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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19509805 No.19509805 [Reply] [Original]

Ok guys and maybe jannies,

Can we please talk about the destruction of this board that has taken place in the past weeks. I cant find a single post anymore that does not include some shitty pump and dump scam shills. The good posts seem to get pushed down very fast because how active these indians are. Im talking about all those uniswap tards like PNK, ESH, GHOST, STA, ...

Browsing this board used to be fun but now its all just shitskins talking to eachother about how awesome their scam coin is.

Can we get some jannie activity going on maybe? Delete this post if needed but i think im not the only one that thinks this.

>> No.19509834

Need a separate crypto board. Jannies cant delete 90% of threads every day

>> No.19509844

buy hxy

>> No.19509849

We need Flags....

>> No.19509865

Outside of /smg/ and pink wojak posting its always been shit

>> No.19509903

except you have no proof they are scams you retard, otherwise everyone would know

>> No.19509915


>> No.19509916


>> No.19509919

It wasent though, there used to be 20% shitskins and 80% "normal" content, now its like 80% shitskins.

Found the ranjesh, thanks for proving my point

>> No.19509976
File: 133 KB, 644x1024, jewshills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about, it is board where freedom of speech thriving, people just express their real minds from real life. Don't get upset about reality.... . I never notice anything that could even remotely indicate some leadership behind . Everyone knows that crypto is the future ... Yes it is ...saying about 20 gays in the room right behind me.... that what public opinion is.

>> No.19509986

This. I've been seeing this sentiment echoed a lot recently from people that seem capable of stringing together a coherent sentence. Majority of people here are holyfuckingshit levels of stupid. There are real projects and discussions but you have you plug your nose and wade through an ever-growing pool of shit to get to them. Chainlink "making it" was ironically the best and then the absolute worst thing to happen to this board.

>> No.19510026
File: 8 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made a post about this last week, this place is the nigger Nigerian kingdom of scams. there should be general for low level shit coins below the top 50 my market cap. aint nobody got time for this pajeet bullshit!

>> No.19510053
File: 114 KB, 906x1124, kleroswinter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kleros was the ORIGINAL Uniswap coin. It;s not our fault you missed bottom. Stay poor.

>> No.19510075

i'm with you. there have been probably 200 threads in the past 24 hours of people on /biz/ just creating scam erc-20 tokens to pump on uniswap. whoever found out how easy it was to pump with uniswap pretty much ruined this site. yeah i've made some money but there's barely anything of value here anymore and 80% of the threads are garbage.

>> No.19510085

>Can we please talk about the destruction of this board that has taken place in the past weeks
>in the past weeks

>> No.19510094

you have a point but it's gone from bad to much much worse.

>> No.19510136

Whatever you do don't report any rule breaking content. You'll get a warning or ban. Jannies and mods being the faggots they are, are the exact same people behind these shitty threads. What we need is to have every janny killed and board quality will go up. Notice how the only threads they take down are interesting ones? It's on purpose. Notice how you get in trouble for reporting their rulebreaking threads? It's on purpose. It's not the pajeets that are the problem, it's the jannies(who are coincidentally also pajeets) shitting this place up. Personally I'm sick of it. They are overpaid lazy stupid ugly retarded cocksuckers that do nothing except make this place worse than it was before they came around.

>> No.19510141

/biz/ needs flags

>> No.19510156
File: 55 KB, 400x337, jew remembrance day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((scams you retard))) - why you say that? People saying to you?,... lately a lot?

That is my point, everybody knows and can point it out at request , recognize Shills,.... except you? for some very mysterious reason

A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization. Shills can carry out their operations in the areas of media, journalism, marketing, politics, confidence games, or other business areas.

You have to be honest by yourself in order to see lie or be smart to spot retard.

Stupid people have no idea, that they are stupid, but it is obvious to everyone else.

>> No.19510188

Trust me bro, everybody knows except you, because you are retard.

>> No.19510348
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x720, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flags is the answer

>> No.19510407

90% of board is shitcoin scams and they don't even keep it to one thread per shitcoin. The threads themselves are full of obvious shills because anyone with 3 brain cells just hides thread after looking into for the shitcoin for the 3 seconds necessary to see its a fucking scam. Mods really don't give a fuck

>> No.19510613
File: 36 KB, 360x360, e9449ab1-1e28-4c8b-bc1e-e47ab20aabb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see nothing wrong with this board sir. I'm sorry that you lost some money. Better luck on the next time. You can find very many hidden gem coins here. Cheap price too! Do the needful and look into NuLink.