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19516738 No.19516738 [Reply] [Original]

You will now FOMO.

>> No.19516865

I fomod at 0.019 still holding

>> No.19516875


>> No.19516918

I really done goofed on this one. I was around for the STA V2, I had 100 and something thousand of them. I stopped browsing for a few days and then came back on the day of the new dump. I was so fucking mad that I only got 25% or whatever it was of the new coin, and I was shit fucking fed up with uniswap. So I didn't buy back when it was day zero of v3.

Fucking. Hell. I literally had 10 eth in metamask to put in it. But I didn't cause I thought they were fucking cunts for only giving me 25%.

Biggest mistake of my life. I hope all of you make it, and I'll make sure to catch the next link. Godspeed, so you all at 10$

>> No.19516989

sorry anon i don't buy your bags

>> No.19517188

Fomo’d at 0.008

>> No.19517214


>> No.19517634

it;s not too late anon

>> No.19517742 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19517770

its not too late. its still sub 10c. buy back in? still plenty of gains to be had

>> No.19517805

Already did fomo in at .0012

>> No.19517849

RIP the dude in the telegram who sold 700k of his 750k stack

>> No.19517858


It's up 5000% over 7 days. It's gonna crash soon. Probably around 0.1

>> No.19517883

Infinite pump as long as people keep adding liquidity to the pool.
Simple as
Go all in with everything you have.

>> No.19517884 [DELETED] 

fuck yes

>> No.19517893

coingecko graph sucks. also someone cashed out 30k$ like 10 minutes ago, we just did 8.5c > 5c > 9.7c. This cannot fail. get in before you turn away and we're at 15 cents already

>> No.19517899

dude, put a few ETH back in. this hasn’t even been covered in the normiesphere. it’s going to 10x minimum

>> No.19517925
File: 5 KB, 650x32, STA gains 04062020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keeping hoping anon
im currently comfy af

>> No.19517999

When are you going to dump?

>> No.19518059

I'm looking forward to this being updated

>> No.19518060

I will put a few eth back in when I get home. I meant crash at 0.1 so I can buy in lmao.

Really happy for you fren. Keep till $10 and you will unironically have made it, to the moon. I can't believe I didn't invest back on day zero cause I was pissed off at the airdrop. This is like investing in bitcoin at $10, except you know it's bitcoin at $10

>> No.19518115

im not :)
lil take profit 50c and 1$

>> No.19518166


Why dump when we can just take small pieces out for monthly expenses and not worry about liquidity.

t. 600k

>> No.19518208

fuck coinbase and their low limit on debit cards. i can only do $300 a week? wtf

>> No.19518222

Alright thanks for the heads up
So you're holding long term? Wondering how far this can actually go, 1$ seemed delusional but I guess not, I'm pretty salty I didn't get in when it was dirt cheap, between STA, STAC, STA3 and the whale fud selling 500k while telegram was going private and ASH / BURN 1:1 swap was announced I got spooked and fed up, feels bad...

>> No.19518261

i never said i was gonna dump anon. but im not selling any AT ALL until price stabilises over 50c at least. and even then i will be taking it in dribs and drabs

no heads up, im not gonna dump it all in one go

>> No.19518273

when is it dumping i need to buy in reeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.19518295

I sold about 500k v3 for less than 5 ETH. AMA

>> No.19518307

What is the best site to buy ETH? My ETH I bought is on coinbase and I'm getting cucked with not being able to transfer it anywhere.
Help anons.

>> No.19518310

where do you buy statera?

>> No.19518364

If you dump the price low enough I'll buy your bags

>> No.19518370

Takes you to page

>> No.19518394

Why did you sell? Do you still hold some?

>> No.19518446

Actually I bought in on May 31st so no

>> No.19518465

I just bought a few thousand today like a retard.....not sure why the fuck I sold desu. I was one of the early buyers and so I'd already done about 10x on a tiny amount of ETH I put into it.....though to myself.
>this is gonna scam crash. don't be greedy. protect your gains.
so I sold. I legit feel sick right now.

>> No.19518483

I'm a brainlet I don't understand it ;(
Can an anon redpill me on this one ?

>> No.19518529

can someone link me the telegram for this?

>> No.19518532

Did you read the Medium article?

>> No.19518556

I haven't touched crypto in years, I put 1/2 an ETH in DEV last night and 1/2 in STA. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.19518562

If you dump this token, go back to /wsb/ fucking retards I swear to god it's just FOMO idiots.

>> No.19518622

Lmao the beauty of it is that it cant crash for long. And when the bullrun starts if btc and eth make 10x this makes another 100x

>> No.19518629

I’m at transaction limit on my exchange, what’s a good way to buy coin instantly? Preferably something that doesn’t need a bunch of verification

>> No.19518667

Idk man I am pretty sure you just need to get eth in metamesk

>> No.19518675

coin atms? going to pay a hefty fee.

>> No.19518707

Where do i hold Statera? In metamask?

>> No.19518981

Well biz has been ridden with scams lately so I understand why you took profit, honestly even if the idea makes sense I never thought it would take off that much

>> No.19519012

You never really know for sure.

>> No.19519061

Right, which is why despite how salty I am that some people were able to buy for dirt cheap I respect the risk they took and most importantly the fact they're still holding because it wasn't really obvious this would be such a moonshot

>> No.19519067

I fucking had so much at the beginning but sold after a 2-3x because every other time I've held onto these uniswap pumps it always come crashes back down and I lose all my gains. I didn't want to get greedy so I thought I was making the right call at the time. Now I only have 5k, fuck I feel like an idiot

>> No.19519123

worst part was I knew I fucked up right away, so I went to buy back in minus my initial investment....but the price spiked up so I waited to see if it would come back down a bit. decided to just stick to my guns when it didn't.
I thought it would be foolish to not sell a 10x in a few hours....surely it's going to crash after a move like that, right? jfc. missing a big move up like STA feels worse than the few times I've gotten completely rekt in crypto.

with a loss, you know the damage. STA is still climbing though....all I know is I'd be up almost 50k right now from 1 ETH. fucking crazy

>> No.19519127

Well its still easy 50k+ if you are up for it

>> No.19519174

kek. 5k here to now. I'm gonna try to stop thinking about it now.
It's also a shift in thinking.....cause I've been trading crypto in a bear market for the last few years. this kind of rise is bull market shit though. gotta shake the bear mentality.

>> No.19519183

Well at least you still got a bag, and if there's one thing I've learned lurking on biz for so long is that there will always be other opportunities

>> No.19519188

Iwouldve had 100k$ if I still had my 1.1 million stack

>> No.19519262

I'm literally buying 100x over my original entry....it feels like a mistake.

>> No.19519271

Yeah that pretty suicide tier, but everybody makes bad trades and then feels like shit. Read stoics anon

>> No.19519332

got in after that big dump from 3 to 1 cents. Sold 2/3 of my stack for cur and 5 months rent. Still have 40k sta left. My crypto is now all profit and I don't have to go back to work for months. Amazing. Good luck fuckers.

>> No.19519353

I don't think thanos will let it but this is why I took profit and left in a moonbag. Crypto is nuts.

>> No.19519469

I understand, but gains are gains and this will probably continue to grow nicely so accepting to buy over your original entry is a win imo

>> No.19519515

10x and I'm taking profits. My biggest regret in 2017 was not taking profits.

>> No.19519531

Got over +100% on this and cashed out.

>> No.19519553

good luck bros, see you all in the future. hopefully another coin takes off like this one and you get in early.

>> No.19519585

I'm out. You guys go get rich. I have to take all of this now. Made a years rent by now.

>> No.19519626

id put at least 1/2 that back in anon. this train is just getting moving

>> No.19519662

You sure about that? All of it?

Only 1000 people even know about this right now. It’s not even listed anywhere.

>> No.19519668
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See you anons. Hope you're going to make it wherever you decide to put your money in.

>> No.19519677

Nah my biggest regret in 2017bwas not taking profit. I hope yall get rich but this is good for me. I've got kids and such. This much money I can't pass up. I know i know. But I got did well. I'm out.

>> No.19519684

Yeah this is literally only /biz/ coin for now, maybe some faggots from reddit bought but thats it. We didnt even start yet

>> No.19519696

Priorities man, that's okay. Good job!

>> No.19519701

A years rent is good for me. Good luck guys. I can't risk it. Hopefully you understand.

>> No.19519704

Good lucky anyway man

>> No.19519726

It's fine bro, everyone's financial situation is different.

>> No.19519732


>> No.19519743

this is from v1 bro

>> No.19519790

>Good luck fuckers.
hf with your lunch money

>> No.19520073

How do I send eth to uniswap?

>> No.19520081

Put it in metamask

>> No.19520089

Same here anon

>> No.19520143

You are supposed to sell 20-50% at 0.5 and then ride all the way to the end. At this point i would absolutely not sell.

>> No.19520175

>Only 1000 people even know about this right now. It’s not even listed anywhere.

This. People are forgetting how early we are. There's still time for anyone to get in before the real moon mission starts

>> No.19520217

Shit man will it dip a bit or should I just buy 25k to reach 100k suicide?

>> No.19520218

No, you don't sell 20-50% at 0.5, you either
>hold until $1 and sell 1% a day while above $1
>sell 20-50% at $1 and then do the above
>hold until $10 EOY and do the above, but at that price target
Selling in small amounts a day is more beneficial than large dumps, this is an index fund and revolves around 5 tokens, it's not your average crypto pump and dump.

>> No.19520222

Holy shit. I am so scared of massive dump but there are still so few of us.
Promise not to fuck over your fellow anon and we can make it when normies buy in off major exchange announcement

>> No.19520259
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but dont worry, ive got your back buddy.

>> No.19520264

Did you see how fast it recovered from a major dump?

>> No.19520280

Way I see it when it’s over $1 you going to look back and care if you bought at 7 or 8 or 9 cents? No you’ll just be happy you got in early.

>> No.19520316

Yeah it's just so crazy seeing this shit take off so fast. It's like my brain is telling me there has to be a catch. Maybe I just can't accept I might finally make it, I put a lot into this coin on good faith alone but the mechanics of it are reassuring

>> No.19520326

Yeah of course

>> No.19520360

$1 is FUD at this point. I can see $5 by year's end.

>> No.19520455

This anon gets it

>> No.19520625

How the fuck do I get metamask on a mac?

>> No.19520653

Install it in your browser

>> No.19520724

Exactly. I hope you guys all make more money from here just for me I can't not take the gains. Money in the bank by touching my phone for a few days? I know it could be more but ill take it im poor af.

>> No.19520980

If you’re that poor Wtf you risking it all on crypto for? Don’t put in what you can’t afford to lose. It’s play money until you cash out.

>> No.19521044
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The two anons (I know you lurking) that sent me ETH for gas to swap. I made 350€ in three hours you bastards just because of you.

>> No.19521057

enjoy your lunch money

>> No.19521087

Not that anon but I was around that thread. Great to hear bro.

>> No.19521416

Good to hear. This project congrats me on getting out and making money. Sending people gas so they can too. Ots honestly the nicest I've seen chan in years.

>> No.19521435

and don't let anyone tell you 350 in an hour is dumb. That's good money for touching buttons for an hour.

>> No.19522041

Meh poor people don't become unpoor by waging. I made 9x here. I has rent for a few months already. Haven't gotten into any of the other ones that were obviously pnds on uniswap that have been shilled here recently. Just taking profits seemed like a good idea. If I was rich I would have let it ride. Now I've paid rent for a year or so buy touching my phone for a few days. I hope all you holders get rich. People in here are in all sorts of different circumstances.

>> No.19522061

have rent*

>> No.19522140

give for you dude wholesome as fuck

>> No.19522235
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Wholesome, even if you should've kept a small stack. I hope you do well in life, anon.

>> No.19522246

Fuk im a fuktard.

Sold 120k for 5.5 eth to recoup my initial investment. Now i only have 130k left.

>> No.19522253


>> No.19522300

Sold 200K to get my 10 eth initial, feels bad man

>> No.19522336

I bought around 300k @ 0,020 so I'm sitting at around $30k.

I'm really new to cryptos so what would happen if I tried to sell everything? As the daily volumes are around the same number would I have to sell way under the current price?

>> No.19522361

All our money would go up after Thanos buys up the liquidity

>> No.19522373

That, and you'd be a retard as the liquidity would be eaten up by Thanos.
Read the OP here: >>19521953
Sell 1% of your holdings at a time at most per day.

>> No.19522403

no you did not it opened at .003

>> No.19522454

not it was lower, i got in at .003 i remember there being an annon who had half a mil. stack for a few hundred bucks. he went crazy when we hit .01.... i wonder what he's doing now

>> No.19522460

Why tf don't you already have btc? Haven't you been DCAing for the last 3 years? You'll never make it