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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 79 KB, 500x500, h3x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19480461 No.19480461 [Reply] [Original]

Has the king came back? What do you think guys?

>> No.19480498
File: 655 KB, 1702x835, Coins2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing can imitate the original HEX.

>> No.19480515

hmmm new coin nice:)

>> No.19480525

new moon coin? let's buy a bag anon

>> No.19480550

Have they fixed primal hex flaws?

>> No.19480565

oh yeah bro up up up coming

>> No.19480580
File: 1.16 MB, 1868x1052, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a third one now!
Is this not absurdly outrageously bullish for Hex?
This is like getting onboard Tesla before electric was a thing.

>> No.19480593

Elvis scam.

>> No.19480697

copy cat lol :) who is buying this .... ?

>> No.19480763

I'd buy it if you jeets weren't so desperate to sell. just look at the transactions....a brand new coin and most of the swaps are you cunts cashing out. kek

>> No.19480869

Better than lining RH's pockets

>> No.19480896

They ve been telling us exact words when HEX was released. History ran a cycle.

>> No.19480933


Can someone tell me why pajeets never use capital letters?

>> No.19480946

I'm not a jeet, bought in 0.05 eth earlier but now liquidity is higher im sending in 0.2 eth more

>> No.19481999

holy shit, so early

>> No.19482079

from here x100 rly possible

>> No.19482119

uniswap growing

>> No.19482285


ride this motherfucker for it is. never underestimate the early adopter advantage.

>> No.19482329
File: 62 KB, 300x400, thumb_pajeet-hold-no-moon-shitcoin-scammaz-pink-wojak-t-shirt-by-51774921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i realize im a jeet

>> No.19482708

ok i have to admin, this is great!

>> No.19482875

best scam since zcl

>> No.19482973

ez 10x-50x

>> No.19483087

I'm going to really fuck up my life if this makes me rich

>> No.19483218

im in, FUCK IT. target price sir?

>> No.19483305



>> No.19483385

how many to make it?

>> No.19483753

anyone staking already

>> No.19483975

I staked immediately

>> No.19484148

bought bag.

>> No.19484220

this coin is going to upset a lot of hex holders lol

>> No.19484773

someone should post this to r/CryptoMoonShots

>> No.19485202


3 or 4 imitators within 6 months, maybe more (another one zuxbux.win I forgot about)

Would you say having a bunch of imitators of your own coin is bullish or bearish?


>> No.19485318

Bullish af

>> No.19485392

i think i'll put my money behind Richard Heart instead of this unknown trash. RH has proven over many public appearances and livestreams he is extremely intelligent and does everything he puts out for free without the ability to tip him. He destroys everybody that tries him in a crypto debate. i think i'll stay staked in the real Hex, not this vaporware.

>> No.19485640


>> No.19485662

what is a make it bag? I bought 100k but the slippage was fucking crazy? I feel like I got a bad deal. Should I stake?

>> No.19485713

youll be ok, with the burning of tokens considered

>> No.19485717

Why such low liquidity? The slippage is too fucking huge

>> No.19486368

tons of buying. not a lot selling

>> No.19486680
