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19467569 No.19467569 [Reply] [Original]

Is it too late to start learning programming at 30? What other jobs have lower barrier of entry than IT?

>> No.19467582

That's a woman.

>> No.19467587

A beautiful one at that

>> No.19467590

how many link to fistfuck natalie and piss in his mouth?

>> No.19467725


>> No.19467745


You have to learn only if you have reliable prospects of securing a job with relatives or friends.

There is no way to compete with cheap and plentiful 20 year olds

BTW, it takes about 10 years to master any subject


>> No.19467746

God, I would love to coom down her throat

>> No.19467747

You’ll need to provide more info. Are you completely new to technical stuff or do you already have some sort of background?

>> No.19467771

Nah but do you gona do it 8+ hours a day?

>> No.19467793

>There is no way to compete with cheap and plentiful 20 year olds

Yes there is, however there is no way to compete with an army of immigrant pajeets willing to do entire backend and frontend work for minimum wage.

>> No.19467839

The fuck are you talking about. You wouldn't get paid any more or less than a 20 year old based solely on your age. Programmers are hired based on skill, not age. There's no degree for coding, your resume is your portfolio and your abilities which they will grill you on in the interview process.

The coding camps used to be a great way to secure a job, something like 90% were hired right out of the camp. I think it's around 70% or less now but you'd have to look it up. These camps are expensive too but are necessary if you don't have the self discipline and mindset to learn on your own. Coding is like learning math in a different language, there's also no point where you've mastered it. You can always keep learning.

It's a great career financially that is relatively future proof. Like anything the pay is reflective of your abilities. If you're average you'll be fine. Coding takes a certain type of brain however and isn't for everyone.

>> No.19467852

It's not too late and I'm not bullshitting you because I know people over 40 who did a coding bootcamp and got a job as a junior dev

>> No.19467867

This is a meme, I worked for one the biggest tech company in the world and absolutely none of the developers were immigrant pajeets working for minimum wage.

>> No.19467887


that's exactly what a pajeet would say, show your durgasoft cert

>> No.19467890

I'm 28 and just starting to get into web development. I can tell it's going to be a shitload of work. There are plenty of free resources online but I bought Colt Steele's Udemy course for $15 and it seems like it's well worth the money. I'm strongly considering a real boot camp on top of it because they actually have incentive to help you get a job after you finish. It really depends on your current obligations and if you can buckle down and study fulltime or if you need to do part time. If you study nonstop for 6 months to a year you can probably pick it up.
This is my situation. My friend is pushing me to do this and will help hook me up with a job but if you're trying to break into it with zero connections it's going to be rough.

>> No.19467899

I mean kind of, depending on how insecure you are.
Also the barrier to entry isn’t low by any means. You have to work hard and smart to get a dev job.

>> No.19467920

This. I work with IT personnel with hundreds of clients on a regular basis. I can think of maybe two that are actually outsourced to India. Everytime I have to work with them it's a pain in the ass and the employees can't stand them either, but they're cheap. Large companies always have in house IT. Most mid sized companies either have in house IT or offsite IT based in the US. The whole pajeet thing that you hear constantly on this board is fucking retarded.

>> No.19467931

Nah, my brother went back to school @ 31 for programming, and 2 years later, he landed a software development job.

>> No.19467945

That's a man.

>> No.19468011

It really isn't; I'm not the optimistic type either. You have to be incredibly self-disciplined and ready to sit in front on a computer for 5+ hours a day straight.

My cousin at 38 got a job as a jr. python dev in so-cal a year ago after being self-taught for 18 months. He already had a bachelors in business, but he makes 90k/yr now. He's working on an online bachelors for computer science right now.

It's a very lucrative career, but you can't do it if you're not determined or lazy.

>> No.19468032


>> No.19468323

>What other jobs have lower barrier of entry than IT?
almost all of them. why do you think it's paid so well? It's never too late, but it takes a lot of hard work to learn it.

>> No.19468433
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1589771090441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its never too late!!
Real question is if you want to earn your mettle in an office infested with 100 of these guys & deal with having a 23 & 1/2 yo chick w green armpit hair>>19467569
who doesn't know how to open a pdf as your "manager"

>> No.19468561

but also this.
i put out a job posting on craigslist for a general web dev position and although 99% of the resumes i received were pajeets, maybe 10% of those had resumes actually worth looking at (both in credible skills but also resume format. motherfucker youre claiming all this experience in front end but your fucking resume is a 3 page long plain ass word doc?) but the projects they had also attached were also all bullshit. im talking about taking your stereotypical ecom landing page of today and somehow making it look like you still made it with geocities. i still dont understand how thats possible, all of these fucking wysiwyg sites do all the shit for you so it doesnt have to look like that. and yes, EVERY ONE of their resumes stated at least 5 years of experience. (and they all ask for literally nothing, $10 to even $8 an hour)

out of all the however many responses i got (pajeet and non pajeet included) i think i got maybe 1 resume that was actually worth copying.

>> No.19469793

yes, too late

also, who is the girl?