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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19512309 No.19512309 [Reply] [Original]

>What does STA do?
A deflationary Index Fund token.
>Money --> STA --> Thanos burns STA --> Thanos balances Index Fund pool via arbitrage --> STA appreciates

>Won't whales fuck us?
>Money --> STA --> Thanos burns STA --> Niggerfaggot kike whales dump on us trying to swing/FUD/whatever --> Thanos BURNS MORE FUCKING STA --> STA APPRECIATES
Some kikes and pajeets here will FUD and dump no matter what. Thanos will humble them.

>Where can I buy?
Use THIS link to buy STA, none other. Look for "3DeED1" in the link. Check for yourself here: https://stateratoken.com/ --> "Trade"

>Where do I see the price?
You can use the same link to swap as you can to view real time data. Just set the input to a stable of your choice like DAI or USDC.

This is a Uniswap V2 link. Not ideal, but it's an option and useful if you prefer seeing a graph directly from Uniswap. Note that it does not have the same liquidity as Uniswap V1.

Coingecko is slow. Take note of the spike on 05/31/20. This is the actual start of STA V3.

>Where do I put my liquidity?

You can also put it into the Uniswap V1 pool, but you will be missing out on more rewards and incentives to come from Balancer: https://twitter.com/StateraProject/status/1267342879682371586 (embed) (embed) (embed)

>Link to new Medium article on STA, feel free to share
>Official Github

Someone fill the rest in, I didn't notice last thread already maxed out.

>> No.19512363
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Never selling.

>Let us examine Statera in motion. On every Statera transaction 1% of that transaction’s value is burned. Meanwhile, in the Index Fund portfolio, all five tokens maintain a 20% share of the portfolio’s wealth through the use of a smart contract portfolio manager. When an asset’s ratio increases relative to the others, the portfolio will re-balance itself by selling the token that has gained value. This is accomplished by utilizing arbitrage opportunities in the external markets for the imbalanced tokens. This means that if Statera’s price drops, the portfolio manager will sell the other coins for Statera. If Statera’s value rises, the portfolio manager will sell Statera for the other coins. This is good for a variety of reasons: the AI is a direct competitor to swing traders, discouraging the dumps and pumps that always come from that. Moreover, it also helps negate dumps in general, as it offsets the loss from a large sell order.

>Now we can see where Statera’s magic happens. By including Statera in the portfolio, Statera’s deflationary process speeds up, tokens are burned, and supply is reduced. As a result, the trading volume of Statera is naturally bound to increase. On top of that the portfolio acts as a liquidity provider and collects fees from the trading it conducts.

>> No.19512366

Join us in here fren


>> No.19512381

Is metamask trustworthy if I want to hodl some STA?
Or should I move my STAs to a "colder" address?

>> No.19512424

OP here, use whatever thread you'd like frens, I just made this in case no one noticed.

also. So what's the pool? Benefits of adding to it?

In the beginning, all of the 5 tokens were worth $1000, so the pool size was $5000.

Now, say all other 4 tokens remained at their old value ($1000 / token), but STA did a x10, so STA value in pool is now worth $10,000.

That's much more than 20% of the pool, so the balancer must balance it out.
Note that now the pool size is $10,000 (STA) + $4000 (other 4 tokens) = $14,000.

So, to balance it out, each token should now have value of $14,000 / 5 = $2800.

To reach this goal, the balancer must sell the excess STA, and that would be $10,000 (current worth of STA) - $2800 (the new target worth of STA) = $7200.

The balancer sells the excess on various exchanges to which it has a trading bot interface to. Currently, it's only Uniswap.
Note that by selling, it performs transactions, and thus burns tokens, so the supply also decreases!

So, now that the balancer has sold the excess STA, it obtained $7200 dollars (say, in DAI coins).

Now, to balance out the other 4 tokens, it must buy $7200 / 4 = $1800 worth of each token.

So, it buys $1800 worth of ETH, $1800 worth of LINK, etc.

In the end, it's all balanced at 20% for each token - all 5 tokens are now worth $2800 dollars each!
And the total pool size remained at $14,000 dollars - so no value was lost!
Plus, you also get the trading fees, which are added to the pool!
On top of that, Balancer is now issuing BAL tokens for all liquidity providers!
You can check what it is all about here:

That's the magic of the balance pools.

Medium article:

>> No.19512607

My transaction has been pending for 10 mins, is there a chance it doesn't go through?

>> No.19512627

Crush it with gas so it cancels
Use more gas next time

>> No.19512734

Idk Ive been using it for a long time, 0 problems. Of course cold leger is safest, depends on how paranoid you are

>> No.19512834
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How much was ATH? 6 cents?

>> No.19512852

UniPower will be the next STA, chart looks identical for day 1

>> No.19512897

You can attach ledger to your metamask wallet

>> No.19513340


>> No.19513358

I’ve got a little in unipower as well

>> No.19513637

so if I want to keep my stack (100k) but pull out the money I invested I would have to double my stack. how do I do that, what is the best strategy? buy more in dips? suggestions?

>> No.19513686


Just wait for it to go up

>> No.19513697

Stay in your lane, pajeet

>> No.19513737

Just sell what you initially put in

>> No.19513752

nah I mean if I take half out then my stack will only be 50k.

>> No.19513760

You don't retard, you either pray that the price drops at 5AM GMT as usual, enough that slippage and Thanos don't rek you (unlikely), else you just iron hands it.
This isn't your average PND, you can't just double your stack without investing more into it from outside funds. That's what all the whales are doing.

>> No.19513774

You can't keep your 100k stack and also sell half of it. If you sell half, you will have 50k. If you bought 100k at 0.03, you can wait for 0.06 and pull out 50k, or wait for 0.09 and pull out 33k

>> No.19513824

ya I guess need to put some more eth into the next dip

>> No.19514067

Can someone link the telegram here

>> No.19514093


>> No.19514097

Thx king

>> No.19514389

is there a way to add just 1 token to the liquidity pool ?

>> No.19514411

got a little percentage of pool and have comfy +70k stack

>> No.19514471

Questions from brainlet:
My ETH--)STA swap failed on uniswap. Why?
additional slippage O.5%, deadline 15min.

>> No.19514500

u can try to speed it up by adding more gas

>> No.19514599

Over 6 cents and now almost 100 wallets

>> No.19514632

*1000 wallets

>> No.19514651

When the transaction confirmation comes up click edit and always choose the “fastest” option

>> No.19514659
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Very good. Now that we've officially reached the top considering the lack of fundamentals or use case, it's a no brainer. We are HEADING DOWN

>> No.19514753
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>Selling lowers the total supply
>Lower supply makes it pump

We literally can't lose

>> No.19514806
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Done, swap accepted. What now? Can I hold it on uniswap or what´s best option for this? Is STA erc-20 token? Can I just add it on my atomic wallet and send there?

>> No.19514894
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Post your price monitors

>> No.19514903

Yes, it's erc-20

>> No.19514932

Not yet, as of now it requires all 5, but it is being worked on so you can click 1 button and it will disperse that amount into the 5 coins automatically

>> No.19514936

New to crpto. Bought in $50 at .032 and cahsed out for $75 at .59. Recently learned lessons in crypto the hard way and am down quite a bit, but luckily its disposable income and can be quickly replaced.

I came in too hot and got burnt being stupid. Baby steps, right guys?

>> No.19514982

It can stay in metamask or whatever wallet uyou used for the swap, or you can send it to a different wallet. Keep in mind, each transfer burns 1%, so a 50k stack would burn 500

>> No.19514992

Haha oh shit, I can't do that, I will have a heart attack within a week

>> No.19515018

I lost $7k, almost all my crypto by being stupid and greedy in 2017-2018. I was down to my last $100 last January and put $20 in HEX. Ended up going to $1500. Then I put $700 into STA and turned it into $5k so far. Crypto is crazy.

>> No.19515020

Yes, baby steps, but this is one of those rare opportunities where it is wise to not just do a quick flip. You made money though, so there is no loss except potential gains

>> No.19515055

Where do you get live price in USD with no lag?

>> No.19515108

It’s just uniswap v1 zoomed in, works nicely with real time updates

>> No.19515137


>> No.19515169

I just leave my laptop on by my bed, everytime I open my eyes, I feel comfort. When it dumps, my heart rate rises but I trust Thanos and close my eyes anyways.
When I open my eyes again the next time, I coom.

>> No.19515225

Uniswap v1 with 1 DAI as the input and
as the output

>> No.19515252

NEVER SELLING!! (more than 0.1% of my stack at a time)

>> No.19515345

It’s about to be 7 cents.

>> No.19515411
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>> No.19515416

Should I go back in for 50 again? I think i shouldve just taken the profit and left the intial amount but its too late, my .032 STA is gone. Possible profit from .06 STA still worth a shot?

>> No.19515428

Then you're getting jeeted

>> No.19515464

metamask if fine, just send me your address and private keys i will keep it safe anon

>> No.19515479

You will profit pretty much no matter where you get in at this point. You could try waiting for a dip, but they don't last very long before they are back up

>> No.19515511


Not Anons, not devs, not tech support. Literally NO ONE.

Keep your seed phrase backed up as a hard copy and put it in a safe.

>> No.19515518
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Don't worry, Thanos won't let it dump

>> No.19515535
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>> No.19515544

metamask is fine.

if you send me your private key i will drop you some STA to start with

>> No.19515607


Not Anons, not devs, not tech support. Literally NO ONE.

Keep your seed phrase backed up as a hard copy and put it in a safe.

>> No.19515739

Telegram is horrible for this. I'd your opinion on qnt but they even got the ceo to send them eth pretending to be an exchange. Just never give your info or send any crypto to anyone on telegram.

>> No.19515765

they wouldn't need your private key. If someone wanted to airdrop you just give them your eth address. Private key is for no one but you ever.

>> No.19515772

damn this shits going. deposited my stim check in my bank and up to 8k sta now. hit my coinbase limit so cant buy more with debit card :/ still happy though

>> No.19515784

.076. 8 cents incoming

>> No.19515802

>Telegram is horrible for this
Yep. I learned the hard way, which is why I am warning all newfags who have never even heard the term 'seed phrase' before

>> No.19515816

Index backed deflationary first mover. This coin is nuts. It doesn't even care about dumps. I've never seen anything like this.

>> No.19515838

right? how is this rising so much though, is it because of us? i dont get it. its not even known at all outside of here mostly right?

>> No.19515860

Lots of redditors seem to be hopping onto Telegram, so it's trending there. Not sure about Twitter.
Once it hits Youtube, enjoy the ride up.

>> No.19515868

Reddit is slowly catching on, and probably word of mouth

>> No.19515885

When it hits new highs they are sustained quite well because of the pool.
Supply goes down all the time even of sta does nothing.

>> No.19515891
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>> No.19515908
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I bought 200k sta for 1 eth but sold it for 7 eth when the fud dip happened


>> No.19515913

I have 600k. Where should I put them? In metamask currently.

>> No.19515920

Did you buy back in at least?

>> No.19515934

Ye, hope they catch on to the fact that its a pnd scam fast. Then again who wouldnt think its a pnd scam at this point lol ....

>> No.19515936

I thought the anons calling 10 cents EOD were crazy, but holy fuck it's absolutely going to happen.

>> No.19515959

Boss is helping us pump!!!!

t.schizo anon

>> No.19515967

Maybe you don't know how the balancer works. It went from 3 to 1 and got back fast. Then hours ago it went from 5 to 3 fast and came back. Now looking towards 8.

>> No.19515969

I have mine in metamask but I want to put them on my ledger, but with the 1% burn, it may cost a potential $5k to do the transfer lol

I know right, I'm only up $30k, what a fucking scam

>> No.19515976

both pumping and dumping are bullish you stupid faggot. you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.19515986
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>> No.19515994

>driving in reverse on the highway and calling everyone else a retard
ngmi bro

>> No.19515997
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>> No.19516003

Price is dropping but that's expected, it's been overdue a correction for a while but it's hard to tell with Thanos correcting it himself lmfao.

Low holders, don't bother swinging.

>> No.19516012

Take your holdings

Multiply them by 3.68

That's your equivalent stack in LINK

How early do you feel now anons?

We've all made it here.

>> No.19516022

Someone thinks they are late.. hop on while you still can.. stop hating and read about it if you know how

>> No.19516057

Blew past 7 with 0 resistance, makes sense for a lull at 8. But yes, not worth selling, just hold. Could be .10 by the end if the day, still very early in the US.

>> No.19516068

Wow , dont you feel strong with all your indian shitskinned friends just jerking eachother off. I would kill myself if that is all you guys do all day long.

>> No.19516097

we're making money while you spend all your day here posting dumb fud and crying so kek

>> No.19516131

>he doesnt have any money to put into STA

AHAHAHAHA im so sorry, send me your address ill throw a couple your way

>> No.19516137

Everybody should look into pooling 10-30% of their stack.

This helps the project long term and ensures long term gains, whilst protecting yourself against dumps whilst earning transaction fees from the platform.

>> No.19516149

>tfw 270,000
did I finally make it?

>> No.19516166

Probably. how does $270,000 sound?

>> No.19516170

Yeah man lots of us are up several thousand dollars. What are you doing?
People getting now will still do great. Maybe you don't understand the balancer. Theres over 100k liquifity in it rn. Not any one whale or even a few could really dump it hard anymore.

>> No.19516171

what will price look like when the supply cuts in half? $5?

>> No.19516179
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we're all gonna make it

>> No.19516188


>> No.19516195
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>> No.19516209

still think buidl has more room for growth but this seems like a solid enough coin for speculation

>> No.19516239

someone convince me to pull out my initial investment. I'm being so damn greedy

>> No.19516261

Price prediction eom?

>> No.19516271

when did you buy in?

if sub 1c then, maybe

if not, then maybe not

>> No.19516272

I don't have enough tokens for that. Only about 30k

>> No.19516282

Man I did. I had 50k and sold 10k I know 40k is a baby bag but still. Now its all profit. Go for it if you want.

>> No.19516298

Agreed. Already pooled 1/3 of my investment.

>> No.19516312

Broke 1000 wallets. Gonna be breaking 6M tokens gone in a matter of minutes. the fuck.

>> No.19516314

What's the difference between the private code and the seed phrase? alternate codes to retrieve my account? or do I require both? boop

>> No.19516315

so this trading all 5 tokens on uniswap only. How does the low volume of LINK, SNX, etc on Uniswap come into play?

Is this going to create a massive arbitrage opportunity for link?

>> No.19516325


>> No.19516329
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>> No.19516337

I think the pool itself is connected to more exchanges, moves STA on uniswap but other tokens across more.

>> No.19516345


>> No.19516348

Nice, I won my bet the other day, 1000 holders before 95M, whoever that anon was pay up bro :^)

>> No.19516352

Guys how long should I w8 untill canceling transaction and retrying?

>> No.19516356

The bigger the price increases the more the fees increase, right? I could be making money off the fees alone when someone buys or sells STA?

>> No.19516357

4.5 eth roughly from .002 - .008 range
I've recouped 1.5 eth and it killed me to do it.... still sitting on 127 eth or 380k STA
am I retarded

>> No.19516361

fucking scam. lost 3 eth after i got into this. Fuck off you pajeet cunt.

>> No.19516363

>alternate codes to retrieve my account?
Yes. The private code can be retrieved with your password, but only if they have access to your account. The seed phrase or the private key will give someone free access to your account. Never give either one to anyone, ever, under any circumstances.

>> No.19516368

immediately and increase the gas in metamask

and slippage on uniswap

>> No.19516369


>> No.19516371

Not long uniswap is usually pretty fast if you use enough gas.

>> No.19516395

It's going to keep pumping forever as long as people keep adding liquidity to the balancer pool

>> No.19516404


>> No.19516405 [DELETED] 

you can sign a gas increase through metamask, look for a button that says something like "speed up transaction". blockchains let you do that so long as it's just sitting in the mempool :^)

>> No.19516420

This is fucked. It just keeps going. I realise this is euphoria but I can’t see why it won’t keep pumping. I’m expecting some profit taking soon but thanos will just pump us back up.

>> No.19516424

If you are on your death bed you could give that info to one of your children. Otherwise dont.

>> No.19516437

not possible

>> No.19516455

don't do this this is not working with STA, cancel or wait. I wouldn't wait longer as 5 min.

>> No.19516462

How do I add to the pool? I've tried many times and nothing happens.

>> No.19516471


>> No.19516486
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did you hold for 3 minutes ranjeet?

>> No.19516497

10 cents within the hour at this rate

>> No.19516503

What the fuck is going on with price?

>> No.19516504

9 cent waiting room!!!

>> No.19516507

How did you lose 3eth on this.. thats impossible

>> No.19516513

Top kek

>> No.19516522

Solid? It's almost bulletproof. It took a few days to show anons the system actually works, so imagine the growth once crypto twitter gets ahold of this AND it gets on an actual exchange, which is still coming. I wouldn't sell until exchange announcement, and even then just your initial because it will unironically hit $1

>> No.19516528

use the noproxy address


>> No.19516531

Better get in before 10 cents

>> No.19516540

Wtf is going on

>> No.19516549

1 exchange and we will get to 1usd :D

>> No.19516579

i haven't seen anything like that b4

>> No.19516587
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why does going the opposite why produce significantly less ETH. Slippage?

>> No.19516590

We're still in price appreciation stage, not even fomo. Only 1000 wallets kek

>> No.19516593

Hahah I like how the telegram group and the /biz/ group are 90% the same people

>> No.19516596

is 13k stat enough to make it anon?

>> No.19516608

1% gets burned if I understand correctly

>> No.19516609

Yes. It helps prevent whales from dumping and swing trading

>> No.19516612

Incredibly this isn’t even an exaggeration

>> No.19516616

you lose 1%

>> No.19516625

1% burned, and the slippage is very high too. Prevents pajeets from swinging (whales could instigate a panic sell but people are smart enough now hopefully to ignore that).

>> No.19516637

How does 13 billion dollars sound like?

>> No.19516639

new to shitcoin and craptocurrencies in general. is there a way to set the gas price when you trade with uniswap and coinbase wallet? the only options i can see are for price slippage. it pushes to my wallet and i click "yes" to initiate the transfer. there's no where to set a higher gas price, or am i missing something?

>> No.19516642

1k Addressed.
Send it.

>> No.19516649

Frens, please tell me if this is a PnD or is this the next hex?
I can't handle the gains. This doesn't feel real

>> No.19516654

Anons I just bumped up my stack to 180k. How much would be an optimal amount to pool in, 30%? Inputs appreciated.

>> No.19516660

Post your wallet adress i'll send you 5 bucks worth of STA
I lost fair and square

>> No.19516664

The option is in your wallet if there is.

>> No.19516677

Take profits with staggered sell orders

>> No.19516686



>> No.19516695

Damn bro, no need, you save those $5, I mean $10, I mean $100 for yourself.
But if you insist, https://etherscan.io/address/0xcea95fb37578daebb446ebe72359e8652366cbd1

Uniswap Vision soon btw.

>> No.19516717

I am wondering the same. Sitting comfy with a 200k stack. Does it make sense to pool now or am I making more on letting this puppy climb. What’s an anon to do?

>> No.19516719

Lads get this fucking retweeted so we can get live graphs === further exposure.


>> No.19516722

No pnd here. This is a hex or link or eth

>> No.19516726

on metamask, when it shows you what the gas cost is estimated at, you can press "edit" and choose a higher gas limit. some anon itt said the contract doesn't support signing gas increases so make sure you edit the tx before you send it

>> No.19516737

based honesty chad

>> No.19516741

>9 cents
>9 cents

>> No.19516749
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>> No.19516752

Shaving off a little % could be beneficial in the long run. like a 10% of it. You will save your current profits at this point, but they'll still grow along with STA on top of transaction fees and BAL tokens.

>> No.19516760

is Statera in any relation to the ADHD med straterra? i have a bottle in my room

>> No.19516764
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>9 cents
>9 cents
>9 cents
>9 cents
>9 cents
>9 cents

>> No.19516771
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is the anon that posted this in the last thread here itt?

>> No.19516773

How long till dump to.Get a better price?

>> No.19516779

I used other funds to buy the other 4 coins so I didn't have to sell any of my STAck. I put $200 in the other day and I will probably put another $500 in today

>> No.19516786

Still no, even after unlocking all the tokens. Guess I'll never make it.

>> No.19516794



>> No.19516804

it will never dump, if it does thanos will just buy back with 100k liquidity. buy a bag now and hodl

>> No.19516805

Agreed. Get to this shit boys

>> No.19516817

Can someone explain the pool thing to me?

>> No.19516819

Sthanos won't let it dump to hard. That's the whole idea.

>> No.19516822

10 cents imminently

>> No.19516830

There have been several write-ups, there was another anon who did it better but I'll try.
If you can afford to, pool close to 20% of your holdings. If not, pool whatever you can (5% or something). For low accounts, just hold what you have.

Once it reaches $1, then start selling 1% of your holdings a day while it's above $1. No more, but you can go less which depends on how much you have. With 200K, I'd suggest 1%.

The pool will accumulate for you as whales dump and whatnot, while selling 1% will give you better returns when the price goes up. The moment the price dumps below $1, then stop selling and wait for it to go back up. Do this, and if the price actually goes up to $10, you'll be set.

>> No.19516833

>10c EOW is FUD
>10c EOW is FUD
>10c EOW is FUD
>10c EOW is FUD

>> No.19516838

I just got ~380 at 7 cents and it's up. Gonna hodl 'we long term. do you think I should buy more now or it will come below 5 cents again soon

>> No.19516849

Dude it'll be 10c in an hour or sooner.

>> No.19516852

Oh yeah, be prepared, there might be a dump at 0.10c, along with corrections too, so whales can shake off weak hands. Just be prepared for that.

>> No.19516857

i'm guessing coinbase wallet doesn't support this because i don't see any such options... or i'm retarded.

>> No.19516862

Have either a beer now, or some blow and hookers in a few months


>> No.19516866

My fuckin god how did some rando nigger make this coin? I guess I have to apologise to all black anons here for my posts

>> No.19516868

You have to wrap the Eth. If you look on the left-hand side, it gives you the option

>> No.19516889

They will make pooling easier soon right?

>> No.19516892

infinite years

>> No.19516901

Fuck, I unironically am going to make it anons. Fucking amazing

>> No.19516907

Yes they're setting up a one click input where it'll pool the 5 tokens for you

>> No.19516909

yeah they're working on it

>> No.19516919

Google Medium.com Statera, they published an article yesterday

>> No.19516927

10 cent is close

>> No.19516933

so happy for you, frend. how big is your stack?

>> No.19516945
File: 472 KB, 640x640, 1591288660472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based anon, I will pay it forward bro, see you on the upside
fuck i love this community
autistic scott chad (pic related, also FUD now) is the dev. abu is the marketing guy. his grammar needs to be better but he's doing his best and his best is this so far so I'll suck his dick no homo

>> No.19516951

10 cent

>> No.19516952

gonna go tan hehe. hope its 10c when i get back

>> No.19516955

We get the occasional wild swing, but if you aren't staring at uniswap you might miss it, and even if you see it a lot of people get burned because the tx doesn't go through before the price is out of bounds of the agreed trade, and the tx cancels

>> No.19516967

Is there a popup when you trade that asks you to confirm the transaction? On metamask you can edit the gas fee there, but I have never used coinbase

>> No.19516969

Ok thx. For long term hodling, should I get more sta or or will it .go back below 5 cents?

>> No.19516971

Around ~350k

>> No.19516974

I am not sure if you guys know, but the liquidity is only like $6-10k. Whoever pulls out first wins and crashes the price. Congrats on your chart, but don’t get too sucked in and remember this is a game of chicken ultimately. Just saying

>> No.19516991

Kek it’s not even on a proper exchange yet

>> No.19516992

Like this guy won’t even be able to cash out right now, no matter what he’ll do. His stack is already too big

>> No.19517010

You absolutely can cash out stacks that size if need be

>> No.19517013

>liquidity is $6-10k
This how I know you're a retard who relies on uniswap.

>> No.19517014

stop before you look like your ID tho

>> No.19517016


I took a quick ~1h nap, come back and this went from ~0.00025 ETH to ~0.00037 ETH

>> No.19517031
File: 40 KB, 787x709, Annotation 2020-06-04 182501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 Dollar is FUD.
Fear, uncertainty and doubt powerful agents to the uninitiated but we are initiated. Aren't we biz.

>> No.19517037

He would be better off taking small chunks anyways, this was already discussed.
Alright bros, the FUD'ers are here, looks like it's lunchtime break so I'll see you guys later tonight.

>> No.19517038

you fkin retard

>> No.19517040

Check the actual liquidity stats, not the incorrect one on uniswap info you jungle nigger.

>> No.19517042

Yes it's made so that whales won't pull everything and crash the price. I saw others suggesting they'll shave off 1% per week which sounds pretty ideal.

>> No.19517043

Ok, after spending 300$ and taking a crash and burn course on coins and from what this thread is telling me I have too little coins to actually do anything with,so what do I do anons?

>> No.19517054

any way to see current marketcap?

>> No.19517069

You're right, I'm taking my 10ETH and running. It was a good x10 for me!

>> No.19517070

That's up to you, you can look at the coingecko chart and see if it is worth it to risk having to buy in at a higher price if it never dips. It went from 0.05 to 0.03 briefly this morning, but it was back again in 10 minutes and look where we are now

>> No.19517086

You missed a 1000x, you'll have to settle for a 100x

>> No.19517088

95m x price

>> No.19517089


>> No.19517091

Spend more, if you can't spend more, just hold until you make it.
Wait until $1, and then start selling a percent a day while it's above $1, or have platinum hands and hold until $10 EOY.

>> No.19517098

sell your house and go all in

>> No.19517107

Ok thx, I'll keep my eyes glued to the screen
I hope this baby lamps to 1k+

>> No.19517126

what happens if liquidity is removed?

>> No.19517138

From where?

>> No.19517140

Here we go bros, we're testing 9 point whatever cents, there might be whales out there trying to cause it to drop further. Iron hands everyone.

>> No.19517141

shut the fuck up ranjeet we dont ask that question

>> No.19517155

why not sir?

>> No.19517163

Someone cashed out or a whale is fudding, hold strong fellas they're trying to cause panic.

>> No.19517169



>> No.19517172

Someone sold 94,000

>> No.19517179

Lol perfect spot for someone to get in. If you thought about it, do it now and dont be afraid.

>> No.19517186

Don't even know how to read.

>> No.19517185

Go back to your discord and fellate each other there

>> No.19517196

i have just over 5000 should i get into this pool thing? whats the water temp like? trunks or?

>> No.19517204

Yes, we will be at 10 cents soon

>> No.19517205

inb4 Fred dumping some to create a second FUD war.
Now's the best time to buy in for new anons though. Thanos is slowly working his magic so max those gas fees.

>> No.19517210

When the supply goes to 10 million. This will be $100. We are actually rich!!!!!

>> No.19517216

If it was his whole stack then rip him, if it was just a whale taking profits then its ok.

>> No.19517217

Just bought back in. Thanks for the dump.

>> No.19517218

Where can you see that?

>> No.19517231

Someone cashed out. Here’s your dip.

>> No.19517239

Thanks for the dump - burn them tokens. See ya all at 50cents.

>> No.19517238

No, not with that sized stack just yet. Once it is worth more, then you should add

>> No.19517248

94K STA wouldn't move the price much

>> No.19517249


>> No.19517256


534k sale. buy the dip peeps

>> No.19517261

perfect opportunity for you to see how thanos works and convert. become one of us

>> No.19517265

Bought 80k stack. Thanks whoever dumped.

>> No.19517266

It was multiple sells of 95K STA

>> No.19517267
File: 525 KB, 1438x738, a7PqaZO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19517274


>> No.19517282

Already recovering

>> No.19517286

Watch sthanos fix the dump in a half an hour.

>> No.19517294

Whoever that person was that bought in to the top 15, grats bro. Where were you on the list, it's hard to track the movement.

>> No.19517298

Whew lads. About to shoot back up.

>> No.19517302

yup it went from 3 to 1. From 5 to 3. And now from 9 to 5. Not worried. Glad some people got money tho. Good job.

>> No.19517307

Already back at 7c - fucking Jesus in his sweaty bum hole Christ.

>> No.19517309

put slippage higher (3-5%)
and check on ethgasstation for <2m fee and add a bit on top

>> No.19517320

Holy crap already almost back to 7

>> No.19517322

check the contract, some "whales" or "dolphins" tried to cash out to large amount of their stacks when it was about to hit 10cents. They fucked themselves over.

>> No.19517323

tried to buy the dip 4x fucking times. even with 5% slippage allowance I was too slow

>> No.19517330

Dman this bech is dump proof.

>> No.19517332
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>> No.19517333
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>> No.19517337

>bought the dip at 6 cents
Now let's go to 10 EOD.

>> No.19517342


>> No.19517344

Same. I was mashing the swap button.

>> No.19517345

what now mr? someone cashed about 30k$ worth we're back to 7.5 cents in a matter of minutes.
>muh liquidity

>> No.19517370

Fuck bros, I need 1 more ETH to be able to pool my holdings.
That said, remember to pool your holdings here so you give Thanos more power and to get more gains whenever some faggot tries to dump: https://noproxy.pools.balancer.exchange/#/pool/0x0e511Aa1a137AaD267dfe3a6bFCa0b856C1a3682
(20% ideal, YMMV).

>> No.19517382

Sweet Jesus this thing has NO FUCKING BRAKES

>> No.19517387

noob question: if uniswap tells me I get minimum eg. 10k sta. will I only get that minimum or potentially a bit more?

>> No.19517399

Fuuuuuck, didn't buy at 3.5 yesterday, woke up to this, based whale dumps so I can get in at 6 at least. Everything is going to be ok

>> No.19517406

right now you'll get less because the price is rocketing back up

>> No.19517417

It's already 8c now. You've already made more gains in 4 minutes than stock trannies do in months.

>> No.19517439

Its honestly fine that they dumled. They got lots of money and it also burned a bunch of coins for the rest of us.

>> No.19517444
File: 128 KB, 960x987, tumblr_e7ff0f892d19340cec2e9b27cc1d007c_477b57fc_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My firefox crashed when i bought STA at the dump before i could set gas to max. Luckily it went thru without it

Based STA

>> No.19517445

man even if this raises to $1 i can afford to rent an apartment in the city with my best friend and ill save some if it rises even further. pls god

>> No.19517459

10c will happen in less than 2 hours

>> No.19517461

Does help soothe the fact I had originally bought in at .008 but couldn't but much in because Canadian banks like to verify and limit crypto money hardcore.

>> No.19517464

We will reach 10 cents eod!

>> No.19517467

based, that's my plan as well, but remember not to dump it all, turn it into passive income.

>> No.19517472

can you explain the logistics behind pooling. i want to contribute but I'm not quite sure how it works.

say i want to pool 10k STA. do i swap 2K for the other 4 coins then collectively pool the 5 together?

>> No.19517475
File: 5 KB, 629x32, STA gains 040620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel so blessed today sirs

>> No.19517476
File: 94 KB, 1458x847, Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another whale bites the dust. Thanos is merciless. Their little mind can't comprehend it. Everytime you sell, you give liquidity to Thanos making him stronger.

>> No.19517494
File: 1.89 MB, 1153x1430, 1591292836989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a dream. This must be A FUCKING DREAM

>> No.19517498

People dump and it doesn't care. Good for dampers and holders. Thanos is amazing.

>> No.19517500

This is going to a dollar within the month, isn't it

>> No.19517503

Jeezus how much STA anon?

>> No.19517513

right? But not waking up.

>> No.19517525


>> No.19517533

can someone explain why I should pool? will I make money by doing so, if so how much?

>> No.19517535

over a million from the looks of it. He's going to have passive income for life post-exchange/$1 whatever comes first.

>> No.19517545

I think we will see it bounce off 10c for awhile here. If we're lucky it'll break through it fast. Same will happen at 1usd.

>> No.19517562

You help pump the price by pooling but you also run the risk of losing your holdings if STA goes to $0

>> No.19517564

aaand almost recovered from that STINKY DUMP in minutes hahahah

next stop 10c

>> No.19517571
File: 2 KB, 293x80, statera goddamnit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First time hearing of this coin
>checks 7d chart


>> No.19517579
File: 587 KB, 1920x1080, Gargantua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes pool 20% of your stack. You'll earn + you secure the future of this project. Everyone adding a bit to the pool makes sure we can get to the bullrun and then normies will lift your asses up past Gargantua.

>> No.19517581


this anon >>19517535 is correct

>> No.19517587

I can’t believe this is happening. We’re under 95mil supply now. Wtaf.

>> No.19517600

>it's rimming 10c
This. Remember to read OP. Thanos takes your pool and will sell it against the other 4 tokens to balance it out, or sell your other 4 tokens to buy more STA.

>> No.19517605

Wtf, when did you buy in? And I’m extremely jealous if we make it to 1$. You planning to cash out early anon?

>> No.19517606

It's literally always at the top on /biz/ for 5 days now.
Where were you anon?

>> No.19517613

Can’t believe people still aren’t buying in.

>> No.19517620

i have an 8k stack. am i gonna make it?

>> No.19517629

can someone explain the slippage to me? am i right in thinking if i swap 100stc back to eth i will loose 1% so 1stc? im not planning to sell btw

>> No.19517631

It's crazy, in like a month I really could see supply being under 50 million.

>> No.19517647

How does $80,000 EOY sound?

>> No.19517649

so how much you earn? and why only 20% if you earn?

>> No.19517652

Can someone explain to me how to withdraw if I pool? Idk I got a big dick stack and I want to help pömp it to 8 dollarinoes

>> No.19517658

Yes, you would trade 2k for eth, 2k for btc, etc
And then once you have all 5, you can add them to the pool. You might have to wrap the eth which can be done on the left side of the balance pool page. Don't ask me what wrapping means because I don't know

>> No.19517660


>> No.19517665

day one
selling tiny fractions at each milestone

>> No.19517667

where's this price URL? balancer?

>> No.19517669

Won't happen

>> No.19517671
File: 74 KB, 1717x824, hexvssta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just hope JEWNISWAP fixes the v1 stats page. We already have more volume than their #1 volume coin HEX for 2 days now.
Spam their contact and ask them to add it.

>> No.19517672

How does $80k sound?

>> No.19517673
File: 98 KB, 616x640, 1591253468719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit this is it boys

>> No.19517684

Some retard took sold for 30k USD, and its back. Hope he necks himself. Bullish.

>> No.19517689


>> No.19517693

Are you pooling anon? Btw if you are how much do you earn?

>> No.19517695

>could’ve bought 150k with 1 ETH last week
>bought in late yesterday at 8.8k per 1 ETH
i’m in pain

>> No.19517700

>15 eoy
Nice FUD!

>> No.19517702

Reserve Anon again, dumped my last 1m RSR into that dip, thanks Thanos!

>> No.19517708

If he's not single, I'll hook him up with anyone he wants.
If he's gay, I'll let him fuck my ass while I get deepthroated by Abu.

>> No.19517709

Just be thankful you’re still early.

>> No.19517728

Why should I invest here if I cant transfer it back to my regular wallets to hold?

>> No.19517740

Use uniswap, put in 1 DAI as input and
as the output to see the current price in usd

>> No.19517746
File: 322 KB, 880x878, stame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19517749

once the youtube fags cover STA we're going straight to the moon, and probably through it.

>> No.19517751
File: 6 KB, 225x225, AA64F497-F18D-4CC7-ABF2-432587808496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to me how to pool? How much of all 5 coins do I need??? I want this to rocket to 10$

>> No.19517754

I'm the one who adviced you to do that the first time you posted. Well done anon

>> No.19517755

What are you talking about?

>> No.19517771


>> No.19517778

already over 1000 holders. sure we are still early?

>> No.19517782

Two days ago I would have laughed at you saying $10 and now I’m actually wondering if it’s possible.

>> No.19517787
File: 56 KB, 700x400, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone who pooled please post your gains?

>> No.19517791
File: 405 KB, 1200x675, 1591293744139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tempted to become a bear and start fudding because I can't believe how well this simple concept works in action.
What if the bot gets tired or stops working? Aren't there people monitoring the adresses and waiting for an opportunity to dump where he wouldn't be active?
What about the liquidity? Are there enough incentives to tell people to add to the pool? How about little stacks? What should they do?
I know the project is now in the hands of the community and that the devs cannot pry into it anymore. But who's winning here? Uniswap? I need answers. I'm literally ecstatic and this is only day 5

I can't believe I would make so much gains so easily. My mind can't helps but think that there's a catch somewhere. Tell me. I'm getting paranoid.

>> No.19517797

Does anyone outside biz know about this?

>> No.19517802
File: 249 KB, 800x800, bora-bora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me this is insane boys. I don't know how we'll be able to explain to normies what is happening but if we're successful we should all do a meeting in Bora Bora to celebrate.

>> No.19517804

Imagine the state of the people who panic sold on that dip

>> No.19517823

Hex the #1 token by volume on Jewniswap has 178,339 addresses.
But it's not the #1 token because STA doesn't show up.
Still think you're late?

>> No.19517825



>> No.19517827

Infinite pump as long as people keep adding liquidity to the pool.
Simple as

>> No.19517829

we need Chico and King of fomo to make vids

>> No.19517848

You need all 5 coins, so you can sell some STA for other coins or just add the coins from elsewhere. They have to be added in equal amounts but the balancer will not let you add in different amounts anyway so you just have to have, for example, $50 worth of each coin in your wallet and then add them to the balancer. Keep in mind that if you only have a small stack, it probably isn't worth it to add them to the balancer until they are worth more

>> No.19517850

Anon who threw 400$ at this and will have 10 million in few months should buy as a drink.

>> No.19517857

nvm I misread like a faggot, but we got close.

>> No.19517863

You can

>> No.19517866

Just took out 5 months rent at only a thrid of my stack. I know they could seem dumb later but I still have most of my bag and I'm cofy for a bit in one day of touching my phone.

>> No.19517882

Wow... I actually want to kill myself. I bought at 8th of a cent and sold 2/3 at 2.1 cents and remaining at 3.4 cents.

>> No.19517891

a little drunk. Spelling.

>> No.19517894

For a brief moment it was basically there

Also holy shit anons, I know I am not making king gains right now, but after buying in this morning I am already up about $600. Shit is insane.

>> No.19517900

So if I have 100k STA, I need equivalent USD amount of that for ETH, LINK, and SNX?

>> No.19517911
File: 62 KB, 730x441, 1589237043307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao they're cashing out at 10 cents. Thanos needs more power. Way more power.


>> No.19517920

Weak hands get btfo

>> No.19517924

Same anon, but it's still better than nothing no? I'm sitting on 20k instead of 100k but we're still gaining a shit ton of money

>> No.19517928

you're doing fine, I would hold the rest tighter tho

>> No.19517943

Yeah or you could sell 80k sta to buy 20% of the other 4 tokens.

>> No.19517950

nah, not the wallets im using.
I'm setting up a metamask. Should I hold in their wallet or use the pools?

>> No.19517968

Nothing wrong with playing it a little safe anon, I do not know you but I am seriously happy for you right now

>> No.19517975

Why is everone so kind in these threads?

>> No.19517991

because we're all making a fuckton of money and it will be like this for the next few weeks

>> No.19517994

I guess even if you make only 1k ith this it has been worth it. I sold most at 1 cent I had and fomod in later again now having only half the stack I had initially

>> No.19517996

Everyone is winning right now anon, the people cashing out, the people buying in.

>> No.19517998

10 cents EOD, no question

>> No.19518019

yea, just last time i got btfo for holding too long and being greedy and not selling after a 10x

>> No.19518025

we're all making money off this and it's a solid project

>> No.19518041

And once it breaks 10 cents psychologically there’s not another barrier until 50 cents.

>> No.19518049

So when the fuck should I start pooling ? I have 110k stack. How much of it should I pool and how do I do it? I need help from smart anons

>> No.19518067


-we're early.
-lack of obnoxious memes (besides Thanos but it fits too well)
-we're early.
-lack of a meme figurehead like Sirgay or McAffee.
-we're early
-relatively complicated and confusing coin buying procedure that weeds out dumb newbies and pajeets
-we're early

>> No.19518066

same has happened to me a few times which is why I almost always cash out at 5x tops regardless
this time I don't think I'll even start to cash out for weeks

>> No.19518081

Because we are all gonna make it, even fudders chilled out and bought. Honestly I am hoping for some decent fud so I can buy the dip

>> No.19518088

we dont have a shitload of seething nostaters mobbing the threads yet
because we're early

>> No.19518093

Leave it in your metamask until you learn about the balance pool and then you can decide from there

>> No.19518114

I will be holding what I have left with iron hands its all profit and then some now. I even got myself a little bag of cur. Not trying to shill do what you want with your money guys. I'm just so poor and this was such a boon that I had to take a bit and relocate plus pump my bank account. Much more comfy with my financial situation that I was Monday. This is amazing.

>> No.19518141

One thing that is retarded: Why is there 2 versions of uniswap? Just to add confusion?

>> No.19518147

everyone involved should add to the pool, stack size is not a variable.

>> No.19518161

Only add maybe 20% or so, because as they become more valuable in relation to the other coins, Thanos sells them from the pool to balance out. You will still get returns and your money is safer in the pool, but you do miss some opportunity for big gains

>> No.19518195

My pooled STA has gone down to less then 1/3 of what it was when I initially added it as liquidity. The total value of my pooled funds have gone ofc up.

>> No.19518224

loving the good vibes as we all make it.

does anyone understand how crucial it is to make disgusting gains right now? when all is said and done, we will have massive eth stacks right as the next major bull run begins

this is literally the road to financial freedom in the making

>> No.19518229

Exactly, it is more stable gains but not as intense

>> No.19518259


And to add to that, a working arbitrage bot and a functional liquidity pool it can work from doesn't have the same glue-sniffing appeal to droves of normies as a whitepaper that promises a bunch of future shit or "tokenomics" or whatever.

>> No.19518280

You'd think this would only get harder and harder to push up, where is all the money coming from?

>> No.19518286

haha its inherently a filter, just like most good opportunities.

>> No.19518296

The best part is there is no slow down, as LINK/ETH/BTC moon, STA will too alongside them. They really are all tied together now. This is buying a portion of financial freedom on top of holding all of these coins once they add staking for passive gains. We've made it bros.

>> No.19518319

It is going to be huge. People are getting friends and family onboard before this hits twitter and youtube

>> No.19518324

can we have some fud please? I like those juicy dips

>> No.19518326

0.10$ * 95M is only 9.5M market cap anon... Hex was 800M market cap.. and many many useless tokesn noone has heard of make it to 100 or more

>> No.19518375

Be real with me /stag/
Can this hit 1.5 - 2 dollars? That's all I need to move from my shithole country and start my life as an indie filmmaker (and maybe 32 eth).
I still have some XGM hoping for a moonshot when DEFIS drops

>> No.19518387
File: 45 KB, 1023x723, xvhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So statera was the real singularity all along. Sold off most of my small alt holdings, except for link and other more prominent defi products for more STA, even though at this rate it would seem dumb to not do that too.

>> No.19518417

I went hard on STAKE, didnt really make much profit yet but sold half of it for this

>> No.19518419

Yeah everyone knows this will go up no matter what.

>> No.19518426

I honestly don't know. I am trying not to be too optimistic, but this is unreal so far

>> No.19518431

patience is key

>> No.19518443

I’m genuinely surprised how lovely people have been on here - I usually avoid commenting so i don’t get called a fagrid or currynigger

>> No.19518466
File: 48 KB, 1024x576, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fagnigger <3

>> No.19518485

Yes. That’s what we’ve been saying for a few days now. 100 Mil MC for this will be easy. And that puts you over 1&

>> No.19518495


>> No.19518720

We're all going to make it

>> No.19518756

Uniswap v1 or v2?
Does it make a difference?

>> No.19518776

NEW THREAD >>19518736
NEW THREAD >>19518736
NEW THREAD >>19518736
NEW THREAD >>19518736

>> No.19518782

This wouldn't have been possible without you all. god bless

>> No.19518794

Yes. Uniswap v1 has better liquidity.

>> No.19518993

if i were to make a ton of cash from this, being in the uk. what is the law on tax?

>> No.19519014

So I just got all my coinbase and wallet shit set up but I can't actually transfer money to my wallet until the bank transactions clear in I guess several days.
If I buy through a Bitcoin ATM can I then transfer it to a wallet and then into STA through uniswap today?