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File: 73 KB, 748x827, EZmZeboWsAAMoLb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19495406 No.19495406 [Reply] [Original]

Like I told you months ago. We are going back to a gold standard, XRP will tokenize everything.


>> No.19495430

Fuck yeah 1000x!
Leeeeets fucking go!

>> No.19495464

Take your meds schizo

>> No.19495481

You forgot a zero.

>> No.19496009

Heh, I humbly accept this as the truth

>> No.19496488
File: 366 KB, 1000x1276, XRP_MOON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19496533

You’re right.
XRP 0.1000x !!!!!!!

>> No.19496568

Meanwhile all cryptos are pumping except xrp

>> No.19496597

That should be an obvious sign something isn't right with the coin. but you are too stupid to see.

>> No.19496786

xrp did a X0.4 over the past 2 years.
going from 3 cent to 2 is all what xrp did for 2 years...

>> No.19497198

Isn't xrp going to eventually move on its own and not need stuff like bitcoin to move it?

>> No.19497347


can someone break this down for me?

>> No.19497382

Jew piece of shit

>> No.19497538

So when will stocks finally crash? The nasdaq is back at ATH.>>19496009

>> No.19497586

need for a "great reset" is so stupid, resets happen all the time, its called death

>> No.19497606
File: 140 KB, 1066x1472, ENIs-pNXsAYHG7H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19497697
File: 94 KB, 602x856, ripple-xrp-brad-garlinghouse-massive-faggot-kike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get this kike shit out of here.

>> No.19497714
File: 80 KB, 818x477, brad-garlinghouses-argument-for-xrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre defending the Jew banker coin who have a stated objective of pro-actively fighting racism, while calling others Jews. You, are a Jew.

>> No.19497741


>> No.19497785
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 1d435a087f8fe4f6e5e78a1b8415869f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, let's reset.

>> No.19498165

Anymore? Or have the link to his account?

>> No.19498209

No, he deleted it. This is many, many months old. Early 2019 I believe.

>> No.19498755

Is the current crisis big enough for that big of a switch?

>> No.19499046

This crisis is the biggest we’ve had in history. It was artificially designed for this purpose...

>> No.19499697

And this connects to XRP how?

>> No.19499805

Not an argument

>> No.19500987

How does this shit correlate to xrp exactly?

>> No.19501351

Mental retardation is on here

OP is a babacugs cocksucker
Gobbling his balls while putting a giant red candle into his ass

>> No.19501421

You've got to be a special kind of stupid if you don't think xrp has no use. All those connections to banks and services mean money will pour in. Maybe not this month or this year, but very soon.

>> No.19501561

In every crisis, there is Image: Unsplash an opportunity

>> No.19501705
File: 703 KB, 828x650, 99440795_141739934098883_9074354070596091904_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of stupid, you fucked up your double negative there genius. typical xrp tard you're going to lose your money and it pleases me greatly. quitting this shit thread now too so you can cope by yourself with your thumb in your ass. retarded fag

>> No.19501733

Schizo /thread

>> No.19501906
File: 405 KB, 864x349, 5CCE4302-005B-4499-84C7-ED8736C3F3CE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The insider said it I swear! It’s no larp!!! We’re gooonnna gooooo to theeee moooooon

>> No.19501941

I bought about $3k of XRP the other day. I consider it gambling money, will hodl and see where it goes.

>> No.19502089

Why wouldnt the government just create their own crypto? Like we dont have a private startup in Silicon Valley printing off US Fiat money.

Isn't better if IMF starts from scratch to control initial supply?

>> No.19502493

This omg people are dumb thinking this won’t happen. J.P. Morgan went and made their own stable coin. Who wants a coin like xrp that changes in price always lmao
Take your meds buddy

>> No.19502582

they dont have time. China already has somthing that can be used and it takes at least 2 years to get something up and running to XRP's level.

>> No.19502645

XRP is a bridge asset, it connects all the currencies of the world. No bank will ever buy JP morgan coin other than JP morgan. When settlements are processed through the XRPL, it converts currencies to XRP which then converts to the parties desired choice.

>> No.19502650

Goddammit lol. I fucking hate swype. Ah well, he got me there.

>> No.19503406

I can say the fucking same about xrp lol it’s a shit coin that dumps what bank wants to watch money get lost. doesn’t matter if it bridges a currency let’s say
>Oh so like you buy the coin and it instantly settles for the same price you got it for?

Yeah odl doesn’t mean xrps going above .20 delusional