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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19459723 No.19459723 [Reply] [Original]

This morning, I awoke to find that I was out of coffee; so I took myself down to the coffee shop to buy myself a pound of beans. Our local Peet's has set up its cash registers in the doorway, so you stand on the sidewalk to place your order and wait, rather than going inside.

I found myself standing in a line with a bunch of other middle-aged white people in masks.

The guy in front of me got to the front of the line and said, "Hi, I'd like my usual, please."

Dude's standing there in a mask, asking for "his usual."

The cashier was like, "Uhhhh..." And the dude eventually had to actually come out and actually say what he wanted.

And I had a sudden revelation: That guy was standing there, at a chain coffee shop ordering a generic drink, in order to feel like he was participating in civic life. Like, his whole reason for being there was to feel like he belonged to a community where somebody would remember his name and treat him nice.

This is the reason people are so pissed off about not being able to go shopping: It's because for them, the retail experience is the whole and all of their civic participation. They've fully bought into the idea that their role in society is to go to work and earn money, and that with that money they get this transactional sort of membership in the body politic, or the body societas,or whatever.

>> No.19459727

This is why Karen wants to speak to your manager, and why she's so entitled about it: She's exercising all the power she's got, in order to demonstrate to herself that she's got an important role in society.

Karen doesn't go to meetings. She doesn't do art. She doesn't participate in collective endeavors of any kind. Even though she espouses religious beliefs, she doesn't go to church -- and if she does, it's a megachurch where she's not actually required to do anything except sit in the pews and pony up to the collection plate.

All her participation in the culture is transactional: She gets paid, she buys things, and she votes.

No wonder they're so upset. They actually bought the idea of a transactional society, and now it's being denied them.

Anyway, makes sure you buy Proton XPR before the next moon run starts. You have until the end of summer to get your stacks.

>> No.19459763

Kys pajeet

>> No.19459801
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Had you 'til the end there, didn't I?

>> No.19459807

Why are you posting your diary here? Starbucks strategy was always to make you personally feel welcome. Why else would they ask for your name, why would the interior look like a living room. You can make the coffee yourself for 20 cent. You are buying an emotion.