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19522809 No.19522809 [Reply] [Original]

I have 100k ADA, will I make it? and when? I'm assuming that the staking will be 7% return so ADA needs to be 10$+ for me to stop working. Should I up my holding to 250k ADA?

>> No.19522870

The more the better
100k is a good stack
250k is better ofc lmao
Im in the same boat anon I will for sure end up with more than 100k cardanos but dont know if closer to 200k or 100k

>> No.19523321

It'll be $40 by 2025. You'll be just fine OP.

>> No.19523668

Up your holdings to 250,000 Ada for sure.

Notice the noise on Cardano lately? Now imagine when you start seeing the McCann marketing in full effect.

>> No.19524170

If you can. Up to 250K. That shit is starting to get interesting. You can get your passive income working at 4$ per ADA.
But more important you will be getting bigger staking rewards, which is just faster compounding.
Also if you need 4$ to stop working. It means that 2$ is 50% no working. And at 1$ a 1+ free day a week. Which you can invest in building wealth, happiness, skill building.
Also that freedom will be compounding.

>> No.19524246

I’ve been in Cardano for years. This happens every year. They make a minor announcement and people get excited, start shilling and the price pumps a few cents. IT ALWAYS CORRECTS LOWER. PS: smart contracts are still 2 years away.

>> No.19524385

Dude, how can you be in Cardano for two years, and say this. It is not minor announcements
Shelley launch. Date Known
MnCann Rebranding end of month.
Coinbase NDA signed.
Smart Contract are already around for ages. Just not on mainnet, as shelley first. But they are close to ready for integration. I expect Q3.

Here is a one year old review. Stellar review i might add. Of the Cardano Smart Contracts.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvaFFSqyVwM [Embed]

They are already building application on it. Its just not connected to mainnet yet.

If you are serious that you have been in ADA for two years, really read up. Don't miss out on something you were part of.

>> No.19524438

He’s fudding this. Same copy and paste from other threads

>> No.19524484

They must be desperate

>> No.19524485

It’s like this every time. It’s easy to reason yourself into believing it. It’s not time for the moon mission yet. That will come when smart contracts hit MainNet and developers learn the ENTIRELY NEW LANGUAGE to build on it, and it is offered on Coinbase. That is at least 1.5 years and it will get dumped hard before that. It’s market cap is also so high it can’t do anything without a proper GBR. That has to happen first and ADA won’t get a piece of that unless it’s on normiebase when it happens.

>> No.19524946

I'm holding 120,000 cardano. I'll probably increase this to 200,000 in the next week. It's my whole portfolio right now. It's looking too bullish right now so i'm going to ride it for some gains and sell around when Shelley launches and perhaps rebuy after correction. I think Cardano could rise maybe another 50% in a month, maybe more. But it'll probably dump after just like everything else in crypto that pumps

>> No.19524973

>tfw 18k stacklet

>> No.19525080

I am also all in. Tough really keep following the development of fundamentals. Obviously crypto rises and falls etc. But I dont see ADA really dump after shelley, as we can all start staking after shelly. Imagine 60-80% of the coins taken off the market. While also coinbase launch increasing demand.

>> No.19525142

it will be over bought in the hype and then it will sell off. Still good long term coin but personally im going to try to sell at peak hype

>> No.19525263

It would be cool to do that. How are you going to try and call the top?

>> No.19525420

I only hold 25,000 Ada...but that’s only 20% of my folio

>> No.19525434

Any stack is a nice stack. And when 1$, that 25000$.

>> No.19525467

1% will bring it close to eth mcap. 30-50c is more conservative

>> No.19525621

>samefagging intesifies

>> No.19525711

I'm confident in Cardano's future success. But this is fucking retarded. Are you the same anon from the other day who couldn't understand market cap?

>> No.19526574

crypto isn't even at 1T marketcap yet anon. maybe that might be hard to conceive right now but a lot can happen in 5 years. cardano has the potential to bring much needed confidence and credibility to the crypto space for institutional investors. eth is like the beta-test for proof of work with smart contract capacity and it proved that like btc it becomes more centralized and less efficient over time. cardano will be offering what eth 2.0 is promising but in 3 months rather than 2-3 years. so $40 ADA is about 1-2T marketcap which is completely achievable in 5-10 years, if not sooner. look how crazy 2020 has been so far, you're gonna tell me you can't see another 2017 style bullrun happen when people lose confidence in the current monetary system? if we have a run on crypto again it's gonna be twice or three times as big as 2017 at a minimum. cardano can get into the top 5 by then and a lot of that money will come into it just based on that fact alone.

>> No.19526682

This is such bullshit. A product that collapsed 99% does NOT bring confidence to institutinal investors. You people are delusional as fuck

>> No.19527299

institutional investors aren't looking at ADA token price, they're looking at the quality, security and decentralization of the blockchain you fucking mook

>> No.19528515

This lol
First anon not dumb as fuck in this mooboy threads
I like how retards like you allways double down than triple down on insane levels of dumb fucking thesis

>> No.19528579

this is what happens when you spend your entire existence staring at charts and speculating on shitcoins. why do you think a bio stock pumps like crazy when they announce something like a coronavirus vaccine? do you think investors are looking at the stock price 2 years ago before the vaccine was created or announced and thinking to themselves, "well, i would invest but two years ago they went from $1 to .50..." you really have to be the biggest retard on biz.

>> No.19528600
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Dont forget to account for the reparation tax on all transactions charlie will be adding shortly. We need to pay them back for building us up.

>> No.19528784


>> No.19528879

Quadriple down
Thank you mister anon

>> No.19529911

staking is going to be more like 10-13%. do the marh based on that

>> No.19529935
File: 57 KB, 594x439, 74B44C4A-33BD-4790-9D42-818E2F081310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

horseahit anon. this doesn't (((always happen))) and smart contracts are this year. how heavy are your mETH bags?

>> No.19529980
File: 65 KB, 1200x514, F30AB1D4-6344-4D97-B78F-D13D47A9396E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haskell developers will have to learn haskell
>non haskell devs who are domain experts who will use the drag and drop interface to assemble secure financial smart contracts will need to learn haskell to use a drag and drop interface
how stupid can you be anon?

>> No.19530017
File: 16 KB, 633x758, 4B70D8E4-7D4B-4882-80B9-930CB30DD404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohhhh so salty and fearful. your desperation fud is bullish as fuck. thanks for the buy signal.
>confidence in the security, stability, performance and future of the network