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19473605 No.19473605 [Reply] [Original]

Guys i invited a date over to my place two days ago, she will spend the night, but market is going crazy i wana monitor it. should i cancel? or should i trade in front of her?
is it dangerous if she sees my link stack? is my hardware wallet safe with girl here?

>> No.19473655

ive dealt with this kind of anxiety firsthand. its not worth it. she could snoop around while you're asleep. get a hotel or fap

>> No.19473724

Bruh I don’t even tell my wife of 10 years how big our stack is or what we hold. Sometimes it’s hard because I want to share everything with her. And you are so stupid and weak you’re going to risk showing some pussyfarting whore you never even met before? Never reveal your power level, ever.

>> No.19473732

AAAaaAAAaaA she already knows i'm interested in crypto. When she was here last time we were gonna watch a movie i turn on my computer my binance was open i forgot to close it!! she was like:
"is that bitcoin and stuff?"
she knows anon, she knows too much!

>> No.19473740

you have the opportunity of a lifetime to make it, don't jeopardize it. minimize your risk. I will not be dating until after I make it. the market will peak late 2021.

>> No.19473844
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don't worry about what you cannot change. what matters is that you mitigate your risk now.
If you don't have the discipline to cancel your date, you must live with the consequences. Trust me it's worth the peace of mind. I've never had an anxiety attack before in my life until I went through a situation similar to yours, now I have them regularly. it's not something I wish on any of my fellow marines.
Forget the bitch and fap. This is the price you must pay for your ultimate freedom

>> No.19473850
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Sounds like she’s pretty cool desu. still have have her over and just intermittently check the markets. If some shit goes down you can excuse yourself momentarily to move your coins and she can watch

>> No.19473954

If you really want to secure your funds, think about the attack vectors you are opening up for yourself
>she could put a hidden camera or audio recording device in your place without you looking. look up Acoustic Keyboard Eavesdropping.
>she could put a screen recorder or keylogger on your machine in just a few seconds with a USB rubber ducky
>she could snoop around and find your hardware wallet and/or backup phrase
Even if she isn't smart enough to do the above, some Chad she told you about might.

>> No.19474040

Why do you associate with raggly bitches you cant trust around your stuff?

>> No.19474062

Ignore this faggot OP. Invite her over and fuck her, just delete all your crypto shit from your computer and phone beforehand and don’t have her spend the night

>> No.19474091
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Why would anyone choose fucking over fapping. I don't get it.

>> No.19474239

OP seems like 19 years old. Good for him at this age you experience things much more colorful. And girls are still gullible and easy going to fuck without a lot of baggage