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File: 151 KB, 1000x1000, wallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19516645 No.19516645 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best wallet for crypto? What's the benefit of a hardware wallet?

>> No.19516684
File: 222 KB, 762x782, 1590323352952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haircomb core wallet

>> No.19516713

>What's the benefit of a hardware wallet?
Somewhat protected against online threats
If someone who knows what they're doing gets their hands on your hardware wallet, consider your funds gone

For a software wallet it's basically the other way around, although either aspect can be more/less secure depending on the operator

>> No.19516730

So what's a good crypto wallet? Is the one built into Opera good?

>> No.19516743
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>Is the one built into Opera good?

>> No.19516853

I use coinomi on my phone with pin + fingerprint and updates disabled so nothing funky can happen

>> No.19516861

>What's the benefit of a hardware wallet?
Basically when storing your crypto you are trying to protect something called your private key which allows you to access your coins on the blockchain.

This private key is represented in bitcoin for example by a 256-bit number. It can also be expressed as a mnemonic phrase which is just a list of words that stores that same data in a more readable way.

Your private key must be guarded with your life, as it allows access to all your crypto. Thus it must never be typed into a keyboard because it could be keylogged or watched.

The hardware wallet allows for quick access while keeping your private key safe by utilizing something called a Secure Element. Basically this only allows the hardware wallet to send out signatures for transactions/verification on your explicit command. The private key cannot leave the chip.

>> No.19516890

Rofl, just save your key/seed or w/e on your USB. /thread

>> No.19516902

And what happens if you happen to be running an insecure operating system with backdoors in it and someone uses one of those backdoors to scan files for private keys?

>> No.19517005

just buy a ledger or use a phone app. no serious phone app has been hacked.

>> No.19517121

And what happens if you happen to be running an insecure operating system with backdoors in it and someone uses one of those backdoors to manipulate your wallet's software into assigning an address they control as the change address?
oh wait that actually happens lol

Oh remember that one time that customer information was leaked?
Literally every crook can see the address of any retard that bought a ledger
I bet wrench sales are going through the roof

Imagine being on an "I own cryptocurrencies come rob me easy money" list

But ignore the countless losers on reddit who are whining that their BTC was stolen from their ledger somehow
it's secure guys

just buy a hardware wallet
it's good

>> No.19517237
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whoopsy forgot to attach this little image
trezor ain't free of this either

My point is that a hardware wallet introduces its own risks, doesn't necessarily mitigate others, and is absolutely NOT an all encompassing security solution. The best security is unironically educating yourself on how to use a fucking computer.

>> No.19517422

Fucking hell there are shills on every side. I'm just going to split my crypto into 5 or 6 different locations with a mixture of hard wallets, software wallets, coinbase and kraken

>> No.19517481
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Got my Ledger Nano S a few days ago, already loving it.
Simple setup and easy to use.

>> No.19517493


>> No.19517601
File: 260 KB, 563x542, F39CBD3F-12D9-4D4E-AA6C-1B3954FABFD1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all of my BTC is on coinbase

>> No.19517630

unironically the best solution for a brainlet
good on you

>> No.19517747

what are those 24 words listed on that piece of paper for ? serious question...

>> No.19517815

Your key phrase needs to actually be engraved on a piece of metal. EMP blast (very likely within the next 10 yrs) can completely wipe out your ledger.

>> No.19517949
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>> No.19518086

>But ignore the countless losers on reddit who are whining that their BTC was stolen from their ledger somehow
>it's secure guys
>just buy a hardware wallet
>it's good

sarcasm ?
i legit can not tell

>> No.19518119

what this ?

>> No.19518163

Scam by notorious bitcointalk hacker Natasha Otomoski

>> No.19518279

I'm unironically leaning towards coinbase vault.
>2 email verifications
>1 SMS verification
>24 hour delay for any transaction
>funds are insured
>Everyone would go to jail if they exit scammed

>> No.19518284
