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19539187 No.19539187 [Reply] [Original]

So anon's, what exactly is the use of ethereum? Or even Litecoin?

I'm legit waiting.

Pretty sure 99% of all coins have no irl use whatsoever.

And there's no reason to use bitcoin other than dark web purchases becuase holding a currency that moves like a volitile stock is bannanas dumb.

>> No.19539225

ETH is a software platform that lets you decentralize any so it has intrinsic value.

Not sure about all the other shit though.

>> No.19539439

eth is a decentralized computing platform, it's turing complete. litecoin is a copypasta of bitcoin lmao

>> No.19539453

Fault proof computation

>> No.19539474

smart contracts

>> No.19539500

>ETH is a software platform that lets you decentralize any
>eth is a decentralized computing platform, it's turing complete


>> No.19539540

>inb4 bait
Unless you keep everything in cash, somehow secured, this is the first time in human civilization history that a person can be in total control of their money, without a bank being involved.

>> No.19539562

hello, fucking DeFi?

>> No.19539602

>a single example
Why don’t you check the top 300 coins on CoinMarketCap and read about what they all do. Most of them run on ethereum

>> No.19539633

Are you retarded??

Degens, uniswap, infura, etc etc etc

Get the fuck out of here if you can’t do a 10 second google search asshole

>> No.19540251
File: 21 KB, 1000x646, ripmoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.19540900
File: 351 KB, 500x482, 1591268720409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It let you do things on internet v2, wait until internet v1 will be filled with ads so much that you wont be able to breath, then you will come to v2

>> No.19540922

are you some sort of literal retard or something?