954755

>Im not convinced it proves that you can use ETH for computing, just storage.
do you know about golem?

>applying Storj's model would essentially require convincing people to join a botnet
people joined a botnet utorrent to get free stuff

>> No.1954761

also everyone downloaded win10 for free

>> No.1954791


>> No.1954794

They're trying to make you panic, don't fall for it.

>> No.1954805

this shit happens like clockwork. now is the time to buy

>> No.1954813




>> No.1954814

its a meme holy kek

>> No.1954817

Just bought a large 2 eth :D

>> No.1954840
File: 35 KB, 720x539, 1491922294405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No memes allowed, senpai. Peoples life savings are at stake!

>> No.1954847

no joke, I'm 12k in, no going back now

>> No.1954874

Does the Crypto currency market stay open 24/7?

>> No.1954882

Yeah, but there isn't a single, unified market yet. There're just a bunch of independent exchanges.

Some of them are extremely low volume.

>> No.1954883

Why would it not?

>> No.1955359

wow such proof
so backbone

>> No.1955383

>every 2nd thread shills this obvious incoming dump

can't wait

>> No.1955463

Hey seems like a really good time to buy at the highest value it's ever been.

Where can I buy this stuff? Couldn't find it in my Schwab.


>> No.1955481

wouldn't that devalue ethereum considering that there's now more tokens in circulation? go home op.

>> No.1955896


Your post is not even economically credible OP, kys

>> No.1955950

You're retarded my friend.

>> No.1957268

please help a brother out I am broke as fuck and I want to go to the moon


>> No.1958030

yall don't know it but the moon is actually only a few thousand miles away from earth and much smaller

so every time you say you wanna go to the moon, you're not asking for more than a few hundred % increase

>> No.1958456

Bullshit, you're fucking retarded.
If a person is 2 metres long and the moon is 200K miles away. 100% increase would be 4 metres total. Even if we are 500 miles into space, a 100% increase would be 1000miles total.
"Biz" fuck off.

>> No.1958458

but man has never even been to the moon

>> No.1958464

Suck my dick faggot

>> No.1958469

i don't suck uncircumcised dicks, mr. anteater

>> No.1958471


Maybe? Or is the moon so abstract our brains fight our own comprehension of the event? I agree there is doubt and speculation, but is it really a 50 year old meme or is it our own selves telling us it can't be real?

Same concept can be said for Ethereum...

See you in outer-space simple minded bitches...

>> No.1958475

Good luck getting rekt by the Van Allen belts.

>> No.1958565

so nothing happened right ?

are we waiting until may now ?

>> No.1958571

>Attempt to buy 7 ETH
>Accidentally buy the max I can and end up with 26.48 ETH because I'm fucking retarded
Well shit it better go to the moon, I'm all in now

>> No.1958581
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>> No.1958595

Everyone, sell the farm!

>> No.1958597
File: 21 KB, 906x375, ss (2017-04-14 at 11.54.41).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because I'm fucking retarded

Anyway one of these offers was for 7 ETH at a pretty good price so I just clicked the arrow thing and clicked confirm and then it had that popup thing that says how your order is doing and it said like "Your order of 26.48135618 ETH has processed" or something like that and I was just like "what the fuck, I mean I guess".
I don't know how the fuck that ask box works.

>> No.1958620

It went up about 10% and seems to be drifting back down.

>> No.1958621

where have you bought?
where everyone buy this eth?

>> No.1958636 [DELETED] 

Nothing was ever going to happen. It was just a rumor on reddit. There is a ethereum alliance conference in New York on the 24th though and there will be a big announcement sometime in within next three weeks so you can expect the price will rise then.

>> No.1958640 [DELETED] 

Nothing was ever going to happen. It was just a rumor on reddit. There is a ethereum alliance conference in New York on the 24th though and there will be a big announcement sometime within next three weeks so you can expect the price will rise then.

>> No.1958643

Nothing was ever going to happen. It was just a rumor on reddit but there is a ethereum alliance conference in New York on the 24th and there will be some big announcements in next three weeks so you can expect the price will rise soon.

>> No.1958647
File: 728 KB, 1994x3000, 1485110034509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You I dump all my LEPEN and MCRN into ETH?