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19461245 No.19461245 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get it. Why is the dow still rising?

>> No.19461336
File: 247 KB, 761x718, 8D2B3102-442D-414B-B0B6-F9D3D851052A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stocks only go up

>> No.19461353

world is reopening you fucking mongrel brainlet piece of shit

>> No.19461368


>> No.19461420

Because that picture is bullish!

It's easy to see because it works like this...

Whatever the masses think, do the opposite.

Most people see that picture and think bearish...

Therefore be bullish.

When people get FOMO and get in, you get out.

When everybody is out and they want nothing to do with it, you get in.

It's so easy it's boring.

>> No.19461467
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>Ghetto dwellers having having more than a 0.01% impact on the economy

Gee I don't know anon, pure mystery.

>> No.19461518
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>> No.19461570

the economy has been successfully detached from society. congrats everyone.

>> No.19461693

that gif is awesome

>> No.19461732

How hard can it be to understand this shit. The worse is behind us for more at least. If something bad should come down the road the market will adjust but for now, knowing what we know, expectations should be rising

>> No.19461888

>The worse is behind us

>> No.19461921

For now at least. As far as we know

>> No.19461937


>> No.19461968

Checked. Bulls will be slaughtered they are acting like absolute pigs

>> No.19462047

Clearly you don’t know much.
The worse is yet to come, and I'm not even counting on corona coming back.

You can't just print literal trillions of dollars and for nothing to change. Then look at unemployment, then compare how much are people buying and consooming products and services now and how much they did before, you can also say bye bye to the entire tourism sector as well. And these protests are just icing on the cake.
You'll see in September already

>> No.19462096

Unemployment is strong right now.

>> No.19462167

Anon we printed trillions in 2009 and had massive unemployment too. Tourism will bounce back as soon as it's allowed to. Riots are always a flash in the pan. Corona ended up being a nothing burger.
A correction is definitely coming, but nothing you named is enough to cause it.

>> No.19462180

Some exchanges are back to all time highs. The virus had no impact on future earnings?

>> No.19462196

Let me guess, you hate trump and are short the market just like all the other tards.

>> No.19462225

>Tourism will bounce back as soon as it's allowed to
You really don't know do you.

>> No.19462228


>> No.19462240

dude weed

>> No.19462243

Wrong, guess again.

>> No.19462257

Nothing has changed. Coronavirus was a hoax perpetuated by the media so big players could consolidate and we have a V-shaped recovery as proof.

>> No.19462258

because people are creating jobs....
all these ruins must be cleaned up and rebuilt
from a business standpoint that is flow

>> No.19462260

Some sectors are making more money. The indices are not where they were

>> No.19462266

I think the majority of people don't buy the corona fear and cruises and hotels will fill right back up.

>> No.19462299

Yes and supposedly another 3t is coming. There’s only $1.5t in USD notes. Old white people are the problem. They run the country. They traded the value of USD to keep their retirements fat.
I wish it was a 51% wins vote system for laws and decisions, get these golf playing grandpas out of the federal government. similar to how OSRS vote system works. The game is alive and thriving because of it.

>> No.19462302

Unemployment isn't growing at the speeds that it was in March and April.
Half the people or more should go back once these clown politicians open the economy properly.
These levels are sustainable and logical
Some sectors are making more money than before which helps indices go to where they are.

Financials cyclicals and industrials are still way down (and they should)

>> No.19462308

And there’ll be a massive spike, cruise ships will be quarantined in place again and we’ll be back where we were

>> No.19462321

There’s no breadth to this rally

>> No.19462353

OP i dont know whats world u just came from, but negative news mean green dow.

>> No.19462389

It's not even about corona anymore anon. Not even counting all the regulations and cost companies and services will have to account because of it, people just won't spend nearly as much as before. This is a fact. A lot of hotels won't even open up even if they are allowed to because their cost will be higher than the amount of people that are reserving for the next months. So many services depend on working at 100% and it won't be even half of that

>> No.19462448

Umm.. what if they want trump to declare marshall law to "use up" this card, then he wont be able to do it in november

>> No.19462474

>all these people rationalising the stock market
kek, newfags

>> No.19463158

Faggots like you are so fucking cringy, kys you dumb retard, every time you voice your shitty opinions IRL people laugh and feel embarrassed for you.

>> No.19463199

Quantitative easing

>> No.19463226

this is the final nail in the coffin for mom and pop brick and mortar.
no more small businesses, only publicly traded multinational mega corporations going forward.

>> No.19463264 [DELETED] 

The Fed has decreed that stocks can only go up, and they'll devalue the currency as much as they need to(which will be all the way to zero) to ensure that happens.

>> No.19463313

seethe mask-wearing faggot

>> No.19463560

What did I tell you already? Stocks go up. It's priced in. Money printer go brrrr. Rebuilding provides jobs. And the markets have nothing to do with the economy or society in general.

>> No.19463595

>The worse is behind us for more at least.
Someone tells him?

>> No.19463603

Seethe more peasant. The world is run for the benefit of elites & those useful to them, not so useless eaters & parasites get a free ride.

>> No.19463636

This. Massive crash, worse than 1929, coming. Know people who have lifelong experience with economy and crises, and according to them, it will happen.

>> No.19463675

>Half the people or more should go back

>> No.19463746

Cruise industry is dead once the boomers die out

>> No.19463853



>> No.19464014

Back to work

>> No.19464082

The market is independent of the state of society or the economy. So many of you faggots can't grasp this.

>> No.19464094

55% of Americans own stocks.
The people out of work are mostly among the 45%.
Not everyone participates in the stock market dummy.

>> No.19464117

Doubt. I'm a millennial and I love cruising and so do my friends.

>> No.19464145

And to add:
Money has to go somewhere. Negative rate bonds exist and the US is the cleanest shirt in the laundry.

Folks that continue to ask this question:
1) Don't have a large networth
2) Don't have a large amount of their networth in stocks.

>> No.19464171

Everything is going how it was supposed to be. Lol at tradcucks, who thought they could have a small and trad Capitalism, based around small and medium seized business. It's over tradcucks. You're finished. This is the price you pays for collaborating with the Capital.

>> No.19464214

It’s bullshit. Hope they burn this country down. Country deserves it for the shit they are pulling w the market

>> No.19464266

55% of Americans own stocks (not You)
Folks that continue to ask this question:
1) Don't have a large networth (You)
2) Don't have a large amount of their networth in stocks (You)

>> No.19464341

>should let the consumers perish
>should let middle income collapse
>should let economy collapse
>should let businesses collapse

You’ve obviously never had a job. You’ll never know what it means to get things done. You’ll never know what it means to accomplish anything. You’ll always be poor. You don’t respect money. You hate money. You will always be a loser.

>> No.19464375
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>has never been on a cruise
>too poor to enjoy disembarkation and tour
>will never enjoy swimming with dolphins and petting stingrays

>> No.19464452
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>> No.19464889

Stocks only go up.

>> No.19465417

the gains are inflation because the only thing that has changed is the monetary supply. this is mmt.

>> No.19465427

Because the DOW isn’t racist

>> No.19465456

reddit gif

>> No.19465743

the riots make the dow go up
congrats to antifa

>> No.19465791

This. Stocks aren't going up, everything else is just going down.

>> No.19465798
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Stonks fell for the Keynesian meme

>> No.19465938

Whats special about september?

>> No.19466148
File: 133 KB, 764x767, fdsfsdfdsfdsfdsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Mr. Shekelberg, I think I understand.
>Some businesses have a lot of employees and are owned by campaign contributors.
>If the company suddenly faces risk, we just bail those companies out. Otherwise, people might get fired.
>Management realizes that if they would go under, the government will save them. The rational thing to do is borrow as much as they can, and buy back the company stock to increase EPS and executive comp.
>Bailout comes and no one gets fired....
>...except for the people who worked at the competitor of the bailed out corp, who are now competing against a company with unlimited money to paper over any mistakes.
>ooops, the rich get richer and the workers get fired. same as it ever was.

>> No.19466294

where else do you put your money?
shitcoin? just LEL.

>> No.19466311

oh fuckoff with that nonsense. we've been watching corona under a fucking magnifying glass for months. that's the only reason it seems so bit. zoom out and it's hardly been an issue, certainly no bigger death rate than many things we ignore every day. if the media wasn't talking about it 24/7, it would have just been an intense flu season where more people than usual died...and nobody would have even fucking noticed.

>> No.19466330

Because the prospect of mass deportation of niggers is bullish

>> No.19466391

>Not a single retard in here mentions the fact that long-term US interest rates are 100bps below where they were prior

you retards really don't understand how hard lower benchmark rates juices equity prices.

>> No.19466394

World is detaching from USA. Nobody wants to be led by an unstable country that flip flops on every deal and agreement whenever it fits their domestic narratives.

>> No.19466465

And what are our alternatives? The EU is a clusterfuck, China is Stalinist Russia complete with gulags and organ harvesting. What’s left?

>> No.19466537

Nobody knows yet, only that we can't trust usa anymore. They're becoming what they've claimed nazis, Soviets and China is/was. Most likely pull industries home, then trade with large population developing nations. As China moves away from cheap workforce/no regulation, India, SEA and Africa will probably become the new regions for cheap manufacturing, maybe parts of South America. Especially if when the belt initiative gets completed

>> No.19466567

America is a shit show but I really don’t think it’s in the collective interests of humanity for China to be at the helm. I’d take the fake American version of freedom over the fake Chinese version of freedom any day of the week

>> No.19466649

I doubt it will be another era of singular superpower for the seeable future. Most likely it'll be fragmented into more regional superpowers. EU, China, USA etc existing side by side instead of USA ruling the world.
That said, that's unless USA goes full war destruction as their importance and influence lessens over the coming decades. And they might still do a 180, though current situations and the leadership's handling of them internationally and domestically sets a precedence we need to observe carefully. If they keep spiralling downward all trade trust will be broken and the world flee the dollar.

>> No.19466800
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Empires tend to not die quietly. I agree that the status quo isn’t sustainable and I just hope any transition to less globalization and/or monopolarity doesn’t end with seas of glass. Eh whatever, on second thought, pic related.

>> No.19467537

thats the thing, china doesnt pretend to give a rats ass about exporting freedom or its ideals. It wants to do business with the rest of the world and thats it, they could care less what americans do in america. burgers that are terrified of china becoming some tyrannical global superpower are basically just projecting what the US does to the rest of the world. The extent of china's involvement with the rest of the world will revolve around business and trade as opposed to trying to spread "muh freedom" or "muh ideas"

>> No.19467564

Polling is stupid as fuck. Redditfags downvote everything that soesnt have to do with their shitty pvm content. The game is not thriving btw its dying

>> No.19467604


sotonk market, not economy you fucking imbecile

>> No.19467612


Kind of tough to do when you laid off 3/4th of your staff operating on a shoestring budget, trying to reach back to "normal" even with corona gone is going to be an uphill battle

>> No.19467649

I bought today so that means Thursday will be the first day the market responds to the bad unemployment news.

>> No.19467653

That’s probably a good thing since they have aids

>> No.19467706
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>for now
>as far as we know

>> No.19467812

Trump is irrelevant you doofus. No other president would have been able to save us either. Corona hasn’t even begun and the only people who think it’s over are those who try real hard to convince themselves this is so, i.e. Trump fans who refuse to see he’s powerless in this and dead cat bag holders.
You think it’s over? Show me the math that made you think so. I’ll wait.

>> No.19467840

So broken window fallacy doesn’t affect the stock market indexes?

>> No.19467944

> 6 times the normal amount of deaths TOTAL, all causes, in NYC April 2020
> nobody would have noticed
How does it feel to have a potato for a brain?

>> No.19468074

Except that Chinese people are legitimately amoral, racist, unscrupulous shit bags that make the Jews look charming by comparison. As someone who has had to deal with mainland Chinese for a few decades now: you won’t like it.

>> No.19468093

Why is NYC packed with so many weak, filthy degenerates?

>> No.19468109

Insurance policy.

>> No.19468331

You're right we need north korea hegemony since they are so stable.

>> No.19468410
File: 2.01 MB, 3840x2160, B6E2A81F-BA10-4FC0-A827-62C8D1349486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only correct answer

>> No.19468912

australia new superpower 2021

>> No.19468916

S.O.G.U. Nikkuh

>> No.19469145

I for one welcome our new emu overlords and look forward to servicing them and working in their hatcheries