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19498921 No.19498921 [Reply] [Original]

Why do smart people in one area think they have expertise to lecture people in everything?
Fuck, this dude knows about computers, not politics. People should stick to what they know.

>> No.19499198

Because they want to flex their intelligence.

>> No.19499230

>in politics
Politics is not a technical subject. No-one can be an "expert" in Politics.

>> No.19499245

Vitalik spent the vast majority of this time researching governance to implement it in ethereum you imbecile

>> No.19499283

so this stream isn't free ? wtf.

>> No.19499353
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>> No.19499602

His lecture isn’t on politics you retard, it’s using his expertise in mechanism design and exploring how it relates to politics. Like how Gordon Ramsay giving a lecture on flavour pairing in vending machines doesn’t mean he’s an expert on the design of vending machines

Now tell me anon, you haven’t bought OMG yet have you? Do it now and we can forget this ever happened

>> No.19499644

He thinks he is Sheldon cooper

>> No.19499690

this but unironically
it's amazing so many anons throw their lifesavings in cryptocurrency yet don't make the slightest effort to understand its point

>> No.19499702

What a fucking retard. Idiots love to think their political opinion is = to an experts but the fact is it isnt. Political science academics spend just as much time learning their craft as traditional scientists, mathematicians, economists, engineers, etc. Saying theres no such thing as Political experts is pure Dunning-Kruger.

>> No.19499764
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>expertise in mechanism design
except he isn't an expert. why has eth abandoned their direction with casper multiple times and changed direction completely. they're flailing in the dark.

>> No.19499807

Show me an expert that never made mistakes anon

>> No.19499817

>t. projection

>> No.19499872
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>I can't tie my shoes without an expert telling me what the optimal shoelace tying method is

>> No.19499912

sorry anon. eth's methodology is flawed by design, that doesn't count as a (((mistake))).
>just build and build until it stops working
change direction
>just build and build until it stops working
change direction
>just build and build until it stops working
ETH 2.0 is the best anons, really

>> No.19500139

>non technical cuck

>> No.19500192

he is not going to discuss Hillary vs Donald you fucking mong
it's about governance, what EIP should be accepted or not

>> No.19500234
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>> No.19500498
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mmmm yes anons, tell me what is incorrect there. tell me why eth has been working on proof of stake for 6 years and eth bagholders mocked cardano for peer review and formal methods (waaa it'll take too long, too slow, peer review is bad and slow) and here we are after eth had 2 years head start, with cardano finishing with a superior product to eth 2, years ahead of eth 2, and eth devs are copying cardano AND are now embracing cardano's research methodology.

>> No.19500538

the thing is he doesn't even know about computers well enough. ETH CANNOT AND WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO SCALE.

>> No.19500568
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the guy is an autist
he has a specialized skillset
but he is not a genius on the level of Sergey
Lost all respect for him since this post

>> No.19501128
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>> No.19501156

You have no idea, he reads books NONSTOP. He is very involved with politics, governments and the game theory around them.

Being smart doesn't happen in a bubble in 1 part of your brain anon.

>> No.19501184

no they don't. And you don't know this because you are a retard and project your inabilities as a cope.

>> No.19501501


pick one

>> No.19501572

You can’t forecast politics like you can economics. Politics depends on too many factors to accurately predict, otherwise every election could be predicted prior to the election.