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File: 319 KB, 847x1200, monerowaifu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19472570 No.19472570 [Reply] [Original]

What's up Monero senpai? Feeling comfy?
- We broke 14k transactions last night, and transactions continue to trend upward, meaning we may be close to reaching an all time high later today.
- Coinbase buys Tagomi, a cryptobrokerage that deals with cryptocurrencies...including Monero.
- New CLI and GUI wallet v0.16.0.0 has been released, which includes Dandelion ++ and faster sync times.

>> No.19472607
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Updated transactions chart

>> No.19472610
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morning lads

>> No.19472669

Buying at these prices is like stealing candy from a baby

>> No.19472778

Did you know Monero was created as a scam? The founder, not fluffy pony, created a miner that was kneecapped, which allowed him to mine the majority of the coins released during the first several months. Did you know that one dev does most of the work on Monero? Did you now that two mining pools control the blockchain? Did you know that Monero is inflationary? Did you know that Monero is banned from most exchanges. Did you know that most dark markets don't even use Monero? Did you know that Monero had a bug that allowed printing of infinite XMR? Did you know that you cannot use all of Monero's features unless you understand how to use a complicated CLI? Did you know that other projects are implementing privacy features and forcing XMR down the list on CMC, taking it's market share? Did you know that you can easily track Monero transactions because wallets do not hide your IP address?

>> No.19472848

Did you know that you are talking out your ass and that you are confusing Monero for Bytecoin.

>> No.19472992
File: 162 KB, 1080x1010, monerocomfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao all of this glownigger fud.
1. cryptonote and many of its forks are scams, monero is not. everything is self funded. no premine. no ico faggotry. no centralized foundation scam.
2. fluffy pony did no such thing.
3. monero has the third most devs
4. two mining pools where people can independently join and/or leave. it isn't like these are mining farms. Google Random X and asic resistance you fag.
5. Tail emission is not a bad thing. it provides an incentive to miners and it makes up for burned/lost coins. It is also extremely low and known/planned inflation, which is not inherently bad. There will be less Monero than Bitcoin until 2040, for example.
6. Monero is available on most exchanges you retard.
7 .Google whitehouse market. It is the fastest growing market place of 2020 that exclusively uses monero, and it's rise in transaction volume explains why Monero's daily transaction volume has also grown recently. 100k new users since the beginning of the year.
8. The bug, from early 2017, was something found in all cryptonote forks. It was found before any adversaries were aware and silently patched. Bugs happen. Bitcoin has had several bugs, Ethereum has had the Dao hack, etc. The community will adjust/fork and move on if anything were to happen. But that bug was also pre-ring ct which has added another protection against exploiting the txs (ring ct)
9. The GUI allows you do do basically everything that CLI can. Also it's not that complicated, you are just a retard.
10. There is no other privacy coin even close to Monero.
11. You can not trace monero transactions by knowing an ip address. You can't trace transactions because of ring sigs, ring ct, and stealth addresses. Knowing someone's IP is only possible if you are an adversary hosting a node and see an IP that made a tx on a specific block that is routing to you, but that is it. you still would not be able to tell which transaction in the blockchain is actually connected to the IP.

>> No.19473121
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Mornin bros!
And a big go fuck yourself to this cumcatcher >>19472778

I'm grabbing some more xmr in a few hours, so today is the rare day where I'm not quite as stoked to see our fiat value climb.

If yall wanna chat on telegram, make memes, and rip on 0xmonero faggot and his micropenis, i made a channel for that last night. pic related.

T dot me/bizxmr

>> No.19473599

you havent made it into a discussion channel

>> No.19473791
File: 181 KB, 1079x753, 20200601_091644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dumb!
Barely use telegram.

https://t dot me/joinchat/RzBppVXb6p1_fS3jM47yqg

>> No.19473815

imagine trying to fud xmr.
do you hold zcash or something or worse, an xrp tard?


>> No.19474560

>tfw comfy

>> No.19474605
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>> No.19474742

how fast does your node sync? mine is at 2.178 blocks/sec.

>> No.19474993
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>> No.19475054
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It's afraid

>> No.19475179
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>> No.19475227

I have an SSD. It took me about 14 hours to sync the entire blockchain. What's the command to get a blocks/sec estimate?

>> No.19475968

What are your write speeds it took me maybe half that time.

>> No.19475982
File: 29 KB, 419x288, 1591056934355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this

>> No.19476254

Timing cached reads: 19640 MB in 2.00 seconds = 9831.04 MB/sec
Timing buffered disk reads: 1222 MB in 3.00 seconds = 407.23 MB/sec
Is that what you are looking for? I'm not the best with terminal, still learning

>> No.19477236

last time I synced the blockchain I could send a transaction 20 minutes later, this was a few months ago, you probably did something wrong.

>> No.19477319


Doin' God's work, anon.

>> No.19477385

I'm thinking of buying some XMR but idk
I remember using some shitcoin xmr fork and spinning up your own wallet took days
although the price is in a fairly attractive region

how painful is the GUI one from getmonero.org to use? (I could use the CLI but I'd rather not if it's not significantly better)
should I use something else altogether?

>> No.19477433

the GUI is super easy to use.

I agree with >>19477236, if you're on an SSD I dont think it should be taking that long.

>> No.19477569

My Windows 10™ machine claims there's a trojan virus in the gui wallet

>> No.19477609

the wallet has a built in miner and most AVs (native or 3rd party) are going to flag it as malware. If you are concerned you can run checksums to verify your package is legit and then create an exception for the specific folder. You could probably run it in a virtual environment as well if you're concerned about leakage. Plenty of discussion on the internet around this point as well if you want to do more research.

>> No.19477645

>you can run checksums to verify your package is legit
I actually did
but the error caught me a little off guard, never seen it in person, so I cancelled until I figure out what's the deal
the search results I got do claim that it's just the miner, makes sense

>> No.19477649

unironically just bought 30

>> No.19477774


>> No.19478040

Oh man that was a pain
had to disable windows protection to unzip the damn thing
and add the folder later as an exception
no wonder there's barely any adoption

how big is the blockchain on one's PC in reality?

>> No.19478076

syncing the blockchain means downloading and confirming all the transactions. it's what you need to do to run your own daemon. It takes a long time because your computer essentially makes sure every transaction is legitimate.
you are thinking of scanning the blockchain, which is when your public key is run through all the transactions to confirm if a payment with you key has been made. This is much quicker. If you are connecting to a remote node, you only have to do this step.
thanks anon
the gui is simple. connect to a remote node and it will only take like an hour to scan the block chain. my monero is a lot faster. The interfaces have improved much better over the years.

>> No.19478079

If you're just buying to speculate instead of to make private transactions, you could just use a remote node. I think that's even a default or a suggestion when setting up a wallet in the GUI now.

Blockchain is about 84G right now.

>> No.19478228

70 GB
Monero is a dead coin, don't let spam posting spergs tell you otherwise

>> No.19478240

>Monero is a dead coin

Seems pretty lively to me

>> No.19478357

Run a full node. The initial setup is annoying but once you get it you will never go back. I never bothered but when I finally set it up I see how much better it is.

>t. Have made it money and a nostalgic moment lead me to built a top spec PC that I dreamed of when I was a teen into gaming, then after 30 minutes of playing COD zombies and being bored released I now own a $5k 4chan browsing machine and that I may as well run full nodes.

>> No.19478458

It's some dude just dipping his toes into Monero, he doesn't need to be scared off immediately by having to download and process 84 gigabytes of data over the course of several days before he can even do anything.

>> No.19478551
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I'm gonna enjoy reposting this when XMR hits 1k

>> No.19478986

Running your own node, especially with the CLI, is like driving stick. Once you get into it it is really hard to go back. Having your Monero on a remote node through a lightweight wallet is like driving automatic, easy but nowhere near as customizable.
For noobs, the latter is just a lot easier to recommend because we don't want to discourage them with the harder learning curve. However if they really do want to dive in, the CLI wallet with your own node is unquestionably the comfiest interface possible.

>> No.19480091

I second that

>> No.19480228

tfw syncing with 500 kb/s dl speed
Im syncing for 2 days now omg

>> No.19481033

Ghost is gonna be bigger than Monero. Monero is still a good project but it is only one dimensional. Screencap this.

>> No.19481142
File: 269 KB, 1200x1335, Brainlet_f3217f_6615771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ghost is gonna be bigger than Monero
Okay Timmy, Please put your protective headgear back on It's not good for your brain when you smash your head on your computer screen.

>> No.19481197
File: 16 KB, 422x332, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

updated for June's estimate so far (big jump could be meaningless because only 2 days, but has full May.

>> No.19481443

what site is this?

>> No.19481626

monero dot how. pretty good resource.