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19486486 No.19486486 [Reply] [Original]

So why put all the effort that it takes to learn coding when you can invest less effort to learn the logistics of a business and become self employed i.e. wholesaling?

Coding seems like a meme

>> No.19486487

stem in general seems like a meme..

>> No.19486626
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nerds. Any counter argument? Im willing to bet my ass it is more or less 10x harder to learn coding well enough to be employable than it is to learn a wholesaling business

>> No.19486679
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>> No.19486715

claim haircomb token

>> No.19486739

>coding is a meme
>post message on a website that was coded
>using a phone that was coded
Get a job so there’s no free rides and your “idea” is not good

>> No.19486810

Lmfao by your logic everyone should have every job ever, retard. Your logic is utter trash. Here's why:
>sitting on a chair
>chair was built in a factory
>factory that builds chair had engineers and blue collar workers, etc.
>everyone should be an engineer, blue collar worker, general laborer, etc.

Secondly, wholesaling... do you even KNOW how it works? Genuine question.

>> No.19486824

I also have a job. You need capital to invest in the first place, retard.
The fuck do you boomers even do with your money besides throw it into the s&p ponzi?

>> No.19486848

I’m not the idiot who called chairs a meme you jackass

Yes I know how it works my grandpa makes a living still to this day he can’t even spell he’s literally illiterate and survives off of it

>> No.19486852

That's not very nice, now i'm sad

>> No.19486859

Aw fuck. Please dont be one of those pussies that hit and run. Actually give a counter argument like a man, pussy. Dont run away from me.

>> No.19486891

I’m not a boomer I’m a system architect self taught make 160k with a high school diploma

>> No.19486893

>I’m not the idiot who called chairs a meme you jackass
You missed the point, jackass. You are IGNORING that by your OWN logic everyone should have EVERY kind of job. Stop being a pussy by ignoring your flawed argument.

I know stem is extremely useful, BUT what im saying is people work hard as FUCK JUST to graduate (not even counting he actual grind of working in the field ASSUMING you are even good enough since employers see you as livestock and only pick unicorns) only for a mediocre life. Ya, they make good money and ya, it can lead to a good life eventually due to more income = can invest more, BUT it seems like ass to learn extremely hard skills when there are literal, yes literal, middle schoolers out there with a wholesaling business making more than their teachers by that age.

>> No.19486911

I learned to code in 5 months from a bootcamp and it increased my income and quality of life greatly

>> No.19486927

microsoft certified system architect

>> No.19486929

Yes yes everyone on the internet is 200IQ. Shut the fuck up.
Let's just pretend this isn't larp (just highschool with that job. Okay, faggot); you have to take into consideration how realistic it is for people to be born with the IQ to even GET to that point. Not very.

My point is this. You are making "160k" supposedly. Okay. With a wholesaling business and less effort, you might have gotten to the point where you could get 10% roi a month after all expenses without needing to be an employee. You could have potentially been in a better spot than by just stating with ca and nothing more.

>> No.19486937

Forgot to mention also own a successful brick and mortar does 500k in revenue, run my own books.

>> No.19486965

Again, even if not larp (cmon. Just highschool and you expect me to believe you. How in the ever living fuck would someone like you even land an entry level job? Whatever. Dont answer. Couldnt care less), it isnt a realistic path at all. I LOATHE it when people name exceptions and call it a rule. No, they are called exceptions for a reason. Exceptions DONT make the rule.

>> No.19486974

Tbh, it's only worth it if you actually like it. "Just learn how to code" is a dumb meme that needs to stop.

>> No.19486988

It does seem like a meme to enter stem for the money. Looks like a recipe for utter misery.

>> No.19486989

Why live by the rules that others create .

Cmon man you’re putting a box around something that’s not real .

Yes I’m statistically an anomaly but I don’t let others define me so I make the rules

>> No.19487006

it is lol
the funniest meme is "muh math major/phd"
literally some of the most unemployable dumbasses in the world a lot of them dont even do an honors degree and have no research potential they think theyre better than codemonkey dilberts, STEM is a legit meme 40 hours a week for 70-90k a year is legit slavery

>> No.19487008

Just for fun (wont actually prove a point), post some sort of proof. Just to entertain my curiosity.

>> No.19487014

coding introverts people

>> No.19487088
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>> No.19487132
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please explain more.
OP is a fucking idiot. I own a property management company in an SEC college town. Now that I'm starting a family and turning 30 next year I am considering a coding bootcamp to increase both my stability of income and earnings cap (difficult to make $100k/year doing what I do currently). I background in formal logic and huge interest in blockchain tech, etc. I figure it will be a matter of learning syntax for me.
OP is dumb nigger who won't even know how to manage a ledger in the unlikely scenario he ever starts a business.

>> No.19487163

>duuur idk what wholesaling is so op is idiot
retard cant think outside the wagiecagie kek

>> No.19487181

>own a property management company in an SEC college town.
I own 200 apartments. Larping is fun

>> No.19487203

any full stack develop course . I recommend one that will guarantee placement upon graduation. Learning to code isnt hard. It will take patience and time and reading books. Getting your first coding job is the hard part because you have to prove you’re not an incompetent jackass . Can always freelance at first. Once you have a few projects under your belt you’re in the club.

>> No.19487210

also, if what you own is so profitable, why in the ever living fuck would you want to learn skills to become an employee? The hell?
Arent you already set? If youre already set, why go back to the wagecage? Makes no fucking sense

>> No.19487233

>ill do dis ill do that
ok mr wannabe

>> No.19487237

It’s about learning skills that give you power. And code is power . Now I trade my time for equity. Whose the slave now

>> No.19487278

Lmao retard. I was talking to him, but you might just be samefagging. Whatever either way, it's retarded.
It's like saying you have a billion dollars and want more "just for the hell of it" even though it wont make a difference at that point.
So no, it doesnt make sense to do this UNLESS it just happens to be a hobby (though who the fuck would work under someone as a hobby..)

>> No.19487285
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kek. i own a business; who do you work for?
do you think that a PM company in a >250k population market is glamorous? why am i replying to bait?

>> No.19487292

You sound paranoid . Good night anon

>> No.19487345

>first ID in this thread
>being this mad
Samefagging. Also, my point is exactly that. To strive for self employment, dumbass. No shit im a slave right now. Never denied that? Why are you confused here?

>do you think that a PM company in a 250k population market is glamorous?
so you are samefagging... why? Youre "him":

Anyways, the fuck? so you are boasting about having a "business" but in the same post saying it is so shit that you cant live off of it hence why you have to continue to wageslave. So... you are still a slave yourself then... the fuck. Why were you implying otherwise?

>> No.19487355

Uh oh... I hit a nerve

>> No.19487376

nigger can you read?
>I am considering a coding bootcamp to increase both my stability of income and earnings cap (difficult to make $100k/year doing what I do currently).
>doesn't understand that one could make more money as an employee than a small business owner.
>doesn't see the benefit in learning marketable skills.
> thinks i'm set; thinks his idea will make him set; thinks he understands what set really is
never going to make it.

>> No.19487394

>complains about samefagging.

>> No.19487442

you're a remarkably unlikeable person. Are you just anger because nobody is asking for your special knowledge about wholesaling?

I'll throw you a bone. Wholesaling is retarded. All the costs and risks of selling to the public but for less than half the price. The only worse business I can think of is manufacturing, but literally nobody in my country does that because poor people in Asia will do it for pennies. Expect wholesaling to die off next.

>> No.19487489

You should also probably consider what's replacing wholesalers. They're useless middlemen being replaced as we speak by literal computer code.

>> No.19487495

yes, bitch. I read that hence my response, LMFAO. Your business doesnt clear 100k so you want more. Makes me wonder just wtf you make then with your business. Also, lol. Here: >>19487285
you are implying you were making enough to be self employed and again... said in this thread basically "no, not really hence why I need to learn to code". Just shut the fuck up. You want to pretend youll learn to code, go to a strict coding bootcamp that makes it so you dont pay unless you get a job like the "other" anon said. That's all you came for right? Fuck off now, idiot.

>doesn't understand that one could make more money as an employee than a small business owner.
No shit. Small business owners might make 50k while a cs grad might make 80-120k or whatever the fuck. That isnt the point, brainlet. The end goal is finding something sustainable and buying your freedom.
>doesn't see the benefit in learning marketable skills.
It could make sense if cheap enough and if youre young enough. 30 is old as shit. Anyways, it makes sense if you will ise said skills to be self employed in the long run or to at least get a decent job to build more capital with. That said, I wouldnt be someone's bitch unless I had 0 choice.
>thinks i'm set; thinks his idea will make him set; thinks he understands what set really is
Ya. Youre not set. Thats why this post: >>19487285
was retarded since saying "I own a business; who do you work for?" implies you are free.
That said, I assumed you were larping about being set at first due to your haughty attitude. I dont fucking know how much your business makes (if real) so how the fuck could I really know if you WERE set? Fool. I never said you were set. Again, I assumed YOU were implying it.
As for not knowing, I do. Having different sources of income. Real estate, wholesaling, maybe dividends after stocks go to shit and we reset for real, etc. Having different streams so youd never have to work under someone ever again.

>> No.19487519
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very simplistic way of seeing things. It is scalable. With amazon fba, they handle the storage and shipping as well. All businesses have overhead cost. You get a resellers permit to buy bundles from suppliers cheaper than the public can buy them for. Everything can literally be done with just a computer.

>> No.19487539

Show me a chart showing their decline. How the hell is AI replacing the middleman exactly?

>> No.19487554

>Everything can literally be done with just a computer.
>How the hell is AI replacing the middleman exactly?

>> No.19487577

Kek imagine misunderstanding this hard. So AI can talk to suppliers and make deals with them?? Dumbfuck. Be specific.

>> No.19487597

is OP on meth or something else? i think meth.
OP, how old are you and what do you do? i'll pretend to believe your response is honest, i promise.

>> No.19487604

you seem like a meme, dipshit

>> No.19487609

suppliers can find retailers and make deals with them. Many do. Retailers can find suppliers and make deals with them, many do.

all that's left is transporting, storing, and distribution, which are all overwhelmingly being automated by the likes of Amazon and the various state postal services.

You may not see the writing on the wall, but Amazon and Tesla and pretty much everyone else does.

>> No.19487615

Own 20 apartments. Env Engineering student dropout but self studied and now and a head engineer at my plant.
Stay mad.

>> No.19487645

>how can I make 6 figs without going to college: the profession

Its literally for people with autism. Every normie thinks they want to "learn to code" until they actually realize what staring at semicolons and wrestling with compilers and eternally keeping up with an avalanche of autistic new frameworks entails.

If you don't genuinely enjoy staring at a screen and solving logic problems all day long, don't do it. Employers are going to expect you to code in your free time.

>> No.19487674

>suppliers can find retailers and make deals with them. Many do. Retailers can find suppliers and make deals with them, many do.
Yes... and? Wholesalers can still get permission to sell with the amazon platform and also permission to sell name brand products like colgate so.. I dont fucking get your point. I dont think you get your point either, kek.

> all that's left is transporting, storing, and distribution, which are all overwhelmingly being automated by the likes of Amazon and the various state postal services.
Faggot. Just... LMFAO. The FUCK do tou think "FBA" even stands for in "amazon FBA"? Lololol. It stands for "fulfillment by amazon", jackass. Those things that are automated are a PART of being a memeber of amazon fba, dumbass.
Ya. Amazon handles that. You can literally have the products sent to an amazon fulfillment center to STORE there. When people buy online, it is then TRANSPORTED to the individual. You sir, are a retard. The stuff you bitch about being automated are part of the PROs when being a part of amazon fba. Just wtf, dude. Do your fucking homework on this shit.

>> No.19487682

I have a buddy that's a class B operator at a water treatment plant and owns 2 rental houses in the cheapest parts of Oklahoma.

this is the sort of thing I imagine he posts in his spare time.

>> No.19487701

>literal robots taking over logistics means more jobs for wholesalers and fewer for people that write code for robots

>> No.19487713

Yep... I feel the media makes it look really glamorous but they never ever show you how reality really is. How it isnt some "fun" thing (for most people). Instead, employers actually expect you to LIVE coding.
Honestly, it seems similar for most hard skill jobs. I was an electrician before for a little bit. It was the same shit. Employers expected you to BREATHE in the trade and make it be 90% of who you are as a person. Shit is pretty garbage. I learned feel good/chill industries are the only places that wont mind rape me.

>> No.19487727

Ya, because the way amazon benefits from wholesalers is by having them find the products that will be profitable and have them handle how much to buy all while amazon gets a commission from the wholesaler's sales so it's basically a win-win on both sides (obviously favoring amazon itself). Amazon makes a shitton a money from wholesalers. Again, you have failed to actual list how AI is a danger to wholesalers.

>> No.19487780

I doubt wholesaling is as easy and risk free as you make it out to be

Coding enables you to try out business ideas extremely quickly and often with zero monetary investment. Most ideas require software to some degree and knowing how it works can save you a lot of money; anecdotally, my current boss has wasted 300-400k paying people who couldn’t complete his idea, but he had no idea because he didn’t have any real insight into what they were producing (looked promising, but barely worked and not robustly build, so years of work eventually just scrapped)

Coding has insane upward career mobility if you apply yourself; being a wagie sucks but if you’re a good wagie you can FAANG and make a guaranteed >300k

>> No.19488232

The knowledge and experience you can get in stem can be pretty cool, and it's awesome to be able to build your own stuff, but from a career perspective it's pretty retarded. Better to go the Elon route if you care about tech stuff: make a shit load of money as an entrepreneur and then go stem

>> No.19488396

You know Elon was programming in his childhood, right? Which he heavily used in his first startups?

>> No.19488543

please, PLEASE send me a link to buy that plush (in stock), in the three years i've been here it was always sold out (leave some for the rest of us faggots)