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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19473610 No.19473610 [Reply] [Original]

>just start a business bro
>just get customers
>just get a good product/service
>just make 1 mill a month/quater
>just be sucessful
>just be a CEO

Its all so tiresome and my mom keeps wanting me to do "online courses"

>> No.19473629

Just pump and dump bro

>> No.19473776
File: 29 KB, 1000x916, 1588867582748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's exactly how it works. There's plenty of information out there that can make you millions. The bar has never been lower in all of human existence.

Just because you choose to be an unmotivated low testosterone bitch that doesn't mean it doesn't work.
Put down the beer, weed, and videogames and do something with your life.

>> No.19473834

bro... ok you got me on the games and i do fap too much and am lazy to finish my degree but i just feel like i peaked in high school.. all my friends are doing the things I wanted to do (in the world of finance) and I really wanted to be a pilot but its way too expensive for me.. im literally just a bitch boy that doesnt know how to make money

>the bar hasnt been lower
i cant even get a job.. i can post CV if you want

>> No.19473938


Why don't you get job and move out.

Being successful or making money is probably a little out your reach.

>> No.19473975

post your CV

>> No.19473976

OP where do you live? I am a programmer and was thinking of starting a SaaS biz but I need a based American partner (no illegal shit). Post your email I’ll look at this thread once again in 30 mins

>> No.19474023

>ok you got me on the games and i do fap too much and am lazy to finish my degree
So make some changes here. See how that works out. And Yes, go work on some confidence stuff. Download some Anthony Robbins and pump yourself into a difference emotional and mental state. Now you're stuck.
From that new state, you will see new solutions.
Trust me. You'll make it.

>> No.19474092

Not OP but here’s my situation, I’m going steady nofap, I’m reading a chapter or two books a day, eating good and getting /fit/. I watch bits and pieces on YouTube about muh online business but most of the content out there is cardboard by people who haven’t made it through business but make money selling their garbage like drop shipping. Idk if you’re making through an online business but I’d appreciate suggestions on where exactly to look. Pumped and motivated right now which is a problem as I have nothing concrete currently to put that time and energy into.

>> No.19474118

Are you from SEA by any chance?

>> No.19474167

>I watch bits and pieces on YouTube about muh online business but most of the content out there is cardboard

So much this! 99% of "how to start your own business" is pure garbage making money out of referral links and views.

>> No.19474231

Lift some weights, learn time management, and set some goals. That's literally all it takes to eventually make it.
If you're an unmotivated bitch that's 100% your fault.

>ok you got me on [...]
I bet you also have poor sleep habits.

>> No.19474236
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>>19474167 >>19474023 >>19473976
>>19473776 >>19473610
Yep. Hey guys, for real I’m gonna lose my nofap streak if I don’t find something highly stimulating and rewarding to do stat that isn’t bad for me. Want to just say fuck it and try come up with a small business? Make a discord or something and talk then build a prototype using github and a free web host. If we come up with something good make a kickstarter and just fucking do it? Would be cool to collaborate on something Instead of shitpost, more motivated when collaborating

>> No.19474286
File: 49 KB, 594x841, CV1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic rel and will post the 2nd page, leaving out my references page

>> No.19474380


Anon, I will make you a kick fucking ass CV for $25. We’re talking Harvard graduate CV, the CV most people don’t have the confidence or initiative to pull out and slam on their interviewers desk. t. Went to a sales force hiring department and talk on hiring protocols. Send your email if you’re interested or make a burner email with proton mail. Used to sell them in college (literally last september) and will tell you how to print them professionally

>> No.19474411
File: 63 KB, 588x838, CV2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From south africa

I have a car, and moving out may be an option if I was making at least R10 000 and had someone to share the rent with but its something i really want to do

South africa, pyrotechnician8@gmail.com

thanks bro for the words. i used to be into self help stuff a few years back but eventually left it when a mentor i really admired made fun of me in a room full of adults and they all laughed at me, also i began to ask myself "is telling people to be better the only business theses gurus have?" and i got tired of reading the same "just have a positive mindset" stuff, the message is the same wherever you go though i discovered Nietzsche and JBP and liked the idea of seeing suffering as a good thing so ascend to a higher existance (ala jesus christ) but i got too caught up in that loop and now I just suffer (internally)

> content out there is cardboard by people who haven’t made it through business but make money selling their garbage like drop shipping

I hate this meme, my aunts and family keep pushing me to "open and online business"

>I bet you also have poor sleep habits.
I sleep at around 1 am and wake around 10 or 11am so yes i just always see stories about successful people having like 6 hrs of sleep and dominating their life and dont understand how it works

>> No.19474449

i've only ever applied online for jobs, i thought this CV format was ok see >>19474411 for pg 1

>> No.19474557

It’s okay, but it’s not kick ass. Bro it’s super competitive to get a job at McDonald’s let alone work with a liveable wage. I know a guy who works at sales force that’s how I was able to sit in for a presentation for who to hire and why etc and you’d be dead in the water without a half glance. Can seriously help you out if you want, thinking about doing this professionally since I have the knowledge and skills. What kind of job are you currently shooting for and where do you want to be in 5 years time? you have a bachelors degree in commerce right?

>> No.19474575

Del did it

>> No.19474679

Your resume is trash. Sorry for being harsh but it is, I wouldn’t even call you for a phone screening

The problem is you are listing out your role and responsibilities in your CV.

I know what supervisor does, I also know that someone in sales sells

What I Don’t know is the impact that you had in each role. All your dot points should be achievements, not responsibilities

The single sentence under each job describing it is ok but could be better, no more than two sentences

Then lost out what you achieved e.g highest achieving sales rep for FY19 generating $600k In gross sales which was 300% target by opening up a new online sales channel

They don’t have to be amazing achievements, but something that demonstrates the value you can bring to the business you want a job at

>> No.19474717
File: 1.33 MB, 2550x3300, redactedresume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what do you think of this? ive honestly hopped around a ton but wanted to condense my resume as much as i could so i dont look like a flight risk. its gotten me one interview after i spent a day or two shotgunning it out.

>> No.19474756

>you have a bachelors degree in commerce right?
Im still studying to get it

>What kind of job are you currently shooting for and where do you want to be in 5 years time?
well that's a hard one to answer. Im in a band and we have an album on the way and we were in the works to open for KISS when they were supposed to play here in July but thanks to a certain microscopic life form, that wont be happening and the entertainment industry is somewhat dead so we had plans to move to LA because the music scene there is better.

On the other hand, personally, I would like to finish my degree and start or have finished my pilots license within the next 5 years. Ive been 5 years out of school now and feel like my potential in the job market has gone. In terms of a job, something in a finance related role even if its a junior or intern because its in line with my degree

>> No.19474782

Actually bar has never been higher because of the information overload

>> No.19474799

Get rid of the objective, it’s a massive cringe and will be a blocker for you getting an interview

Instead write a blurb about yourself, motivations and how you achieve results. Go onto LinkedIn and look at people in senior roles and see how they write this bit, it’s at the top of their profile

>> No.19474822

Oh damn i never thought of it like that, anything else I can do to change it? What about education? I dropped out of my one uni and went to another, I thought having both would make me look smart or should I take one out

>> No.19474848

That’s moree like it, and will do for an extremely short and sweet taste of what you’re about. But it still pales in comparison to what sales force gets. I saw the cvs of actual employees too, they had something similar to that BUT they also had more fancy like I said above Harvard grade resumes. Interested in talking over email?

>> No.19474855


okay cool, i wanted to have one section that i could easily swap out depending on the position applied for. thanks

>> No.19474943


sounds good man, ill take all the help i can get if it means getting out of amazon


i work overnights and im about to head to bed but will check once i wake up

>> No.19474970

>Im still studying to get it

Congratulations I’m sure you’ll do good

>well that's a hard one to answer. Im in a band and we have an album on the way and we were in the works to open for KISS when they were supposed to play here in July but thanks to a certain microscopic life form, that wont be happening and the entertainment industry is somewhat dead so we had plans to move to LA because the music scene there is better.

>On the other hand, personally, I would like to finish my degree and start or have finished my pilots license within the next 5 years. Ive been 5 years out of school now and feel like my potential in the job market has gone. In terms of a job, something in a finance related role even if its a junior or intern because its in line with my degree

Okay here’s the thing. Do you honestly think your band can make it or is it the case that it’s your dream but I mean meh? Make sure you’re not blinded by the dream world that you sleep walk in reality off a cliff. What kind of pilots licence private or commercial? That’s dope and definitely should be on your resume. Achievements “Loop the loop in a blah blah number number aircraft at blah blah altitude”

You get what I mean?

>> No.19475009

Your professional BIO is ok and on the right track, could be tightened a little. Take inspiration from LinkedIn and what people write in the “about” section on their profile

Education is important, keep it in there

Additionally I’m going to guess you’re just applying online or emailing your resume through?

You need to hunt these days, that means picking up the phone after you’ve prepared a couple of smart questions about the role to clarify the job ad. You then call and ask the person who posted the job ad these questions and whilst asking those questions giving them a subtle sell on how great your skills/experience align for the role

Guarantees that person will look at your resume rather than skipping it or skimming over it and increases your chances of getting an interview

>> No.19475033

Don’t worry about it I’ll send you out an email and we’ll talk when you’re off work.

>> No.19475070

That’s absolutely crucial, I do the same thing.

The bit on my resume at the top like an “about section” (no need to title this section on your resume) I tailor for each job application so that it speaks to the job advertisement.

>> No.19475369

Good that you have done some things.
Here some more tips.

>now I just suffer (internally)
Go do a Vipassana Course. Its free. Seriously awesome insights. Non Religious. Checked they are also in SA
Other places here

Excellent business Book
Conscious Business.

>made fun of me in a room full
Then he was a dick. And it was time for you to move on. When student is ready teachers appears. Time for the next level. But keep searching and you will find.

>> No.19476473

this is based. I've done a few retreats, shit will blow you on your ass. fags are going to make fun of it but this isn't hippy dippy bullshit, it's one of the most difficult things you could ever do. great for building discipline

>> No.19476577

I know. I have done 4. Super legit. Will train discipline. Trains focus skills. And cuts through your own bullshit.

>> No.19476756

>Do you honestly think your band can make it
I think we can but not in south africa our music isnt really "normie taste" see this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1ltCBzgJrk

The singer is my best friend but I always felt like im helping to build his dream, its been a fantasy of mine but playing music isnt something I'd die for, its the only way i meet people and reason to leave the house though personally I have grown more after joining the band than I ever have, both as a person and a musician.

> What kind of pilots licence private or commercial?
Commercial i want to fly international. I was going to join my countries air force but i dont have 20/20 vision so I wouldnt have been able to make it. I didnt know what to do after leaving school but I went to Germany in 2016 as part of an exchange program and ever since then all i wanted to do is fly and be in/around airports. Coming back made me depressed knowing that theres a world out there thats so much better than what we have here. I just wanted to see it again. Used to watch the mega factories how they made planes and docs like that all the time as kid


>Take inspiration from LinkedIn and what people write in the “about” section on their profile
I always hated this because it read so insincere and fake but I guess you have to sell your pride for money. I will change it.

>Calling for jobs
I thought no one does this, I was thinking about doing it because I used to mindlessly apply for jobs(over 200 at one point) and just go with whatever sticks.

>> No.19476804

Did the wealthy Jews who run the finance sector have to do nofap, read books, get fit, quit drugs, etc?

Just have connections, big guy. Things were more meritocratic in medieval Europe.

>> No.19476936

>Go do a Vipassana Course.
Funny you mention this because this is part of the culture where my ancestors came from and I always felt like I never had a culture or place to call my own. What have you learned from it anon?

>When student is ready teachers appears.
Ive been waiting for 5 years now, I came to the conclusion that the only way would be to forge my own path, that hasnt gotten me far. But that guy really broke me, most of my self hatred and insecurity stems from that one moment where an entire room of 100~ adults laughed at me, man i was just 17. How will I know when the "teacher" has appeared? this is very interesting. for the longest time I thought guys like joe rogan and JBP were like my father figures because I learnt so much manly things from them my own dad didnt teach me

>> No.19477277

This is the same old argument made by capitalists since the dawn of time.

>It's not capitalism it's you. Just try a little bit harder bro. Oh your almost there. Oh almost. Finally your 60 years old you can start enjoying life now. Oh what's that? Your back hurts? Your dick doesn't work anymore? Oh that's too bad. Better luck next time.

>> No.19477590

>What have you learned from it anon?
Its great for getting to know yourself. As you are sitting 10h a day on a cushion in silence. You will get intimately connected with the heavens and hells of your own mind. That helps cutting through the bullshit.
It also gives a profound feeling of inner peace and silence. Heavenly. Like you guaranteed get to a point, where you have never been before.

>where my ancestors came from
Then you have some sweet heritage to connect to, brother. Its not my heritage, but i recognize quality when i experience it.

If you go. Only one rule. You stay till the end, nomatter what. As your mind will try to find excuses.


>> No.19477654

Obviously. Only a tiny minority will make it. But the whole system rely on the false perception that everyone can make it.
Even if you make it, the price will be to high to pay. And as someone said on this very board a few month ago, even if you make it, the process to making it will change you, and fuck you up for life. Also, almost no one make it the first time, and success only happens after you have fallen hard. sometime a few times. Those are dark times. And most of the incels in their basement, thinking they will make it, will break during such events. Only a few chosen one, who are smart, mentally tough, refuse to give up, will make it, and even then in exchange of part of their humanity.
Good luck incels. Enter the Capitalist game.

>> No.19477738
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Realize that you don't need any of that. All you need is a means to provide for yourself and those who depend on you. The pressure is all in your head. All you need is less.

>> No.19478432

i guess you can be right in a way, my mom always wanted things for me and shes a bit delusional and thinks jesus will bring her a new husband and he will take her away to america and she will marry rich, fucking crazy... but I just need cashflow to move out and pay for my education

what about hunger? 10 hours is long damn. I will look at it it sounds interesting, i kinda put my foot into bhuddisim but it was too daunting to begin and my mom is a strict christian

thanks anons, this was a good thread.

>> No.19478470

idk, maybe listen to your mum. You need to have a decent education if you want to know the ins and outs of how a business works. Sure, some will say that you don't. But it's safe to get a business degree or something.

>> No.19478479
File: 13 KB, 500x326, fd552d5a4bf80630b4a485eb3ec579bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just called an employer that I recently sent an application to because of this post. I'm hoping this sets me apart from the rest. I always think I sounds autistic when talking to employers for jobs, but it is probably better than sitting on my ass waiting for an update from them.

>> No.19478553

I just can't come up with an idea for a business, you'd think it would be easy with everything out there but I just can't think of one that doesn't cost a fortune up front.

>> No.19478609

I always call to check on my applications and I always get a call the next day to set up an interview. A lot of people I know think I'm crazy for doing it and they think it comes off as desperate but it always works for me. I've done it for jobs where I'm pretty sure they weren't actually going to call me for an interview and ended up getting interviews.

>> No.19479074
File: 68 KB, 750x498, 1583404437685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post gives me hope. Thank you.

>> No.19479105

get off your ass and start working for yourself.
buy a $300 push lawnmower or a $100 pressure washer from lowes and start doing some lawn mowing or pressure washing.

>> No.19479198

what can I do to start making progress towards this today?

>> No.19479335

cost benefit there is very low anon in that line of work

>> No.19479963

Free Food is provided. :)

>> No.19480014

You meditate in blocks. Its not 10h straight. 3 times food is provided.
Loads of Christians go there. You could take your mom with you, seriously.
Vipassana means seeing reality as it is. And essential parts are.
Avoid Evil, Do good, Purify the Mind. Can't see anything in that which would not align with Christianity's morals.

>> No.19480118

Literally just get up and start doing something productive. Then do something productive tomorrow. Then the next day, and every day after.

>> No.19480204

Pick a trade. Plumber, builder, carpenter, etc. Just need some training and a few tools. I'm lucky to have a good tech job, but if I had no quals, I would become a plumber or something. Easy money. Snowflakes can't fix their own pipes. Or are you too soft for manual labour?

>> No.19480930

>just need some traning
bro you need to get qualified and can only register as an electrician with the government after being an apprentice for 2 years, then getting a wiremans license is even longer + studies. Trades arent easy

>> No.19481138

>just do nothing and become nothing
>if I kill myself now I'll save myself the pain of doing it later

>> No.19481184

Pay is shit until you can work for yourself and then the overtime will kill you. You got to do a full days work then go home and organise your bills and the supplies you need for the next day, Call people back etc.

>> No.19481444

>quantify everything meme
i've had much more impressive jobs than you, guaranteed, and i've never done those fag ass quantifying bullet points. they're a fucking meme perpetuated by moron middle managers and sales wagies. that said, his resume is fucking trash for numerous regions. the formatting and layout are atrocious, as are the descriptions of everything he's done.

>> No.19481619

>online courses
one of the biggest scams ever

if i was u all i would do is fucking fight for $3,000 and buy RSR
fucking hold it and keep buying as much as you can
you'll be a millionaire by 2025 off of just a $3k investment.

>> No.19482031

CEO of based

>> No.19482160

They might be a meme but they are what people want to see, no one wants to read a persona JD for their entry level role..

I don’t doubt there are roles you can get without doing this however it’s likely there are other contributing factors on why you got the interview and the role

>> No.19482243

his mum? gross

>> No.19482619

>Its all so tiresome and my mom keeps wanting me to do "online courses"
my nigger dad thinks that will save me as well. I just found out that millenials can't afford houses in CA.

>> No.19482643

I'm an american. cryptoburn@protonmail.com