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19483725 No.19483725[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19483741

every black american is getting $350,000 ???
yeah right

>> No.19483745

i would unironically kill myself if he distributed THREE HUNDRED FUCKING GRAND to niggers that are literally burning the country down as we speak

>> No.19483746

Meanwhile I didn't even get my COVID-19 stimulus check even though I'm qualified, paid my taxes, and am a front-line healthcare worker. Clown world.

>> No.19483768

The reparations posted are pie in the sky bullshit and will never happen but i wouldn't be suprised if they hand out more gibs to calm them down

Just goes to show the government really exists to transfer money from the most productive people to the loudest people

>> No.19483769

Yes please kys you racist pos

>> No.19483774

if he did that would be crazy lol imagine that, Obama didn't do it and he did it right after him.

>> No.19483781

Jokes on them

With inflation 350,000 will be worth a loaf of bread

>> No.19483782



>> No.19483785

Ahhh this explains why futures are mooning.

>> No.19483786
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He is going to send out niggerbux with a huge Donald J Trump signature on the check. Probably some cheapskate amount like $500 each.

>> No.19483800
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Be careful there, boy. Might do something else before he ends himself because why not?

>> No.19483802

half of the white people would literally leave the country and it would collapse lol

>> No.19483807
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>the best is yet to come
Metal Gear Solid fan confirmed

>> No.19483809

Im going to scam so many joggers

>> No.19483810
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omg i would suck nigger cock for this to happen to all niggers. F the U S of A. blacks made this country and blacks are gonna crumble it. hooray!!

>> No.19483816

we can transrace and identifity as a black person

>> No.19483818

That's more than enough for 40 acres and a mule.

>> No.19483820

As an Armenian American, I too demand reparations. It's not fair, I'm just a poor farmer boy and SHIET.

>> No.19483828


WTF I'm a NIGGER NOW. Wheres my gibs?

>> No.19483832
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At this fucking pace Trump will blow up the left outta the water while raping the right trough an eye socket. Then he will sit down and shit on whatever is left of america.
I love it.

>> No.19483834

Looks fake and gay, but I believe it.

>> No.19483835

tree fiddy thousand. its a joke

>> No.19483836

we all start identifying as a POC and america is literally 0% white by 2022

>> No.19483844

America was built on the back of black slaves. This isnt just fair it's kinda way overdue

>> No.19483857
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imagine it. riots. cities burning. blacks highborne and lowborne alike are screaming, clamoring, crying for a solution. retards and geniuses are all taking part. everyone wants gibs. everyone wants to be given a solution.

trump arrives. he announces it to the country: everyone of provable african-american slave descent will get a one-time Trumpbux(T)(C)(R) check for, wait for it: $350,000.

And if you're not descended from a slave? $200,000. For having to bear the burden of something you never asked for.

The nation is stunned. No one thought this would happen. No more need to riot. No more need to loot Target.... why would you when you'll soon be shopping at Ralph Lauren? Shopping for homes for your baby momma on Sotheby's?

What would happen in a future where this occurs?

>> No.19483858

i'd fucking wish, mutts will never live this down

>> No.19483867

I'm a descendant of Irish slaves. Time to riot and burn shit I guess

Obvious bait is obvious

>> No.19483874

If everyone gets a UBI, does that still count as reparations?

>> No.19483878

next theyll give all women $100k for thier opression. In the end it will be broke white men, the sucide rate for men is already too high

>> No.19483889

Lol her last name is groyper

>> No.19483893

i couldn’t care less about your fanfiction. i’m more entitled to 300k in government gibs than lazy rioting niggers

>> No.19483901

Lol, blacks already get reparations, it's call fucking welfare you fucking jackass!

>> No.19483909

> trump gives them their gibs then nogs can finally stfu about it and move on
sounds based

>> No.19483921

Uhh... guys. Look up NESARA, I've seen lots of conspiracy theorists talk about this shit recently. It's starting to seem less schizo every day.

>> No.19483927

id agree with this only if it meant the nigger was forced to leave the USA and could never return and all immigration from non-european nations was completely halted

>> No.19483938


If you give all nigs that much money they will just commit more crime and black on black violence trying to scam each other or flex on each other until there is nothing left and it starts right back from the beginning again

>> No.19483946

I have to admit, at first, it'd be somewhat fun to see the reactions of the people if this had been done for real. And then, it'd be sad.

>> No.19483947

This. Deal.

>> No.19483951

yes but they don't get to play the race card anymore

>> No.19483986

Oh shut the fuck up. Do some research and realize slaves were owned by ~7.5% of the population, they weren't everyday farm implements. A damn good chunk of those were --OWNED BY OTHER NEGROES-- Also mostly their own kind sold them to traders for transgressions that were deemed so horrendous exile was the punishment levied by their own tribes. Very few were captured by slave traders.


>> No.19484023


>> No.19484051

I'm so fucking sick of the pandering to this group of whiny bitches.... There's no living slave owners left. And very few ancestral slave owning families out of the totality of American population. My only white privilege comes from the fact my kind isn't known for rampant looting, robbing, shooting and other forms of violent crime. If you all started acting like goddamn saints tomorrow, it would take ONE GENERATION to change the status quo and you'd enjoy more benefits than my "white privilege". Instead you want to pimp hoes, sell drugs, fuck tha police and act like a group of drunken children.

>> No.19484081
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Big mad

>> No.19484083


they will. they'll just find some new way to angle it instead.
"giving large sums of cash was reckless and a sign of white privilege, assuming blacks would handle money without trillions of infrastructure investment and social reforms. A symbol of white privilege, assuming money would directly solve the issue"

and it starts all over again..
They are literally retarded emotional niggers and nigger defenders. there is no winning. They only exist to be political pawns and to be told to hate trump

>> No.19484091

according to wikipedia
>Excluding slaves, the 1860 U.S. population was 27,167,529; therefore, approximately 1.45% of free persons (roughly 1 in 69) was a named slaveholder (393,975 named slaveholders among 27,167,529 free persons). By counting only named slaveholders, this approach does not acknowledge people who benefited from slavery by being in a slaveowning household, e.g. the wife and children of an owner; in 1850, there was an average of 5.55 people per household, so on average, around 8.05% of free persons lived in a slaveowning household.

>> No.19484106

Would they still get reparations if they vote for Trump? Since they wouldn't be really black.

>> No.19484116


do it

>> No.19484130

They will buy Bitcoin

>> No.19484149

you guys don't even get it
if he prints this money he is TAKING purchasing power from you.
and with this kind of money it's not a small impact. It would be the equivalent of stealing thousands of dollars, depending on how much you have.

>> No.19484151

Time to invest in fucking high end cars and Italian clothing companies

>> No.19484156

We have already given them over 50 trillion in reparations since the 60s through the form of welfare.

>> No.19484162

>implying libs will accept this as "enough" and stop demanding more for their precious niggies all the time

>> No.19484171

Trump doing reparations would be the funniest shit ever and would guarantee him another term. I'm all for it.

>> No.19484180

He wouldn’t go that far. At that point you’re alienating your core base and gaining basically no nigs since they never, ever vote R.

>> No.19484192
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forgot the last part

>> No.19484197

No. This is retarded. They will just want more and more. Like always.

>> No.19484237
File: 63 KB, 1210x642, 1_58uZVuKlz4bhBJF1BL9qdA-1210x642[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>350K for every black person
I think trump is literally just pushing the country to collapse at this point.

>> No.19484269

I will unironically spend all of mine on chainlink

>> No.19484308

Well said anon

>> No.19484316

holy based

>> No.19484320

If he wins he can preside as a law and order president, which is easy since people don’t pres shit during a crisis. We’ll just have curfews every other week, he’ll say shit to piss off blacks one week, latinos another, print a fuck ton of money and hand it out to only one group at a time, sowing jealousy in the process.
And if he loses, well he still left a mess that makes cleaning up the 2008 financial crisis look like easy mode

>> No.19484321

Imagine that episode of the chapelle show coming true.

>> No.19484386

>Every nigger gets 350k
>3 months pass by
>Every nigger has a new lexus
>gucci, prada, you fucking name is designer clothes, they have it
>4 months after reparations
>All niggers broke again, back to being complete monkeys
>Back on welfare
>Jews win
Sound about right?

>> No.19484395

They'd spend it all within 5 years and we'd be at step one all over gain. They don't learn, they arn't smart, they fucking hate us all.
The best I will hope for is a large chunk will move to south africa or africa in general.

>> No.19484410

As long as he dies it doesn’t matter.

>> No.19484415

Every black "family" gets 500,000 if they leave the USA.

>> No.19484418

Pretty much spot on.

>> No.19484423

Spotted the craigslist glory hole operator.

>> No.19484435

Quiet nigger lover

>> No.19484448
File: 153 KB, 850x1133, __karyl_princess_connect_and_1_more_drawn_by_fast_runner_2024__sample-d154db0bd4e30098f77b8d8e49b522a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all for it as long as they move back to Africa as the condition with a perma ban from entering the U.S. ever again.

In a year we would flourish as a country and society.

>> No.19484457

Boolish for Bitboin, bludz.

>> No.19484460

You mean ripple

>> No.19484461

So... What the fuck happened, burgers? You just gave your country away to chimps. Why?

>> No.19484474

due to the purchasing power lost, i would fall below the poverty line if he did this

>> No.19484485

Lads, you don’t get it. We want the shines to her $350,000. Have you any idea what the price of BTC would be if this happened? Holy supermega-hyperinflation... You’re looking at a BTC worth millions and millions. Citadel level shit.

>> No.19484496

Ok first and foremost fuck niggers

But let’s think about this
1.inflation at all time lows
2. Every verifiable black person in America gets I don’t know ($100,000) That’s a lot of money in most places
3. In Keynesian economics (that I don’t believe in) that would provide lots of stimulus to a fucked up economy.
4. They might permanently shut the fuck up. Which is benefit for everyone unlikely but still one can hope
5. 75% of the money is going to be going back into white owned businesses. We all know half of them would go out and buy a car
6. The other 25% Hispanics because drugs

Everyone comes out happy?

>> No.19484503

If this came to fruition I would be gobbling up as much Nike and gucci stock as humanly possible

>> No.19484508

unironically going to >this (you) too
we are literally going to have corona/riot curfews forever bc the elites hate us. gotta love it.

>> No.19484509
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The real question: how do I profit off this? If joggers are getting $350k each they're going to be spending a good portion if not all of their money. What do I sell to them?

>> No.19484522

How much do amerimutts get

>> No.19484526

quantatitinig easing

>> No.19484538

Let's do it. We'll create a white lives matter movement, demand a white history month and loot...erm I mean protest the death of what's-his-name in the slums

>> No.19484544

Dumb idea

>> No.19484568
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11 trillion causes hyperinflation. 14.7 trillion would destroy the country. Also fuck niggers.

>> No.19484570

if trump just gave everyone 10x the amount of money that the richest U.S. citizen has, that would just essentially be redistributing the wealth (almost equally). of course the USD would inflate at a zimbabwe level, but everyone would basically have the same amount in their bank accounts, since currency is just a share of the country's economy
and everyone would have around the same amount of "shares" in their bank account.
although this would mean everyone's bank accounts would just be equalized to around 70k

>> No.19484572

also, reparations is probably the only way for all these protests to end

>> No.19484586

Cute pic

>> No.19484590


>> No.19484600
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Realistically...every single american would get a check. what's the problem?

>> No.19484609

Imagine the salt.

>> No.19484612

God I hope so. Imagine the business opportunities.

>> No.19484715
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>> No.19484739

the msm is now pushing the narrative that the looting, burning and riots are by white supremacists.

>> No.19484763

Doesn’t work like that unfortunately. Literately goes by tone of your skin albino joggers would be shit out of look because White

>> No.19484775

the USD is incredibly inflation resistant, go learn basic economics.

>> No.19484792

If every black person gets 350k I am immediately putting my life savings into stocks that deal with consumer goods and cars. Absolutely pile it all in Nike Adidas Ford Chevy.
Black peoples short sighted spending will cause profits from those companies to boom, and their share price will skyrocket. The stock market is primarily owned by the top 1%. Once again the rich get richer. (((They))) 'll keep printing money to keep the stonks inflated.

The ultimate pump and dump. Amazing. Absolutely genius

>> No.19484807

So this is really white reparations wrapped up in some bullshit? Import flashy garbage from China- chrome rims, grills. Sell for 1000% profit.

>> No.19484840

To be fair, the term nigger rich is a stereotype aptly applied here. Very few if any would manage such wealth responsibly, fewer even more have the knowledge to do it. Also, the 350k is the negotiation point, it'd boil down to a substantially smaller sum. As a final point, considering the estimated cost being some $14tn, that's a considerable amount insofar as inflation is concerned, and even moreso given the velocity which it will be transferred. I suspect a more realistic allotment would be $100k, which is ~$4tn total. Nobody could really bitch about that, responsible spenders could set themselves up for a lifetime.

It's also quite likely it could act as a curative to the housing bubble. Plenty of people would seek new constructions, and given how targeted it is, I don't doubt the possibility of mutual funds for real estate development being created to leverage this money, and in doing so creating further segregated communities. I imagine some will immediately run to a financial expert, meaning ETFs and their underlying will blow up.

Conversely, some will go all in and immediately over-leverage. Some will go out and buy Aston Martins and Gucci. Many will just party themselves the fuck out leaving them with a substantially smaller sum, and quite possibly decrements to their criminal records.

I think a good model for this is lottery winners, regardless of race.

>> No.19484870

It will never be enough. Reparations doesn’t have a final dollar value.

>> No.19484873

Reparations, as long as it is substantial enough, is a game changer. Black people vote dem no matter what. Yet if Trump manages to do reparations before the election, he will win the black vote and beat Biden easily. Black people will be voting republican for a generation

>> No.19484878


invest everything mentioned in the video.

>> No.19484879

could elegantly recover from covid, lol
how risky would black demographic vending machines be /biz/

>> No.19484888

>if trump just gave everyone 10x the amount of money that the richest U.S. citizen has
Imagine bezos pink wojak'ing lmao

>> No.19484889

The guy who tweeted this said directly after that he was just thinking out loud. There's no fact to it and Trump has said before "the best is yet to come." No indication he was implying that.
If you really wanted to help them, help pay for their college.. which will improve their lives in general and improve the condition of their cities.

>> No.19484890

as a darkie even i don't want these niggers to have reparations. you don't know what they're capable of

>> No.19484905
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>> No.19484908

have you looked at the cities right now because of niggers?

>> No.19484948

Are people seriously thinking that this country might pay reparations? I'm honestly described as
>out of touch
so I really don't know if this is just some pol-tier fud or a real convo going on amongst tptb

>> No.19485055



if a boy’s father murders a man and he himself is unable to be punished, should the son then suffer the judgement in his stead?

how about a grand father and grand son

great great grand father and son

great great great grand father and son

great great great great great grea..NO


>> No.19485323

If you think this would happen you are an idiot