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19449723 No.19449723 [Reply] [Original]

Late night thread for all my Statera holders. Who else thinks we can hit $0.05 by eod?

>> No.19449741

Its morning in europe pajeet

>> No.19449747

Late night in the America Rajneesh, hence the forward slash

>> No.19449749

its sub 1 cent now thinking of offloading my stack
t. top 50 holder
convince me not to

>> No.19449756

Late night : burgers. Slash seperates the two. Europe : people waking up now. Fucking brainlet. Anyway Abu has news dropping today, RIP all the fags who sold, we 5 cents by end of day

>> No.19449759

Not that I believe you, but Abu just spoke of a big announcement on telegram so I’d check that before missing out on whatever gains happen overnight

>> No.19449763

Sold yesterday. It is over

>> No.19449765

I like you anon, you know what’s good

>> No.19449769
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Godspeed, euro bro’s. Burgers are degenerates who intentionally fudded the boards to cause a panic sell so that they could add to their bags.

>> No.19449784

Guys, not saying anything but my hands are getting a bit weak. I know this is a three day old crypto but remember how long ethermon and the rest lasted?

>> No.19449787

believe or not Im a legitimate top 50 holder cuz im retarded...please why shouldnt i dump and take my winnings?

>> No.19449796

Wait for the news, if it's good hold, if it's bad, sell. Pretty simple

>> No.19449815

Relax, they pretty much nailed it, only reason for the dips were lack of good announcement skills and a FUD in the telegram.

Just remember

>> No.19449817

but telegrams private now

>> No.19449823

Its only been 3 days. Dont dump just hold

>> No.19449827

It’s not

>> No.19449840

Euros: pumped it to .0026
Burgers: dumped it to .0009 because they wanted more

I really would like for you guys to use this as the opportunity to “buy the dip” because it has so much fucking potential. Don’t let a couple of snakes ruins this for everyone. I lost fucking 80k STA in the panic sell because the telegram went black for a moment (switched to slow mode to prevent the fudding) and Abu just made an announcement about how he was going to airdrop tokens to holders of their previous project. I fucking panicked as others did. It went down to as far as .006. Then it went back up once we realized why the telegram went private (momentarily) and that the airdrop comes form the dev’s 10% supply.

Y’all are bigger than this. Immature whale games in a project in its infancy. You can make or break it.

>> No.19449844

Are you guys seriously thinking about selling now that it has dumped.

>> No.19449849

The question is when, not if

>> No.19449852

It's not private. Wtf are you talking abour

>> No.19449854

LMAO another scam token is being issued no fucking way.

>> No.19449856

Buy high sell low

>> No.19449857

Exchange listing on hotbit, iirc.

>> No.19449861

Precisely. I lost about 25k myself, but we can all recover from this and hit a new ATH by eod no problem

>> No.19449864

Go to sleep, Fredrick.

>> No.19449865

We are just like 3 days old into this new token and people are already trying to short this by causing FUD. Srsly wtf anons??

>> No.19449872


>> No.19449873

No More Brother Wars

>> No.19449876

I just woke up and see a perfect dip to fill my bags again.

>> No.19449888

Nah that's over now. Besides they'll announce it on twitter. Look this is my logic, I threw like 2 eth at this thing and got an okay stack because I saw the first thread. Losing 2 eth is nothing for me, cashing out like 16 eth now is nice spending money, but if I can hold a bit longer and make some killer gains why not? We've been watching shitcoins pump like crazy lately and this one has a decent hook to it, no buzzword filled whitepaper, no team holding 90%, just a new unseen niche. The lines between gambling and investment are blurred as fuck at this level but ultimately you know what your risk tolerance is

>> No.19449890

I merely heard it in passing in one of the burgerthreads. Might be something on the Telly. Abu is there right now.

>> No.19449896

nope just another person that got scammed by the v3 shitshow where they fucked over all their original holders of sta and STAC. Hilarious watching this shitshow now.

>> No.19449929

It’s been a rollercoaster (see my above post about losing half my fucking bag) but there isn’t anything new being minted. People joke about v4 and the tokens that will be airdropped to holders of their previous projects (BOMB and ASH) come from their personal supply. Abu is good guy looking after those who supported him. Maybe not in a direct 1:1 way (lost a lot of value during the STA v1 to STA v3 conversion) but it quickly sorted itself out as the project took off.

>> No.19449934

they're creating a governance coin to airdrop to people (themselves mostly no doubt) that will manage the 100% ironclad not-going-to-change index fund. As of yesterday at least. Imagine still believing in this scam.

>> No.19449939

I got myself some bags, am a lot in profit also. Not sure how you guys are losing on this token, falling for fud and selling the bottom .

>> No.19449950

What? I think you mistake the projects since they aren't doing anything like that. The contract is fixed, no minting, you should learn a bit about the blockchain

>> No.19449953

I actually cant believe people are panicing so easily. Think about the tens of threads with 300 replies and how this is actually a project that has a unique mechanic and no empty promises to cure cancer or anything like that. This will go to 10m+ marketcap really fast.

>> No.19449955

i dunno i saw it in another thread....i make good money from my job but im pretty dumb, i bought 10k link after coinbase cuz i liked the mcdonalds memes.....i own a lot of mcdonalds stock

my MO is......Im dumb and most people are dumb so theyll buy what I buy.....I just gotta buy it earlier

>> No.19449964

I panicked during a very small timeframe where the stars aligned for a very unfortunate series of events. It looked like we were all getting ESH/Ghosted as I watched the price plummet to a third of its value. Weak hands. I fucking wish that I was doing something else during that time.

>> No.19449969

who do you think owns most of their previous projects? hint - have you even heard of them?

"Hey guyz i'm airdropping some coins from the DEV fund for development to this company i used to run and still may or may not have a large part of but i'm totally not trying to launder these tokens so i can dump and not be obvious about it btw talk slower in TG plz"

>> No.19449980

I know the feeling, been there done that with some other coins and almost roped after it went 100x :D

>> No.19449981

Even if that’s the case it’s merely transferring funds form one wallet to another. The devs will still own the same amount of supply of what you say is true. Pathetic.

>> No.19449987

they'll just dump the laundered coins you fucking brainlet. Read a book.

>> No.19449998

BRB praying this is true

>> No.19449999

oh btw i do have some sell points but its way past a dollar.........my brain says money go away per txn so if i just do nothing for a while number go up....i make six figures so i really dont give a quarter of a fuck holding.

>> No.19450000

>Thinks the tokens need to be laundered

>> No.19450026

> laundering crypto *screeches*

>> No.19450027

Quads of truth
I'm in the same boat, good shit anon. #66 checking in

>> No.19450028

We will be back to where we were today

>> No.19450038

You think your scam is so special you need a time-zone specific thread? KEK. Thanks for the free money. I bought more Suterusu with it.

>> No.19450040
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>if what I am saying is true the developers just took money from their left pocket and put it into their right pocket. scandal!

>> No.19450056

meh i looked at the token and thought "when this is 25-40 dollars latefags will eat it up" i said fuck it and bought

>> No.19450061

Okay we are going up, now is still a good time to buy the dip. watch out #20 coming for you.

>> No.19450063

smoothest of brains in this thread. let me explain for you.

Me dev. If me dump all coins, people think BAD. IDEA! Me mix up coins so nobody know I has! Me dump on dum dums! he he he.

>> No.19450065


>> No.19450071

scammers getting awful defensive in here. smells pajeety.

>> No.19450085

Cool well anyway, enjoy STA v4 and Sta v5. I'm sure those will be the last ones.

>> No.19450086
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>smoothest of brains in this thread

>> No.19450088

all the weak losers getting shaken out. im not even one of those hodl faggots but you're extremely dumb to sell at this point. although im lucky i was asleep for this

>> No.19450089

How are coins mixed, so to speak?

>> No.19450109

good luck anon, i would stay up and buy some more but movers are coming tomorrow.....bought another house. Cash flow meme is real and interest rates are low af......elder god pro tip buy close to military bases, post listing on ahrn and have the capital to cover closing costs but offer way lower than asking

you guys stay safe maybe one day ill run into you while fishing

oh one last thing, cook fish before adding to vegetable stew......damn tasty and healthy

>> No.19450143

the devs are airdropping STA to holders of their previous projects. They no doubt hold a shitload of the previous tokens, but nobody knows which accounts are which on those. So they have then been made anonymous enough to dump and not have people know.

>> No.19450158

what t he fuck are you even trying to say :DDDD

>> No.19450172

I use uniswap v1 to swap sta to eth but each time etherscan says it cannot find transaction, whats the deal?

>> No.19450192

It’s still only 10%. Sergey regularly drops bags on the head of linklets and owns (owned) significantly more of the supply. Look at what happens to the developer wallet balance and how much of that goes away before capitulating.

>> No.19450242

I have faith in rebound. I bought at 0.0005 anyway so I'm holding until a dollar baby. If nothing else, the asset-backed liquidity pool will increase price when btc or eth moons.

>> No.19450265

we are already up quite a bit. There is no one selling anymore and if there is he is 25iq

>> No.19450268

Its not up at all. Its 40% of ATH

>> No.19450276

What's the telegram link?

>> No.19450287

Fair. But it’s going up from the dip of .006. It wasn’t a dead cat bounce. We are still here.

>> No.19450304

up 20% from the point i woke up. I dont know what was the bottom

>> No.19450308
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>> No.19450332

Yeah, I took out a few eth to invest in other speculative shitcoins. That'll be it for me.

>> No.19450340

Because it will go up another cent today

>> No.19450357

We are going up we are going up

>> No.19450387

Just bought another 5k. Thanks fudders.

>> No.19450431

i got 58k more for almost nothing
now im at 1.1m

>> No.19450452
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So are we Euros going to be rich since Americans keep dumping every night and pumping every morning/afternoon it seems?

>> No.19450479

absolutely free money, buy the dip everytime and sell half of it later for making back your money and also growing your stack. Ive managed to do that twice already and ended up with 44k free sta and 280 link

>> No.19450525

Okay just woke up, who dumped?

Guess i have to buy more

>> No.19450547

just some cooling down after so much growth just keep strong and buy the dip weak hands will regret

>> No.19450548

I am a burger living in EU. What should I do?

>> No.19450582

It was fucking wild last two days, now it setteled down and this is good thing. Strady grow will be better at the long term.

>> No.19450608

I hope noone takes the FUD thread seriously as its just someone crying about missed gains. All the points he tried to make are answered a billion times already.

>> No.19450615

new exange coming, admin confirmed

>> No.19450617

They’re just fudding to buy your bags don’t fall for it

>> No.19450630

Yeah i wont but i seee some people did as it dumped :DD Whatever back on track again.

>> No.19450645

this, I'm just buying more
>literally no FUD in first 2 days
>even after STA v1 and STAC FUD that should have killed the project entirely and I'm honestly surprised it didn't
>around 4 threads a day, all 300+ replies
>now completely trustless
>around 5 million tokens burned in 2 days
>devs are super responsive and never just disappeared in the middle of the chaos
>devs hold less than 2%
>all weak hands "muh 35 eth from 2 eth profit" are probably gone, (I'm really happy for those guys they probably have more capital to invest now and might make it)

give me 1 good reason to be bearish about this project long term and I sell my bags right now at 5x profit

>> No.19450647

Nice, that is huge.

>> No.19450670

There has not been anything like this for a long time.

It ticks basically all the boxes and the best part is that biz has been actually nice for the few days :D Only one fud thread and everyone told its OP to fuck off.

>> No.19450686

Why my mm transactions are so slow?

>> No.19450700

Fuck the fudders, everything has been addressed/resolved now. This project is a first of a kind

>> No.19450708


>> No.19450737

I bought STA v1 on the first thread, took me a minute to see the potential in this.
Rode through all of the telegram chaos with this coin.
I've never seen biz so unanimous about a coin where a thread literally looked like a shill thread, its insane.
>newfags don't understand how much potential and first mover advantage this token has
>did I mention no sirgay dumping, trustless

>> No.19450766

And as someone already said that it will list on exchange soon it will bring this to bigger audiences, more burning and more volume.

>> No.19450772

Are all amerimutts literally psychopaths?

>> No.19450784
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>See this shit shilled at 0.02 in the afternoon
>Goes down a bit
>Come back past midnight and it's at 0.01
Fuck this coin, we missed the massive pump, just deal with it

>> No.19450796
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>Are all amerimutts literally psychopaths?

>> No.19450812

You need to understand that this is not just a pump and dump coin. You actually have a good spot to buy, it is inevitable that this will be 0.5 usd at some point.

>> No.19450820

Wondering to put more into this, the price is too attractive now

>> No.19450851

Got banned from the fucking telegrams for being a dupe of another banned guy as some autists told Abu and I don't think he'll listen. The fucking post he banned me for was an actual suggestion for their site too. Thank fuck I believe in their product because they've been so shitty at their job so many times already

>> No.19450857

Yes bby
No sleep=no sense

>> No.19450863
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I didn't sell a single statie faggot. I just hate it when biz is so fucked up to other anons

>> No.19450873

Beginning to rise again.

$0.05 incoming.

>> No.19450912

0.05 at the end of the week. Retards who sell this yesterday will be crying

>> No.19450937

trips and I get a credit card to max out on STA

>> No.19450940

Thought about selling some like a bitch, then decided to just buy more.

>> No.19450954

desu I'm thinking more 0.04, I like to be a bit pessimistic... regardless I'm still accumulating

>> No.19450956

This project literally doesn't solve any problem it was created just for pump! if not prove that I am wrong

>> No.19450957

do et fgt

>> No.19450967

looks like the jeets caught up

>> No.19450973

We will anon, we will prove you wrong.

>> No.19450978

Who cares. What problem does BTC solve? HEX? It doesn't need to solve a problem to do 100x.

>> No.19451023
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Fuck I never should have invested any money in this. My heart cannot go on like this being toyed with, seeing the price stick around for a while at 0.0172 then going to sleep, then seeing it tanked at 0.0116. I just want to let the funds rest without thinking about it and coming back in a month or two toreap the fruits. Instead I'm acting like a gambler wondering whether I should sell or buy more, but it doesn't even work either way metamask seems to be acting slow

>> No.19451025

I think that's his point

>> No.19451041

If you feel like selling it probably means you should buy.

>> No.19451043

always and only put money into shitcoins which you're not going to be sad to see completely burn. i never sell shitcoins, even if they go to 0. i keep them in my wallet to remind me of a hard learned lesson. i am holding a stack, i am not gonna buy more, you gotta give it time.

>> No.19451099
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Shame that I'm unable to do anything. No transaction is going through, even with the highest gas fees. So in a sense, I'm forced to hold
Thankfully, the amount I've put is quite small. But since it's not a videogame and real money, I can't help but be pressured to monitor it seriously. As a first experience in the crypto market, at least I'll keep in mind that blindly joining a bandwagon, even if the returns up until the point you did looked promising and that you understood WHY it should rise in value, it's still not recommended.

>> No.19451136

At least you fools didn't go in on ESH/GHOST

>> No.19451157

For me the hardest part is that 1$ means I'm quitting my shitty job, even a bit below that would do. The initial investment I don't mind losing, it's the hope it got me that's gonna be tough to lose if this tanks

>> No.19451190

lol, you are merely joining the FUD bandwagon now. You understand the tokenomics, yet you are scared 'cause somebody sold and created panick. Nothing has changed. This is still a fucking brilliant project, with a truly revolutionary concept. You are not gonna make money following the stream of low iq fudders. now is the time to buy, i.e. if you, as you say, understand " WHY it should rise in value"... ez

>> No.19451207

You would've made shitloads if you got into ESH at the penny level, which is where Sta is now. Even ESH didn't dildo right up, there was a big dump from 20 cents to 5 cents that made it look like it was over, 2 days later it was 50 cents, another two days after that $1

>> No.19451238

You're right. ESH/GHOST was fundamentally fucked though. With STA being a few babby's first coin, at least they're riding a rollercoaster with a functioning coin.

>> No.19451318

this is what people don't understand!

>> No.19451334

Hey I just woke up, what was the last highest low and highest high in the past 12 hours?

>> No.19451336

This is what always happen. Its no usually possible for a coin to keep going up without ever falling back. As long as the coin is good it will go back up, and STA has every god damn reason to keep going up for a while.

>> No.19451350

All I feel right now is that I should have sold at 0.0285 or 255 wherever it was and bought now at 0.0102 but I guess I never learn to just fucking sell high buy low, despite the fact every chart since 2009 has taught you that bagholding kills your profits by 3x, you still get money but it kills your potential profits.

>> No.19451364

Exactly, how new are these retards that they see one pull back after a 10x and think the sky is falling? Like half the people who bought early were poorfags who lucked out and turned 1 eth into 10, of course they'll cash out to pay a credit card or some bullshit. We're hitting 10 cents no problem this week, from there who knows

>> No.19451372

>buys at all time low
will make it

>> No.19451382

How would you know that it was the correct play. You are not a psychic and it's probably better to just keep holding for 90% of the people because they would just burn their hands trying to trade it.

>> No.19451383

Bullshit. Holders are the richest in crypto. Newfags are too into TA and most lose money.

>> No.19451385

You can never time the market anon, and to be fair trading on uniswap isn't exactly easy. The problem with such lowcaps is they can be irrationally parabolic in that they just blast past even the psychological price barriers without a hint of pullback

>> No.19451394

It's really funny with how such bottom tier fud can cause so many people to go apeshit

>> No.19451402
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what the fuck is this?

>> No.19451413

On SOME level I can't blame them, this place is full of another shit scam every week getting jeet shilled. Takes awhile to build trust but Sta is gonna prove a lot of anons wrong and create a new level of seethe when it keeps pumping

>> No.19451425

thanos burning tokens

>> No.19451466

this coin's going to crab until the airdrop to ASH and BURN holders, then it'll dump hard
it may recover and hit a new ATH after that depending on how much interest remains and what the fuck Abu is playing at

>> No.19451646

airdrop is like 20k tokens it will not affect the price in anyway.

>> No.19451659

Hmm I actually take it back, at least for Statera. If you sold 1M tokens at 0.0285 you'd get a 40% slippage and if you bought 1M tokens now you'd get a 20% slippage.

>> No.19451687

People who sold yesterday better not check the price in a month. They might neck themselves.

>> No.19451723

It's still just over half what I sold it at, I'm keeping an eye on this until a couple days after the airdrop

>> No.19451741

What the fuck is this recent influx of shitty low market cap coins on uniswap that keep showing up in the last few days? STA, SSOM, ARCONA

all scams

>> No.19451750

Bro the airdropped number of tokens is too low to affect price significantly even if all of them got sold instantly which they wouldn't. But yeah, you're still in it. All the best.

>> No.19451761
File: 157 KB, 549x413, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this airdrop?

>> No.19451767

True. This piece of shit scam just multiplied my money by 10. Fuck that. I'm in it for the tech and partnerships.

>> No.19451791

> he is worried 20k of airdrops will cause a dump

>> No.19451819

I fucking hate shitcoins holders trying to reassure themselves with coping then preach these words to others.
>muh just wait, it's only 3 days old
>we've now reached the bottom, it can only go up from there. 0.05c soon

Fucking kill yourselves

>> No.19451843

but all of that is true

>> No.19451846

I hate btc/eth holders missing out on easy gains and great roi by being early, cuz they are jealous others don't pussy out putting some small stacks into moonshots
>Die boomer

>> No.19451848

Tell that to the people who got a 100x on HEX in a matter of months. They'll appreciate your input.

>> No.19451869

dumping again

>> No.19451886

Literal fluctuations =/= dumping anon.

>> No.19451895

after people are finished taking profits we will start climbing nicely. its pretty stable even though some weak hands are dumping

>> No.19451914
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Such a shame. Such low mcap projects are usually the ones to grant nice returns these days, but I understand why someone would be paranoid. It's your money after all, I just pity you

>> No.19452021

i have accumulated soooo much, i have been buying for the past 2 days constantly. I got in early but i am still buying more. Maybe not the wisest call but this will moon anyway you look at it.

>> No.19452092
File: 214 KB, 403x471, Ooishi des.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still accumulating bags. The results will be clear in a few weeks anons, I know the project is solid. In my mind it's already set, the ATH won't be 5cents. I'm not baiting when I say I'm optimistic enough to believe this will reach $5 in the following months, it just do be like that. Thanks to the AI, I certainly won't be a millionaire but I'll enjoy the harvest to come that's for sure.

>> No.19452109

Yeah, i dont want to keep spamming that it will reach 1 usd atleast because at this point it sounds like i am a pajeet shilling thats why i keep saying it will be 5c or 10c. But the truth is it could actually go to 1-10 usd.

>> No.19452115

On what fucking welfare check have you been "accumulating" if this thing at $5 doesn't make you a millionaire?

>> No.19452116

Why do you think it will moon?

I showed this coin to my normie friends, who I convinced to buy into rocketpool and unibright, and all of them didnt get it.

Whose gonna buy this coin? Aside from fringe forum dwellers

>> No.19452157 [DELETED] 

People who like to make a lot of money. When HEX came out no one understood it either and it was the best performing asset of the year.

>> No.19452169

FOMO is a helluva drug

>> No.19452172

People who want to make tons of money. No one understood HEX when it first started either. Now look where it is.

>> No.19452211

Until sta is listed on idex or some exchange normies will be ultra reluctant to buy in

>> No.19452227

Already one exchange coming soon. I dont know the date or anything but its confirmed.

>> No.19452246


>> No.19452255

down to 95mil tokens. at least 1mil tokens burned yesterday

>> No.19452259

Probably. Not sure tho.

>> No.19452278

What's been confirmed then?

>> No.19452284

I can't believe people on this board actually sold me more of this token below 1c yesterday
Imagine falling for that retarded fud

>> No.19452293

Liquidity pool dropping - now basically only 30k.... people are selling because they know this is another Abu-Scam. Sheesh anons.

>> No.19452311

What other scams is he involved in?

>> No.19452321

Got a source for that?

>> No.19452341

You're full of bullshit. Liquidity drops because people remove the liquidity from the pool as it was first suggested by some anon 2 days ago to see the tokens in your own metamask wallet.

>> No.19452346

Liq @ $35428.91

>> No.19452365

Why is the team for this coin so sketchy? They don’t communicate with the community. Or share news.

I havent seen a single article anywhere or mention of any new developments

>> No.19452377

This was main chain link FUD in November 2017

>> No.19452389
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Then sell faggot. You could be in the TG and see updates in real time. You could look at the new Twitter account and see how it will be used in the future. The official site is receiving updates quietly, as all official channels should be, I.E. carefully and thoughtfully. Stop fudding you nig nog.

>> No.19452403

They kinda do on telegrams when they do not ban you for no reason. And they have twitter now, and apparently are working on the site to include more info on it

>> No.19452408
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>> No.19452423

>He doesn't understand

>> No.19452428

Burn token was a disaster too anons. Why do you continue to shill this scam?

>> No.19452431

They communicate via TG and add more and more info as time goes by.

>> No.19452432


Post links. Youre not gonna attract normalfaggot money with this hostility.

Post links

>> No.19452441

It is over.

>> No.19452452

>Youre not gonna attract normalfaggot money with this hostility.
Yes, that's the most recent fud
>But muh normies don't get it
>You need to shill it nicely
Stfu faggot
When this gets listed on exchanges it will shill itself

>> No.19452453

Sorry my bad, they are reviewing listing on an exchange but its not confirmed yet. Just read it on TG

>> No.19452466


Hm. So this coin is inaccessible to most people.

>> No.19452468

just bought another 60k kek

>> No.19452478

Prove it

>> No.19452480

Good, then I have more time to buy this cheap before it hits other exchanges.

>> No.19452488

Which exchanges?

>> No.19452496

Does it matter? Other

>> No.19452515

So its not getting listed

>> No.19452543

what proof would you like to see?

>> No.19452545

Pretty much, only 500 holders at the moment and it ticks all the boxes to keep going for a while. Once it gets listed on any exchange it will be huge for STA.

What you do need to realize that this coin is actually first of its kind and its not just a random pnd token but actually one of the few tokens that have a final working product running.

>> No.19452552


Literally any word from the developers about putting it in an exchange

>> No.19452560

Calm down hot shot. Did you DYOR? Because you sound like a retarded mouth breather.
t.me stateratoken is considering listing on an exchange.

>> No.19452562

This dumb cunt wants to hear it straight from Abu's fuckin mouth. I saw the telegram message he put out. Stop spoon feeding the baby, financial natural selection will occur. Begone weak handed and brainlet thots.

>> No.19452569

Go read it on telegram, it was last time posted within 30 minutes.

>> No.19452570

que? he told me to provide proof that i bought another 60k, if you can’t see this token going places and being listed on various exchanges you’re just dumb

>> No.19452598

>What you do need to realize that this coin is actually first of its kind and its not just a random pnd token
People don't get this
Yes, it kinda got pump and dumped, as all good tokens do once they hit this board
Does that change the underlying token? No, it doesn't change anything, if anything that dump was the last good buying opportunity anyone had, and it'll only climb up from here.

>> No.19452610

Imagine falling for all the fud the past 24 hours

>> No.19452611

Exchange is all nice and wheel, but how do we shill it outside of the niches? Also I'd like /biz/ super holders to buy from 0.01 all the way to 0.1 to assure no more weak hands.
So after it reaches 0.1 where should we shill? Sweden, Norway, Finland, Washington DC, California, Florida, Los Angeles and finally China.

>> No.19452629

#63 here, iron hands ahoy
Shill until your fingers fall off after we got the magical .1

>> No.19452726

I am pretty sure this will shill by itself, because it's actually unique token.

>> No.19452728

Another top 60 here, and seriously considering buying more.
The FUD last night was incredible. It's amazing how it snowballs so quickly, and before you know it the price has dropped 50%.
We're 4 days into this project. The potential is fucking crazy, the way I see it.

>> No.19452742
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I see where you're coming from. However, after that pathetic FUD yesterday thanks to that Fred retard, I believe gentle shilling could help get people into buying, just like the comfy threads have been doing since Friday actually. Most of the speculators saw an opportunity to make their quick 10x and cash out, but for the few who actually took the time to ask to people willing to explain it's just a matter of patience.

Supply is constantly decreasing, thanks to the tokens that get burned every transaction. The pool will eventually have to buy from people if it wants to keep that 20% fixed value between the 5 tokens, I believe that what comes next is self explanatory. But people need to hold and accumulate as much as possible before pajeet/normie adoption which I'll be doing. The price even dipped down to 0.0082 as I type.

>> No.19452778
File: 41 KB, 619x340, abu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

abu's comments about exchange listing in the telegram frens

>> No.19452791

Top 30 holder reporting in, I'm not selling. Already 21x up. Bought like 5 Eth worth during the sale a few hours ago, went a few spots above in ranking.

>> No.19452800


Thank you. Can you proide the group link please?

>> No.19452802

+100k stack here

>> No.19452813

Yeah this was bound to happen but nothing has changed its still the most promising project in a loooong time.

>> No.19452849

their twitter and telegram is linked on the website. t.me/stateratoken

>> No.19452851

Listen boys and girls. I hodl TWO wallets in top 37.

You’d be a fool to sell right now. Oh we had a dip so panic sell!!! It’s healthy. So many people do but understand finance.

Nothing goes straight up. Ever. We needed a correction. People needed to take profits and weals hands to shake out. People still hodling now are much stronger.

There is zero FUD for this. When was the last time that happened?

Use case? It’s an crypto investment index duh.

You should all be thankful 1. You’re this early and 2. We have another buying opportunity.

This may very well be the most amazing crypto of 2020.

Hodl or sell I don’t care. I’m hodling and going to make it.

>> No.19452878

It's a fucking 4 day old project. Some people baka.
The price is already rebounding and fast, if this isn't bullish as fuck, I don't know what is.

>> No.19452895

95,868,611.53 coins

roughly 50,000 coins burned in the last hour

>> No.19452905
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I wouldn't exactly call this 'rebounding'.

>> No.19452923

It's up and down, there is constant buy pressure. I just put 1 ETH into uniswap and watch the value update, it's constantly fluctuating and never dropped too hard after the false flag FUD.

>> No.19452951

$1 EOD

>> No.19453014

0.5 eow hold tight

>> No.19453017

>looking at 2 days of data

>> No.19453109

Any other project, I'd call you a pajeet or a tryhard shill at the least but you, sir, are correct on this one.

>> No.19453115

Phsycho burger here, but even I think those fudders were out of line doing what they did this early on in the project. We would be at 3x the price right now if they hadn't

>> No.19453133

Pretty much but it's still bullish.
Anyone who is buying now are going to get very lucky with the dip and buy into the top 100 wallet hodlers easy.

>> No.19453134

Yep everything is true, its kinda weird :D Now that the dumping fudding faggot is out of the game and people realize this dump was both needed and also caused by braindead fudder we can start going back to where we were.

>> No.19453177

How do you guys check the wallets, I wanna know where I am? I know it has to be close to the bottom but I wanna see how far

>> No.19453187

they posted about they tripled their bags in yesterdays thread #4

>> No.19453196


>> No.19453201

just check holders on the etherscan contract and find your address

>> No.19453209

I feel you. I try not to count my chickens before they hatch, but it is hard to not see big potential here

>> No.19453234
File: 2.19 MB, 498x490, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw 300's

>> No.19453255

slow and steady

>> No.19453262

Where did those extra 100 wallets come from?

>> No.19453270



Not as bad as I though but I still could've been top 100 had I bought my second stack an hour before I actually did. I'm overthinking things and it's gonna cost me a lot of money here. I wouldn't mind another small dip before they list on an exchange, I'd like to get my 77k to 100k at least

>> No.19453335

How the hell am I a top 200 wallet holder I've barely put anything in this.

Are we really that early?

>> No.19453382

Close to breaking 600 holders. Was about 300 yesterday at this time.

>> No.19453394

Yup. I am a poor fag and i am in top 30.

>> No.19453401

abu isnt skilled in english

>> No.19453405

Same. Stay strong, maybe we'll make a few dollars.

>> No.19453408


>> No.19453414

Wow this is magic money halving token. You put your money in and the next day it’s half of what it was.

>> No.19453416

Sometimes i wonder how many shills come together to pump shit like this

>> No.19453419

Yeah we are. There's what, 600 wallets right now? I think someone on the Telegram said yesterday that HEX had 178k. Imagine how this would pump with that kind of attention, and by the time we're anywhere close to those numbers how many people will hold as much as you, when the entry price is 20 times what you paid for it?

I don't have whale stack either but I don't see people FOMOing a month from now accumulating dozens of thousands as easily as we did

>> No.19453455

The devs are on tg all the time answering questions and communicating. You are just used to pajeet scammers that shill their shitty coins to you constantly trying to get you to buy.

>> No.19453472

>It is over.
For you.

>> No.19453476

This is the most bullish coin out there. We are just so early it’s bumping. Hodl fast anons. You’re about to become rich

>> No.19453487

He does not realize the ''product'' is already fully working and there is no need to cure cancer with PDF's.

>> No.19453498

What's the make it stack?

>> No.19453503

300K make it stack
50K suicide stack

>> No.19453509


>> No.19453514

200k if you have strong hands and a good timing when the time comes.

>> No.19453516
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who top 100 gang here? #81 reporting in

>> No.19453520

I just bought another 10k of these cheap boiz.

>> No.19453530

Damn trying to swing this as a whale is painful. The slippage is insane.

>> No.19453535

>tfw only have 16000
Please dump below 0.0040. Otherwise no one will buy...

>> No.19453539


Well at least I have a suicide stack I guess...

>> No.19453542

WTF. Did they just burn 70k coins in a few hours.
Fuck this is the most bullish I've been since getting early in WaltonCoin back in 2017.

>> No.19453545

>swinging against a bot
imagine being this much of a midwit

>> No.19453548

I tried and burned my fingers. I had a small pot of eth and bought the dips and sold when it recovered, that worked for me instead of trying to sell your stack.

>> No.19453552

Remember how still early we are, have a strong hands my brothers

>> No.19453566

That was me. And it was 10x, not triple. Are you the salty bitch?

>> No.19453580

Honestly, /biz/ doesn't deserve this. Whales here are playing games and dumping to scare people into panic selling and scooping up the bags.
Hope it hits an exchange soon and the real whales start investing.

>> No.19453582
File: 329 KB, 744x512, 1D933B40-9B87-4CFC-8EDC-54727AB66852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#70s standing by

>> No.19453595

just bought another 20k, so that’s 80k for today alone, speak for yourself

>> No.19453601
File: 132 KB, 363x254, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#150s standing by

>> No.19453602

yes but i also respect you

>> No.19453616
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#18 reporting for duty

>> No.19453635

Real volume since Yesterday is more than one million $. Confirmed by etherscan data

>> No.19453642

Don't wanna give the exact number away, but top 35.

>> No.19453664

It is true. Even the fudders are bullish. That says a lot about the coin when the only people trashing it are doing so so that they can buy more.

>> No.19453682

Do you not realise the pump is over? why would people fomo in now after what abu did?

>> No.19453695

What did Abu do?

Don't answer I already know he did jack shit

>> No.19453701

Other than be a pajeet with misleading grammar I don't think he's done anything bad today.

>> No.19453720

Nice try. Not selling until $2

>> No.19453730

Kek we’ll both make it. The fud has finished.

>> No.19453736

This coin is time zone related fuck head. Also, we've just consolidated.
Are you reading the same thread I am? You must understand price discovery and all the other basic market moving fundamentals right? If you do you're a fucking retard for not reading the sentiment in the above posts.

>> No.19453740
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#19 smiling and awaiting petting.

>> No.19453745
File: 84 KB, 802x309, oh no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19453754

The FUD is far from over bro. just dont be one of the retards that sells based on emotion

>> No.19453770
File: 79 KB, 640x640, 1581761905504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reporting in wont give exact but im in the 90s so might get kicked out later.

>> No.19453775

Them and the last 3 pump n dumps only make me jealous. I was the 7th holder, could have been the 1th and even own multiple wallets.
The king wants his rightful throne back. I missed ESH/Ghost out of ignorance, I am not going to miss STA.

>> No.19453785

The guy doesn't know how to communicate agreed, but people took it completely out of context.
He later cleared that there will only be 20k tokens airdropped, thats less than a fucking ETH worth of free tokens airdropped.
If that's the level of FUD people are going with, then that's pathetically weak.

>> No.19453800

95,840,862.43 coins

48,000 coins burned in the last hour

>> No.19453807

That will still be a lot of money one day. Think about if you hold until 0.50
You are risking a minuscule amount of money to make what will probably be a significant gains

>Are we really that early?
Yessir, we are

>> No.19453813


>> No.19453820

The problem with that was that cunt Frederik dumping at the same time so people who were already panicking sold their stack, crashing the price and giving him even more bags. Without his little trick Abu's message wouldn't have triggered that reaction

>> No.19453840

It doesn't matter. I'm a top 35 holder and not selling. I already sold a small stack to recoup my initial investment. I'm gonna ride it out. The small gains aren't "make it" worthy for me.

>> No.19453843

Fat Fred needs to fuck off, absolute faggot.

>> No.19453844

48 here

>> No.19453846

I got my stack up by 30% because of this dump and it seems to be over now. Thank you Frederik <3

>> No.19453853

#60s reporting for duty

>> No.19453863

Same, top 30 here, fuck the whales playing games.
/biz/ doesn't deserve this one, but whatever, it's a solid hold and I won't check these threads until the exchange is announced, and even. Won't start selling until we hit $1.0 and even then I'll prob still hold at least 75% of my wallet.

>> No.19453887

I’ve ended the malarkey, it’s moon time

>> No.19453890

from the second I saw that guy in the telegram i knew he was a fuckin mong

>> No.19453896

Frederik didn't sell at all, he was just joking about it, but I agree with your sentiment

>> No.19453900

Same but the problem is I have a small stack so to make big gains the coin has to absolutely moon and my hold will be very long. Not too much of a problem but if I had been quicker on the trigger I'd have a considerably bigger bag for the same price

>> No.19453904

It was surreal seeing it only go upwards. Now we're really in the game

>> No.19453905

Abu's message was an unfortunate mistiming, it was a one in a million chance that things would just line up in such a way that the FUD looked real in that moment. By the time people realized, he bought up most of the bags.

>> No.19453939

What was the lowest low we've had so far? 0.0088? or even lower?

>> No.19453940

>I’ve ended the malarkey
Thank god, Biden, now let's get down to business

>> No.19453970


>> No.19453980

Same. Top 30. Sold small to get initial back plus 10%. So I’m up 10% which is better than most stock people and now I’m riding my top 30 until it’s worth a million plus.

>> No.19454031

60s gang squad up
388k checking in

>> No.19454054

I’ve forgotten what this thread is about

>> No.19454073

Pigeons, I think

>> No.19454167
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>> No.19454191

shut up fag

>> No.19454194

its 87 now dumbass

>> No.19454214

Shut the fuck up cunty

>> No.19454259

I wonder what the slippage is there if you buy 1M tokens...

>> No.19454282

Then to 0.006 and beyond

>> No.19454308

you mean 0.0082

>> No.19454310

I can't stop buying.

>> No.19454429

Whales and shrimps alike accumulating like hell under 1 cent.

>> No.19454454

is being top 30 makes me a whale?
bought everything at thee very beginning and not going to buy anything more with those crazy high prices
just curious

>> No.19454509

>is being top 30 makes me a whale?
Yes, that is a make it stack for sure

>> No.19454516
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>tfw 200k stacklet and no more funds to buy

>> No.19454546

I literally only have 0.98 ETH worth of STA, like 30k or something.
I'm praying for a small pump but it's likely I won't hold longer than a few days at this point.

>> No.19454709

Just joined the 100k club w00t

>> No.19454825

Damn I was trying to buy exactly 100k, but got only 99.998. Oh well, let's hope those 2$ less won't be that much annoying in a month

>> No.19454828

>I'm praying for a small pump but it's likely I won't hold longer than a few days at this point.
Why the fuck wouldn't you hold for months, this is an index-fund project.

>> No.19455098

Can someone provide an unbiased view on STA vs PAMP?

>> No.19455224

>provide an unbiased view
I can't. I will say that the tremendous effort that Chris from the PAAMP team is taking to fud STA, even after trying to get the STA devs to include his coin in the pool, is very telling about what kind of person he is. He is spamming threads in the catalog, invading STA threads, and tweeting vague falsities about Statera on twitter under at least two accounts that I have seen. I don't know much about PAMP, maybe it is ok, but I really don't like a dev that acts in such a dishonest way. Also the name PAMP just screams scam to me, but that is just my impression and isn't based on anything