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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19513160 No.19513160 [Reply] [Original]

Bizbros, how do you stay productive and motivated? I am 23, 10 months into my first corporate wage cage job making $70k (engineering) and have a few side projects going on. However, I've become complacent/burned out at work and given myself anxiety by snoozing my alarm every morning because I dread the day ahead. I want to get that spark back and take actions towards breaking out of my wage cage, but I lack the motivation. Is this what adulthood feels like? Any advice for waking up everyday with a strong conviction to run it up?

t. 4 btc hodler

>> No.19513193

Stop hitting snooze

>> No.19513209

Wage cage is the problem. You have to do something you enjoy doing. I started driving myself crazy waging and had to stop.
Find another way to make money.

>> No.19513226

No I was so productive in my early 20s, I worked a part-time night job at a bowling alley. I lifted religiously, I read and learned a lot, I cooked good healthy meals all the time. I had a more active and healthy social life too.
Now I work 40 hours in an office. I'm getting fat and do nothing but shitpost on my phone and jerk off.

>> No.19513237

get rid of all your addictions , stop cooming, and work on something that is meaningful to you.

>> No.19513238

Its hard to not get burned out, for sure. Take it one day at a time. Set small realistic goals you can achieve every day.

>> No.19513240

>are these side projects related to your job?
if so you should speak to management, you can get their approval to work on things you enjoy and if successful they will promote you and if youre very lucky spinoff the division and make you chief.

>> No.19513243

I work in retail pharmacy. I wake up in the morning and think about how much money I'm gonna make for my 12 hour shift (~$1000). That's enough motivation for me.
The nice thing about your field is that you can easily move to a different country or area of the state. If you're not feeling it so much, just leave and find something better.

>> No.19513259

I mean to say company, not country

>> No.19513314

>Wage cage is the problem

This. Even a gilded cage is still a cage.

>> No.19513373

Two years ago ago I was exactly like this. 23, engineer, 70k per year, job fucking sucked.

I applied to 1500 jobs over 3 months and got a job for 100k as a PM and studied for the GRE. Saved 75%of my money by living in a slum.

Used that money and my savings to go to grad school @ivy league enginering program.

I take 19 credits a semester, graduate in december 2020 after 2 semesters while working 20 hours a week to not starve. No life.

I turn 25 next week, when I graduate I will make 150k for my company I did my thesis for.

Make a goal and go fucking hard. Let your frustration with your state in the world fuel your way forward.

>> No.19513385

The only things that are meaningful to me are God, guns and video games

>> No.19513411

Good idea.
Thanks. I think I'm a slave to my ambition but then paralysis by analysis causes me to stress if I dont make big moves. Small steps is the way.

>> No.19513456

sorry bro but you did all that work and youre still a wagie?

>> No.19513474

My ~$200/day after taxes doesnt motivate me. It's the lifestyle of the wage cage that drains the motivation, which I know is a cope. Our ancestors had it way worse yet made it happen. Good times make weak men I guess. We have the technology of the gods, yet we sit on this Chinese yugioh trading site all day instead of making a bigger mark on the world.

>> No.19513499

this pic looks comfy desu, imagine being in his situation. your company is finally at a point where it makes some profit and you can work on your own completely. no boss, you finance yourself. doesnt matter how fucked up your office or place to live looks, that feeling must feel like gold

>> No.19513509

>Our ancestors had it way worse yet made it happen

Protip, they didn't. Most people in history didn't work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

>> No.19513526

I also work for a startup on the side that hasn't made any money yet but we're hopeful, 10% equity.

The job is in sales negotiations for some esoteric weapons tech to the us gov, so wagie but no cagie. It's remote except for going out to customers.

>> No.19513527

Based. How did you channel that frustration daily opposed to letting it numb you? I'm frustrated but coom it out. Nofap must be the way. Congratz on your success.

>> No.19513536

source: https://www.lovemoney.com/gallerylist/84600/how-many-hours-did-people-work-in-history

>> No.19513573

This is the end goal right? Having a say in your day to day and finding meaning in life knowing every day you are building something you are proud of opposed to watching the clock go by.

>> No.19513602

Motivation is for losers. You think Jeff Bezos needed motivation in 1999 or needs it now?
You either have or you don't (You don't).
Do something else.

>> No.19513611
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>> No.19513639

Fascinating. Thanks for sharing. They also didnt have the stress that technology imposes on our daily life. Ted was right.

>> No.19513651
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You are a slave to your ambition. All our lives we are brainwashed to be the best, which in actuality means have the most money or the most attention. We're donkeys chasing a carrot on a string and the riders are piling up. Single moms, joggers, bailed out corporations, old boomers, etc, all funded on the backs of wagies who think that one more promotion will finally fill the emptiness inside. Stop caring what other people have and what other people think. Try to find a balance between working and living.

>> No.19513652

I have a massive ego and am a pretty disagreable man. If I feel my state in the world is not reflective of my ability/what I deserve/greatness, etc. I start to freak out. (When I was living in the slum I'd have a few freakouts where I'd sprint around my apartment spazzing out). Then when I calmed down I would srink like 4 cups of coffee and study for a few hours for my test or apply for jobs or do something productive.

Applying to jobs felt compelling so I kept doing it, doing things that make me feel like I'm moving forward keep the frustration at bay. And Friday and Saturday I'd get blasted drunk with my friends so that helped too.

>> No.19513674

>They also didnt have the stress that technology imposes on our daily life.
Cope. It's never been easier with the internet.
>Ted was right.
Hey, I see your problem now (Victim Mindset)
Own your life. It's your fault.

>> No.19513682

And then there's dropouts that start a dropshipping store and make in a couple of months what you do in a year.


>> No.19513688

>source: https://www.lovemoney.com/gallerylist/84600/how-many-hours-did-people-work-in-history
So i work as many hours as a peasant, a farm labor in Israel, or an Egyptian day labor?
Where can I buy rope?

>> No.19513730

Well we are the modern medieval peasant, aren't we?

>> No.19513733
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>Belonging and Love Needs

>> No.19513755


>> No.19513766

>do something else

Wow geez great insight. Ideally I can converge on a meaningful project I can go all in on. Grit/resiliency really genetic? I definitely have some as I made it through engineering school and landed a well respected job

>> No.19513782


you can learn alot from this interview

>> No.19513789

Best reply so far, thanks.

>> No.19513832

>Grit/resiliency really genetic?
Eh, no? Not genetic. If you need "motivation" then you will never have "grit". Wrong field, study, subject matter.
>I definitely have some as I made it through engineering school
(rich)Comp sci major here. Makes no difference.
> landed a well respected job
Then what's your problem?

>> No.19513862

That's a shit picture for a number of reasons but one is Bezos at that time prided himself on spending no money on luxuries or having the appearance of such.

>> No.19513863

What side projects?

>> No.19513866

This x1000. You’re all a bunch of wage cuck faggots who think the meaning of life has to do with money and 1-upping the people around you constantly. It’s disgusting. Do what YOU enjoy in life and not what you think society expects from you. You don’t HAVE to get a $400k mortgage, you don’t HAVE to get cucked settle down and focus the rest of your life on taking care of little humans. You don’t HAVE to excel above others and do something “Productive”, which is really just another way of saying that you’re helping to build and maintain the corporate slave machine that’s destroying humanity.

>> No.19513884
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Amazon was at the right place at the right moment. I dont know why faggots keep posting this guy. Post people that made it recently without being at the begining of a whole fucking market.

>> No.19513906

Fake news. Bezos is an Illuminati plant just like Elon Musk. They’re meant to appear like regular Joes who made it big, but they’re not. It was planned a long time ago. All in the effort to guide human civilization in the right direction.

>> No.19513908
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You can't do what you enjoy in life if you aren't rich, and to get rich you need mostly luck.

>> No.19513929
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>> No.19513949

Untrue, but it depends on what you mean by rich.

10m net worth is pretty doable if you're a hardcore motherfucker that wants it bad enough. Above that I'd say it becomes more and more luck based.

Any retard with good finance practices that makes 40k a year can be a 401k millionaire by retirement.

>> No.19513976

Very insightful. Thanks for sharing. I'll definitely be revisiting this interview from time to time.

>> No.19514004

I think this is where your thought process could use a change. while it’s impressive to go through engineering school and landing a “real job”, in a way you’ve been checking boxes all your life to this point while your friends and family cheer you on. To break out of the wagie lifestyle you need to go against the societal grain and train towards your goals over and over again while most the people around you look at you like an idiot who’s wasting time, this is what I think anon meant about “grit”. To achieve extraordinary things you need to do what 99% of normies are unwilling and scared to do

Granted I haven’t made it yet at all this is just what I’ve learned from people who have. I have seen a lot of progress on what I want to make a career though and impressed some doubters already

>> No.19514028

>neets making 6 figures on twitch being a neet
>muh preparation

>> No.19514037
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This is the brainwashing I'm talking about. You've watched too much TV telling you that what you have is not enough. Even the poorest people in the western world have access to enjoyment that kings of the past could only dream of. The problem is inside of us and more money will not solve it.

>> No.19514041


Not my company, but same idea/market. Using drones to disinfect large public areas now that Corona isn't going anywhere.

>> No.19514050
File: 37 KB, 384x290, wagey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just wagecuck for 50 years bro

>> No.19514058

>in a way you’ve been checking boxes all your life to this point while your friends and family cheer you on

This. Not him, but it's now that I finished university and landed a job that I realize that it's basically a trap. You just rolled on a long conveyor belt which ended in a cage. The REAL success is turning what you enjoy doing in your spare time into money.

>> No.19514070
File: 46 KB, 1001x900, Toasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a riggid schelude of wagecucking until you are old as fuck
>if you dont like this you are brainwashed

>> No.19514106

>more money will not solve it

More money will allow me not to wageslave, thus solving the peoblem

>> No.19514110

This is bullshit. I part time wage on a farm right now and the guy I work for is the happiest dude I know. He’s not rich by any means but he does what he loves everyday and has a deep connection with the land and nature. Some investment banker would probably laugh at his life but do you think he gives a fuck? Not at all and I don’t either. He has something these vain rich douchebags never will. You gotta find that something for yourself regardless of money, but yes let’s get this fuckin money also

>> No.19514114

So you admit, you don't need mostly luck. Doesn't mean getting rich will be fulfilling or easy.

Ideally you'd get raises and cut your spending down to get a critical mass of cash by your late 30s and then be financially free. Avoiding consumption increases is hard for the american though.

>> No.19514115

it seems you didnt understand the message

>> No.19514172

Check your testosterone level. Easy test and easy solution if that's the culprit. Serious.

>> No.19514213

What have been your passion projects anon? I’m in a similar boat but without the “real job”, went to college for a relatively BS degree cause I didn’t wanna be there in the first place. My work is really good though as I’ve slaved at it for years and I think at the least I’ll get some good recognition for it, hopefully some money too once venues open back up. In the mean time I’ve been waging part time jobs and putting what I can into crypto

>> No.19514259
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u belong with us fren n we love u

>> No.19514305

kek if you don't think being a streamer requires sacrifice and/or skill why aren't you doing it

>> No.19514315

Why are you on a business/finance form whose purpose is solely to discuss financial success? I understand there is more to life but freedom from mandatory employment seems like a worthy goal to knock out as soon as possible.

>> No.19514338

Making a million when you are old as fuck doesn't count a masking it.

Read your message. Still not making big money doing a hobby without commutecucking with 0 stress = scam, retarded monger still a waggie.

>> No.19514342

chekd and kekd

>> No.19514370
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You're not brainwashed because you don't want to wagecuck. You are brainwashed because you think
>You can't do what you enjoy in life if you aren't rich
This is a planted obsession with money that was gifted to you by society in your youth. I'm not blaming you; I had it too. I'm a boomer who used to have ambition. I wagecucked, went back to college, graduated at the top of my class, worked at a big prestigious firm, then bought into my own practice which I ran for years. It's not worth it. Working 60+ hour weeks and stressing out so you can drive a mercedes instead of a honda is ludicrous, but I used to do it. Then again, I never could have retired early if there weren't people out there constantly humping to make that upgrade. The world is a strange place, I guess.

>> No.19514374

The only job I have not dreaded waking up for is coaching video games. Yet this does not give me a livable wage. Yet. I’m working super hard to try and make it.

>> No.19514378

>wage up at a random time
>play some videogames and "react" to jewtube videos
>talk shit

Pick any random streamer with 0 followers. Give him 100000 followers. Now you are another retarded blinded by the aura effect and see special things which aren't there.

To make it you need luck of the algorithm. And most streamers are youtubers that started a long time ago.

xQc has 0 talent and has an huge following, just an example

>> No.19514384
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Well too begin u lack a vision. U wake up everyday w no goal but to work on ur bosses goal and deep down Thisnbothers u.
Jeff bezos had a goal. A vision. And everyday he woke up energized cuz he knew his vision was coming. Mother ducker could taste it. This ain’t u and ain’t ever gonna be you until u have a vision a goal yah piece a shit

>> No.19514406

This. My life completely improved after quitting my cage job. Took about 2 years though. It's not for everyone but if one can see the cage, they probably need to get out. Some people need the cage, since they are low IQ/ignorant or scared and that is ok.

>> No.19514415

Did you read what I wrote?

>> No.19514416
File: 408 KB, 1125x2436, mazon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you retired early because you worked a a big prestigious firm which gave you money to retire early, retard

also, its not only that you make a lot of money to do whatever the fuck you want, you have to make it efforlessly, like the neets on twitch, or this retard that gets amazonbux everyday

>> No.19514429 [DELETED] 

based & meaningpilled

cringe & basedpilled

if you were born a billionaire you'd be bitching about some entirely different aspect of life you're unlucky in. ngmi and kys

>> No.19514446

yes, bullshit about wagecucking and saving for decades

>> No.19514473

based & redpilled

cringe & soýpilled

if you were born a billionaire you'd be bitching about some entirely different aspect of life you're unlucky in. ngmi and kys

>> No.19514483
File: 11 KB, 384x290, wage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you were born a billionaire you'd be bitching about some entirely different aspect of life you're unlucky in. ngmi and kys

>> No.19514512
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lol mad waggie

>> No.19514513
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Work your way out of slavery if you can, it's what I did. Try and remember that once you don't work anymore, you can move someplace REALLY cheap, and don't need nearly as much money. If you want to wait until you can have a paid off house in the big city (with red brick and hoppy IPAs) and 80k passive income, it's just a pipe dream. If you can accept a paid off house in the sticks and 25k of passive income, the average person, with discipline, could make that happen while they are still young enough to live.

>> No.19514518
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I demoted myself in the IT field because my previous 120k a year System Admin job had me on the brink of going insane. Was working 60-80 hours a week, terrible anxiety constantly, could barely sleep, but hey, at least I drove a Nissan GTR and had a luxery condo right?

I said fuck it several years ago and have never looked back. I'm happier than I've been since I was in my early 20s even though I now make nearly half of what I make when I was in my last job. I had to make some sacrifices, but I don't miss any of the things I had to give up and am way, way happier.

>> No.19514548

i thought 4kek only censores soý to based in soýboy, but apprently you need to bypass censorship in everything soý

>> No.19514564

you are a waggie while people make 6 figures online doing bullshit and not wagecucking

anything that isnt that is total death

>> No.19514594

Why are you getting paid so much? A robot can literally do that job better than you

>> No.19514643

You're a fucking wagie too, quit pretending like you're sitting on millions of dollars while watching the rest of the world work. The amount of larping on this board is fucking unreal. Even having 100k in link doesn't free you from being a wage slave either retard.

>> No.19514683
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Nah, I made most of my money at my firm, but that doesn't matter. I spent that shit. I retired on 400k at 36. Moved to the sticks and live in a trailer. Have some land, spend my time working in the yard.
>also, its not only that you make a lot of money to do whatever the fuck you want, you have to make it efforlessly, like the neets on twitch, or this retard that gets amazonbux everyday
If it's so easy, and you can't enjoy life without being rich, why don't you do it? Because it's not. Competition in those fields is ridiculous and I really doubt they all just "got lucky". Maybe some did though, who knows?

>> No.19514716

you're already fat lol I can see it from what you wrote

>> No.19514762

yeah stfu. no you dont

>> No.19514817


>completely give up routine
>1500 applications at least 20 minutes each
>measly 30k more
>went into huge amount of debt and lived like shit
>study 24/7 to receive a piece of paper
>got a measly 50k more
>in total only barely doubled salary
>after accounting for taxes probably only added about 35% to salary for losing two years of life and tuition
>thinks it's a mark of success

sad, many such cases

>> No.19514824
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Teddy Roosevelt once said "Comparison is the thief of joy." If you are going to spend your time looking at people who have it better than you, and making presumptions about their lack of hardship in life, you will only be miserable.

>> No.19514898

>100k LINK doesnt free you from being a wage slave
sweatie, that is 400k+ and any idiot that studied investing for a few months could live off that while keeping their burn rate low in many countries in the world AND have money left every year to compound.

>> No.19514921

Because people like you are going to spend your entire life worrying about money and at the end of it all you’re going to be upset because you didn’t stop and smell the roses once in a while.

>> No.19514926

Been actually thinking about this, even if it is just for my general curiosity. Thanks.

>> No.19514996
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This. Also bear in mind that you cannot control the cage. Sure your owners predictable give your your water and seeds, but the moment everything goes tits up or you don't sing, they'll choke you out.
I got laid off my first job during a stock drop in October of 2018, and again from another company due to Coronachan. Between those two, I was doing my own thing and running marketing services for friends and local companies and a YouTube channel. Pay was alright, but I traveled a heck of a lot more and was happier. I eventually needed to earn more cash and found another job at a company that was similar to what I was doing - and laid off again last month.
This isn't our economy our parents grew up in. I just set up office in a new place with my wife in the house her grandmother gave her (no rent anymore), and just going to focus on doing my own thing there, big birds don't fly in a cage.

>> No.19515054
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Awesome photo. However you have to get cheese to survive, cant become a neet like many on this board.

>> No.19515145

Have high IQ
Do nofap

>> No.19515219

>go to sleep
>wake up
>go to sleep
>wake up
>go to sleep
>wake up
>go to sleep
>wake up
>go to sleep
>wake up
>go to sleep
>wake up



>> No.19515247

Ok bud

>> No.19515284

I make $400 a day for 2 hours of work (maybe) and 7 hours of playing video games.

>> No.19515299

>I've become complacent/burned out at work and given myself anxiety
kek you're only 10 months in
>Is this what adulthood feels like?
yep, remember when you were a kid & told people you couldn't wait to grow up.
remember they told you how bad it is & to stay a kid forever
remember you didn't believe them
> Any advice for waking up everyday with a strong conviction to run it up?
drugs & alcohol are aways a good choice

>> No.19515349

Besides living in the slum for around 9 months, after I got the 2nd job life has been pretty great. Not awesome all the time but the world is opening itself up to me. People ask me to work with them for equity, my trajectory has me at >200k in the next 2 years or so. My company does whatever I ask, I demanded remote, made my job description, pay, etc. 40 hours max, I can shitpost during work, etc. Hoping to make a good financial exit by 28 to use the equity for my own company.

I think it's a mark of being in a better place than I was 2 years ago, that's all. 150k is a lot of money, I spend 28k per year and am very happy with not having a lot of things. Also no debt ever because I only spend what I have, paid cash for classes.

>> No.19515362

Or say no to waking up

>> No.19515387
File: 145 KB, 1017x1200, 258B4E93-5A56-485D-A28D-85C61B4F25C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based serial schizo improoover. I’m like this too, if I feel as if though I’m ‘resting on my laurels’ and not advancing my position I lose my fucking mind.

>> No.19515489

It is disappointing how many think they don't have control over what they can do in their lives. Several years of dedication can seriously set you and your family up for life.

I think the genesis of being a schizo improoover is being a loser for all your formative years. At least that's what I see.

>> No.19515522

You have no idea what I do so how can you say that?

>> No.19515593

Lmao yep, I was always a great student but otherwise was pretty mediocre from a physical & social perspective. My great GPA was one big cope for being a bitch about the others aspects of life. Now I take ownership for all facets of my life and improoov, and it rules.

I’m in similar position as OP experiencing a little burnout with my wagie job, I’m seeing if I can get accepted into AirForce officer school. I’ve spent the last year getting shredded for the physical aspects and I just got my study material for their entrance exams this summer.

>> No.19515600

I take laxatives and shit 6 times a day at work. I regurally excuse myself from meetings to shit. My boss can't fire me becayse of my health condition. I spend most of my day browsing 4chan and shitting. I get paid private company wage but work like a gov employee. It's good shir

>> No.19515677

Good luck my guy. I went to Navy OCS in 2018 and got DQd for food allergies from flying. They offered me surface warfare or supply or an honarable discharge. Figured the only thing I wanted to dedicate a decade of my life to was flying a jet so I left.

Occasionally I think about rejoining army OCS, the security clearance helps. Anyway, good luck again and don't stop improooving

>> No.19515709

Go join NSA. Decent pay. Cool work.

>> No.19515742

based. i do the exact same thing. i was thinking about skipping laxatives and just recording lots of different shittings and playing it in the office, but once day my boss actually knocked on my stall and told me to not flush it down this time, they're going to check. thanks to my heavy laxative intake, i was able to produce the necessary amount of material. laxatives are a godsend

>> No.19515759

I need a large amount of money to start something myself, don't want to give too much up to investors when I try.

I'm a hardware engineer, does the nsa employ those?

>> No.19515821
File: 19 KB, 678x585, BC96E327-72B6-49BA-8E0C-F83E937361A4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flying would be a dream, though I’ll most likely try and secure a job I can translate back in the private sector when I get out since I’m currently in tech. If I could get a clearance that’d be icing on the cake to transition into cyber security or something of the sort.

Keep an open mind with Army OCS, shit is getting crazier out there and we need /ourguys/ pulling the levers of power when push comes to shove.

Godspeed sir, and likewise, continue to improov!

>> No.19515843

Yes they do. You can do fpga or asic dev of networking equipment. Or develop small hardware wiretaps.

>> No.19517127

>attention is the scarce commodity of the late 20th century
he was on to something, attention is the commodity of social media platforms today
places like faceberg and twitter basically control the attention of a massive global population of people
its a little scary to imagine what those platforms could get away with

>> No.19517158

wdym you're a pharmacist u read paper put drugs in shit

>> No.19517273

Honestly I think the key to life lies in balance, frequency, energy and vibes.

>> No.19517350

Big ups on vibes

>> No.19517351

This looks like the same boring situation the OP is in except you've set yourself up to make more money. It's not a solution, you're just doubling down.Dunno what your end job goal is, but I know from experience being an engineer sucks dick and so does being a PM, so I can't imagine a grad degree in engineering making life better besides more financial stability.

>> No.19517389
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lmao at OP's pic, literally survivorship bias: the pic.

>> No.19517426

Compelling work, I make dope tech and blow shit up in R&D.

Ive had several engineering jobs now and they all aren't the same in quality or enjoyment, obviously. Working for a startup is even better and I hope to transition full time to them. If it fails I'll do another, not really worried.

Again I spent 28k last year to live, rest into savings. I have low living costs and my only goal is build enough money to not get equity diluted out of my own company when I create it.

It's almost like I'm not you and have different goals.

>> No.19517697

Damn, good for you. For me, work has always been super boring until someone high up steps on bossman's neck, then it's stressful. I've never felt intellectually awarded by work and once I started making more than $60k money stopped improving my life because my hobbies are writing a web fiction and running-which range from cheap to free. I'm actually trying to change fields-would rather make $55k for 40 hrs/week than be the PM anymore. Best of luck to both of us.

>> No.19517761

>Hey, I see your problem now (Victim Mindset)
>Own your life. It's your fault.
oh god, one of these people

>> No.19517910

A nonzero amount of people make it overnight, also I don't have interest in that type of business.

>> No.19517976

very interesting, sounds like a based dude

didnt know he was twitching that hard, does he have parkinson or something

>> No.19518029

Good luck homie. Def change fields if you think it'll make you happier and you can pay the bills/save (55k should do it). Yeah, my 1st job I literally didnt do anything. I soaked in 70k and read books and worked 1 hour a day for like 6 months before I realized I couldn't live like that anymore. I've been serial schizo improover ever since.

I'd advise angling to make your own business eventually, it's a great time (as in fulfilling, not easy or comfy) working in a 3 person company.

>> No.19518117


>> No.19518385

Tell me how to retire with 400k pls

>T 32 with 330k

>> No.19518401


>> No.19518484

I'm planning to move to a third world country and just relax on my savings, earning a small income from my hobbies. My wife is a thirdie.

>> No.19518574

What job

>> No.19518648

god you're an idiot
amibition is what drives everyone
if bezos thought he was at the end of his journey, he would overdose in 24 hours
there's always that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and you can never reach it, because reaching it isn't the point. it's getting there.

>> No.19518676
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Buy a small piece of land with a trailer for ~50k. Have a couple rentals in the city with mortgages that provide modest cash flow ~ $500 a month. Keep a generous pile of cash (1+ year of living expenses, or ~20kish) and have a nice stack of crypto. Rent will go up, mortgages will stay the same. If crypto goes up, you're rich, if not you might have to work a shitty part time job someday in the future.

>> No.19518711

>when I graduate I will make
Yeah best of luck with those future accomplishments that you're already bragging about. Should have put it into shitcoins.

>> No.19518778

Really just depends how you live. At 32 you shouldn't think of retiring yet even if you could, because you can still improve your quality of life for those remaining years by having more in the bank

Ideally you want a house/property that is paid off so you don't have rent/mortgage. Then you're only paying food, utilities, transportation, taxes. It's not much, but you might still need to part time it

You might also want to consider what having 100% of your free time entails. What will you do? There's only so much TV you can watch and video games you can play. You won't be able to relate to working people (most people). You will get bored easily, possibly depressed, and turn to drugs/alcohol much more readily. Having something to do is really ideal, the thing you want is something you enjoy doing.

>> No.19518785

>dicked around travelling for a couple years pre uni
>scraped a first
>had another year off and went travelling
>managed to get a top private equity law job starting next year
>have another year off before i start
>100k in the bank from crypto


>> No.19518828

next step is making business contracts you can't really get out of
selling your soul to the devil

>> No.19518968
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>> No.19519073
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>> No.19519163

The frenpill is the secret. When you take this approach any hardship or problem becomes just another thing you expected and another thing you can overcome.
The problem with the wage treadmill is you're always working for yourself, not giving to others. True community, charity, and working for the betterment of others is what brings meaning.
My life advice: Find a job that pays enough, and you enjoy. Enjoyment comes from learning and growing, if you stagnate at a job or do menial tasks you will never be happy. Work for yourself if you feel it benefits you. Find a cheap house, and find a woman who loves you and has experienced hardship in life. Any person who has never truly suffered cannot love another person, cannot improve, and cannot truly live. Pain is what makes us empathetic and aware of our surroundings. Mindless comfort is the death of the soul.

>> No.19519278

Grats Anon , 150K + for Life !

>> No.19519398

Lift in the morning.

>> No.19519522

poor guy

>> No.19519540

I can relate a lot to this post

>> No.19519571

bro you make prob 1/2 of what he makes, respect the hustle you lazy neet bitch

>> No.19519589

working part time, eating and lifting weights is not 'so productive' it's less productive than the average 25 year old who does all of what you said except full-time and not part-time

>> No.19519606

>read slip of paper with names of drugs and quantities
>find appropriate products and package them before giving them to customer
A robot could literally do your job, to a higher degree of accuracy and for longer periods of time without needing breaks.

>> No.19519608
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money gave you freedom and you are critisizing people wanting to make money you stupid motherfucker

also most people need a lifetime to make 400k, im in spain and there's no fucking way you are making 400k wageslaving unless you are in elite tier jobs, certainly not at 36, and you sapid you spent that shit, so your life would have been boring and shit if you didn't had money to spend when were younger

if you aren't making money online to live a relaxed life without to cope with vargtier nonsense its fucking over


just work hard bro

>> No.19519633
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>Cope. It's never been easier with the internet.

so tell us, how do you make money and how much?

>> No.19519647

I mean I've signed the contract. 120 base with a 30k commission. I guess I could not make commission completely and earn less.maybe 130-140.

Bragging? Noone cares how much money you earn, but earning a lot of money can help you reach your goals. Mine happen to require a lot of capital.

>> No.19519683

Ty bubs, lets hope I don't get Corona'd

>> No.19519850

>the average 25 year old who does all of what you said except full-time
the average 25 year old doesn't work diet, weightlift and work full time you fucking sperg.

>> No.19519899

drop the vidya and you're golden

>> No.19520083

No, I pay poorfags $10 an hour to do that shit. My job is to make sure they do it accurately and efficiently. I give immunizations, clarify/fix mistakes made by MDs/PAs/NPs, recommend OTC treatments to patients, counsel on drugs and treatment plans, and a bunch of other shit to make sure that the right product goes out to the right patient safely. All while making sure that my pharmacy is as profitable as possible and compliant with all sorts of bullshit laws and regulations.
A robot would need to be capable of critical thinking, patient analysis, and properly applying the nuances of medication therapy management. Will that happen one day? Sure, maybe. But they'll also being doing the job of most medical professionals by then as well. That's why I get paid $160k+.

>> No.19520419

same age as you but different job (architecture)

took a gamble and quit last year to trade btc/link/eth

did pretty well and 8x'd my entire portfolio until the crash and now I have 5% of what I had. Gonna make it back though fuck waging i'll live homeless or in parents basement if I have to

So if you want to quit your stable job me wary that shit can get bad despite the newfound freedom

>> No.19520809
