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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19487095 No.19487095 [Reply] [Original]

What is some /biz/ approved literature?

>> No.19487113
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>> No.19487137

most books on finance are quite literally just jewish scams. Getting rich in the modern world is like finding a hidden duping exploit in a video game. You have to find a method that's not widely known/used and you have to bank off that. Crypto is like an exploit in the system in a sense, maybe 10k people in the world know about chainlink and maybe only a million actually invest in BTC.

>> No.19487361

>friends are a commodity to be won


>> No.19487407


That book is garbage

>> No.19487456

A big part of getting rich I've found so far is restrictions. Like a 50k asset requirement for margin accounts so that you can trade options. Now I meet that requirement, but I didn't when I started so I lied. I also lied about yearly income to get better credit card offers.

>> No.19487458


The guy became patron diety of airport bookstoor buiz sections by saying: no one actually gives a fuck about your problems or opinions, and they are usually preteding to listen while waiting for a moment to talk about/give you theirs.

wow. big wow Dale. can I have my money back now asshole?

>> No.19487466

Epic trolle fren

>> No.19487478


>> No.19487497

I know its cliche but Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari is great because it kind of gives you an insight into how people evolved/think. Which is why I think Bill Gates likes it.

>> No.19487514

ID is DSaurRex

my nigga is a whole dinosaur

>> No.19487585
File: 14 KB, 348x509, 3E116557-86E2-414D-BB0A-A4687C146608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get back to your discord

>> No.19487611


KJV Bible

>> No.19487621


>> No.19487623

why this look like dank vape cart packaging from the thumbnail

>> No.19487638

Holy shit

>> No.19487643

The Intelligent Investor
A Random Walk Down Wall Street
Winning the Loser's Game

There now you know more than 99% of people about finances. Of course someone could tell it to you in about 15 seconds but if you don't read it then you'll be too retarded to get it.

>> No.19487733
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This is pretty good for people who don't know what they want to do.

>> No.19487763

Sorry I only read the Loki white paper.

>> No.19487795
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>> No.19487854
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>> No.19487967
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>getting to yes
That's old and outdated. It should be replaced with Never Split the Difference.

>> No.19487996

the book is more about how to get what you want, not winning friends. its good in small amounts and some of the advice has aged pretty bad and some is just infuriating. No one wants to make every conversation about someone else, i cant tell you how much i loathe having to turn this on and pretend to care about someones kids or dogs in order to pretend i care about them and they think of me as a friends.
art of seduction is pretty good, any book that teaches you body language and how NOT to apologize is what you need to read.

>> No.19487998

That seems really good

>> No.19488052

Art of seduction is good but 48 laws of power is better and covers more applicable wisdom

>> No.19488091

Fart Proudly - Benjamin Franklin

>> No.19488111

I know this is cliche highschool shit but Atlas Shrugged

>> No.19488180

I about to make a post about how you faggots would probably love 48 Laws of Power even though it's a total meme and everything in is absolute brainlet tier

>> No.19488192
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I did read dale carnegie.
I can approve his advices but if one keeps on doing what he says he'll end up getting used for others usage.
And also in these you learn that friends are garbage and useless.
Only time affording and money consuming.

If you are a dickhead boss, this book will help you seeing other wagies perspective. But if your a normal wagie and read this book you'll better not overextend those adivices , because people will get jealous on you and your human environment and will start shit talking about you.

>> No.19488201


sorry i meant (And also in ""these times"" you learn that friends are garbage...)

>> No.19488244

Dale Carnegie doesnt teach you how to grow a backbone, I dont know if the core tenants of his book still work within outrage culture. Yeah figuring out how to get what you want by giving someone else what they want is a pretty based idea. but at some point you have to be assertive and push back on the shaniquas of the world. and this book doesnt teach that

>> No.19488423

>rich dad poor dad
>the art of the deal
>richest man in babylon
>money: master the game

If there was a book on how to write a book like these then that would be the one.

Most people can figure shit out by themselves given enough time and troubleshooting but its just so much easier to sit on your ass and read a book that makes you think you are moving forward instead if hitting setback 1, 2, 3...


is the same but for comms soft skills

I figured out comms just by talking and embarrassing myself a LOT till I worked out how not to. Very uncomfy but worth.

So yeah either write some mad convincing "how to be rich" book OR revv up the smash-head-into-bricks engine and make it on your own terms

>> No.19488437


Also definitely want to point out: these books have value too.

It's just that they can usually be summarised pretty effectively in a couple of pages.

>> No.19488532
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>> No.19488671

That Carnegie book is a fag normie fucking meme and piece of shit. Read it 20 years ago totally useless

>> No.19488681
File: 63 KB, 477x716, 6E061A46-E572-4C34-9E0A-DBEECA1ECFC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the shit you need
Trust me I’ve read hundreds
for chad libertarian capitalists only though
Pic related

>> No.19488707

>It's just that they can usually be summarised pretty effectively in a couple of pages.

God I hate this meme. People are so addicted to social media that they think any message longer than five sentences is not worth reading: "just give me the tl;dr".

Nuances, examples, backgrounds and contexts can, in fact, not be summarized effectively in a couple of pages. I don't know if you had the attention span to read this far but in case you did, I have some bad news for you: people actually reading books instead of summaries will continue to be more succesful and knowledgeable than you.

>> No.19488714

Only problem is we are in a central planned central bank FED controlled crony socialist regime now

>> No.19488724

Redpill me on this book senpai

>> No.19488760

Just search Mises / Austrian school economics preferably in DuckDuckGo
Its the antidote to Mainstream failed Keynesian socialist bullshit economics

>> No.19488779


>> No.19488796

I recommend Never Split the Difference for learning to be more assertive.

I'm already fairly assertive compared to a lot of normies (despite being an introvert autist at heart who counts down every second I have to spend around other people) but that book helped me see where I could have done better in past negotiations and improved my future ones.

>> No.19488825

Godspeed, thank you anons
Will check this as well

>> No.19488862

Lol that shit has been debunked ages ago. Real truth is anarcho-syndicalism by Rocker.

>> No.19488913

>anarcho-syndicalism by Rocker.
Have you just finished another night of looting with your AOC Antifa friends?

>> No.19488937

Thanks anon

>> No.19488954

Anarcho-syndicalism is the way Fren
No.looting required

>> No.19489083

You got to be kidding humanity and economies have always and will always be driven by self interest and also most efficiently and effectively served in that way
socialism and fascism are one in the same

>> No.19489095

because he is jew and written by a jew.

>> No.19489107

Pee Pee Poo Poo - A comprehensive guide to /biz/

>> No.19489109

>maybe 10k people in the world know about chainlink
Haha, no.

>> No.19489126


>> No.19489143

Dassit maine das the best one for sure however wealth of nations by Adam Smith will make it easier to interpret if yous start on that.

>> No.19489193

pardon my language but this book is gay faggot shit for queers

its a SIMP tutorial for sycophants, stay away from this unless youre a politician

t. engineer

>> No.19489313

50 replies and barely any good recommendations

You know what's better than books? audiobooks.
I listen to them when driving or riding my bike, walking in the forest, before sleeping. The cognitive charge is reduced 10 folds

I'll start with those that I've listened to since January when I discovered http://audiobookbay.nl/ and other places to download audiobooks.

_The outliers
_Deep work
_The hard things about hard things
_Start with why
_Lean startup
_Atomic Habits
_48 laws of power (for the psychos)
_So good they can't ignore you
_The 100$ startup
_Blue ocean strategy (could be summarized in 10 lines)
_Thinking, fast and slow
_The E-myth
_Zero to one
_Never split the difference
_Shoe dog
_The subtle art of not giving a fuck

On the marketing part, Seth Godin is the author you want to listen to: Purple cow, This is marketing

From Donald miller, building a story brand

If I had to pick three of them from this list: Deep work, the outliers, the E-myth revisited

>> No.19489419

Audiobooks are for faggots. By the time it takes to listen to one you could finish a book and have plenty of time to spare. Learn to read dummy.

>> No.19489488

>I listen to them when driving or riding my bike, walking in the forest, before sleeping. The cognitive charge is reduced 10 folds

>By the time it takes to listen to one you could finish a book and have plenty of time to spare
For me it's the opposite
Plus, I'm optimizing my time by listening and retaining information from audiobooks while doing something relaxing/productive in the meantime which is not possible when reading
You can't properly read a post on 4chan, don't pretend to know how to read books

>> No.19489535

You're not going to retain much while multitasking. If you're going to do something do it right

>> No.19489641

>Random Walk Down Wall Street
That book was fucking garbage

>> No.19489675

reading it now, don’t really care for how he drones on speculating from time to time. kind of a shit book imo

>> No.19489677

Humans lived in tribal societies. Fuck off with the individualism bullshit, Jew.

>> No.19489678

ok i did now what

>> No.19489690

>_The outliers
>_Deep work
>_The hard things about hard things
>_Start with why
>_Lean startup
>_Atomic Habits
>_The subtle art of not giving a fuck

What the fuck are these meme books? Is this fucking Reddit?

>> No.19489748
File: 638 KB, 710x1170, ANONS ESSENTIAL SIX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my essential six

>> No.19489773

Atomic habits is legit, don't know about the rest

>> No.19489792

>Look how cool I am trash talking about books I never read

>> No.19489818

"For teen girls", what the?

>> No.19489907

The teen girls part is a pleb filter, it contains the more based and redpilled information

>> No.19489939

>subtle art of not giving a fuck
You are literally a faggot redditor go back nigger.

>> No.19489942

Dale must be rolling in his grave

>> No.19489948

are you serious?
that book was pseudo intellectual shit

>> No.19490015
File: 415 KB, 1440x1405, Screenshot_20200603-044316_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your brain on COPE

>> No.19490049

You may not like it but this is how the overwhelming majority of the world thinks. It's only a very small subsect of White people who hold value in immaterial things.

>> No.19490114
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Good enough for me :D

>> No.19490171


>> No.19490203
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>> No.19490214

I don't have a spare 20 years to read all that, can u slim it down a little

>> No.19490221


>> No.19490309

-Zero to one
-Think and grow rich
-Think fast and slow
-Richest man of babylon
-The law of success
-Maximum Achievement
-How to win friends and influence people
-Rich dad poor Dad
-The intelligent investor
-The alchemist
-Trump: Art of the deal
-Influence; Psychology of influence
-The seven millitary classics of ancient china
-The E-myth Revisited
-The power of habit
-The fourth industrial revolution

>Currently reading
-The secret world of oil

>on hold
-History of Gold and money
-Merchants and revolution

>> No.19490406

Look up how many people have more than 20k chainlink.. Faggot.

>> No.19490431 [DELETED] 

Those books you listed 'on hold' are available on Library Genesis BTW

>> No.19490464

Good reading comprehension sport. To imply only 10k people know about chainlink is ridiculous. I'd expect /biz/ to be more than 10k unique visitors alone, so that covers it already. Not sure what wallet sizes have to do with anything.

>> No.19490518

>self help book
Funny how like 99% find their success not by applying their supreme knowledge of whatever they preach, but by selling vague common sense points books to low IQ idiots.

>> No.19490719

I listen to shit that takes less concentration like science and medical podcasts when doing things like that. I wouldn't be focussed enough to absorb the audiobook info.

>> No.19490754

>be me scientist
>work for years studying and applying chemistry, become quite successful in my field
>write a book about chemistry
>some anon comes along saying my book is just a cashgrab and I don't know anything about chemistry

>> No.19490784

I've read those. They're shallow and pedantic and not worth discussing.

>Subtle Art of not Giving a Fuck

Literally just takes introductory Zen Buddhism and coats it with post modern nihilist bullshit.

>Start with why
>Lean startup

Literal "business management degree" Karen cock sucker fucks the manager tier bullshit.

>> No.19490869

>how not to suck big fat cocks all day
>chapter 1: the first step is to take the cocks out of your mouth
Let me guess, buyers remorse that OPs book didn't turn you into an epic Machiavelli controlling your nation from the shadows?

>> No.19490901

My greentext wasn't rhetorical, I am a scientist, faggot.
The idea that everything posted in this thread is self-help book tier is farcical.

>> No.19490925

>claims humans live in tribal societies
>calls individualist capitalist libertarian a Jew
moronic socialist NGMI faggot simpleton detected
just get the fuck out and go back to plebbit
your a waste of life

>> No.19491076

Subtle art is not a meme book. Most of the rest are tho.

>> No.19491138


>> No.19491159
File: 81 KB, 416x595, goyim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only book you need to make it in life and in business.

>> No.19491214

Anyone have any strong opinion on "Rich dad, poor dad"?

>> No.19491236

There is a few required reading. You posted one of them. "Think and Grow Rich" is another

The rest just reference that required reading and hope that you'll pay for it

>> No.19491244

>Subtle art is not a meme book.
It's a terrible book. The easiest way to not give a fuck is to not want anything from anyone.

>> No.19491274

>no pic related
>NO dostoevsky
>no bible

cmon now.

>i also kinda liked unscripted by mj demarco
>and every man should read moby dick at least once in their life

>> No.19491322


>> No.19491344


>> No.19491445

I'm also an engineer and I think it's a great book. Nigger.

>> No.19491556

good starters book.

>> No.19491657

Then i'm moving onto "Think and grow rich"

Are there any books that are mandatory reading? Preferably less than 10

>> No.19491748

Thinking fast and slow
Quantitive finance for dummies
Laws of human nature
The richest man in Babylon

>> No.19491772

I would go for maximum achievement first. that one was in my opinion nr1 self help book. And probably the only one you need. for self help.

>> No.19491839

Reading is for FAGS

>> No.19491931
File: 59 KB, 550x830, influence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are interested in persuasion and marketing "Influence" by Robert Cialdini is a good book to get started on it.

It has been recommended to me by two successful copywriters both of whom earn north of six figures.

>> No.19491996

Currently reading Think And Grow Rich as well - it was not what I expected, but is good

>> No.19492024

also recommend it. Additions to my knowledge.

>> No.19492023

How many millions have you made so far?

>> No.19492097

still no million but im richer then before. Im expecting to making my first million before 2025. I have a mastermind session every with month with my friends. Goal of the mastermind is to share our thoughts and bring us to success. I also started a partnership with two of my friends we are working on a idea.

>> No.19492552


seconded. need to go back over this one.

>6 fig copywriters eh?

>> No.19492829
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>how to brown-nose and get walked allover

>> No.19492877
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>> No.19493923
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pic for an undergraduate degree worth of knowledge

>> No.19494092

Hull's book in this pic gave me a lot of info I needed.

These next two aren't book recommendations, but concepts. They are probably the most important keys to my investments.
>Thorp and Kelly's the 'Kelly criterion'
>Taleb's 'antifragile'

Though I would recommend to read everything ever written by Taleb.

A fun read which introduces Kelly criterion is 'Fortune's Formula'. Though if you want to learn the real maths and application you have to dump 'EO Thorp' into google scholar.

>> No.19494174

Did you make this list or just find it?

>> No.19494225

48 Laws of Power is an incredibly useful book in the business world. It isn't that you will follow the laws, it is more based on the fact that others will use the laws to their advantage.

>> No.19494286

>I about to make a post about how you faggots would probably love 48 Laws of Power even though it's a total meme and everything in is absolute brainlet tier
Any time someone shits on this book they want to suppress the information within or are low IQ.

>> No.19494303

you didn't either audio book faggot

>> No.19494333

kek. i wish you good luck

>> No.19494516

I made the pic. Though the suggestions are not all mine. It's from various threads on /sci/.

>> No.19494545

Not all my suggestions, though I did scim through the books I hadn't read, and chose to include them because they had complimentary information or an interesting way of explaining.

>> No.19494564
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>> No.19495528

Information in most of these books have useful concepts. But like with everything, it depends on how the individual actually applies it.

>> No.19495740
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>> No.19495854
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>> No.19495871
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>> No.19495886
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>> No.19495936

These books are all a big waste of time. Get a mentor.

>> No.19496019

>babby's first time in the real world

>> No.19496064

Oh, I didn't know there was intelligent people on 4chan

>> No.19496815

yes time is your greatest enemy.

>> No.19497805

Your post shows you haven't read even a summary on the book. It basically describes how you can change your behaviours slightly to make yourself more enjoyable to the people you interact with.

>> No.19498541
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I wanted to read it years ago but I pussed out. I did read some other Mises book though and also "For a New Liberty" from Rothbard, best thing I ever did after pic related.

>> No.19498726
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So... how many of you are Libertarians? I mean REAL principled Libertarians, not those that change their opinion in a whim just because the guy currently in charge is cooler than the last one.

Statists need not apply.

>> No.19498785
File: 147 KB, 1080x1080, 1590308988436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why yes, I am still a libertarian that browses /pol/ regularly after 9 fucking years and nearly every zoomer faggot there being either a nat(((soc))) or paleocuck

>> No.19499164
File: 50 KB, 525x350, rothbard secession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, I could tell because we're in a thread about reading books. Nice to meet a fellow freedom Chad.

>> No.19499173

Tell us about books you'd recommend then

Same question to you

>> No.19499219

>not including The Magic of Money by Hjalmar Schacht