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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.19523117 [DELETED] 
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First for cringe.

>> No.19523124

Airlines and oil

>> No.19523134
File: 1.52 MB, 1200x675, 1591284453154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

banks and oil

>> No.19523143
File: 50 KB, 1183x950, 19145590ff94acc46af5cefc3f12aed147d4207409e2896ab4f1527745a6d158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is something in the air tonight
can you feel it?

>> No.19523147
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Anyone buying tomorrow or is waiting over the weekend the move? I found out that gains from stocks won't affect my unemployment so I'm trying to make some moves this next week

>> No.19523154

Did you shart in the mart?

>> No.19523161

They changed (((markets in turmoil))) to (((crisis in america))) lol wtf is CNBC's problem and why can't they just call it what it is: a V SHAPED RECOVERY

>> No.19523170

Thoughts on CPE? Could easily get in below a dollar and wouldn’t surprise me if it went to $4.

>> No.19523172

Daily reminder not to make fun of reading tea leaves
>Ten inexperienced remote viewers attempted to predict the outcome of the Dow Jones Industrial Average using associative remote viewing. For each trial in the experiment, each participant remotely viewed an image from a target set of two images, one of which he or she would be shown approximately 48 hours from that time. Of the two images in the target set, one corresponded to whether the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) would close up, while the other corresponded to whether it would close down at the end of the intervening trading day. For feedback, the viewers were shown only the picture actually associated with the actual market outcome. In aggregate, the participants described the correct images , successfully predicting the outcome of the DJIA in seven out of seven attempts (binomial probability test, p < .01). Investments in stock options were made based on these predictions, resulting in a significant financial gain.

>> No.19523173

>thanks Britain
Every. Time. No self awareness. No agency. No personal responsibility

>> No.19523182

I wouldn't let a black marry my daughter, nothing wrong with that.

>> No.19523184

Debating between some more CVX/Bank Of America shares or a few hundred shares of Kitov.

>> No.19523195

RTX,WFC & DAL for the win. Don't it make you feel good knowing your gonna get divvies till hell freezes over and that each time we send some terrorist fucktard to allah you own a part of the company that made the missile that did it? Then when in 7 months to a year from now you'll be happy as hell when you see the epic gains DAL delivers to you. (if you sell that is; there's that divvy you know..)

>> No.19523220
File: 548 KB, 936x1407, 1591039910589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was actually a red day today, yet everyone on here made mad gains

Even when you win, you lose, bobo

>> No.19523224

Why would you be betting on any of those right now?? I feel like their prices are too high to actually make any gains

>> No.19523225
File: 147 KB, 518x442, 1590339588509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair warning, permabear and I capitulated today

>> No.19523233

No dude, I keep buying stocks and I am still unbogged.

>> No.19523244

For now tomorrow is looking like it'll be a green day. Planning to buy at open for a quick option scalp and get out.

>> No.19523246

>seven out of seven
oh wow, how impressive

>> No.19523256

>prices too high to make gains
Speak for yourself, those have been some of my best performing stocks for gains. And I’m looking at this shit far down the line anyways. Also curious if Kitov will pop off like some here claim.

>> No.19523259

Oh i think i can feel it,.

>> No.19523283

I'm over 110% on cruise and hotels each. I told you retards to get in on them and got shouted out of the room each time. This board is full of dumbasses. The worst fucking board on 4chan. Fuck you all.

>> No.19523296
File: 165 KB, 413x352, axe loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a gay video. Why would you post this?

>> No.19523303

How are you feeling on Norwegian? Not going to lie it looks rather tempting.

>> No.19523311

buy IVR before this shit gets to $10 again

you're welcome for the tip

$2 dividend per share btw

>> No.19523327

what news made it spike today fren?

>> No.19523331
File: 34 KB, 640x640, 1590641383902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help me bros
I'm so utterly fucked right now.
I'm bagholding right now and it's clouding my judgement

>> No.19523333

DYOR. when someone is shilling for this stock ask them why. there a ton other oil companies you could get in the same boat as CPE. people are banking for the the fact it's oil and for it to make big gains once covid subsides but again there are others like CPE.

>> No.19523334

It breaks the $1 barrier, big hype since they avoid having to do a R/S, then it dumps fucking hard, then they end up having to do R/S anyway. But it should go back up long term.

>> No.19523344

It's just money dude, calm down.

>> No.19523346

I grabbed calls on JETS today that are already up 50%.
I'm going to grab LUV 50c July 17th. If airlines keep their bull run going at the same rate they have been since May 10th, then LUV should be able to hit 50 by the end of June.

>> No.19523352

You got lucky on a possibly retard move. It doesn't make you any less of a retard if you won from it.

>> No.19523363

Are you memeing, or is this your actual mindset?
How do you think the way you do?

>> No.19523364

I haven't seen the hype about Kitov, what's the word? And I don't doubt you're making gains but did you put thousands into those stocks? I don't really want to gamble that much yet

I got some MGM, not so bad

>> No.19523371
File: 65 KB, 901x710, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck I hope im not holding bags in the morning if it drops another 20%

>> No.19523373
File: 31 KB, 1100x734, sun-in-the-sky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was scorcher here today biz, summer is upon us.
Remember that other ratheon meme stonq CARR?

>> No.19523374

What are you holding?

>> No.19523378

That's a /pol/ tourist and probable shill. Somebody has been making threads with that video all day over there.

>> No.19523385

I'm interested but yeah this >>19523327

Overall housing related stocks don't seem like a bad mid-to-long term play

>> No.19523390


>> No.19523392
File: 66 KB, 1024x576, 1588108067521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy inuv


>> No.19523400

youre fast. ill likely capitulate tomorrow. the bear dump will commence next week after i enter

>> No.19523404





>> No.19523421

I'm not memeing. I don't invest more than I can afford to lose. If you don't have to pay rent with it you automatically gain a psychological advantage. That being said, I do invest most of my income. Once you get enough experience doing this you can separate emotions from trades. I think of it like a game basically and you can always make more money.

>> No.19523430

wtf with AAL?

>> No.19523439

$Eros is my comfy zone and $EEX is my go to under the radar waiting to pop

>> No.19523441
File: 12 KB, 249x294, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those REITs exploded on me on last couple of days. i also recommend getting on this

>> No.19523446
File: 1.02 MB, 1436x1080, picard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Airlines baby, airlines. If you didn't buy into AAL recently wait for another dip to get in, no sense in buying now. avoid the FOMO.

>LTM if you got balls

>> No.19523449

Fucking GE and F have been killing it.

>> No.19523451

next week I guarantee red

>> No.19523455

it wasn't very retarded though was it? any moron could see it coming so why didn't you?

>> No.19523456
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I have, and this is my broker, she specializes in raping the heritage of indigenous peoples" for profit, and coincidentally in nuru massage, whatever that is.

>> No.19523461
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, 1590799973505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

News this morning about increased demand for summer flights, AAL ramping up flight offerings accordingly. Shorties squeezed, delicious green juices flowed.

>> No.19523470

Just like betting everything on green isn't retarded since it's bound to eventually come out.

>> No.19523471

fellow SSLbro what's happening to it after hours im worried

>> No.19523479
File: 138 KB, 793x634, tgtx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TGTX gets $60 price target from Evercore ISI

>> No.19523483
File: 11 KB, 72x72, 1587936489333.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've learned a lot since starting March, but I feel pretty damn dumb. 2 long call pools I have in July are now no bid and it's literally the worst fucking thing. I'm confident it will recover, but I don't know when. I'm wanting to roll forward, but if no one is going to buy my bags, I'm basically fucked. I'm down almost $2k out of 4 after having quite a few victories in April that I was proud of at the time.
I can still pay rent. I'm not completely destroyed. Appreciate the words senpai.

>> No.19523485

ACMAN buying more QSR
Looks like a good price, will they benefit from the reopening?

>TGTX pumping afterhours
>shill isn’t here
Too bad.

>> No.19523490

You bought at .65 didn't you?

>> No.19523491

Literally a flat line after hours, still way up for the week

>> No.19523493
File: 254 KB, 700x990, EZQ0yeaVcAA4wBU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im right here buddy

>> No.19523498

IVR is like 95% commercial lending I believe, business is starting to pick up again in the states up again and as a result the money must flow

>> No.19523502
File: 89 KB, 932x834, sun-in-thesky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, what's this?

>> No.19523505 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 640x480, 8C25FE57-977A-4991-811E-F2026321BCE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, i invest in only the finest first civilization antiquities

>> No.19523506
File: 1.32 MB, 1100x1531, BAECD971-B37E-4644-BB66-3FBF05044013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit speak of the devil!
Tempted to buy more but...
Well you see what happened to the people who bought EVFM afterhours on the fda approval?

>> No.19523559

um yeah nice cope but no it would be more like betting on red and black at the same time except they both paid out the green value. admit you're retarded and a bad trader

>> No.19523563
File: 2.16 MB, 4032x3024, B9F7AB7F-3FBB-4DB1-8649-8DDA55FAC6DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking these riots are resonating well with moderate voters.

>> No.19523564

Anon let it go. I also fell for the tanker meme, it's not going up. Just buy DAL and call it a day

>> No.19523580

you're right, thanks for the reassurance fren. do you think this OPEC+ meeting thats supposed to happen soon will be good for SSL ?

>> No.19523581

Glorious description. Damn, I can only imagine the pain and joy that such a spike caused. I totally missed it due to a heavy workload (first time in weeks).

>> No.19523585
File: 38 KB, 664x438, 0a0371e53aac1c696235a277fb162503cc36443bcf0d9028d3ca8789d5f5eb8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still time to buy moderna before their vaccine is released
Unless you retards really think the virus came from bat soup and not the research lab, Moderna has the advantage in the race for a cure because they have the original inert coronavirus from Pilbright that the Chinese stole and modified. Having a more full picture of the virus's evolutionary path allows for an advantage in developing an RNA answer to it.

>> No.19523591

When did you sell?

>> No.19523599


Oooof these posts get me so erect. We are so close now, once the last to retards defect from team bear, that's when the market crashes.

Same shit happened when I called the bottom and there were only a handful of bulls left. They. Need. Capitulation.

>> No.19523610
File: 503 KB, 1013x1072, 1557063780307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I normally cash in at consolidation periods and look elsewhere but none of these recovery stocks are slowing down at all

I'm bored with money locked up mooning without being able to move it between stocks... It's a weird mindset

>> No.19523613

any you recommend that still have upside to it?

>> No.19523615

there's so fucking much cash on the sidelines... it would be quite the capitulation

>> No.19523630
File: 62 KB, 1188x470, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant fucking sleep. i dont need money but fuck im not normal to this kind of gains

>> No.19523631

I feel like such a cuck only having 11 shares of IVR and seeing you have 354

just fuck my shit up famalam

>> No.19523650

I expect Trump to win about 43 states

>> No.19523659

Bought calls expecting it to rise to at least 15. DHT was being shilled here extremely hard with people saying it was going to go 20+.Lost a couple grand.

>> No.19523680

Wtf is up with Luckin Coffee?? I'd buy some of that if they aren't total shit

>> No.19523685

Fair enough. Appreciate how humble you are. What's your current YOY, or did you start this year like me?

>> No.19523693

IVR is going to continue going up, it got massively oversold in the preceding weeks. The only real problem I can see is that they're paying 90% of the next dividend in stocks, which will dilute it. This in mind, each stock still has a dividend of $2 annually so if they keep it up it could make a pretty decent dividend stock

>> No.19523706

>IVR is going to continue going up
Any reason why though??

>> No.19523717
File: 91 KB, 720x712, 07AFDA17-23C1-4938-97DD-D54EA0A35B8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im so fucking deep into GNUS. I will unironically be financially ruined if it doesnt go up

>> No.19523723

don't worry about that my dude. it's still fucking low due to covid.

>> No.19523726

Aren´t they to be delisted?

>> No.19523730


>> No.19523731

Why does the US gov tax you more if you don't hold the stock for a year? Why should they care how long I hold a stock?

>> No.19523734
File: 3.78 MB, 300x300, 1558409327581.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the reason they ring a bell every morning to start the session?

>> No.19523750

shill me USO plz

>> No.19523757


>> No.19523770

Yeah I was just reading about that. Sounds like a really bad time to buy them actually

You might want to fucking sell that LK shit man

>> No.19523781
File: 1.51 MB, 2989x2472, 6483C1D5-DA53-4389-A530-F577BB24D62D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tempted to buy some right now to flip tomorrow...

WHEN THE FUCK IS TRUMP GONNA SIGN THE PPP EXTENSION BILL??? I’m worried he’s waiting to do something that hurts markets first, like something about China.

1 post, and it’s completely off topic.
Why is pol the biggest niggers of them all? Always going where they’re not wanted and picking fights.

>> No.19523800

>because it got massively oversold in the preceding weeks
And also, as businesses start up they'll need loans, 95% of IVR's business is commercial lending

>> No.19523810

Taxes are a form of coercion.
They don't want you to trade, they want you to hodl.

>> No.19523812

is there any chance at all of IVR going bankrupt or nah

like what's the worst case scenario plausible here

>> No.19523829

may i coom to this image?

>> No.19523832


>> No.19523834

Just bought 45 shares worth because I ran my limit for the moment, what am I in for? Looks pretty good.

>> No.19523835

An earnings report "came out" on some news site that gave everyone hype. Turns out that earnings report actually isn't even real and the SEC nor NASDAQ doesn't have anything on record yet.

>> No.19523842

Worst case scenario is businesses being put into lockdown again, that would probably kill IVR, but I doubt that's going to happen as the US is very based

>> No.19523850
File: 757 KB, 754x918, E5528743-72D4-4752-8CB5-288A3BCB0188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry xmas!

>> No.19523855

You don't think they would close shit up again if there's a second spike in cases?

>> No.19523857

It's going to go up, but dividend payment is going to be rocky. There is going to be share dilution, but the way things are going I don't think it will be a huge deal

>> No.19523876

in for sweet gains

>> No.19523879
File: 1.05 MB, 3967x2645, 150910_CB1 (3)_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, /biz/, for saving the airlines

>> No.19523884

>tfw went all in on $PD

What the fug, bros. I thought this was guaranteed to moon.

>> No.19523898

How much cash would be good to throw at it?

>> No.19523900

Oof. I'm still down two grand with my tanker position, was more, but was able to swing a little profit with the last pump. Have stocks though, so i'm gonna bag hold until the end of the universe. Lesson learned, I guess.

>> No.19523908

If the authorities don't shut everything down, it will shut down naturally when everyone either locks themselves in their homes or goes out and gets sick at the same time. If the rioting is still going on, who the fuck is going to want to risk going to work when all services are stretched to their limit and you could be left with no police/medical aid after being ambushed by a wild pack of niggers on the way to work? Every major city is going to have to button up again in a week or two, either dictated by policy or by panic.

>> No.19523917

how does
becoming 50-100k

>> No.19523927

My order is in to buy calls when market opens. Godspeed IVR.

>> No.19523945

I honestly doubt that any rioting will continue for that long, it's already fizzled out in a lot of places

>> No.19523949

Wait for other opec members to tell russia/sa to eat shit over the weekend.

>> No.19523953
File: 676 KB, 700x900, CC7359C1-6F6C-4BF5-9800-5B7D97491237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any idea what smacked it down from $21? Just profit taking or was there a catalyst?

>> No.19523956

>100% success rate
>significant financial gain

sounds like bullshit.

>> No.19523993

I'm doubtful as well, but nothing would surprise me at this point. It's like anything can happen this year.

>> No.19524022
File: 483 KB, 1080x508, Screenshot_20200604-190805_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, halp!

Whatta hell is this?

This is the first time I ever see this warning when trying to sell.

I don't have a margin account. I just use my own money.

Is this really a minimum margin requirement to have a certain amount of stock at all times?

>> No.19524041

Started this year in early January, about 3% up overall. At my lowest I was down about 50%. Made most of my money back with SPY calls and holding bank stocks. I got fairly lucky to catch some big waves i'll admit.

I respect it. The way I rationalize it is that the money I could gain back by bagholding would be better spent trying to get gains from putting it into safer stocks.

>> No.19524060

Is this photo from 2001? Oof if so.

>> No.19524062

It means a stock is so fucked that it has special rules for margin trading.

If you're not margin trading you don't need to worry about margin requirements.

>> No.19524075

It's Chinese paper mache.

>> No.19524097

I believe you misinterpreted that... It most likely means special margin requirements, as in a restriction on buying shares with margin.
This is more common with stocks that have high volatility

>> No.19524109
File: 38 KB, 640x640, C5712718-80EB-4EED-B241-F4776415B9DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sold DHT today been holding bags for month took a loss. Bought UAL and DAL and have almost gained my losses from DHT back. Let it go anon it is ok.

>> No.19524118

>once the last to retards defect from team bear, that's when the market crashes
the stock market don't work that way anon

>> No.19524132
File: 493 KB, 1500x1375, IMG_20200603_232434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Thanks, anonitos. That's a relief.

I was trying to figure out why that would even be a thing.

Time to sell these bad boys and invest on what really matters

>> No.19524134

It does. He never said it's BECAUSE the last bear capitulates that shit is crashing. The concept is simple: it's impossible for everyone to win all the time at the same time. Supply and demand.

>> No.19524149

What do you mean?? What's supposed to be happening?

>> No.19524154

i feel like ive seen posts like this for the last 10 weeks in a row

>> No.19524164
File: 239 KB, 1440x2557, Screenshot_2020-06-04-19-19-43~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've got a long bull run ahead

>> No.19524178
File: 266 KB, 633x472, firstandgrand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw its almost the weekend
how the fuck am i supposed to get through the day without constantly checking stocks

>> No.19524179

This really makes me think
Is there an onahole company that's publicly traded?

>> No.19524183
File: 73 KB, 540x720, 1583976468670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SPY red
>still up .75% without touching airlines

>> No.19524184

he said that the market crashes when everyone is bullish, but if you weren't a retard you could see the coronavirus crash happening from miles ahead

>> No.19524193

its possible for everyone to win if the fed is pumping in mad money retard

>> No.19524207

Can you guys suggest a platform for me to use to start getting into real trading? I've been simulating with imaginary money and I've got enough of a handle now that I don't mind starting to take risk with real money.

I'm from Canada so Robinhood sadly isn't an option.

>> No.19524210

And I thought tanker bros were psychotic.

What exactly am I shilling (for free)?

>> No.19524219

Wtf I thought it was friday

>> No.19524222

will aal dump tm

>> No.19524239
File: 100 KB, 520x520, Oh well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's definitely a reasonable alternative. Tankers are volatile things. Perhaps that's why i'm okay holding. I'm a degenerate gambler at heart. Made money on the side flipping SSL, EGLE, & LTM so I was able to satiate my desire to win some what.
One of these weeks it will be true though.

>> No.19524258

Only russia and saudis have been following production cuts. They are having a meeting over the weekend to try and whip them in line. Hopeful they call russia/sa american cock gobblers and flip them off, giving us oil cheapies

>> No.19524259

Almost everyone in the market is a retard at all times though, that's the point and that's how everyone bullish -> crash; everyone bearish -> pump happens.

>> No.19524261

i just know questrade is bad.
maybe use Qtrade? i havent heard anything bad about them. you should look up reviews

>> No.19524263
File: 536 KB, 534x590, 1589843525520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres information for covered calls next week June 9-12. This information is current as of close on June 4th.
This coming week there were very few promising earnings reports coming out, just 4. They are all rather bearish so I am thinking of selling deep ITM calls to protect from downside.

Ticker, Price, Rating, Strike, Premium as % of current price
PLAY 19.48, Bearish, 19.5C 12.3%
GME 4.47, Bearish, 4.5C 11.0%
CHWY 49.11, No rating, 49.5C 6.5%
PLCE 48.80, Bearish, 50.0C 6.3%

Previous weeks:
Week May 11-15 = +8.5%
DKNG +8.5%

Week May 18-22 = +2.0%
HPE -0.5%
HPQ +1.0% (Held)
FL +2.4%

Week May 25-29 = +1.5%
AAL +0.2% (Partial Hold)
JWN +3.3% (Held)
HPQ -6.7% (Held)
NTNX +4.0%
TNA +10.6% (Held)

Week June 1-5 (current)
HPQ +0.0% (Plan to close)
JWN +14.7% (Plan to close)
This week I used capital to purchase SWBI (+7%), VSTO (+1%), and CRWD (+4%). Plan to close CRWD, might close VTSO, planing to hold SWBI for earnings in 2 weeks.

>> No.19524264

What's the best way to time the dump for meme stocks?

>> No.19524266

I use questrade because they're relatively cheap for Canadians. Check out Interactive Brokers (Lite version). The latter is supposedly commission free but read the fine print.

>> No.19524274
File: 96 KB, 750x1104, 5D70B2D7-4F51-4F7B-81AC-A79CFB2E3454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone here made mad gains today
Anon.... i...

>> No.19524277
File: 10 KB, 226x250, 1366743287294s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If my goal was to make $3000 - $4000 this next week what should I throw money into? Already holding some SSL but might buy more

>> No.19524281

ibkr lite is only available in murrika, ibrk pro is cheaper than questrade but comes with infinite hidden costs.

>> No.19524283

>i just know questrade is bad.
It's fine.

>> No.19524286
File: 116 KB, 1200x630, att-time-warnerf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do hope that in all this green wave happiness you've not forgotten about Him and his fat divvy. HBO Max is out and I daresay is probability racking up the subscribers by the loads. Look at DIS+. It racked up 50 million subs in no time flat. Now I'm not saying lightning will strike twice but considering the ass loads of content buried in the Warner vaults and the loads of people bored outta their minds at home thanks to our virus friend, well... Add to that the divvy is fat, the yield is still fat, and the price per share is still cheap as hell and the divvy is very healthy indeed so no danger of any nasty cutting. Also 5G rollout U.S wide is gonna be happening soon..

>> No.19524295

Know when they reach the top.

>> No.19524302

>investing in 5G

someone tell him

>> No.19524316

>ibkr lite is only available in murrika
I didn't know that.
>ibrk pro is cheaper than questrade but comes with infinite hidden costs.
I figured. I was looking for something with no inactivity or monthly fees and such.

>> No.19524323

>He's back
How did AMRN work out for you?

>> No.19524329

did you FOMOd into GNU?

>> No.19524334
File: 9 KB, 273x185, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going 220 shares into IVR, also shared your pic with my friends and we all are getting on board. Thanks Anon.

>> No.19524335

I don't know what is objectively best in Canada. I have accounts with QTrade, Questrade and Royal Bank.

If I was going to pick one I would go with Questrade, particularly because it was by FAR the easiest and fastest to set up and it is . However, despite the claimed low fees I am finding that on almost every trade the total fees (fees+commission) are at least a little higher than I pay at RBC. This is particularly so when trading large volumes of shares - 10k shares @$0.06 costs like $18/trade on Questrade, or $10 on RBC. If you trade very small volumes (like <10) or are just buying/selling ETFs, then Questrade is cheaper.

Questrade's standalone trading platform is very nice if you intend on actively trading.

RBC has flat rates for all trades, which is nice, and has real-time streaming data for canadian markets.
Questrade has low commissions, but they pass on SEC fees to you which raises total costs. Questrade charges extra monthly for real-time streaming data.

>> No.19524347
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How’d you know?

>> No.19524361


there was no catalyst
it was just profit taking and shorters shorting

>> No.19524369

who's fat ass is this

>> No.19524382

All in on NKLA

>> No.19524387

I sold it back when the FDA approved it so I made out alright. A few trades and months later the virus dropped cheapies in my lap. Got in on MRO, made a bit, now I'm loaded in DAL for the road back to 58/63. Also bagged WFC and RTX thanks to the virus and did a bit of dcaing in my other positions.

>> No.19524396
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>If they show up at the masjid we're like, Yo, is Farrakhan here?

>> No.19524412
File: 1002 KB, 500x281, F66E6BC4-D983-4367-8FE4-315B0C99BE41.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SELL those??
Are you saying there’s a market for used onaholes, or are you doing some drop shopping thing?

>> No.19524421

Do they have anything going on aside from vaporware?

>> No.19524434

stop being irrational
yes, most of the time the market don't make sense, and that is the reason why you can't say that everyone bullish -> crash; everyone bearish -> pump happens
it's obviously going to crash again, maybe soon because everything is shit, but no one know when

>> No.19524437
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Reduce risk bros.

>> No.19524446
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anyone else going to invest based on omens?
ive been researching Roman augury. some tips for everyone:
- even numbered days are unlucky
- the 14th is especially unlucky
- the entire month of February is unlucky
- thunderclaps are bad luck
- if chickens are offered a treat and refuse, the omens are bad
- sneezing can be a sign from the gods (and we're in pollin season)
- left is evil; if you observe the sky and only see birds on the left side, the omens are bad
- hang a penis-shaped amulet around your neck to ward off the evil eye
- the kalends and ides of every month are special days for the gods; the day after the kalends and ides are particularly unlucky
But here's the real question. If a day is unlucky, does that mean the stock market will go down? Or does that mean my investments will go down? I'm inclined towards believing I should just avoid trading on unlucky days, but im thinking of experimenting with buying puts on opening at unlucky days.

>> No.19524453

Vaporware is about all it is now. No actual plant. No nothing other than an idea. So till they actually show that yes this works I'd be wary.

>> No.19524489

If someone shills something here, it's a bad omen.

>> No.19524528

I know these threads are full of perma bulls and nothingburger enthusiast but I thought I would let you know that coronachan is still a thing and we are starting to see a slow rise in cases again that will just become greater thanks to riots. not saying stocks will go down low, but just pointint that out.

>> No.19524543
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>> No.19524545

As soon as GNUS plays out, im dumping the rest of my current funds in etfs and holding every paycheck in preparation for the second domp

>> No.19524558

Monthly fee isn't that bad since it's credited against your commission costs (e.g. you make 10 trades a month and the fee is waived, or you can make transactions worth $5 and you pay only $5 extra on the month). Problem is they give you 0 data by default, and you have to purchased subscription for that; you pay extra every time you request a snapshot for a quote; you are forced into specific data plans and can't actually choose just those you want; low balance fees; etc.
Also their platform is extremely slow and buggy, so having realtime data is no better than having 1m delayed data anyway -- when you're lucky enough that it loads the candles less than 5 minutes after selecting the ticker.

>> No.19524580
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>> No.19524581

Zoom zoom zoom!

>> No.19524590

Hey buddy
I have a large bone here for you to examine

>> No.19524596
File: 110 KB, 1024x640, 1584661601892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i sell my 6 MSFT stocks and my 1 AMZN share and just buy up some tech ETFs for the long haul?

>> No.19524602

How about I dump you, OFF A CLIFF? Wait no, shit. You're already expecting that.

Uh-uh T-Trump said this is all just going to go away, Moderna has a vaccine that works! I'm sure of it!

>> No.19524608
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Guys I got bogged. Make KOSPI go up plz.

>> No.19524619
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>this being printed all over press
>Dave Portnoy shilling stocks to millions of his folllowers
>record Robinhood activity
>prevalent 'the prices are just forward looking 3-4 quarters' 'it's all priced in' narratives
>sudden emergence of youtube influencers who now talk about '10 BEST STOCKS TO RETIRE AT 30' 'MY PASSIVE INCOME PORTFOLIO' with thousands of views
I don't know if the ride is over. Just be careful lads. It strangely reminds me crypto euphoria in late 2017.

>> No.19524629

>you pay extra every time you request a snapshot for a quote;
What the hell? Yikes. I mash the snapshot quote button on questrade.

>> No.19524633


This autist has understood my teachings.

If you want an other hot take, buy baby stock option expiring in January.

Huge baby booms happen during 6 day blizzards, and even the most dead, lifeless, sexless marriages/relationships have resorted to cooooming in their wives raw to kill all this boredom that's gone on for months.

>> No.19524642

AMZN and MSFT are already long haul stocks, just stick with them, they're a large proportion of most tech ETFs anyway

>> No.19524648
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>Find $CTL while searching for dividend stocks
>about 10% div yield, a large-cap telecom company in coronatimes, decent P/E and P/B, seems like a slam dunk
>Check balance sheet from last year
>THIRTY FUCKING PERCENT of total assets is ""Goodwill""
>Without this absolute bullshit the stockholders equity is NEGATIVE $13B

Why the FUCK is this allowed? At the bare minimum, they shouldn't be able to list a positive P/B when their GAAP book value is COMPLETE bullshit. It makes filtering by P/B difficult too because they're not the only ones who do this.

>> No.19524660
File: 244 KB, 1366x2048, 6CE1C451-0542-4F24-A363-7349411E546C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prevalent 'the prices are just forward looking 3-4 quarters' 'it's all priced in' narratives
Where are you hearing this?
The analysts are FINALLY starting to capitulate, but my inner small spec is always screaming out about the risks, and how we’ve gone too far too fast, and how we’re “overbought” and probably going straight into a second blow-off top or whatever. Everyone is saying “be careful”

>> No.19524667

What have you heard that's bad? It's the one I tend to be getting recommended a lot so I was leaning that way.

>> No.19524669

Yeah, absolutely. Somebody was decrying a "passive income bubble" recently. But considering the huge volumes the big players contribute I still have to wonder how much retail can really move the market without a concerted effort a la a PnD. I'm very seriously considering liquidating all US assets in favor of foreign assets, but I'm going to have to do some research on current monetary policies among other things.

>> No.19524677

I honestly think that people are going to be willing to go to work and shop etc, even if a second wave hits. Not because they don't care, but because they're just not going to go visit grandma and grandpa for a while so they don't lose the fucking house.

This could also be a giant Chinese prank as well.
Oh no, I fink I have deadry supavirus~u, uh oh i bettah tear up some streets and rock peopre up so it don't go no whehre, oh noooo, deadry supabirus did get out, so sad, China rook so foorish. We make big oopsy, but we don't want you to know we make big oopsy, so we make a rittre bribe~u to officars. *wink* Oh no is deadry supabirus being detected? Oh werr it onry goes away if everybody a stay home and no pay birr because it gunna kill you okayu?

Oh no are your citizens a restress because dey can no a pay birru? Cuz a deadry supabirus? No, no, we didn't destabarize you we just make a oopsie.

>> No.19524693

I don't care. Just keep pumping my SOXL bags. Buy SOXL, SOXX, INTC, AMD, TSM, etc. Whichever you want just buy. I'm trying to retire off this shit and you guys can help make it happen

>> No.19524695
File: 89 KB, 983x834, 1578252879203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said I was going in hard on airlines on May 20th. On that day and the day after I received several 'lol ur dumb' type replies. I don't smug post much but I'm gonna smug post about this.

>> No.19524711

you deserve it

I called you an idiot and posted fud, specifically a tweet from a boeing analyst talking about how a certain (unnamed) airline was secretly going bankrupt

my bad

>> No.19524734

Thanks covered calls anon.
What do you think of doing calls 2 weeks before earnings and then 2 or more weekly calls? I feel it might capture more upside.

>> No.19524741
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Any free tools where you can input your divi stocks and it automatically lays out future payment dates in a visual layour? I don't wanna make an excel spreadsheet, you cant make me.
Also recommend cheap div stocks I guess

>> No.19524745

>record Robinhood activity
Not just record activity, but the trading patterns are batshit insane like the pile-in to Hertz. We are definitely in the euphoria stage of a bubble. It seems like the Fed printing has been like cryptos being heavily mined/popping up pre-mined to enable pumping and dumping.

>> No.19524748
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post progress bros
this one is for the OILCHADS

>> No.19524750
File: 1.19 MB, 850x1192, EF4F92E8-3E20-4B09-8F11-C22062C1F059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I thought you was pretty reckless going in on that jets etf. I don’t know how your TA works so I said it was too risky for me. Congrats making the big money, I’ve been active for over a year and I’m still making up for early mistakes.

Enjoy your many loonies. I hope you can buy yourself a nice Toronto-chinese uterus.

>> No.19524767

Not that I know of. You have to go through each company one by one and pluck out the div dates and chart them. It’s all an approximation anyways and they can vary by a week or two when they are actually paid out.

>> No.19524773

>What have you heard that's bad?
They have a subreddit and you can look for complaints there. I have a TFSA account on it and it's fine.

>> No.19524775

New here. So what's the deal with Dave Portnoy streaming the market opening every morning? And he's almost always up hundreds of thousands of dollars? Is that just in after-hours trading?

>> No.19524778

I did get slightly bogged on the Air Canada portion of the trade. Air Canada did a dilutive cash raise last week and, as per personal trading rules, I dump companies that do that immediately. Turns out it didn't matter as AC got sector uplift anyway. The long was mostly JETS and a little individual AC so I'm not too bothered.

>> No.19524808

he's a dipshit cokehead, just ignore his antics

t. Bostonian who is sick of Portnoy and Simmons various bullshit

>> No.19524820

The truth is we all have different opinions about this shit because we don't know anything about it. So we take it one day a time. Will it get worse in 2 weeks? 3 weeks? 3 months? Maybe. Maybe not. Thats all we know. The thing is peoples' minds are 100% controlled by the media. There was a lot of fear mongering in March and April. The food chain is breaking!!! Millions are going to starve! Corona stays on the surface for 2 weeks!!! One powerful sneeze can fatally infect 10 people within 30 feet!!! Now they completely switched their attention to the riots and barely mention corona in the headlines as if it just disappeared. But nothing has changed. But people feel more relaxed and are more willing do go out and do things.

>> No.19524836
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It's a start.. The last one,VISL, I may end up having to dump. We'll see what happens tomorrow.

>> No.19524855
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>> No.19524861
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Looks great, anon. Keep going

>> No.19524867

What’re you gonna do with your winnings?
What was your system like?

>> No.19524879

it's definitely a real thing, it's just not a serious one. If anything the value of corona is highlighting how unprepared the US is for an actual designed bioweapon. Whether it leads to concrete change in US health infrastructure is another thing entirely.

>> No.19524885

>90% of the next dividend in stocks
Wait a second what does that mean?

>> No.19524892
File: 53 KB, 702x681, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awesome, i hope i can end up where you are some day

>> No.19524895
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Is SSL a buy?

>> No.19524900

I've been considering switching two weeks as well. It seems like stocks start to rise at around that times in anticipation of earnings. However, I'm not hesitant due to the high volatility of the market. It means you'll have to hold on that much longer. Even if you're doing covered calls, you generally want the stock to go up, it simply protects you if it goes down. Just be careful about getting greedy. Its better to take a 2% gain and lose out on a 10% earnings pop than to take a 8% gain only to get slaughtered by a 12% crash.

>> No.19524916

Wait really? Ive heard cases are shooting up while people are acting uninterested in socoal distancing at the same time which could lead to a second lock down. I dont want to get left bagholding.

Any idea on the time frame should a second wave occur. What to look out for?

>> No.19524921

Sweet Vishnu, the absolute size of that toilet. Pavarti forgive me for lusting over this rump.

>> No.19524931

Yes SSL is a great buy

>> No.19524971

Truth be told, I could see a case for the 1-2 punch of cases going vertical in 2 weeks (from protests/riots) followed by the media overhyping bad Q2 earnings + maybe throw a bankruptcy in there (yeah it's "priced in" but maybe with enough big-time FUD and a name-brand bankruptcy retail bulls could be shaken) causing another smaller selloff. That said, I think at this point any dip will be bought until the economic impact starts to hurt middle- and upper middle income people.

>> No.19524994

I mean if people are gathering in swarms right now I'd give it two weeks to see another spike. I think it's inevitable and I'm not even a stock market guy - what do you think all the people tossing billions of dollars around every day think is going to happen? I hate the "it's priced in" meme but honestly it has to be at this point unless the people running the show are absolute mongoloids

>> No.19524999

Sweet, DAL hit 32.84 in after hours. Bodes well for friday don't it.

>> No.19525017

When you start seeing them here

>> No.19525018

just buy the dip

>> No.19525042
File: 108 KB, 960x960, 1586727678253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mass reports the protestors/rioters starting to get hit with covid and hitting hospitals
>most people wont give a shit because they brought it on themselves
god the chinks are based

>> No.19525043

current bubble is honestly driven by the fact that there aren't good alternatives to the stocks. let's say you're a boomer investor. where do you put your money?
bonds: fucked by low interest rates. basically losing money.
real estate: crashed, then had false resurrection. prices only went up because sellers constricted supply. they can't hold out forever. real estate will gradually bleed out as these sellers reluctantly re-enter the market.

Either you get scammed by real estate or scammed by bonds.
So the only other options are cashgang or stocks. And people prefer growing their money to sitting on it, so they're picking stocks

>> No.19525069

Why is SSL climbing? What did they do?

>> No.19525070 [DELETED] 
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Less people for welfare

>> No.19525073

Are you seeing reports of this yet? I've been waiting

>> No.19525079

Good point lol, we would have been obliterated if this was an actual planned bio-attack with SARs level mortality.

Early in this crisis I was thinking healthcare stocks would probably dump after the pandemic, but I do wonder now if this will be the catalyst for a sustained multi-year glut of healthcare spending as the US attempts to get its shit together. Deep down I doubt it, but you never know, maybe shared recognition of how much of a clusterfuck this all was will be enough to get congress to agree on some kind of action.

>> No.19525082

is anyone buying more HLX or should I just hold, me no know what to do

>> No.19525087

>let's say you're a boomer investor. where do you put your money?
in products I buy

>> No.19525101

>most people wont give a shit
oh they will since the hospitals will be overrun and that will affect thousands of people needing a surgery etc.

>> No.19525109

Refineries resume production in South Africa this week, and they're getting close to finishing a new chemical plant in Louisiana. Target price is like $26 so I'd get in now

>> No.19525111

Yeah, but the impact is already made. I don't expect highly impacted areas like metropolitans to recover fully with the immediacy that seems to be priced in at the moment. On top of it there are just so many unknowns. Further bailouts and increasingly desperate monetary policy? Resorption of the workforce and the velocity of it? Relapse in Fall? US domestic and foreign sociopolitical turmoil?

All the projections look bad and we've yet to really even see the tangible impact that all of this is going to have. With PPP, and the stimulus we've slowed the action, but unemployment bonus is coming to an end soon. And even with all those combined factors alongside infinite QE, I really wonder if we've even seen anything. Freight and air traffic are down substantially to this day. DXY is falling rapidly. The Fed is driving psuedo-malinvestment into junk bonds. Meanwhile, if I'm reading it correctly corporate profit has totally fucking stagnated since 2012, but equities have skyrocketed since which is nonsensical, though there is some degree of levity deserved there, although historically profit and price should grow hand in hand. Perhaps, more importantly, on a fundamental level - given the current scenario unfolding - corporate debt is insane. Many companies are designed simply to burn cash and despite this demand a heavy premium in the market for their growth, something that cannot be sustained ad infinitum.

>> No.19525112

Since there's been some loosening of restrictions along with sentiment turnaround already for Memorial Day, your first indicator is to watch new case totals over the next week. Also look for news stories about Memorial Day clusters blooming. These factors would mean that an even larger increase is on a slight delay from the interval between Memorial Day and the near disregard of distancing that has resulted from the riots.

Really though, just get ready to dump the first time the market makes a big swing down. Even in March we didn't get a triple circuit breaker close of markets. As long as you keep paying attention, you will be able to drop your bags before the herd does. The more negative signs you see, the more closely you need to watch and the more defined your exit strategy has to be.

>yeah it's "priced in"
Nothing is priced in right now. The people driving this rally are basic bitch retail investors chasing easy gains. Again, look at Robinhood and the Hertz frenzy. High spec investors are the least in participation in this rally, meaning that the people who actually do the research to price things in are moving in the opposite direction of the herd.

>> No.19525122
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trading is a supplementary income for me. Winnings go back in to the fire. As for system, I use an indicator based TA procedure with some FA to determine which stuff I want to mess around with, which is 2 spicy 4 me, which has limited upside etc. TA has final say on whether I buy or sell.

I also went long on Canadian banks last week. The USD dropping was a happy surprise after I entered. Hopefully that trend sticks. It's been a long time since the CAD had par with USD. Dunno if it can manage it this time but that'd sure be swell.

>> No.19525141

there are a lot of dangerhair whales looking for a pat on the back because they burned more calories walking downtown than they have in the past year and rioting nogs but I don't think their numbers will be enough to overwhelm hospitals

>> No.19525145
File: 3.85 MB, 350x331, corona_pump.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throw brick, get sick.

>> No.19525162

Just swinging by for the 4th time today to tell you all fuck you. Glad I ignored you fucking idiots and I bought DAL BA UAL

>> No.19525174

I’m going in tomorrow

>> No.19525198

most of the protesters A)don't have health insurance or have a terrible copay B)are young and C) unemployed/furloughed
they are highly unlikely to die from COVID, many won't even get symptoms, at most a few days of flu-like, and couldn't afford to go to the hospital unless suffering life threatening symptoms, which they statistically wont get

>> No.19525216

Leftists are by nature weaker constitution than the general population. I think they have more to worry about than you realize

>> No.19525224

Keep in mind to that gifts like this epic market shit/rebound don't happen every day. Oh sure you get down days but nothing like what took place happens often. The 2008 mess was bad but on the "shit" scale only one other thing matches it, the dump in 1929. Let that sink in. So you bought in march/april your looking at gains out the ass for your funds till your dead. Cause I don't think anyone here will still be kicking in 90 years. I know I won't be.

>> No.19525228

Thanks for the tip on GEO a few days ago also I need some sauce >19517297 on this

>> No.19525233

You aren't wrong but many of the people protesting think covid is the next black death so I wouldn't be surprised if they overreact to the coof.

>> No.19525242


>> No.19525243

What’s up with otso gold? I got 2500 shares am I gonna make it lads?

>> No.19525256

most of the protesters aren't the fat twitter sjws anon, those types are too cowardly to do something concrete in service of their politics. The protesters have to actually march for miles and carry signs, not tweet a hashtag and then eat a pizza to reward themselves

>> No.19525259

I just want SSL to make it through until next year, otherwise I can call it a wash

>> No.19525260

Oh jansjans deleted my meme because it was racist wow.

>> No.19525262

It's a zombie world out here, friend.

>> No.19525278

Any thought on BETZ? I'm thinking gambling will continue to gain popularity and legality in the US so it's a good 2-5 year investment.

>> No.19525282
File: 12 KB, 250x242, 1487561334002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guise, there is this stock called SNSS. Data will be out soon.™ You guise should buy it up before its to late!

>> No.19525296

the more I see posts like this from newfag "educated" traders the less confident I feel in the market. You can tell the new ones from when they start to puff their chests out like this. Im loving the gains ive made here but before you can hit sell tomorrow every cent you invested could be gone so try to stay humble young man

>> No.19525297


How long should I hold this one? Music industry doesn’t generate as much revenue outside of the live experience (Live Nation).

>> No.19525318

you are suppose to sell the news.

>> No.19525319
File: 874 KB, 1432x2034, _original drawn by kamui_(kamuikaoru) - 9c8bc5fe2a43940edd2588d93cbf56a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm out tomorrow, boys. I've put too much capital to work, and I'm hearing that the debt funds that scooped up loads of cheapies in March have dumped them all by about now.

Golden bull forever, but time to reassess and reallocate.

Beautiful! Would be ideal to have primary and supplemental income one day.

From what I've been hearing from the smartypants, it's a good time to be long Euro/USD, and Euro assets vs. US. I don't know about CAD/USD.

>> No.19525321

There will be an absolute shit ton of streaming revenue over the next decade. I bought a share yesterday but I think it will go down a bit before going up. They're a major player in the industry so if they keep their shit together I don't think it would be unreasonable to see their stock go over $100

>> No.19525334

>debt funds that scooped up loads of cheapies in March have dumped them
Where are you hearing this??

>> No.19525336

How did you determine a price target of $26 ? Did an analyst set that or something ? Don't get me wrong I'm all for it since I'm holding calls on SSL but I didn't expect it to reach those levels

>> No.19525339

>High spec investors are the least in participation in this rally
Assuming this is true and they're all sitting on the sidelines with cash like Buffett, wouldn't that be bullish up to a point? Like, if retail sentiment stayed "Corona is nothing, buy the dip" and big boy sentiment stayed "wait until uncertainty is resolved", wouldn't that actually mean no sell-off and facemelting green when big boys get back in? I'm not saying I'm hugely bullish on a 3-5yr timeline, I'm just saying I don't think it's guaranteed there will be a second dump in the short/medium term.

>> No.19525341

Pull back plox

>> No.19525351

9/11 was a Tuesday

>> No.19525355

Shit maybe I'm mixing it up with something else - trying to find a source for that now. Either way I'm seeing old price targets for ~$18 when it was ~$5

>> No.19525366
File: 191 KB, 842x577, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on container leasing?

>> No.19525370

good joke though
If you're curious:

>> No.19525381

Hey I'll take an $18 price target too, that's still great

>> No.19525387

Look at December levels. They had a fire in one of their plants in January that caused a leg down, then COVID and negative oil really fucked them. Assuming Pre corona levels, SSL can hit $20 easily. Maybe the successful project that is 99% complete can push to $25

>> No.19525388


>> No.19525391

Just went full cash. I am fully OK if this goes up more. But the big stocks are already past their pre-covid ATH. This is the end of the line IMO. I am OK if I am wrong though I have made a shit ton over the last decade. I am taking the profit I have and will reconsider investing again in a few years if we see a 50% or more correction from these levels. Still holding bitcoin and gold though.

>> No.19525401
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>> No.19525402

Ah yes aren't you the original SSL bro? Good stuff so far man, hoping it keeps it up

Right? Honestly one of the best looking cheaper buys I've seen talked about on here

>> No.19525413

>implying I won't just buy more cheapies on Monday

>> No.19525422

Yes, I really shilled hard Last week at 5 On Friday before the huge pump for 3 days in a row. No one listened then, same thing since 1.60. It’s okay lol. Just let time take it’s course, give it a couple months as oil and energy are recovering

>> No.19525426

I've worked in the industry as a music studio engineer. Never been in the room for contract negotiations between artists and execs but I know that (ignoring recent covid fuckery) the music industry is surprisingly profitable and has been for a few years, and the execs of major studios didn't want that to get to the artists as they pay them pennies for spotify streams. Young artists are learning that they need to maintain control of their streaming rights and merch, and are entering negotiations with big labels with this in mind. There will always be the random 19yr old girl who's willing to blindly sell off every bit of her worth to an unread contract and rakes in 100s of millions for music labels but I don't see the long term growth when bands can cut me a check for $2k, get a high level album recorded in a week, and control every part of the cashflow without ever interacting with a major label.

>> No.19525432

You know the only two movie studios that still retain ownership of all their music and labels/acts are Sony and Disney. The others sold theirs off. WMG used to be owned by Warner bros back before Time Warner sold the division. Be sweet if WMG was brought back into the Warner fold as it were. Then then entire Warner family would be whole again.

>> No.19525436

BTC and the market have looked almost identical for the last three months, why would you cash out of one but not the other?

>> No.19525440
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The market won't be crashing anytime soon

>> No.19525446

Based SSL chad who I owe many thanks for this week's gains to

>> No.19525448

Thanks everyone.

>> No.19525451 [DELETED] 

Alibaba has grown at a significantly slower rate over the last five years than Amazon and Shopify. Is this due to the large percentage of the Chinese population that lives on dirt compared to North Americans? And if so, can we expect Alibaba to be trading at $700-$1000 a share five years from now as China gets more wealthy? I'm also concerned that the market is already too fractured with Pinduoduo and JD.com.

TL;DR is Alibaba going to explode like Amazon and should I buy some?

>> No.19525465


Because i still want to make money if bitcoin moons.

>> No.19525478
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>> No.19525482

Shill me ssl ill go all in on calls rn

>> No.19525494

>bands can cut me a check for $2k, get a high level album recorded in a week
I'm also a music industry cat and I know for a fact that $2k is on the very low end of what high level recordings cost nowadays. Not saying it can't be/isn't done but a lot of high level producers are charging like $10k+ for an album. That's a ton of money for indie artists so in reality a lot of them are getting sizable advances from small labels who are in actuality being bankrolled by one of the major labels. I don't think WMG will moon hard or anything but I do see a lot of potential for them to wring streaming dollars out of every possible nook and cranny going forward.

>> No.19525499

I think they could just jump in and short en masse which would be a catastrophe for retail. This is a real possibility

>> No.19525501
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>34 different equity and ETF's I hold across 4 different accounts
>Also 9 option positions, some with multiple contracts

uhhhh JPM podcast
>Opportunities in distressed credit amid the COVID-19 crisis
>Leander Christofides, CO-CIO and Portfolio Manager, Global Special Situations Group, discusses how the COVID-19 crisis has changed the opportunity set in the distressed/event-driven credit space.


>> No.19525519
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whoever said qep two weeks ago, thanks

>> No.19525522

>if retail sentiment stayed "Corona is nothing, buy the dip" and big boy sentiment stayed "wait until uncertainty is resolved", wouldn't that actually mean no sell-off
no, more dumb money means a more unstable market and a exponentially higher chance of bubble burst

>> No.19525536

>not going all in on GEO

>> No.19525538
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>> No.19525540
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Put/Call Ratio at 29th most overbought day in 20 years, a 0.60% frequency event.

>> No.19525564

Tell me about Warren Buffett, why did he sell the bottom?

>> No.19525574

He got really scared about AAL. And I think rightly so at the time he made the call.

>> No.19525576

Whats your play then? My fear is that this just keeps pumping then dumps at a random time in like september

>> No.19525582
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Uh yeah, I'm long volatility, my man. Hell is coming, heh.

>> No.19525590
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>bought as much stock in two REITs as I could near the bottom
>one REIT is up 20% today alone
>other REIT is up 26% today alone
>both are still less that 30% the value they were before the gookflu

Thanks China!

>> No.19525593

How do I get a 25% return?

>> No.19525598

You're looking at this wrong... Investing in antiquities is lucrative, but the massive expense and then of course the people whom are hired steal from you, the only people who "invest in archaeological artifacts" are the ones who just do the job of safekeeper. They invest themselves to time and management, but they love what they do, and are happy.... I've tried to talk about investing in antiquities in the past... I get laughed out of here, but legacy... the world after you're dead.... Everrybody want's iit better, and those who say it should be worse or harder.... they're just retarded.

>> No.19525602

go all in on dividend stocks and wait 50 years.

>> No.19525605

Suck 1/4 more dicks than yesterda.

>> No.19525618

Buy AAL yesterday, kek

>> No.19525626

Which REITs? I'm thinking of getting SPG but I think there is actual potential for some of these to die off. I'd rather find one that is newer if something like that is out there.

>> No.19525628 [DELETED] 

Getting scared lads. Bought a lot of calls. Sell some in case of a leg down tomorrow. Pumps more after hours after stagnating late during market hours. Reeeeeeeeeee those are some big gains I'll lose out on if stocks really do go back to normal. It was not a lot of buy calls (less than 10% of my position) but if stuff really goes back to normal this is potentially a lot of money.

At the same time I don't want to be greedy and stocks plummet tomorrow like they did the other week, two days in a row, for no good reason.

>> No.19525636

Maybe now people will stop worshipping billionaires like Warren Buffett and think for themselves? nah lmao

>> No.19525639

Moving into cash mostly and perhaps buying volatility till Monday.

>> No.19525656
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>Moving into cash mostly and perhaps buying volatility till Monday.

>> No.19525665

He never mentions his dad could basically pass laws to favor his investments. That always helps.

>> No.19525680

$2k was on the low end to make my point not to invest heavy to that anon, obviously if a 5+piece band comes in and isn't tightly rehearsed, knocking out multiple tracks a day that's gonna add days to the recording schedule and that equals more money to me. I'm just not confidant in the long term financial future of major music labels considering the intelligence of younger artists. We've got 16 year olds out here screaming in the face of label VPs and getting their way. Spotify is the only long term music stock I would recommend and that's pnly because I've heard their exec board plans to be extremely aggressive in the next 5 years, and they have the cash to do so

>> No.19525688

Tomorrow HAS to be RED guys

>> No.19525702

Ever since I left this board ive made so much

>> No.19525704

reits are generally trash... you have to understand what you're buying and the demographic, and make sure its a sustainable business you ignorant niigger.

>> No.19525715

futures are surging because you typed that

>> No.19525718

tomorrow green
next week second crash

>> No.19525729
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most of my stocks are cyclical, anyone have any good non-cyclical stocks for me to look into?

>> No.19525731

What do you think about hte possibility of a streaming service like Netflix just opening up and crushing spotify one day? I know youtube tried but they are too dumb to understand how to market it.

What is the point you are trying to make here fuckface? I asked a question.

>> No.19525741

>t. My ass

Great logic

>> No.19525761

Has to be a pull back soon, but I’ll bet we’re headed much higher.

>> No.19525773

Utilities are great, they dumped today too.
Can grab some XLU or look into individual picks.
Been personally shilling MSEX here but the electric utilities are the big boys with fat divs.

>> No.19525800

ok... go fuck your self too asshole.. I was giving an honest opinion.on some other anon's post... Thanks for being a fucking being that prick.

>> No.19525820

Oh wtf your nigger tripfag ass changed your trip. Time to filter you again. See you faggot and as always, kill yourself

>> No.19525837

new threaad pls

>> No.19525847

Why? We're still on page 4.

>> No.19525861

not going to tell you what to buy but, just look for reits that have low debt/income ratio and do research into the ones you find. i will say several mall reits are 50%+ under of their pre-covid values and stores keep opening up they will climb. as long as the news doesnt get to bad you can easily get a 20%+ return in the month or so. normally reits are sketchy but these times arent normal.

>> No.19525876

Who knows buddy but I’d advise against the banks. Interest rates at all time lows, housing prices feel bubbleish (look up house prices in Vancouver and Toronto) and Alberta the richest province is beyond fucked with oil.
It was the high oil prices that caused the high loonie back in 2010. 1.22 is the norm, 1.33 norm past 2 years.
Go rail lines if you want a steady cdn investment.

>> No.19525895

>crushing spotify
Too many services have tried and failed to monopolize the market in the last few years of the wild west of streaming, and that's allowed spotify to build a serious cash flow as the top dog, same as happened to netflix(spotify execs recently love to say they will be the netflix of "audio", not just music which is why they are aggressively buying podcasts like Joe Rogan and networks like The Ringer). Music is weird because the audience wants easy access to their library of favorite songs to relisten to, and don't want to split their library between 3 or 4 apps like they do with video, where they will watch a show once and move on. This is why spotify, google play/youtube music, itunes etc all have negotiated access to the same pool of music. The common consumer wants to bounce between varied artists in a single listening session, not listen to an entire album by one artist and switch between apps to do so. this failure to recognize what the customer wants is why Tidal failed despite having exclusive rights to the biggest artists' new albums. normies just learned how to pirate in response.

>> No.19525921

Bought 100k of MFA today. Shit looks undervalued.

>> No.19525932
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So what are we buying tomorrow? What are some riotnigger proof stocks?

>> No.19525966 [DELETED] 

>reits are sketchy
How so?

>> No.19525969

Someone post a new thread. I have a shitpost I wanna throw out but I need max return on (You)’s

>> No.19525986 [DELETED] 

Wtf!? During the pump? Lemme see your position that sounds dangerous if you bought during the pump but hey i have no idea where these stocks are going.

>> No.19525989

I gotchu breh 1 min

>> No.19526005

gotcha thanks

I haven't thought of that aspect of consumers with music, makes sense.

>> No.19526010
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>> No.19526030


new bred


>> No.19526041
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>Biggest financial bubble of our life time

>> No.19526137

I was on a stock screener, looking for something down 66% over 200 days but up 10% in 50 days. It came up, I did buy near the top at 2:30, but I figure it’s going to 5.40 by next year.

Did the same with PLAY yesterday and it pumped another 20 today. I hate FOMO but if the stocks already way below the norm is it a bad idea to buy into pumps?