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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 165 KB, 494x515, stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19530043 No.19530043 [Reply] [Original]

Over 6 million tokens have been burnt, never to be seen again. Based Sthanos.

>What does STA do?
A deflationary Index Fund token.
>Money --> STA --> Thanos burns STA --> Thanos balances Index Fund pool via arbitrage --> STA appreciates

>Won't whales fuck us?
>Money --> STA --> Thanos burns STA --> Niggerfaggot kike whales dump on us trying to swing/FUD/whatever --> Thanos BURNS MORE FUCKING STA --> STA APPRECIATES
Some kikes and pajeets here will FUD and dump no matter what. Thanos will humble them.

>Where can I buy?
Use THIS link to buy STA, none other. Look for "3DeED1" in the link. Check for yourself here: https://stateratoken.com/ --> "Trade"

>Where do I see the price?
You can use the same link to swap as you can to view real time data. Just set the input to a stable of your choice like DAI or USDC.

This is a Uniswap V2 link. Not ideal, but it's an option and useful if you prefer seeing a graph directly from Uniswap. Note that it does not have the same liquidity as Uniswap V1.

Coingecko is slow. Take note of the spike on 05/31/20. This is the actual start of STA V3.

>Where do I put my liquidity?

You can also put it into the Uniswap V1 pool, but you will be missing out on more rewards and incentives to come from Balancer: https://twitter.com/StateraProject/status/1267342879682371586 (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

>Link to new Medium article on STA, feel free to share
>Official Github

>> No.19530058

It's over everyone is panic selling sheeeeeeit

>> No.19530070


>> No.19530076

why is price keep going up when it is known that it is fundementally flawed. the funds get drained over time.

>> No.19530085

Is it possible for uniswap to be wash trading this?
No fud, just genuinely not sure.
Also, do they have an order book?

>> No.19530095
File: 103 KB, 283x240, greenwojak005-300x252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DUMP thread edition?
I'm still in profit from 8 cents.
What's happening bros??

Buy the dip???!?!?!?

>> No.19530107

Taking profit. Normal healthy dips relax.

>> No.19530111

morning jeets

>> No.19530118

Consolidating around .13, just like it did around .08. Getting a kind of fibonacci feeling here, see you at .21.

>> No.19530119

Can you elaborate on fundamental flaw please? You seem to know something many don't.

>> No.19530121

the coin doesnt fucking work dumb fucks. the funds get drained over time so its worthless.

>> No.19530122

Statera aka the WTFWT token aka /biz/'s favourite crypto.

>> No.19530123

i can't believe it. i've successfuly sold the top and bought the dip. see you at 20 cents faggots

>> No.19530138


>> No.19530150

I bought the dip, still in a profit from the last All time high...

>> No.19530157

Pakistan > Street Shit India

>> No.19530161

Anyone know? :)

>> No.19530169

There was a top and dip? I've woke up just now, last night we skyrocketed from 0.4 to 0.9

>> No.19530171

6 gorillion tokens have been gassed!

>> No.19530176

Congrats my dude! I can't seem to do the same, but instead I just bought some more now :D Let's hope for the best

>> No.19530179

sta pooling bro. people that contribute to the pool get a percentage of sta back in return via from burns and tx fees

circle of life, hence the logo

>> No.19530190

Yes, we were up over 15 earlier. Consolidating under that resistance barrier but when the US wakes up things should start moving again

>> No.19530192

check the price now bro.

>> No.19530218

I hope the americans pump the price while i'm out being a wagie
Good look bros

>> No.19530223

seems your brain was drained

>> No.19530236

Don't believe random accusations without explanation.

>> No.19530259

"Pakistan > Street Shit India" - as much as I despise the scamsters here, fuck no to that. Pakistan is literally a state ran by Islamic terrorists.

>> No.19530262

Don't know if the insanely high slippage above 50% is a good thing to incentivize whales from selling or it's bad because we lack liquidity.
You get 48% slippage if you sell 1M tokens.

>> No.19530277
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>Pakistan is literally a state ran by Islamic terrorists
if only you knew how the world really was.

>> No.19530328

Lol no. It’s a dex, not sure how wash trading would even work. You can set limit orders on uniswap but you need to code it yourself via api, there is no publicly viewable order book. This is how crypto should be.

>> No.19530345

There WAS an issue with the gulp function whereby this was happening but it was FIXED the same day it was identified.

Everything is now working optimally

>> No.19530346

Well 1 million tokens are 13k $. Of course there is high slippage at a small coin. Everyone has that

>> No.19530351
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more like

>> No.19530352

I know how the world really is, Mohammad, and it definitely needs less niggers and Islamic fanatics.

>> No.19530360

Can't really wash trade on uniswap since you need to pay for every transaction on chain. That costs too much

>> No.19530370

your calc.exe has a bug

>> No.19530374

good luck anon

>> No.19530377

Tru dat.

>> No.19530385
File: 22 KB, 488x463, 1591115213446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does it feel to live life so full of hate. you let minorities live rent free in your head

imagine wasting your energy hating people of different races. True chads know that people are people, and scum is present in all races

stay sad and angry

>> No.19530396

i am a chad personally and i can confirm this

>> No.19530397

And just like that discord trannies have woken up. We had a good 8 hours of clean no FUD thread.
Guess pajeets are not a meme afterall.

>> No.19530405

Holy based it feels good waking up to see we broke 10 cents

>> No.19530417
File: 156 KB, 860x943, 498-4980117_nigels-head-meme-nigel-thornberry-smashing-hd-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BROS!!!!! if you look at their Balancer page and head over to the Shared Pools section,
You can see that there's a pool with over 1 million dollars in liquidity and lesser pools have under $500k in liquidity.

Can some gentlemen with high iq explain?

>> No.19530427

we broke 15 too

consolidating now, next leg up when burgers awake

>> No.19530439

I think that's the liquidity of the balancer platform total, not just STA.

The contract address was removed from the URL when i clicked that link

>> No.19530451

True words fren. Please tell that to the nigger outbreak

>> No.19530454

What a fucking ride. This is gonna go to 1 dollar atleast

>> No.19530456


Here is the youtube video. Watch and comment. He was wrong about the volume.

>> No.19530462

Oups, true. 130k $. My point is even more valid now

>> No.19530464

balancer is independent of statera.
statera has one pool in balancer

>> No.19530466
File: 60 KB, 1024x486, biz is no place for pyramids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off pajeets, you have no place on /biz/ with your shitty scam.

>> No.19530472
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>> No.19530474

if balancer is independent of statera, then what is the use of statera? not trying to fud, just to understand

>> No.19530481

what do you expect bro. in a country where niggers are condemned to being born niggers due to the centuries of oppression
how can you expect them to act normally
"niggerism" is a socioeconomic problem

>> No.19530495

Looks like a near term top to me. This happened at 0.022 constant retests l. If we don’t break be prepared for a dump.

>> No.19530500

ok retard, whats the product?
so far its a clear mlm

>> No.19530509
File: 67 KB, 700x434, IMG_20200604_235211_276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another high iq question i have:

What happens when all the STA gets burnt? What is the incentive of holding STA?

This is why i dont understand how it can go to a dollar... sounds too good to be true.........r right guys??

disclaimer: i have a suicide stack

>> No.19530512
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up we go

>> No.19530530

its been like 6 hour since it broke ATH, give it time anon

>> No.19530539

You need it if you want to enter the Statera index on the balancer and earn free money.

>> No.19530541


>Multi-level marketing (MLM), also called network marketing,[1][2], referral marketing,[3] and pyramid selling,[4][1] is a marketing strategy for the sale of products or services where ... the earnings of the participants are derived from a pyramid-shaped or binary compensation commission system.

Try again.

>> No.19530550

It will never burn to 0. 1% burn is not much and there are decimals.

>> No.19530552

MLM? Do you understand how crypto works?
I swear, the people using "ponzi scheme" and "mlm" and "pyramid scheme" don't understand how the economy works. In the short term, gains are made by increasing market share, which benefits early holders far more than late holders. In the long term, gains are made by the total value of commodities in the world increasing, thus increasing the value of the currency respective to its market share.

>> No.19530553

Give it to me straight biz.I have a 200k stack which i bought for 1 ETH. Is there any chance that this thing fails, like a hack or sth

>> No.19530556

looks like it is the top, you better sell now and exit this scam before whales will make you eternal bagholders

>> No.19530568

"imagine wasting your energy hating people" - so I assume you don't hate pedophiles by that retarded logic. Some people deserve hatred by virtue of their actions. Now shut up.

>> No.19530576

Most of the whales are poorfags who got lucky and are trying to make it

>> No.19530578

Of course always something can go wrong. But for now the balancer and the token is working perfectly and the chances of anything going absolutely wrong is pretty low. Just hold, comfiest hold you can ever dream of.

>> No.19530585

managed to turn 0.4 ETH into 0.84 ETH by casually trading this back and forth a few times and locking in profits. not much but $100 is $100.

>> No.19530595

Topkek whales have only been accumulating the last days me including. And we aint selling anytime soon. Poorfags still need to wrap their head around this project. It's not your daily erc-20 shittoken

>> No.19530596

How is that a "Nope" pajeet? Are you even able to comprehand whats written there? Let me simplify it for you so even street shitters like you could understand:
Lets say we have a nice clean streat so there comes one pajeet and sells this nice clean street for other pajeets to shit on, then they find some more pajeets and resell shitting rights to other pajeets, and then they do it again until someone actually starts shitting in the streets and suddenly street is full of shit and "product" is gone and only literal retard pajeets like you are still paying to shit on that street because they would buy anything shilled to them. The only pajeets who made it are those who dumped their "street" stock before shitting began.

>> No.19530597

well done im proud of u :)

>> No.19530601


>> No.19530626
File: 66 KB, 722x349, 1416186739432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i look down on paedophiles. much like i look down on the poor, racists, people with poor hygiene, criminals, rapists, pikeys, chavs, gypsies,. But i do not hate them. I guess i would call it an indifference

Why waste my energy being full of hate? That is not a way to lead a happy life?

>Some people deserve hatred by virtue of their actions
I agree with the second part of this. it is judging people based on their actions.
So by your logic why judge a whole race based on the actions of a sample of the population? have you ever heard of the ecological fallacy? it is the opposite of that

there are shit people and nice people in every race, including yours
sounds to me like you are one of the shit ones.

>> No.19530635

To the whales having strong temptation to sell all at $1, I hope you understand that this is a once in a 2-3 years opportunity so take out profits gradually as there's potential to make this a passive income for yourselves. And we don't exactly know how high the price is headed to be honest.

>> No.19530652

you don't understand the product.
DYOR then come back.

>> No.19530653

The idea of one day having a child who grows up to have a mind operating on these CNN-tier strawmen and grade-school conceptions of the world is tangibly terrifying to me

>> No.19530660

Yeah even if your stack is worth millions at 1 usd. You should not dump it all, take profts and pool rest of it and check back 1 year later.

>> No.19530662

We have the rule written on our walls. Only smallminded people that have no clue how index funds work will cash out in one go.

>> No.19530665

It also has a lot to do with the genetic makeup of sub-Saharan Africans

>> No.19530672

There is no product lmao other than you shilling this shit to me so I could give my money to you for no reason. kys pajeet

>> No.19530674

"there are shit people and nice people in every race" - I don't see the nice mainstream muslims and muslim orgs coming out and condemning the violent verses in their holy books or the medieval practices they still follow. Fact is that it's a death cult and the few (very few) nice ones are heavily outnumbered. As for niggers, they had their chance to make it in the US, the #1 economy for many decades but instead they chose to rape, murder, steal and eternally bitch about white people instead of the real (((enemy))) so fuck them.

>> No.19530676

Lemme help you out. The term you're looking for is "Ponzi scheme", not mlm.

>> No.19530679

You understand that you can’t burn 1% and ever go to zero right

The supply simple becomes scarcer and thus, more valuable

>> No.19530682

if you ever make it anon, travel the world and actually speak to different people of different races, instead of just the niggers that populate your area
you will find that some of them are more like you than you would like to admit

>> No.19530683

I feel like it would just be easier to go along with MSM than trying to confront that fact

>> No.19530687

Alright Thanos, do your thing

>> No.19530690

It’s investment, there’s always a chance of failure. But that’s a nice stack you’ve got there.

>> No.19530691

Are you legit retarded?

>> No.19530696

>I’m indifferent about people raping children

Yeah that sounds about right

>> No.19530702

I posted this is another thread but want to see what anons think:
If STA wasn't mooning so hard it might make sense to contribute to the balancer, but at this rate I feel most people would want to hold onto their STA rather than have Thanos sell their bags and get a bunch of the other more stable coins. Maybe when STA is higher valued and more rewards are given to liquidity providers it will be alluring to add some liquidity, but as of now there doesn't seem to be any major drawcards (apart from contributing to the success of STA and the project.

So, what advantages to adding liquidity are there at this point when it seems you're much better off just holding STA because of it's moon potential versus the other coins?

>> No.19530706

I don't know if you were being sarcastic but my point was that dumping all on $1 makes no sense as a $10+ price could happen down the line. The project is literally 2 weeks old. If I was a whale, I'd probably dump 10 or 15% near $1. Also, BAL tokens incoming so pooling will get hella lucrative.

>> No.19530711


>> No.19530712

Was the smart contract audit done like the devs said?
I am scared before putting more money into it.

>> No.19530713

>As for niggers, they had their chance to make it in the US, the #1 economy for many decades but instead they chose to rape, murder, steal and eternally bitch about white people instead of the real (((enemy))) so fuck them

so you dont think that slavery, racism, segregation, systematic oppresion e.g. worse schools, not being allowed bank loans etc didnt contribute to the fact that maybe black people havent had the same chances and opportunities that white people have?

also, what about all the violence etc in the bible? are you christian?

>> No.19530727

based retard

>> No.19530730

yeah i`m just struggling hodling because i haven´t sold a single Sta until jetzt

>> No.19530739

so when are we thinking the next pumps coming?

>> No.19530742

well yeah, its bad. but im not going to waste any energy condemning them. Its a futile act, me constantly boiling with hatred for paedophiles is not going to change anything. So i simply do not care
bad things happen all over the world, that is a fact. I accepted that long ago. Living a life full of hatred is just pitiful

>> No.19530744

Anon, I...
I'm so sorry, but your mom was such a sweetheart.

>> No.19530756

I’ve traveled extensively and lived in other countries. Many genetic traits are distributed on a bell curve, but societal questions involve groups in the millions and hundreds of millions, and on that scale averages become more relevant than anecdotal evidence of a few individuals.

Obviously a population of 100% homo-sapien hominids that has spent thousands of generations adapting to the tropics will not have an identical distribution of genes compared to a 5% Neanderthal population that spent thousands of generations adapting near the arctic circle; that would require magic.

>> No.19530766

As long as you’re okay with the country your children grow up in having the civic cohesion, social trust, average IQ, crime rate, and general functionality of Brazil or South Africa, then yes, absolutely.

>> No.19530774

Within 6 hours we will be above ath

>> No.19530777

Bros wtf, I was up to nearly 500 and now it's down to 300 ,should I just dump it all

>> No.19530781

Steady hands my friend

>> No.19530785

Do it :D

>> No.19530786


>> No.19530788

Yes, of course, just as there significantly lower levels of average intelligence also contributed

>> No.19530791

Guys it's dumping! Sell now so you can buy bags on the bottom!

>> No.19530798

volatility hedge

>> No.19530808

That would be a mistake. 15 is a natural resistance point and it’s night in both Europe and the US right now. It hasn’t coke close to going back below 10; I fully expect their to be a new ATH later today

>> No.19530812

Dude if the 'muh white institutional racism' meme was true, then that still doesn't explain the dysfunctional state of literally all black majority countries with NO 'white devils' running those. It'll sound harsh but black folks have a lower IQ on an average. That's the reason for their collective instead of jewish conceived nonsense like institutional racism. As for your utterly stupid false equivalence comparison of muslims with christians in the modern context, only one of them is out there trying to demographically/politically conquer and subdue the world right now. Man you're blue-pilled af.

>> No.19530816

I'm buying the pajeet weak hands fuck it.

>> No.19530835

It's lunch time here in EU though

>> No.19530836
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Sell or hodl????????????

>> No.19530841

Also, remember that this is all happening at a point where the coin is completely unlisted, spreading only by word of mouth with a slightly convoluted purchase price and only 1200 holders (HEX, by comparison, has something like 180,000).

Devs have already confirmed that they are in the works to launch on an exchange. The first YouTube video about this coin was only made a few hours ago. When it can be seen and purchased by normies, that’s when the party really begins.

>> No.19530850

watched my stack worth 2.5 eth drop to 2 eth. i'm still holding

>> No.19530853

wish you luck stinky dumpy

>> No.19530861

Hodl anon, hodl. But do take some profits at $1.

>> No.19530863

Yeah you’re right my mistake. US hasn’t woken up yet though

>> No.19530864

Depends on the stack you have and if you're good with swing trading. I would say now it's a risky one but as soon as you see the price stall a bit sell so you can buy on the bottom

>> No.19530877

*purchase process

>> No.19530896

Hope it’s okay to ask in here, but is it worth selling some of my STA for a small bag of H3X too or is that def a scam?

>> No.19530903

This >>19530798
Also, when they implement one-button liquidity adding, I think we will see a lot more people adding to the pool

>> No.19530904


>> No.19530930

I don't think there's much of a reason, because of the liquidity pool STA has more potential than H3X and the hype that STA has is way stronger.

>> No.19530934
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>As for your utterly stupid false equivalence comparison of muslims with christians
found the christian
christianity and islam are two sides of the same coin

imo believing in God at all is retarded AF

>> No.19530962
File: 53 KB, 1000x1000, 1589511105946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you buy this on revolut?

>> No.19530990

Buy ETH thru ramp.network using revolut and put it in your metamask wallet
Then buy STA thru v1 uniswap

>> No.19530999


>> No.19531007

"found the christian" - I'm a deist presumptuous anon. The reason you blanket categorize all religions as more or less equally good/bad is because understanding the nuances and differences in how different religions manifest themselves in the modern era and how some of them are way more harmful than others.....all that would take some actual fucking effort which you being lazy shy away from.

>> No.19531030
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let me change my statement then

believing in any diety at all is retarded AF
do you also believe in santa claus

>> No.19531050

>it's going in for another dip
Should I drop another 2 ETH on it?

>> No.19531062


>> No.19531074

told you it is a fucking scam

>> No.19531085

>Over 2 Million Volume
>11.5 Million Market cap

Get in now while the stats on coingecko are fucked or be sad your whole life

>> No.19531087

solid base around 10c. great entry at the moment

>> No.19531098

The FUD on this is so lame. Not selling.

>> No.19531100

Lol bye Felicia

>> No.19531102

Yeah I think this is the bottom before another pump. Sorry you couldn't buy lower but it's better than nothing

>> No.19531105

I guess it's your first day lmao.

>> No.19531116

Yesterday at this time it was barely 2 cents.

>> No.19531120

>let me ask pajeets who want you to buy their shit for financial advice regarding their shit
Yeah, nah, shill, nobody is that stupid.

>> No.19531131

Yes, I doubt you’ll get a better entry point that this

>> No.19531132

What was that word vomit?

>> No.19531133

so in other words, say you buy a bunch of sta, if you put it into the liquidity pool and the price dumps, you'll be hedged against volatility because you have a claim to the other 5 stable coins which hopefully didn't also dump. whereas if you just hold it, and it dumps, that's it. you lost.

>> No.19531138

Trezor or Ledger?
Is there even any meaningful difference?

>> No.19531148

I got in with a small amount at 4 cents and got some more at 6 and 7, it's been a comfy ride.

Shut up, nigger.

>> No.19531154
File: 181 KB, 900x839, ed1a54278390d1621a8403df37b63bd7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, we've got paws of steel.

>> No.19531157
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>> No.19531170

Sta was born in late may and liquidity keeps rising, wtf is that chart pajeet?

>> No.19531177

The US people will wake up soonish. They'll buy for sure at this price.

>> No.19531195


STA didn't even exist in those days. The FUD is getting lazier and worse every day.

>> No.19531204

Told ya Pajeet FUD will start. It's almost afternoon there. Most of them were priced out so they're FUDing this to get back in.

>> No.19531209

Thats STAv1, lol

>> No.19531223

Like /biz/ threads have control over this anymore, it's growing too fast. The /biz/ whales who do matter aren't retarded enough to fall for such weak FUD, either.

>> No.19531225

who else is buying that juicy dip?

>> No.19531226

It’s late afternoon there

>> No.19531234
File: 140 KB, 1366x768, 720kzruvfd131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15K suicide stack here

Feeling fucking sketchy
Havent slept

>> No.19531237

I told people yesterday was last chance get in under 10 cents. Today will be last chance under 20

>> No.19531252

>i look down on paedophiles. much like i look down on the poor, racists, people with poor hygiene, criminals, rapists, pikeys, chavs, gypsies,. But i do not hate them. I guess i would call it an indifference
Haha midwit. They are all Gods creatures and we are all in this journey together. Even rapists are not completely evil and just following their carnal instinct.
But they should be executed still :)

>> No.19531254

Man, this is fucking funny fud now.
Before it was mildly worrying since it was whales. Now it's just retarded indians so it's great.

>> No.19531272

I have a 850k stack left, should i skim more for some eth Or let it all ride till 1$?

>> No.19531302

390k stack here. I see no point in selling until at least the first exchanges get listed and more things are announced. This growth has all been from word-of-mouth that requires you to manually input an address.
It's gonna grow.

>> No.19531308

If I had such a stack I would already jizz in my pants on 0.1$

>> No.19531319

if you already cashed out some I would let it ride

>> No.19531351

Add some liquidity to the pool. The bigger we make the pool the harder it takes to win against Thanos.
This. There so much crazy shit coming. All these gains are pure word of mouth. Zero marketing. Imagine how hard this will pump with marketing and listings on Kyberswap and Hotbit.

>> No.19531364

This shitcoin still needs to moon hard before I make back what I paid for the original coins. What a scam

>> No.19531376
File: 91 KB, 227x222, 1589324202126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha can confirm. Middle Class wage slave here. Just happened to be on 4chan when someone was shilling V1. Had some LINK profits lying around and took a chance. Comfy as fuck right now with my 1mil stack

>> No.19531381

Calm down and wait around 6 hours. If you invested in ETH you would need months to make the same returns even if you bought the dip

>> No.19531389

Imagine using the /biz/ board of 4chan to make up false shit about a coin, thinking this could affect the price in any way. You've been left behind pajeet

>> No.19531393

I'm buying every dip.

>> No.19531401

If you really read in to it you find that ledger is slightly better

>> No.19531457

Probably the last chance to buy under 15,I missed the fucking dip because cuckbase is the worst

I just got into these crypto thingies fucking today, why couldn't I have been there when the first sta thread was up

Then I'd have a respectable 30 to 50k instead of just 3k

>> No.19531465

so what's with the huge penalty when selling back into eth compared to buying? i know about the 1% burned but it's more than that, is it just slippage or is there an additional fee?

>> No.19531469

I had 1.3 M, sold already 500k on the way up. But i dont want to get fucked In the ass and i want a decent stack for the ride up to 1.

>> No.19531514

Looks like the pump is over guys.

>> No.19531528

Just slippage, but I'm seeing a much larger penalty on ETH->STA than STA->ETH.

>> No.19531534

I have still 900k left and all im gonna do is pool some of it every day.

>> No.19531536

buy the dip

>> No.19531558

Also, with a stack like this you will get a huge percentage of the pool. Its the chad move, lets help this go big. Plus the tokens you pool, are basically risk free no matter what happens.

>> No.19531570

He bought the top hahahahah. I’m selling my 500k in staggered amounts as we speak. Thanks for the 100 eth biztard. Back to 1 cents it is

>> No.19531580

In 24 hours we went from 2 cents to 12 cents.

>> No.19531581

A few hours from now is when it shot up yesterday. US is just starting to wake up

>> No.19531594

I sold just now thanks anon

>> No.19531601

>selling within the first week of the coin’s life before its even listed on a single exchange

I’ll be waiting for your pink wojaks, or would if you weren’t just making this stack up

>> No.19531603

Yeah prepare to shoot for 25c.

>> No.19531650

Even a week ago I would have called you crazy, but the way these dips get bought up is just crazy to watch.
It went to 10.3ish but was right back up before I could throw another eth in.

>> No.19531665

I know I should take profits but I don't want to sell even 1 STA

>> No.19531692

can't tell if this is pajeet fud, or shitty jokes

>> No.19531715

Its pretty ok when you exchange small sums like few ETH

You get raped hard if your a whale and cash out at once

>> No.19531724
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>2m daily volume
Jesus christ.

>> No.19531736

shit, really? how so? I own a trezor model t.

>> No.19531738

I have Eth in a coinbase wallet, can i buy through that?

>> No.19531752

yes, you connect your coinbase wallet via qr code to uniswap and swap it.

>> No.19531767

It's better if you make a metamask wallet move ETH there and buy it like that imo but yeah you can do it also through coinbase

>> No.19531772

I use coinbase wallet and have no issues

>> No.19531833

Can it dip further please I'd like to buy some more, paycheck arrived today.

>> No.19531895

Lowest it’s going to be probably today

>> No.19531902

my only complaint is you can't set gas in coinbase wallet and it's not always smart enough to set high enough gas. i've had a few transactions time out because it's pushing 25 gas when a reasonable gas is 35.

>> No.19531904

Is coinbase wallet secure tho? R u comfortable holding a big stack in there?

>> No.19531920

Buy now before America wakes up

>> No.19531931
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Where do you see that??

>> No.19531936

I personally don't think, a dip would be healthy but still we never know

>> No.19531937
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>> No.19531944

They released t.me/StateraTracker but you can also go to that one website people post that shows the graph.

>> No.19531960

I already have a made it stack and i still bought the dip :D

>> No.19531961

I think you mean 2.2M

>> No.19531966

Literally just buy and hold. Come back in a week and you will be happy.

>> No.19531971
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>there are people ITT treating this as a crypto
Pic related. This is how you treat it. You put it away and come back later.

>> No.19531989


>> No.19531990

New STA Update!
Initial Supply: 101,000,000 STA
Total Supply: 94,788,371 STA
Burned Supply: 6,211,629 STA
Market cap: $11,198,298 USD

USD price: $0.118 USD
24H Vol. ETH: 9125.60 ETH
24H Vol. USD: $2,209,855 USD
Holders: 1,268 holders


>> No.19531998

What if the whole crypto goes to 0 though?

>> No.19531999

It's still an index fund of crypto. It's gonna be more stable down the line but right now it's way more volatile.

>> No.19532013

>imagine not selling those tiny little bumps at the very start of the graph

>> No.19532022

$10 mln market cap only anon
we're still early

>> No.19532030

So much room for growth. This is gonna be bigger than HEX. No one wants to sell bc it's gonna be over $1 next month.

>> No.19532033

top 500 wallet here.


>> No.19532040

this is not esh
far from it

>> No.19532042

Not likely

>> No.19532043

what, like the entire market!? :|

>> No.19532055

mine is secured biometrically with a backup phrase stored offline. comfortable with that.

will move to a ledger shortly for the long haul though

>> No.19532057

omfg huge

>> No.19532064

go get 'em slugger

>> No.19532081

Used to be top150, now below top200

>> No.19532099

Jesus fucking christ you guys selling with millions need to grow a pair. What's the logic behind selling? You get a new thing to be happy for a couple days then buy more shitcoins? Hold that shit and change your life potentially. God damnit I cannot stand reading it anymore I'M SO MAD OOOOHHHHH BOY.

>> No.19532112

my stack was 2.5 eth now it's hovering around 2 and i'm not fucking selling.

>> No.19532113

The ledger has slightly better security but they’re both fine

>> No.19532135

We got too cocky STA bros...

It was a good run but weak hands prevented a truly golden run

>> No.19532136


The coin has existed for SIX DAYS and isn’t even listed yet, you need to be more patient and grow some hands/balls

>> No.19532137

A lot of the whales and dolphins here are poor people who got lucky, I don't blame them for cashing out a bit now. It's sure money now vs a shit ton more but you might risk to lose it all. We still don't know how scalable STA is and if it'll ever gain traction with normies. My main doubt is that people will look at the huge and be scared to buy the top.

>> No.19532148


Am I retarded for not doing this. Got in at .005 600k stack. Haven't sold any.

>> No.19532165




>> No.19532170

Let's say btc goes down to 6k. Will this coin also go down?

>> No.19532172

None of the whales are cashing out, they've all been accumulating or moving to incite a panic dumps.

src: top 30 wallet holder here.

>> No.19532181
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>> No.19532184

Yeah at this point you are selling it for pennies. Wait for exchange at least

>> No.19532207
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> 3 posts
> all fud

>> No.19532211

Im out guys, i am poor faggot and now i can almost buy a house for 2eth. Been here for the very beggining. Hope you gonna make it.

>> No.19532214

I've seen some whales dump more or less fast again some people know what they're doing and maybe are investing 5% of their portfolio but some people put all of their money into this and if it goes to shit which it still can btw if stays relegated to 4chan and doesn't gain traction elsewhere.
I'm not trying to FUD I'm just trying to educate the newfags here.

>> No.19532219

The pool will sell off other coins to buy into Bitcoin if it suddenly dropped so cheap, thus raising the price of bitcoin too.

Thanos balances all.

>> No.19532222

It was lowest at this point yesterday

>> No.19532232


>> No.19532234

Good luck, anon.
But where the fuck do you live that 500 bucks buys you a house?

>> No.19532256

dumbass fud
this is higher than the price it was 24 hours ago, jesus christ.
It's HEALTHY that there are market corrections and people rebuying dips alongside thanos preventing wild dumps.

>> No.19532262


>> No.19532263

I got in at 0.002 with 800k and haven’t sold any. We’re not retarded.

>> No.19532269

don't feed the degenerate

>> No.19532277

I am personally one of those, anon. I am a poorfag AND I got lucky. very. I pooled some profits, about 5k$.. selling now would be about 50k$, which is an incredible sum of money but... this has the potential to fly to 1, maybe 2$ even and that would mean 1 million dollars for me. Could buy a house. it's life changing money and I'm riding it to heaven or hell now

>> No.19532282

I have pretty much the same stack as you and did not sell anything, just pooled some. And i still bought this dip to 10c.

>> No.19532290

You know we have ID's on this board, right?

>> No.19532291

Still top 200 with what I feel is a tiny stack, feels good

Guys, any French anon with experience in crypto? I'm new to this shit and the taxes on crypto seem to be a huge pain in the ass with the government trying to suck you dry

>> No.19532304


>> No.19532305


Yeah I'm thinking of selling like 1% at $.5 and then letting it ride.

>> No.19532307


>> No.19532310


>> No.19532314

How to tell which wallet number you have?

>> No.19532325
File: 129 KB, 2547x651, isthisyouchrisbsov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember lads, this was one person yesterday. We'll see much more of this as we go up to $1

>> No.19532330

I’m sitting with uniswap open waiting for a juicy dip right now.

Great plan, I’m going to do something similar. Maybe 1% at $0.50 and then another 1% every 10 cents.

>> No.19532378

I took out my initial investment. did I goof?

>> No.19532399

Is there a fast way to get into this? Like, for someone that doesn't have any crypto?

>> No.19532409

No, you didn't, don't listen to these greedy guys. A gain is a gain.

>> No.19532418

no thats the right thing to do anon

>> No.19532438

Is it worth it throwing another 200 bucks on this?

>> No.19532444

You could try a Bitcoin ATM or buying via credit/debit card on an exchange that supports that (I think Coinbase might no that. Not sure. I live in Australia so use Australian exchanges.
Bar that, convert some cash into ETH early, before you even have any idea of what you want to convert it into. That way, when you finally do identify a nice looking coin, you have your ETH already in had ready to convert.

>> No.19532447

Yeah coinbase-metamask-uniswap. Better hurr though
I bought more below .11, its almost 0,125 now i think dip is over

>> No.19532471

Gain is a gain.
It's security and peace of mind.
Just keep everything else there and don't worry about it from now on.

>> No.19532474

Should I sell buidl to buy STA?

I believe in them both but damn STA is legendary

>> No.19532477

>1. Buy eth.
>2. Go to v1.uniswap.exchange/swap/0xa7DE087329BFcda5639247F96140f9DAbe3DeED1
>3. Trade eth for sta.

More specifically, download the metamask Chrome extension, this is a wallet that holds your crypto.
Go to coinbase app or website, make an account and buy ETH using USD.
Send that ETH to your metamask address.
Go to the uniswap website above and swap.

>> No.19532478

Thanks anons

>> No.19532487

I just keep buying every dip anon. There really is no precedent set for a project like this one, so like anything it is a gamble. But if it makes any difference I started buying yesterday morning and am already up 1000+ and am continuing to buy.

Good luck anon

>> No.19532501

statera site is down?

>> No.19532512

Metamask lets you buy ETH through wyre with your debit card.

It depends on how much money that is for you. If it's not too much I think there's a high chance of gaining in the next hours.

>> No.19532514

Just to add on to this, coinbase will not allow you to transfer your eth right away.

>> No.19532520

changed updates to half hour because apparently people were complaining

>> No.19532540

I sold most of my alts, some at loss to get in this. I unironically believe this might be next big thing.

>> No.19532542

Someone dumped 700K and we're already back.

>> No.19532544

The normal coinbase allows me to transfer instantly, but that's probably because I've got a good purchase history. Coinbase pro comparatively makes me wait like 4 days.

>> No.19532575

I believe you have to have your account open for a while before you can do that, so to anybody opening account keep this in mind. I hope I am wrong though, I want you guys to get it quick.

>> No.19532577

So, instead of coinbase how would I go about trading ETH to STA immediately? Assuming, coinbase does now allow you to transfer immediately?

>> No.19532579

i made already 125x, im gonna sell slowly

>> No.19532590

a bit slow to respond but seems fine.

>> No.19532596

Good call anon
This thing has a legit shot of hitting $1

>> No.19532625


Holy shit this is unstoppable.

>> No.19532645

inb4 americans waking up, seeing the price drop, realizing the number of holders isn't rising and panic selling to get their gains

>> No.19532647


dump 700k now?


>> No.19532655

I am glued to my screen watching the price shift, I can only imagine what some of the large holders are feeling. Heres to hoping we all make it anon!

>> No.19532687

This is the dip right now

>> No.19532695

it's called weak hands

>> No.19532701

Yeah that's my main concern

>> No.19532709

The number of holders went up 20% in 12 hours

>> No.19532717

I think since last night it has risen by roughly 150 holders. Not huge but still good traction.

>> No.19532721

Any mathfag here wanna make an educates guess about how many tokens we will burn in lets say a week?

>> No.19532730

Counterfeiting money by

Not having access to the technology of wood


Driving a registered vehicle

>> No.19532733

Alright bros thanks for the 30x. Actually I gotta hand it rajesh and friends on this one. Was fun, probably most fun I’ve had in crypto since antshares

>> No.19532737


The holders went up since we went to bed.

>> No.19532792

On etherscan, every transfer to 0x000000etc is the bot in the pool buying to re-balance, right?
Am I understanding this right?

>> No.19532809

No every transaction sends 1% of it to 0x00 to burn it.

>> No.19532819

THANK YOU to whoever shilled this last week!

>> No.19532820

Why in gods name do you sell before the new exchange?

>> No.19532833

6% of the total supply has already been burned

>> No.19532844

That's where all burned tokens get sent. Burning means a token gets sent to that address.

>> No.19532857

Before ANY exchange. It’s not even listed/searchable on uniswap yet.

>> No.19532875

because he probably already made 100x
this is still risky

>> No.19532884

Redistribution of wealth.
I hope more 1mil+ whales sell so we don't see anymore large fluctuations.

>> No.19532911

I've just sold 25% of my holdings which where 2.5x of my initial investment. The rest will be sold at 0.5$, 1$, ...

>> No.19532915

Ah, got ya.
So, how do I see the transactions the pool bot is buying?

>> No.19532941

So it looks like Coingecko has added Uniswap v1 data, but the volume is still not accurate. Anyone know why?

>> No.19532945

Not a math fag, but it has burned over 5m so far in only 6ish days, so probably another 5 to 6m next week, if not more since we are gaining velocity

>> No.19532950

I get that people want to be safe, but why not just take out the initial and at least wait till exchange. Like if I took out 700k I would kill myself if it ever reached 1$. Like its not even on cmc yet ffs

>> No.19532964

I got greedy waiting for 9 cents or less

>> No.19532965

The burning will be slower because the price has increased considerably. people are only buying small stacks of 1-10k compared to before when they were buying 100-1mil

>> No.19532967

because this also can work the other way around. ppl who sell their stack at once....

>> No.19532981

So I'm making the coinbase account that was recommended and it's asking for photo ID to allow sending and receiving crypto. Is this normal?

>> No.19532990

6 mil
we started at 101m

>> No.19532989

He is a fudding swing-trader, guys. He wants you to sell to drop the price so he can buy in at a lower and profit off of people selling. DON'T FEED HIS VILLAGE

>> No.19532991


>> No.19532999

>So I'm making the coinbase account that was recommended and it's asking for photo ID to allow sending and receiving crypto. Is this normal?

Yeah, just go for metamask directly. It's much faster.

>> No.19533022

What are everyone's price predictions for today?
20 cents?
25 cents?

>> No.19533051
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I did my part and posted a comment linking to the Statera website and the link to see its proper volume. Never selling!

>> No.19533058
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>> No.19533069


>> No.19533075

Ending on 15 would be sweet. Slow steady. Realistic prediction was .02 by this Sunday earlier this week.

>> No.19533077

Can anybody explain the balancer for me why it is good?
Does my stack of LINK and wETH and so on also grow?

>> No.19533107

wishful thinking

>> No.19533128

10 cents. people will take profits

>> No.19533166

Nothing wrong with slow and steady
My thoughts are we nearly hit 15 cents last night. I think we'll see another new ATH either this afternoon or this evening (USA time)

>> No.19533183

I transferred to my Ledger yesterday and it cost me 5k STA. Most expensive transfer of my life. The peace of mind is worth it though

>> No.19533245

Yes people will take profits, as they have been. It doesn't seem to be slowing down the train at all
Smart money knows not to sell yet

>> No.19533251

Yes, it is called 'know your customer' laws. They have to verify identities for people buying or cashing out crypto to prevent money laundering. Find a bitcoin atm if you can if you don't already have eth

>> No.19533279

at least dont sell it all. but securing your initial never hurts.

>> No.19533318

I think 0.16 will be no problem. So far it has always been 2 steps forward, one step back. I wouldn't be surprised if it goes higher than 0.16 and then pulls back a bit before leveling off for a few hours

>> No.19533322

Checked. New ATH incoming

>> No.19533334

This is risk reward to everything. Where your tolerance falls will determine trades. Risk it for biscuit. Here for the emotional highs.

>> No.19533377


>> No.19533486
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>> No.19533508

400k here. Theres so many poor anons sitting in top 100 that just got lucky here browsing at the right time. I pulled out only my initial 1k. Not passing up opportunity for life changing $, and I think theres many poor anons at the top that feel the same.

>> No.19533526

Even if a top wallet does dump, you will have to be very fast to buy before it recovers

>> No.19533532

Coingecko is pulling stats from the older version of the coin. Ignore the 7d price change and the volume. Everything else should be right though

>> No.19533569

Uniswap v1 price is way off too. No idea why

>> No.19533600

Pooling is hard to understand at first but once you figure it out, it seems pretty simple. The pool has 5 coins all equal in value to each other, so let's say STA price goes down because someone sold, the bot will have to buy some of it back because the pool would then be unbalanced. It does this using arbitrage, so it can sometimes get a better price than what the person sold for. This mitigates some of the price drop in and of itself, but also because the AI is buying STA just like a person would. It uses arbitrage for trading the other coins as well, so basically the balance AI (Thanos as he is now called) is buying and trading at the best price and can make gains that way. If the pool makes gains, you get your respective percentage. The larger the pool, the more of a buffer it provides against swing traders and large price dumps. There will also be mining rewards in the form of BAL tokens soon, which are not exclusive to Statera.
The cons are that you can lose STA because the pool sells them when the price goes up, but it uses that money to buy the other 4 coins which increases the pool size, but your percentage remains the same. Essentially, it is uing the profits of STA to buy more of the other coins for you. So adding to the pool is safer, more consistent gains, but maybe not as large as if you held 100% of your STA. It benefits you and every STA holder when you add to the pool, but you should decide what proportion to hold/contribute. General consensus is that adding 20% to the pool is a good balance and benefits you individually as well as the whole token.

>> No.19533623

So what's the pool? Benefits of adding to it?

In the beginning, all of the 5 tokens were worth $1000, so the pool size was $5000.

Now, say all other 4 tokens remained at their old value ($1000 / token), but STA did a x10, so STA value in pool is now worth $10,000.

That's much more than 20% of the pool, so the balancer must balance it out.
Note that now the pool size is $10,000 (STA) + $4000 (other 4 tokens) = $14,000.

So, to balance it out, each token should now have value of $14,000 / 5 = $2800.

To reach this goal, the balancer must sell the excess STA, and that would be $10,000 (current worth of STA) - $2800 (the new target worth of STA) = $7200.

The balancer sells the excess on various exchanges to which it has a trading bot interface to. Currently, it's only Uniswap.
Note that by selling, it performs transactions, and thus burns tokens, so the supply also decreases!

So, now that the balancer has sold the excess STA, it obtained $7200 dollars (say, in DAI coins).

Now, to balance out the other 4 tokens, it must buy $7200 / 4 = $1800 worth of each token.

So, it buys $1800 worth of ETH, $1800 worth of LINK, etc.

In the end, it's all balanced at 20% for each token - all 5 tokens are now worth $2800 dollars each!
And the total pool size remained at $14,000 dollars - so no value was lost!
Plus, you also get the trading fees, which are added to the pool!
On top of that, Balancer is now issuing BAL tokens for all liquidity providers!
You can check what it is all about here:

That's the magic of the balance pools.

>> No.19533707

Pool growing, dips becoming less effective. I think we’re going up again soon.

>> No.19533730

Full house. 3's full of 2's. Your digits confirm

>> No.19533751

Checked fellas

>> No.19533775

You put 1 DAI as the input and STA as the output? Mine is showing fine. Make sure you are using

>> No.19533907

Sorry I meant the Uniswap v1 data on Coingecko

>> No.19533989

One of them, can confirm. Platinum hands all the way, dont forget to pool some of your stack and contribute to the growth

>> No.19534133

Same here. 180k stack that I got at 0.004. I'm not selling more than 10% at $1. Let's go !!

>> No.19534275

does anybody know if you can get a sheet/overview of your transaction history on uniswap? on a cex you can download those, but also on a dex?

>> No.19534391

Look up your wallet address on etherscan

>> No.19534527

Previous anon that was asking how to get funds and such fast. I successfully put the funds into my MetaMask wallet. How do I secure this account or address? Is there anything more to do on that end other than saving the passphrase? I keep hearing people talk about "ledgers" so I'm curious what you guys recommend to do.

>> No.19534646

same here. top 100 and i'm hodl until this shit moons at least a few dollars. never working