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19502890 No.19502890 [Reply] [Original]

If you're still in the market. You're just greedy as fuck. There's still time. Now you can't say you weren't warned.

>> No.19502920

>buy when there is blood in the streets
-greatest investor in all of all human history

>> No.19502935

There's no blood in the street anymore. It got mopped up by the Fed in March and replaced with circus confetti. If you buy now, you're buying clown world confetti.

>> No.19502951

I'll keep holding and take the opportunity to buy even more.

>> No.19503045

based, clownpilled and screencapped

>> No.19503142

I have been in short ETF's for a while.. and i am starting to loose hope.
It is not just because the price is moving against me, I began to doubt myself after considering how little Crypto is actually based on, it is based on the principle of scarcity and potential future value- That is it! there is no underlying value in most crypto projects, there is no market for the coins or tokens, apart from a speculators market.

I don't see why the stock market "naturally" should be valued based on tangible things like earnings. It is a scarcity market, there is a finite amount of Facebook stocks, of any stock really.
Although it is almost indistinguishable from a bubble, as bubbles doesn't either derive value from anything else than scarcity and higher future valuations.
This "bubble" is different in it's magnitude, as long as the velocity of money is low and most of the money stays in the bubble, it could go on forever.

>> No.19503210

Buffet is great for general investing advice, but his strategy is outdated. Everyone has caught on to value investing, and its now priced now by people that have emulated Buffet's strategy. Innovation investing will be the most profitable wave for the future. Look up Cathie Woods and ARK Investing.

You sound like you are seething from a lack of gains. "It must go down.", you think. "There's no way we could see a V shaped recovery." "I'll have the opportunity to buy in at the real lows later." And all sorts of other delusional thinking.

The stock market is stronger than ever. The exponential nature of innovation will drive us to unbelievable highs after consolidation from the mostly stagnant market of the 00's. This pandemic drop was the final consolidation from weak hands. Get in now or seeth into eternity.

>> No.19503228

Still in the market for what? Do you mean still trading? You want us to stop trading and buy pant-suits and get day jobs? Fat chance, Sport.

>> No.19503270


>delusional thinking.

>The stock market is stronger than ever. The exponential nature of innovation will drive us to unbelievable highs after consolidation from the mostly stagnant market of the 00's. This pandemic drop was the final consolidation from weak hands. Get in now or seeth into eternity.

yikes bro

>> No.19503358
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>mistaking Warren Boomer for Nathaniel Fucking Rothschild
kids these days, I tell ya...

>> No.19503388

It doesn't matter if my stonks go down a bit, I'm still getting 6% annual dividends...

>> No.19503421
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How do I short broke asses?

>> No.19503429

>actually thinking the Rothschild matter
They're a bunch of literal whos managing a couple billion euros that happen to have a famous name.

>> No.19503486

>If you're still in the market. You're just greedy as fuck. There's still time. Now you can't say you weren't warned.
Market valuations are entirely supported by the fed. Jeremy Powell panicked and pushed a button a bought tons of bad debt aka 'QE infinity.' ironically signs of the economy getting better will be a sell signal because Jeremy will try and pull the plug. The market might crash again, forcing powell to keep QE for longer, perhaps forever.

>> No.19503489
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2020 corona dump is literally just the 1920 shake out before the roaring 20s
it'll be remembered as the greatest bear trap in history before we go on to a bull market surpassing the 1920s craze
literally everything will moon like crazy, stocks, commodities, crypto

>> No.19503495

>actually thinking the Rothschild matter
They matter when they're being quoted, you illiterate monkey. The "blood in the streets" quote was from Rothschild, not Buffet. Do you literally not understand the concept of a quote? Holy fucking shit, you kids are retarded.

>> No.19503511

Yeah, but not Nathaniel Rothschild.

>> No.19503568

The blood is yet to come fucking idiot, people still greedy...

>> No.19503598
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it's still yet to come because you panic sold in march
fucking cope lmfao

>> No.19503618

>Buffett's strategy doesn't work

I posed on here about NYSE: PK at $7.50/share (trading at 30% of book value) like 2 weeks ago and none of you retards listened. Even Bill Ackman took a position, and the low was $3.99 (like 15-20% of book or something ridiculous).

There is value out there. You just need to open your eyes. By the way, it's trading at $11.17 now. Like 50% gains on a business that can cover closing down all its hotels for 18 months, and great assets.

>> No.19503632

Is this real?

>> No.19503747

Remember for the past 10 years people have been saying the stock market is overvalued and will crash, and the typical response is "not yet, it will happen when everyone is irrationally bullish." That moment is now. -50% GDP growth predicted in Q2. And stocks are almost at ATH from dec-jan when stocks already seemed to be in a bubble. The crash will be long and probably take us down 80%. This retard bounce is a golden opportunity if you didn't sell in jan-feb.

>> No.19503808

all of that got priced in during the march dump
when will you tards learn that markets are forward looking? -50% GDP is already priced in. unemployment is priced in. stocks always bottom long before the economy recovers. same dynamic in 2008/09.

>> No.19503825

Based. Got any other gems?

>> No.19503878

what market?

>> No.19503888


Lmao, bottom won't happen for 2-4 years.

>> No.19503889


post portfolio seething infant

>> No.19503914

He didn't mean actually non-metaphorical blood hahahah. Literally spot on mindset to buy BTC at $3800 in march that was textbook blood in the streets

>> No.19503916

priced in

>> No.19503940

you suck at writing fud ranjesh

>> No.19503988

This is really bullish though. We've got the next hundred years of downturns, recessions, and so on already priced in. The market can only go up at this point unless the year 2121 is shaping up to be particularly rough economically.

>> No.19504053

>It is a scarcity market, there is a finite amount of Facebook stocks, of any stock really.

Companies issue new stock all the time to raise cash, Tesla is a good example.

>This "bubble" is different in it's magnitude, as long as the velocity of money is low and most of the money stays in the bubble, it could go on forever.

When inflation starts to register on the indices and the fed raises rates. The market will be obliterated. We are in peak euphoria for stocks. Peak market participation. Peak allocation of stocks. When rates go up, people will allocate towards risk free assets and massive amounts of money will flow from stocks. This stock market bubble is worse than 2000 and will probably take a decade to recover after its all said and done.

>> No.19504135

How should I use book value to find gems? Everything seems so expensive.

>> No.19504137

>There's still time

>> No.19504258


Thing is "book value" of a lot of stocks are probably overestimated 10x. Most hotels and such will literally go to $0. Newfags investors are going to rekt this depression.

>> No.19504310
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>mfw i use fake clownfettis to purchase real tangible stores of value like gold&silver
it feel like stealing lol

>> No.19504384
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never saw a clueless nigger this bluepilled and retarded spouting nonsensical shit with such a display of insurance

congrats, i guess...

>> No.19504423


only thing priced in is your wife, retarded mumunigger

>> No.19504492


>> No.19504527


What is a stop loss?

>> No.19504548

I live out of the market. Cash is Trash.

>> No.19504576

Virus aside, hotels are a highly competitive sector with no chance of government bailout and were facing competition from Airbnb, which provides a cheaper and better experience. Don't get Hertzed.

>> No.19504621
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who do i believe?

>> No.19504660

bear why

>> No.19504672

>Innovation investing
Would you suggest hydrogen and Crispr?

>> No.19504682


>> No.19504711

>his strategy is outdated
People don't understand that markets are always changing.
Once you have found an exploit and it gets obvious it will be already saturated
This is why TA and statistical methods won't help you.
If ya wanna have a chance you gotta monitor h 24 searching for recent exploits the same as an hacker who searches for 0-days
You gotta be starring a chart
''muh algos''


>> No.19504712
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maximum cope retards who missed the bottom

>they thought the government and the fed would let the stock market crash
you do realize pensions rely on stocks? this isn't even an economic question anymore. it's one of social stability. they will do everything to make sure it doesn't crash. society would literally collapse as boomers would starve in the streets. stop fighting the fed.

>> No.19504749

>boomers would starve in the streets.
my dick

>> No.19504751

why hydrogen no?

>> No.19504757
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holy shit imagine being this confident the market can't crash.

I hope to god I am never this dumb.

>> No.19504763

>you do realize pensions rely on stocks?
ok but this situation can't last too long
When boomers maybe gold standard again
because you can't create value out of tiny air for too long

>> No.19504787

>holy shit imagine being this confident the market can't crash.
Fed brrrrs brrrs how can ya explain this pump?
It was in march when normies on youtube said:
''It will crash more''
I said nah... it won't crash more than this.
Jews fucked them once again.

This because jews still don't want the stock market to crash
The day they will let it relay on economy is when they will ripristinate gold/silver standars
They have bags of silver and they will unload on normies but not now

Now is moment for stock pumps and value out of tiny air

>> No.19504796

It's a meme the greens are pushing because they're scared of nuclear. You could make some short term gains, but anticipate wild swings, somewhat similar to biotech.

>> No.19504823

bobo cope

>> No.19504829

XMR has a fixed emission rate and can be mined on almost any CPU.

>> No.19504917

>It's a meme
what if it substitutes petroleum in the next 15 years?

>> No.19504960

What else you got? I'm a technicals guy, but also run a business so I love it when a stock has both.

>> No.19504985

picking stocks is insane just buy voo and forget it.

>> No.19505129

>asteroid mining

>> No.19505163

Will never happen hydrogen is to explosive to replace gasoline or diesel in 15-25 years.

>> No.19505335

>he doesn't know about jipang

>> No.19505354

>Exponential innovation
>Calling others dumb
Lol, this kid thinks we're actually going to Mars.

>> No.19505395

Should i cash out my 401k? Then i lose like 50% in penalties and taxes, seems like better to just hold and ride it out

>> No.19505466

increase your contribution you dumbass

>> No.19505728

>I use book value to find gems?

>> No.19505755

>he doesn't know about jipang
could ya explain a lil bit?

>> No.19506143

This thread is full of butthurt lolllllll
You guys suck dick!!!!!
>hurrrrrr MUH expertises muh meme lines
Guess whos making money now? Me! I had a McJob but right now making 2 weeks more than my yearly salary

>> No.19506302

>They have bags of silver and they will unload on normies but not now
>Now is moment for stock pumps and value out of tiny air
ok but for how long can they keep this clown system alive before being forced into the silver/gold backing? bcuz you clearly don't want to get stuck in the fiat ponzi death spiral when it occur tbdesu...

>> No.19507288

you do know those dividends are not mandatory...

I like your way of thinking. There is so much currency spinning up in the air, that anything can rise in price that is rare. My question is when does this also come to the real world, and start off the hyperinflation?

>> No.19507423
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>display of insurance
shut the fuck up wagie. im going to need to see a display of insurance if you want to keep posting here

>> No.19507447
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Because of fukushima and climate change the nips are planning on replacing the majority of their fuels with hydrogen sourced from low grade Australian coal (Iceland might do something similar but I'm not too sure and they're small fry). Whether it works or not is another thing but this is bullish for hydrogen imo. DYOR though.

>> No.19507508

so invest early in risk free assets? is that what you are saying here?

>> No.19507626

Fellow stralyan here.
What companies are doing this? Is it all just the big mining ones?

>> No.19507676

VOO is safe but boring. Do that and buy options

>> No.19507733

extreme bear cope. the "depression" was priced into the march crash. the march crash was predicated on a 3.6% mortality rate and millions of americans dead. we saw pretty quickly that wasn't the case. everything is opening up and people have realized that the chinese flu is actually a nothingburger, even the CDC has revised their mortality rate to 0.25%

>> No.19508157
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All the fun of doing SYNGAS production, now with the free Shipping Liquid H2 DLC pack! I get that the Japanese enjoy making things overly complicated and inefficient, but maybe don't apply that to your energy infrastructure.

>> No.19508277

>> There is no value in decentralized unconfiscarable worldwide money you can send value to any nation's member in a few minutes; try sending a Thai person value on his bank account then ;

>> No.19508336

priced in

>> No.19508379

I had a McJob but right now making 2 weeks more than my yearly salary
Holy mother of Bobo

>> No.19508449

wow someone else on biz who actually gets it. Hello there.

>> No.19508532

No, buy VOO and link.

>> No.19508564
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>> No.19508665

Unlikely when oil is dirt cheap, plentiful and China is consooming like crazy