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19473562 No.19473562[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on cross generational jewish wealth. What tricks do they have up their sleeves?

>> No.19473767

They actually look out for their own, unlike whites who are literally trying to extinct themselves

>> No.19473808

This and that they encourage divide and rule tactics for others at the same time. It’s not like the self-genocide is something that whites came up with themselves

>> No.19473847

Rockefeller’s are Christians so ur fucktarded from the start

>> No.19473851

Thats because "whites" arent even a singular race. The term whites encompasses so many different hybrid races there is no foundation to sustain.

>> No.19473868

High tier whites look out for their own too, you probably just don’t exist in that spehere

>> No.19473874

Did you ever have a labotamy performed on you? Show me where they said that Jesus is Lord of all. Jacob calls himself Lord just lmao The lowest IQ statement ive ever heard.

>> No.19474572
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>Rockefeller’s are Christians

>> No.19474602

>being forced to live in ghettos/squalor for centuries allowed them to amass wealth via merchantry
>unable to spend it on luxuries so pass it on
>now so unbelievably wealthy they can do both
goys did this to themselves

>> No.19474674

Babby tier faggots, try reading the bible and actually knowing Christ. You sound like Qtard plebs. Do you think the elite are stupid or maybe you just can’t even sniff their assholes because you’re so far behind?

>> No.19474730

Did you know that Prometheus was crucified and had his liver picked out for eternity as his punishment for giving fire to humanity? Isn’t it funny that the blood of Christ is wine and he was crucified with his arms wide open.

>> No.19474871

No group is monolithic, ergo divide and rule. But then you knew that already Herschel

>> No.19474895


>> No.19475551

Owning the money printing machine.

>> No.19475636

They already own everything. If something new comes along, they will buy it and own it.. or the will jew you to death until they do.


>> No.19475679

You can’t /thread your own post newfag

>> No.19475683

Nepotism, inheritance, property ownership, and involvement in key industries using wealth from the former 3

>> No.19476046

Their plan is to get to a point where resisting their power is literally impossible. To enslave the world with surveillance technology. They know it won't happen in their lifetimes, so it's something they are setting up for their future generations. It's what they do for fun, since they already have *almost* everything.

Powerful Jews have been born into this plan for centuries. Princess Diana and others knew, which got them suicided.

>> No.19476246

He just did ya fuckin pinhead

>> No.19476423
