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File: 349 KB, 1920x1194, 1920px-Social_Security_Trust_Fund.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19483430 No.19483430 [Reply] [Original]

Socail Security fund is peaking. It has the underyling mechanics of a ponzi scheme where people buy until they retire and then they with withdrawal money from it.

The stock market has the same underlying mechanics. Soon boomers will stop buying stonks and will start selling to fund retirement. Social security will be at $0 by 2030s the dow jones will dump with it.

>> No.19483464


This is true, but also means a golden opportunity to buy in everything on the cheap.

>> No.19483468

I could see the coming pension crisis as being what breaks the USD. I imagine we’ll be in full helicopter ubi mode at that point, which should make things extra interesting. Boomers really did shit things up for everyone

>> No.19483497

Good thing boomers don't touch any crypto except btc and xrp, I'm safe

>> No.19483519

we blame the boomers, but it was generation above them that abolished the gold standard

>> No.19483614

Yeah true. We could go all (((1913))) if we wanted to I suppose but it doesn’t really matter. I am very curious what the endgame looks like in a slow motion train wreck sort of way

>> No.19483730

>Social security will be at $0 by 2030s
Or they merely rewrite the tax laws to tax income past $100k. I think that's more likely.

>> No.19483855

>what is more likely, some kind of a solution or crash and burn
of course they will find a solution

>> No.19483936

>Boomers sell all their stock in Apple
>Buy stock for $1
>It pays $4 a quarter in dividends

I don't think you understand how the stock market works. It won't crash for this reason because it is not a ponzi like crypto and SS. It will take all that money back from the boomers in the form of profits and return that money back to shareholders.

>> No.19484250

how did it work between 1975 and 1990?

>> No.19484268

the boomers who were smart are now multi-millionaires, it's the dumb boomers that spent all their money on cars and bullshit that are screwed and left their kids out to dry

>> No.19484335

I think you’re missing the bigger picture. Even the boomers who made it and will pass on wealth have guaranteed their children will live in a worse society thanks to the demographic time-bomb of open door immigration policies. The tragedy of the commons is a thing

>> No.19484340

Id love to opt out of paying for SS.. but sadly WE DONT GET THE OPTION. JUST ROB ME BLIND YOU CROOKED FUCKS

>> No.19485665

not many people were retired back then. age life expenctancy got longer and boomers are the largest class to retire starting about now and ramping up over the next few years

>> No.19485676

u makes 0 sense.

>> No.19485691

there's an easy way to fix it. social security has a contribution cap of $137k meaning you pay 6.2% on the first $137k you make and 0% thereafter. remove the cap and it'll be solvent for a long time.

>> No.19485761
File: 45 KB, 500x294, Trainers hate him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter what new taxes you put in place to fund SS. Even if you had a willing tax base that could fund it with their taxes, the big problem with SS was always that the fund gets raided by congress whenever it wants to shore up funding shortfalls elsewhere.

Social Security is a cookie jar full of tax dollars and the American public won't slap congress' hands away from it, mostly because they don't know about them doing it. This is an enforced ignorance (much like how the Federal Reserve works) and keeping it that way is one of the few bipartisan agreements in American governance.

>> No.19485850

>implying that people born during that era are the ones who were in power
dude i know our leaders act like babies but the literal babies weren't in power...it was boomers