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1944978 No.1944978 [Reply] [Original]

So, anons, how low do you think eth will dip this time? Someone's told me that buying low and selling high is the way to go and I want that dip badly.

>> No.1945000


buy a little on the way down at different levels you think it will pass thru (they're called limit buys that you can setup and cancel later if needed) that way if it goes up you don't miss out entirely because you were waiting on a single bottom level.


>> No.1945010

This IS the dip

>> No.1945020

This. If you haven't bought in by now forget it. This IS the dip, right now. It's only going up from here. This is still the dip from 51-53.

>> No.1945021

Confirming this is the dip. You're not getting any below 40 again. That's not a shill job because I also have no idea when or if it will go above 50 anytime soon.

>> No.1945029

>retards still think they will be able to get ETH for like $30 a coin again
kek. you missed that fucking boat.

>> No.1945032
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40$ is the absolute bottom, anything below will be instantly eaten up by whale bots as shown multiple times, last time it dipped below 40$ some whale instantly bought 62,500 ether for around 2 million dollars

Once the negro whales relinquish their hold on ethereum and let it flow up again, we'll see 75$-100$ as the new absolute bottom, and that might only be weeks away

In other words, buy now you dumb negro

>> No.1945062

Tfw just started lurking and been looking for an opportunity to get in, is now my time boys?

>> No.1945072


yes lucky some dudes bought at ath this is the dip now.

>> No.1945077

Fuck it, I'm gonna start small tho, like $500

>> No.1945078
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>That one dude on here that bought over 250 eth when it was about 8 bucks each
Fuck, I should've listened, /biz/.

>> No.1945081

Stop dicking around over a few $ up/down. Do you wish you bought BTC at $40-$50? Then buy ETH numb nuts. It's here to stay.

>> No.1945153

Just went ahead and put my life saving into this shitcoin ($400...). help me god

>> No.1945170

Atleast you didn't put it into bitbay like some other retard did

Ethereum is probably the safest crypto to heavily invest into, bitcoin has too many flaws and negativity surrounding it to be considered a safe invest.

Enjoy your retirement in 5 years though, get a yellow ferrari

>> No.1945179

Got a bit less than that in January 2016, feelsgoodfam.jpg

>> No.1945222
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I bought 75 ETH. How fucked am I

>> No.1945272
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at what price desu?

either way, 75 is more than enough to retire and still own a few ferraris

If ethereum becomes web3.0 and absorbs the current internet net worth, we are talking about 75.000 to 100.000$ an ETH, if not more

you do the math desu

>> No.1945373

Being aware of Ethereum and ETH right now is like being aware of the potential value of oil in the late 1800's. Buy in before everyone else catches on.

>> No.1945391

ether will be worth 6 gorillian may 1st

>> No.1945405
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this overhyped shitcoin is gonna drop to 25-30$
enjoy getting cucked retards

>> No.1945416

>Says increasingly nervous BTC bag holder for 8th time this month...

>> No.1945418


>> No.1945430

Last chance to buy before ETH moons. Its literally happening right now.

Dont be a poorfag

>> No.1945432
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>> No.1945461
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>> No.1945487
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>creator flying around the world given talks multiple times a week
remember what trump did to win?

>> No.1945490

That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever read. Don't bet your future on that one guy..

...and I'm an eth holder with confidence in its future. We may see $500-$1000 range at best.

>> No.1945495

Should have bought Vertcoin. It has Segwit. Does Eth have Segwit? Didn't think so.

>> No.1945497

based off what? btc? lmao

btc is useless compared to eth

>> No.1945498

its moving to pos retard

>> No.1945540

you didn't moon so good lol

>> No.1945569

you're in the dip numb nuts

buy now or cry later

>> No.1946690
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We are IN the dip. Sure, you MIGHT see a dip of a couple more dollars, but it's completely insignificant compared to how high it's going to skyrocket in the near future.

We are a couple days away from some major announcements where more and more huge players are getting aboard the ETH train. There's nowhere it's gonna go but up. How high up is anyone's guess, but it's about to get more valuable here shortly.

If you don't jump aboard quick, you'll be left on Earth kicking yourself for not dumping your life savings into ETH.

>> No.1948034

So what is you guess as to eth's future value if etherium gets some serious adoption throughout 2017-18 (which we are already seeing).

How does one even calculate that?

>> No.1948292

it would be too hard to calculate realistically, but as someone who has been riding cryptos since 2014, I'd say $60-80 midterm (<1yr), $100-200 long term (>1yr).

>> No.1948493

You guys can still dump before BTC hits 2k

>> No.1948500
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sry lad, but it's 2017

>> No.1948511

Why do I feel that this shitcoin will dip and be forgotten. And that these people are only just 1 person shilling this coin on /biz/ to pump it.

>> No.1948541



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