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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 49 KB, 869x488, Ww5RLaSiexLq9aIWGtcRDgDaoVYAGcYFsRhL92JoYqI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19445004 No.19445004 [Reply] [Original]

Where to buy:


* please keep in mind that the new address ends with “3deed1”

For those that held the old token, you were airdropped a BPT and can access it at the address below. You are free to either let it ride or pull it out and convert it into STA at the address above.


Watch Price Live + Transaction History:

>> No.19445046

I'm still so fucking happy we managed to FUD this and buy back in with the initial investment.

Next stop, 0.05, then 0.1!

>> No.19445050

hell of a dip, huh

>> No.19445064

It wasn’t altered, the dev team gave away some of their bag to people holding bags from their previous projects that didn’t work out. People panicked thinking they were minting more coins for them

>> No.19445067
File: 193 KB, 1125x817, 1560052808082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Don't think it'll ever go higher than 0.0112, but it won't go below 0.00090 either.

>> No.19445080


>> No.19445097

total supply: 96,129,876

hope smart money got more on the dip

>> No.19445119


The dev team gave away some of their bag to people holding bags from their previous projects that didn’t work out. People panicked thinking they were minting more coins for them. That's all. Also, some turbo fucking FAGGOT, bluffed that he's selling his top 10 stack.

>> No.19445135

as we speak it is .012

>> No.19445142

Okay so what happens if I add link to the public pool on balancer, is my link shelled out to the other assets? What happens when I want to pull my link out? Does it sell the other assets to push up link percentage equal to my initial liquidity added?

>> No.19445148

Serious question: Why is the supply still 96M? so much dumping just happened

>> No.19445162
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>> No.19445171


300k STA was burned in 2 hours.

>> No.19445212

oooooooooo we comin back

>> No.19445217

You cunts convinced me to sell.

>> No.19445223

I believe it was a little over .25m burned right there.

>> No.19445230


Weak hands btfo. It was obvious whale games.

>> No.19445241

Yeah where were the cunts saying that an hour ago? Looked like it was all falling apart.

>> No.19445242

300k tokens burned with this whole fud thing just when it was getting a bit stale. kek weak hands btfo

>> No.19445246

already blasted past 0.012

>> No.19445251


Thank god uniswap is so finicky. I tried to sell the absolute bottom and it failed.
Went to have a smoke and it was up 100%.

>> No.19445260
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From now on: Add this thread theme to the general copy pasta.
We moon.

>> No.19445262

How do I sell this :?
I have a wallet with 46k sta and dunno how to pop it in to etherdelta. Please spoonfeed this retard

>> No.19445269

I was saying it the whole time, fudders were on point though

>> No.19445281
File: 183 KB, 1080x535, Joked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you weak hands feel now you know you sold for a loss just so this chad could buy your bags for pennies lmao.

>> No.19445287

this was my first successful fud and you damn know i'll keep bringing it up until we hit the exchange listing lmfao

>> No.19445288


Gotta learn to distinguish bs fud with actual legit panic. Seen it a dozen times already and I only got into crypto two months ago. People want to buy in cheap and they just did thanks to you selling. I just bought more and already doubled my money. Just wish I was at my computer when the dip started so I could have bought back in lower.

>> No.19445289

not with those chubby cheeks

>> No.19445291

Same here anon. Went ahead and clicked SWAP on my roughly 150k stack at the very bottom..........transaction failed, TWICE.

>> No.19445295

based fudders
the panic they created was immaculate
someone should put those guys on a payroll

>> No.19445300

what about with his chubby dick

>> No.19445303


Guy looks a literal faggot kid stuck in an adult's body.

>> No.19445304

Fredrik jävla tjockis are you in here? well played

>> No.19445310

I've never bought crypto before. I want to get in while this is still hot. I tried making an account on kraken but it will take 24 hours to get verified. How can I buy eth right now without waiting to get verified when I've never traded crypto before

>> No.19445320

He's a faggot but pulled a chadmove and biz fell for it kek

>> No.19445321


The devs are autistic fucks like us.

They made it sound like more coins were being minted for their old failed projects. If they would have said from the get go it was from their own wallets this wouldn't have happened.

Also Faggot Fred said he'd dump his 1-2 million, but he lied.

>> No.19445328

I think crypto.com app gets you verified quickly

>> No.19445330

Just go to your nearest mcdonalds and ask for the triple big mac ;) . Make sure to wink twice

>> No.19445338

when reddit?

>> No.19445340

Well atleast I still sold at a profit.

>> No.19445345

i've been one of the anons responsible for creating threads and spreading awareness for the past week and this is the thanks i fucking get. it was a well orchestrated storm to have the telegram go on private while it transitioned to slowpoke mode. all i gotta say is that karma is real and you'll pay for it in some form of another.

>> No.19445347


>> No.19445352

how much are you trying to buy, you need eth

>> No.19445356

you should be thanking me bro
you did buy up the bags that were dropped, right bro?

>> No.19445367

You can try cex.io, but they may or may not let you buy depending on your location. If you are going to use bank transfers, it almost always takes several days to get verified. Try voyager app on your phone, or maybe uphold.com

>> No.19445375

369 dollars worth. Help me out anons I want this to be my first coin I trade

>> No.19445380

it'll be easy to pay if he bought that dip

>> No.19445389

get a metamask in your browser and post your wallet address

>> No.19445404

You do know you're playing with people's emotions and money right? Sure you could say it's part of the game, but just know that you probably ruined some people's day and will potentially be responsible for inducing severe negative thoughts in the future if this moons hard and people fell for the fud. As the other anon said, karma will get you

>> No.19445406

no, "bro". unlike the two anons above my uniswap transaction did go through and i sold at the absolute bottom. bought back in and lost half my stack. perfect storm of bullshit that you didn't even coordinate but lucked into. the ASH and BURN announcement. the telegram going black.

>> No.19445411
File: 72 KB, 480x615, 1414931905702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy ETH with ur dollars, make sure its in your wallet and then post private key on here

>> No.19445431
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>> No.19445433

uniswap glitched out and showed my token balance being 21 million which would mean that this is going to around $200 if my sacrifice allowed me to view the somehow view the future.

>> No.19445435

>c/v telegram
>Balancer pool doesn't track the burned tokens, hence why the pool's STA holdings need to be synced, which can be done by anyone calling the gulp function. The first time it was done today, it had 600k of tokens error accumulated over two days, fixing it drained the liquidity
>The pools can be synced now easily and constantly, so no drain will happen anymore

Holy shit based.

>> No.19445448

1) Purchase ETH from an exchange.
2) Download metamask from chrome web store and transfer ETH to it.
3) Click this to SWAP your ETH with Statera token - https://v1.uniswap.exchange/swap/0xa7DE087329BFcda5639247F96140f9DAbe3DeED1

4) Monitor token price here and jizz in your pants from time to time - https://uniswap.info/token/0xa7de087329bfcda5639247f96140f9dabe3deed1


>> No.19445452

might have been good for those who bought the dip. But you may have hurt the rest of us and yourself in the long run. Only reason most people found out about the v1, v2, v3 madness and figured out how to help others was because of the telegram group. Now it's in slow mode, news won't get to us as quickly.
Also, you potentially ruined people's futures.

>> No.19445458

Don't listen to pajeet scammers. Never EVER give anyone your private keys or your seed phrase. Wallet address is fine though.

I don't really know how you can get eth fast. You would have to use a credit or debit card and they will probably charge a 10% fee

>> No.19445460

its crypto you emotional faggot. you cant have emotions in this game. The entire realm of crypto is a risky game and you should only ever invest what you are willing to lose. people here need to be intelligent and understand that people are playing mind games here

another thing, karma does not exist

>> No.19445468

Sorry man, I don't know why people have to be greedy. We can all win here.

>> No.19445475

>he doesn't see beyond the veil and has never had an out-of-body experience

>> No.19445476


Upvote the fuck out of this, we need plebbit to get on board.

>> No.19445486


>> No.19445494

ive been telling people to hold the past two days and you idiots with tiny stacks that have been into crypto for 3 months just sell as soon as some kid in telegram pretends to dump. you werent meant for this, this coin is going way past $1

>> No.19445502

>when my 21 million could've been 34 million
it wouldn't even matter at that point

>> No.19445512


Get lost you soulless pigs. Disgusting human garbage.

>> No.19445516

that would make me a multi millionaire hence it’s why it’s not happening

>> No.19445542

this is 4chan lmao get your sorry ass off here

>> No.19445565

kys mean person

>> No.19445575

lmao don't post private keys charles

>> No.19445591

anon I will send you 10 bucks in eth so you can at least get something, don't post your private keys just wallet address

>> No.19445602


Get this upvoted asap.

>> No.19445608


>> No.19445607
File: 38 KB, 256x320, 1409879906920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude i'm not really after his private key. consider it a test. if you are stupid to post it on here you shouldnt be trading cryptos alone

>> No.19445619

okay good point

>> No.19445622

ànon get crypto.com app. It's the quickest one I know. Buy ETH there and send to your metamask

>> No.19445634

fucking uniswap taking forever for the transaction. i already have a bag i wanna buy the dip too

>> No.19445651

The pump came back as fast as the dump. We just burned a LOAD OF FUCKING TOKENS. Thank you based whales for the fud trap and weak hands for falling into it

>> No.19445663

reeeeeeeeeeeeee i literally sold the bottom

>> No.19445665

I bought in at 0.015 literally seconds before it dumped to 0.006 kek, feelsbadman

>> No.19445671

lesson should be learned then bud. If you're not prepared to ride a shitcoin down to zero then you shouldnt be putting money in. Cutting your losses on a two day old coin? Seriously? I was fully prepared to lose my entire initial investment, and I took a risk buying that dip. Learn from this. Don't be emotional when you're trading.

>> No.19445698

>be asufag
>wakeup and buy STA on impulse
>Check price before leaving for work
>check again


>> No.19445710

downvote the fudders kek

>> No.19445722


>> No.19445724

Why did no one else look at the whales? They never budged! I only moved up two spots from 54 to 52 that whole time

You are already at a profit, but yeah, you could have picked up a huge bag for cheap

>> No.19445732
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>> No.19445745

who tf is posting in that thread and addressing reddit as "reddit" lmao hello my fellow redditors baka

>> No.19445747

dont be a weak hand, bro.

I'm not gonna tell you to get back in, but next time you buy at a risk, keep a cool head, and never spend more than you are willing to lose.

I'm not selling

>> No.19445765


>> No.19445776

It's literally going up in ETH on uniswap, what are you apes on about

>> No.19445778

just realized a lot of bags got burned too, thats amazing. i bought bags that raised in value, based.

>> No.19445781
File: 50 KB, 399x385, 1586808893933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy shit this is mooning so fucking hard, reddit.

>> No.19445793

Yeah no shit it's risky, did I ever argue otherwise? That's different from being a faggot who fuds biz to try and accumulate more. Karma is not real until it is, don't take my word for it life will show you.

>> No.19445799


What do they call each other then?

>> No.19445808

The only difference between this fud and chainlink fud is you've never seen this fud before
All fud is retarded and should be disregarded completely
It's their own fault if they fell for it

>> No.19445815

you know what makes it less risky? spreading out risk over multiple coins with a deflationary token as 20% of the pool

>> No.19445817

Wee need to keep it steady or we are going to risk everyone bailing out once it reaches their sell price. I'm 100% committed to see it past .1

>> No.19445818


"level 1
9 points ·
2 hours ago

Holy shit this is mooning so fucking hard, reddit.

I unironically think we can get to at least 10 cents in the next days"

lmao you went a bit overboard with the reddit spacing

>> No.19445819

let this be a lesson to all who sold, I said this will happen...

tomorrow we'll be around 0.3-0.45

>> No.19445822

I thought this was a good move..

>> No.19445823

>spreading out risk over multiple coins with a deflationary token as 20% of the pool
Is someone doing that? That's a really good idea

>> No.19445831

greetings non-faggots would've been less suspicious

>> No.19445832
File: 381 KB, 1080x1305, Whale games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're a long time /biz lurker you won't fall for the jewish whale tricks. I immediately called him out when he posted it in the TG group. But everyone had weak hands and got btfod when that frederik bought their cheap STA. Its all whale games anon. This is a gem that is unique and never seen before.

>> No.19445834

Probably something gay like "moonboys"

>> No.19445836

Pretty sure they can't say faggots
Not sure what they refer to themselves as

>> No.19445838

The telegram went private after announcing that BURN and ASH would be swapped 1:1 + a whale saying he'd sell his stack and actually followed through with 500k, I understand if people fell for it and it pains me to see this. There are good anons here but it's spoiled by absolute scum who don't think about the consequences of their action

>> No.19445840

lmfao that and "thanks for showing me this coin kind stranger!!!"

>> No.19445842


>> No.19445846

Where can I get in on that?

>> No.19445851
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>> No.19445861

Andddd we're back, STA strong hands will be rewarded

>> No.19445868

Balancer, statera

>> No.19445887
File: 449 KB, 1920x1038, greetingsfellowredditors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19445918

Didn't something similar happen with ESH?
I'm all for helping a brother out, you didn't see me fudding. In fact I told people in that thread I was buying the dip, and I advised others to do the same. But fudders are an essential part of our ecosystem fren. They are there to evolve the community. Only the strong survive. Learn to live it with and thrive, or continue falling for the same old tricks and get dicked on by people who can see through the 4-5 levels of deceit on this board.
I love you all, but let's be real here, there's no "frens" in finance. It's strictly business. And business. is. booming.

>> No.19445930

Fudders want your STAs cheap dont forget it anon

>> No.19445938

555 addresses
down to 96,099,877 coins

>> No.19445944


>> No.19445949

Bought the dip, secured my top 75 status

>> No.19445968

You're fine, I'm talking about people like this anon: >>19445046

I don't disagree with you but there's no point in shitting where you eat, most anons discovered STA thanks to biz in the first place but then some try and fud for their own benefit and at the expense of other anons which is scummy and unnecessary because we have more than enough of that bs in crypto, especially when it comes to such a low cap project

>> No.19445986

Yes bby this
Let's stop fucking giving each other the Brutus treatment for one fucking actually legitimate project for fuck's sale

>> No.19445992

This. People think. Oh if only I got in early in bitcoin I’d be rich. Life’s not fair wah boo

Here it is. Here’s your chance and you sold.

Here’s your second chance. We are still in early phase. Buy back in. Learn your lesson and hold like a damn man.

>> No.19446108

I'm the exact kind you just described. 3 months into crypto. Reluctantly bought a 150k stack with like 2 ETH and then pressed the panic sell button on uniswap (after reading that faggot fuck's FUD on telegram) but the transaction failed....TWICE.

>> No.19446129

Luck is on your side friend

>> No.19446143

You are a lucky son-of-a-bitch. So you are still in?

>> No.19446174

It do kinda be falling again though

>> No.19446181

were these the old statera tokens or other projects

>> No.19446186

bamboo relay too

>> No.19446200
File: 308 KB, 752x752, temp_profile_image6134013329399315279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wheres the team page? I want to know who I can hold responsible if the contracts are bad/fail. Where's the audits?

>> No.19446216

negative, different contract

>> No.19446226

you're going to be thanking God daily for that failed transaction a month from now lol

>> No.19446227

you gonna send them a percentage of your profits too?

>> No.19446308

Yes anon. Retained my 150k stack. Gonna increase it to 200k tomorrow most likely.

>> No.19446320

Other older projects. I heard the name BURN on the official telegram group.

>> No.19446339

reeee my transaction confirmation estimate was 22 min but its been 33
25 ETH deep

>> No.19446341

The shillers are in full force for this project - must have an army working in huts on old laptops and using bad grammar..... pajeet know.

>> No.19446349

How the fuck does one buy this shit coin?
There are eight different addresses on etherscan, none of which works with metamask

>> No.19446358

oh no its duuuuuuummmmpppiiiiinnnngggg

>> No.19446365

Tbh I have noticed a lot of copy pasted replies and similar vernacular. Suspicious. But that's just my opinion.

>> No.19446370

whale here im gonna dump 2M in about 5 minutes, better leave now.

>> No.19446373

I'm trying to see if this project is legit or not, and so far I see an anonymous team that can mint coins as they please.

>> No.19446374

"25 ETH deep" - be careful anon. The coin might've been perfected from the early original versions but uniswap can still fuckup or some other external event can occur as well.

>> No.19446376

fuck im selling

>> No.19446378
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>> No.19446382

use the one on their website

>> No.19446383


>> No.19446394

you fucking autisits are going to kill this coin if you keep it up with the FUD so that you can buy cheaper bags. you're hurting your own profits. stop being so fucking short-sighted and greedy.

>> No.19446399


>> No.19446417

They can't mint coins. All the coins already exist. They can only destroy coins, which they do with every transaction

>> No.19446418

Bros I just bought 369 dollars worth of ETH. This is my first time buying crypto. Should I swap for stat or is this a pajeet scam? I spent my food money for the next two weeks on this. Should I buy into stat and sacrifice having food because its worth it or should I just sell my ETH?

>> No.19446444

put in 50 bucks worth of ETH and go buy groceries

>> No.19446461

I respect the suicide play but you are the dumbest motherfucker on this board.
To answer your question though, Statera had better chances of success than the other shitcoins around imo

>> No.19446462

buy now it is dumping it will recover by tomorrow, weak hands are leaving

>> No.19446469


Or maybe it is just a good coin. Stay out though if you are fearful, I am not trying to sell you on it.

Because it is only a few days old and we keep having to explain the same things to every single newcomer to the threads.

>> No.19446478

Domo arigato mr roboto for stabilising the price again

>> No.19446480

"sacrifice having food" - what? I don't know how to react. Only put the money that you don't mind losing forever in the worst case.

>> No.19446481

Stop being fucking faggots. You are trying to kill something that will make you tons of money if you just chill the fuck out

>> No.19446501
File: 156 KB, 1063x796, 1536975867468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just sold 3% of my stack and bought PAMP with it. Who here /chill/

>> No.19446503

Do you think I could make money if I swapped my eth for sta tonight and sold tomorrow?

>> No.19446513

yeah, the price self-corrects, now's the lowest its been in a while

>> No.19446519

You're better off sticking with the eth and sitting back paying attention to these threads. If you do want to mess around just use some of your eth that you're happy losing not more fiat. This is definitely a scamcoin and it's late in the party. You might dip in, it pumps and you make some money or you might get in too late and be left holding worthless bags. Don't put any more of your own money in

>> No.19446520
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>> No.19446526

possibly, it's a gamble, personally I think it will recover bigly tomorrow

>> No.19446531

There's no reason to not throw a small portion of your stack at a decent project. I've made 7000 from a 200 investment on STA, so I've got money to play with.

>> No.19446532

>I spent my food money for the next two weeks on this
What the fuck man? You shouldn't be doing a hail mary. There are kikes trying their hardest to get your money and they will not think twice to make you sell at a loss even if it means that you starve just so they can make an extra $10 on their investment. Maybe put $100 in and leave $10 in your wallet for transaction fees, and use the rest to buy food

>> No.19446535

at least save enough to buy some beans and rice, let that be your hedge

>> No.19446563

literally pumping right now

>> No.19446586

You cut off your nose to spite your face, that's all I'll say and it's telling of your intelligence that you can't see that

>> No.19446597


I threw a "small portion" behind Elvis's "community" "bizcoin".

They are COMPLETELY worthless now.

>> No.19446664

"there's no "frens" in finance. It's strictly business - are you a jew? You sound like one. Soulless. Dishonorable. Not seeing anything more important than money.

>> No.19446694

340k sta in the bank

>> No.19446704

388k we gonna make it bby

>> No.19446711

>You cut off your nose to spite your face, that's all I'll say and it's telling of your intelligence that you can't see that
>1 post by this ID
u wot m8? english please

>> No.19446732

"340k sta in the bank" - that'll be 340k USD soon anon. Cheers.

>> No.19446741

There's tons of things more important than money. But I'm not so delusional to think there aren't people who wouldn't throw me under the bus for a quick buck. Acting like everyone should be good and look out for each other and getting butthurt when they don't is not the way to prosper in this game.

>> No.19446743

If I buy 369 dollars worth of STA now will I make money tomorrow? Or should I just sell my ETH and buy groceries?

>> No.19446746

holy fuck I dont know what I'd do. buy my link stack and more.

>> No.19446756

fellow 60s rank bros
387k here

>> No.19446769

This nasty dump paints a negative impression among prospective buyers which you're too thick to understand.

>> No.19446786

its an idiom you absolute brainlet

>> No.19446794

I wouldn't know about most of these projects if it wasn't for Anons. I hate some of you fuckers with a passion, but most of you I consider Frens. I want people to succeed, not to fail.

No one can say for sure, Brother. All I can tell you is that whales are holding strong, including me. I am confident in this, but there ARE people trying to derail this. I don't think they will succeed, but with a coin this new, there is still the possibility. I think this will go up, but don't do it if you need the money back by tomorrow

>> No.19446800

Why do you think it's up after that dump?
It couldn't have been because people bought the dip... no.... one dump and it's all over for you huh?

>> No.19446801

too late fag should bought the dip we are going to 5 cents now

>> No.19446810

It doesn't make sense in the context of my original post. Kindly fuck off

>> No.19446841

It isn't about US dipshit, it is about prospective buyers. Where do you think your profits will come from?

>> No.19446847

but just think of all the cheap STA he got off other people's backs! what a chad! this coin had been doing exceptionally well for the first two days. everyone was friendly and helpful. the spirit of the threads were very positive. and he just took a massive shit in the pool so that he could potentially make more money but in fact only hurt its potential. what do you think will happen when the people who pumped this overnight wake up to see where it's gone and what you short-sighted burgers have done? it could've been at .05 by now if you didn't nigger up this thead.

>> No.19446872

no, you're just too much of a smoothbrain to grasp it.
>it's telling of your intelligence that you can't see that

>> No.19446880

no ones gonna care about this dump when we pump to 3 cents tomorrow

>> No.19446911

If they keep it up it isn't going to pump. That's the point I am trying to make. They made increased their stack by duping others, but instead of just being satisfied, they keep trying to dump the price again. They are brainlets who don't realize that they will make more by NOT fucking people over.

I hope you are right though, but these fucks are attempting to make this into a pnd.

>> No.19446925

This. Those who lost money will spread negative word of mouth but positive hype is what crypto coins thrive on. To any whales reading this, don't behave like a nigger moving forwards. Take profits occasionally but no need to fuck up everyone including yourself like a mindless chimp.

>> No.19446936

this is a pump and dump dipshit, every shitcoin is

>> No.19446955

Then don't buy faggot, leave the money for the rest of us

>> No.19446957

Yes but no need to pnd it before it has even fucking launched into orbit.

>> No.19446960

Brahs this is suicidal man. I spent 369 on ETH. Should I hold ETH or swap for STA in hopes I will make a quick buck tomorrow? Is this pajeet coin ?

>> No.19446972

DYOR cunt

>> No.19446978

This is not a pajeet coin, but it is volatile. No one can predict the future and I have told you this 30 times already. It is your money, no one else can decide for you

>> No.19447053

That faggot of a frederik almost killed this project with his fud just so he can load up more sta.

>> No.19447098
File: 67 KB, 1024x962, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop spamming these threads saying that you're going to kill yourself

>> No.19447104

yeah and what are you going to do about it?

>> No.19447108

Unless he bought with another wallet, it wasn't him that scooped up in the dip. He had 5.1% before and still has the same amount now. It was just convenient timing I think

>> No.19447140

doxxx your fat fucking ass and send you a pile of shit from poopsenders.com

>> No.19447165

Did you just manage to lose money on this? Why are you so salty? All you can say back to me is "noo youre stupider" fuck off man

>> No.19447167

Any confirmation on the ability to mine the pool token?

I'd like to throw my hardware into this project, the more liquidity we have on the pool, the more safe we all are.

>> No.19447184

Actually, I don't know if he is the largest holder, but only the #5 wallet bought the dip

>> No.19447200

Lol that's me.. ooops

>> No.19447228

if one were so inclined, could do a lot about it. I doubt it's hard to find out your full name since there's already a picture of your face floating around.
Then, from your name you're obviously Swedish/Danish/Norwegian. Possibly German but I don't think so.
If you're Swedish and someone knows your full name, there's websites such as ratsit.se where one can find out everything about you. Address, who do you live with, involvement in any companies, heck, your salary.

Just sayin

>> No.19447281

do it fag

>> No.19447304

I mean, I don't blame you for buying, I just hope you aren't one of the ones trying to destroy this coin by fudding

>> No.19447350

i love refreshing the etherscan page and seeing the total supply go down every time

>> No.19447365

i bought in day one so its impossible for me to lose money at this point. reductionist thinking to equate the pearls of wisdom being cast before you as "lol u r too dumb" only proves the point.

>> No.19447411

nah senpai. I'm on the other side of the world.
Also, I'd be scared to go after someone like you, you seem to be super evil, smart and soon incredibly wealthy.

You seem such a nice guy on twitter, why are you such a cunt on here?

>> No.19447453

>twitter banner
>stay at home
>save lives

a fucking norman

>> No.19447458

It isn't him, it's just someone trolling trying to get you to fuck over some randome Dane

>> No.19447731

price estimates for approx 24 hours away? The contract bled like 8-10% but it seems to have steadied out.

>> No.19447801

I think it will go over 0.02 again tomorrow, but these guys seriously damaged the hype, so it will probably crawl for a while before it gets back on it's feet. I hope they learn, and don't do it again, but they seem like low IQ teenagers, so I wouldn't be surprised if they do.

>> No.19447829

Nothing little about that moonface

>> No.19447868

Profit taking / distribution is normal after a pump like this. I can’t imagine selling before it even has a cap of $1m though.

>> No.19447878

w.e I have 350k. I hope we all make it.

>> No.19447906

Me too, Fren. Strong hands make it.

>> No.19447913

I held link for 2.5 years, I can hold this for at least a month or two, if not longer

>> No.19447963

What is the best way to purchase crypto with as little KYC as possible? Sick of waiting 24 hours to withdraw my crypto every time I buy some

>> No.19448006

metamask with debit, then you can simpleswap.io if you wanted to go into btc, or just uniswap if you're staying on eth chain


>> No.19448108

Enough is enough! I sold for you, all of you. So you could buy. In my mind, I envisioned lots of wealthy keks. That was my aim. I sold my gains for you. Fredrik.

>> No.19448128

Aaaaaaand just like that, it's going up again. Thanks for the dip.

>> No.19448143

You’re welcome

>> No.19448279

Give us some warning next time tho

>> No.19448310

Europe wakes up and STA begins to pump again. Haha thanks for selling. Here we go, up 21% already. Expect to see $0.05 today.

>> No.19448318

Literally dumping right now

>> No.19448357

They pushed us to .026 and filthy burgers played whale games bringing us down to .011

>> No.19448358

Not dumping. I'm up 21% already today. Wait till the rest of Europe wakes up followed by the US. Telling you, $0.05 today.

>> No.19448437

No chance

>> No.19448453

People are still buying this shit? It already mooned for fucks sake. What is the point of getting in STA now?

I sold my STA stack and got in PAMP. This is the cycle but biz will never learn

>> No.19448467

It’s literally less than a $1m cap. It’s a novel concept and is less than 10 days old.

>> No.19448471

STA isn't going anywhere, this is a long-term hold

>> No.19448481

last balancer swap over 90 minutes ago. ready to dump again? top kek


>> No.19448483

Retard found. Sells token priced 0.02 for a token priced 0.5 and tries to glorify his stupidity. Kek

>> No.19448576

Just kys Chris