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19443084 No.19443084 [Reply] [Original]

No blood monday, r-right? Printer go BRRR? Line go up tommorow? Pls

>> No.19443102
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>"they are asking questions"
>"shut it down"

>> No.19443104
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I tried to warn you guys

>> No.19443107

Stocks only go up.

>> No.19443118
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I suggest you sell, anon. Take your profit, and then buy the bottom once this blows over.

>> No.19443127

What a surprise. Elect a clown, expect a circus.

>> No.19443160

when i press on the back of my neck i dont get a choking feeling when i press on the front of my neck i do. try it yourself and you will see. also wwe fights and damages are staged for entertainment

>> No.19443174
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LMAO. I just might vote for him because I wanna just see shit blow up. Fuck it.

>> No.19443228

Literally the reason why I voted for him. I thought he could either be the best president we've ever had or the worst. Its Looking like the latter

>> No.19443248

nothing ever happens, nothing.

>> No.19443262

it'll spike downwards the first two hours, people will panic sell, stocks reach all time highs for no reason after lunch.

>> No.19443283

blaming trump lmao who is the actual clown here

>> No.19443319

>niggers and leftists destroy their own communities
>welp, must be blumpfs fault

>> No.19443323

Woah, Trump told blacks to riot? Based.

>> No.19443345

Depends on how futures look I'd imagine

>> No.19443372

Democrats have been planning these riots since the day he was elected. Democrat mayors spur on the rioters, democrat governors refuse to call in federal aid. And this shit isn't going to stop happening with a democrat in office. Its all part of the plan to kill whitey.

>> No.19443427

Bad bait is bad
>inb4 you replied
How else are you going to receive constructive criticism?

>> No.19443503


>> No.19443527

It will just keep going up. You could shower the whole world in nuclear fire and stocks would still go up.

>> No.19443576

Orange Man is merely a symptom. The rot has been there for decades and only needs a good kick for the whole thing to collapse.

>> No.19443731
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he literally tried to stop this by saying looting leads to shooting, but twitter censored his fucking tweet
And then he had to bail the Minnesota mayor by sending the National Guard

>> No.19443800
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ath by friday

>> No.19443824

Fucking this. Stock up on ammo. Police radios getting cut out.
Lawlessness from latent national anger built up over 100 years. All we need to start killing each other is the lack of consequences.

>> No.19443870

A whopping THREE people dead???
This is simply unprecedented, especially in the US

>> No.19443900
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Did you come up with that on your own?

>> No.19444102

“As you know, madness is like gravity...all it takes is a little push.” - joker

you're spot on bruv

>> No.19444119

When I got choked once in a fight, I couldn’t scream shit, I could barely breathe.

>> No.19444167


>> No.19444188

Who is this qt demon?

>> No.19444352

When someone is prone, with pressure on the back of their neck, the windpipe can constrict airflow when the neck goes into hyper extension. Like folding a straw. We die too easy.

>> No.19444861

lolled a bit to this

>> No.19444894


>> No.19444955

While I certainly agree with this. Just imagine what this shit all means for the US. Lots of damages on top of already so many damaged businesses. People will get even more desperate and angry, it's only a question of time until vigilantes will start killing rioters (it already happened in a few cases). Also corona numbers are probably going up again, although people are wearing masks, these mass evens are certainly not a good idea right now.

>> No.19444956

while Trump's an incompetent fuckwit at the best of times, he's been a little unlucky with this. Too much lockdown tension, was always gonna explode. He can't win now, literally. If he opens his mouth, saf ain't gonna improve anything. BUT he looks like the coward he is if he ignores it. Oh well.

>> No.19444964

Fed buying up with brrrrrrrrrrrrrrinted money

>> No.19444965
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25 cities? hope that's fake news. otherwise americans are really stupid, you have to live in that mess you know

>> No.19445024
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>> No.19445147

Lol, the Demon Rat-run cities are destroying themselves, not his dog in this fight.

>> No.19445253

It's not a matter of luck, it's a matter of the (((media))) deliberately inciting chaos and violence to disrupt the economy and damage the country.

>> No.19445279

he's a guy, so...

>> No.19445316
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not a guy

>> No.19445337

>Democrat run cities
not Americans, democrats silly

>> No.19445344
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tfw you will never have a qt semen demon to pump your load in every night

>> No.19445346

>damage the country
yeah the same media that shilled Dubya are hellbent on destroying the country that made them comfortable, truly

>> No.19445364

>3 dead and dozens injured
>on /pol/ it’s the end of the world
>coronavirus is a nothingburger, though
The irony of being retarded is you can never know you’re retarded.

>> No.19445464

In a situation where the medical system was operating perfectly, you would still expect a good number of deaths, especially among people with weak dispositions (obesity, immunocompromised, the elderly).
In a situation where the civil system was operating perfectly, you'd expect no deaths from rioting

>> No.19445515

bullish for my gold stocks

>> No.19445570
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>> No.19445729


>> No.19445812

You're right, you can't call the shitholes republicans run "cities"

>> No.19445876

Would be better if she was desu

>> No.19445908

Eh, atleast our nigger/human ratio is like 1/1000, never have to worry about riots with those numbers

>> No.19445940

democrats are the retards who want to save the planet by banning cars right?

>> No.19445975

Yup just mass school shootings

>> No.19446020
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>how could orange man burn down muh precious nigg- I mean black communities
>damn you blumpf to hell

>> No.19446041

The fact that this seems to be the delusional consensus is why it won't. Empires end.

>> No.19446126

The thing is, he didn't do anything to prevent it the way he should and only make things worse for his own small political games.

People expected 2nd Hitler or at least 2nd Kennedy. 2nd Jefferson would do too.
What we got is 2nd Woodrow Wilson, except more Jewish and more retarded.

>> No.19446252

Why should children be safe. Fuck those little pricks. In fact, get rid of the public school system.

>> No.19446458

from how the officer’s knee was pressing down, he was pinching george’s carotid, which supplies blood to the brain and would give you a feeling of suffocation because your brain isnt getting enough oxygen even if your lungs can take in air. i know you just want to say fuck the dead but at least be intelligent with how you do so

>> No.19446536

that was my initial thought as well, but direct pressure to the external carotid usually causes unconsciousness in seconds.

I think now he was actually restricting his windpipe. Not enough to cause suffocation, but enough to cause a heart attack from restricted breathing. It'll be interesting to see the coroner's report.

personally I was always taught if a guy is still talking he's still breathing. But there's also no truly safe way to choke a person.

>> No.19446784

that’s highly possible as well, however I didnt mean his carotid was completely sealed off, just enough to cause issue. when i was younger my father would cut my hair over the toilet and force me to look down into the bowl as he got the back of my head. he was terribly slow and would have me keep looking even as he dug around for different sized clippers or left to do whatever, but he’d be pissed if i wasnt ramrod straight looking into the bowl so i just held my stance. on a few occasions my vision would turn green and twice i even passed out, later on in life i learned this was from oxygen deprivation so i must have been clinching something important with the angle of my head. much the same as what i image happened here

>> No.19446804

No, it's fine. The markets don't care about a bunch of broke niggers burning things. Hell, it's going to provide jobs cleaning up the mess - bullish af.

>> No.19446870
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>ght as well, but direct pressure to the external carotid usually causes unconsciousness in seconds.
Heh, never get to show off my gay ass extremely niche knowledge of human vasculature/anatomy, however I can say with certainty, you're both retarded.

First off, you have 2 internal and external carotid arteries, one on each side. so there is collateral blood flow via the Cirlcle of Willis even if the officer cut off supply to one of the mans internal carotid arteries.

Secondly, the external carotid artery is hardly the main source of blood flow to the brain but more so the face.

Third of all, you definitely can breathe if you're speaking or yelling.

>t. former EMT and current vascular technologist.

>> No.19446924
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Wait, are some people unironically blaming Trump for the riots? That's ridiculous. It's almost as stupid as blaming him for the Wuhan virus.

>> No.19446926

explain this, >>19446784 why was i seeing green and passing out without any external pressure besides my head tilted at an angle. and how did george die from what we’d seen

>> No.19446946

>It'll be interesting to see the coroner's report.
its gonna show heart attack due to drug overdose with marginal responsibility to the officer in question
and that is when the riots and subsequent martial law really begins

>> No.19446964

unless there was enough pressure to dislodge a carotid plaque causing sub-arachnoid hemorrhage.

but it didn't look like stroke to me. Just a heart attack or maybe respiratory failure.

>> No.19447080
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this shit is insane. Guys I just wanna work in computer science and buy stonks, im not trying to hear about my friends or family dying because they got shot on the way home because they got stuck in traffic near a protest holy shit

>> No.19447114

I don't think the anon is being entirely honest, since the circle of willis is more like a series of one-way streets than a roundabout. but he does claim to be an expert.

What I was taught in the military, by people that certainly weren't doctors, is that bilateral pressure on the carotids will knock a man out in less than a second. Whether that's the actual mechanism or not I don't know. I just know there's a couple types of choke hold that don't compress the airway but will definitely result in unconsciousness.

>> No.19447179
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Yeah, so this is what America got, this clown.
I was hoping that the whole terrible process would maybe teach Americans something and maybe unite them against a common enemy, but it seems like we had a monster in the closet the whole time that is rearing its ugly head.

>> No.19447482

more than one FL poster on here?

>> No.19447507

The coroner's report already is out and this is basically what it said. Death was not due to asphyxiation. Death was entirely preventable but only if they had realized what was going on and actually tried to help him instead of holding him on the ground for funsies until he literally died.

>> No.19447529

How is the Fed getting away with this?

>> No.19447560

Literally all you have to do to silence criticism of the fed is go "But if they didn't do what they did, there would be a recession!". People can't divorce the stock market from economic health. You can't convince them that without the fed and with a fixed monetary supply they might be better off after the short-term damage.

>> No.19447575

Imagine thinking you can beat the Fed, lmao

DJIA 30K soon you bear /pmg/ doomer cucks

>> No.19447657

What happened to corona? You would think the number cases would be exploding with the number of people outside.

>> No.19447705

>3 dead, 4 if counting George Floyd

Lol. Corona killed 100k so far and the market was still going up. If it falls down i will thank the negroes for the free cheapies and load up on even more SPY calls.

>> No.19447756

There's a 1-2 week testing lag. The case numbers won't go up immediately. If in a week suddenly all these retards post on facebook "Feel like shit, hope it's not the 'rona lolololol" expect numbers to jump up a lot.

>> No.19447838

Stonks won't be affected. Suterusu / Asian coins (especially in the privacy sector) will rage this summer.

>> No.19447842
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>Yup looks like a bunch of niggers to me!

>> No.19447865 [DELETED] 
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>be the president
>massive dysfunction in the state you run
>dodge responsibility.

Imagine being the CEO of a company, that goes bankrupt because your low level employees were cooking the books and then getting buttmad when people blame you for this happening on your watch. Somehow everything good that happens means he was playing "4D Chess" and everything bad that happens isn't his fault. Literally makes no sense.

Anyone could have seen this coming from a mile way. Ferguson was a mere SIX years ago - the widespread growth of social media was shining a huge light on the problem. Obama did nothing about it and Trump for sure has a few tweets about how the earlier riots were Obama fucking up.

>Unchecked police brutality
>Millions unemployed
>Heat wave
>President spends most of waking day "owning" people on Twitter

It's the perfect storm. I'm amazed at the lengths Trumpies will go to cover for the guys utter mismanagement of the country. The guy literally had full control of all 3 branches of goverment, an opposition that would literally roll over for him when push came to shove, and an unparalleled reach to the common people, and has managed to accomplish fuck all. If he literally did nothing, the country would probably be in a better state. I can't imagine a more apt situation of someone making their own bed and lying in it.

>> No.19447867
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>Even more inner city blacks and liberals dying because of their own stupidity

>> No.19448103

look at all these butthurt replies. fucking /pol/tards are SEETHING. good job

>> No.19448244

you expect the CEO of the company to deal with low level employees grievances personally rather than assist lower management to deal with it? what a perfect solution for a chain of command. they should implement it!

>> No.19448329 [DELETED] 

If the CEO is so clueless that he is literally being fleeced by his own employees, then he's incompetent, end of story. I don't care if he deals with it personally, or hires low level management or fires all of them. He's getting paid millions of dollars per year to figure it out. If he had lower management do it, and they didn't report it to him, then he either doesn't talk to lower management (and he's incompetent), or he hired corrupt management (and he's incompetent).

Actual CEOs have been fired for less. Tim Sloan, CEO of Wells Fargo, was axed because low level desk employees were opening fake accounts to hit sales target. Shareholders didn't give a flying fuck that it "wasn't his fault" - he oversaw a braindead incentive structure that cost the company millions.

>> No.19448378
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rogue agencies run the country and the branches of govt.

>> No.19448392

>CEO tries to fire low level employees
>lower management is like "nu-uh that's not the law we safe department we got union"

nope everything is the CEOs fault. 100%

>> No.19448400

long windows

>> No.19448431
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let's dispel with this fiction that the senate intel committee doesn't know what it's doing. it knows exactly what it's doing.

>> No.19448440

if you are taking longer than allotted breaks because youre jerking off in the bathroom that’s literally the CEOs fault for not providing a higher res tv to stream better porn

>> No.19448450 [DELETED] 

>implying any union will back an employee suspected of accounting fraud
>implying in Trump's case he didn't literally have the "union" on his side given the fact he controlled all 3 branches of government

I'm sure in your make-believe world where, CEOs don't pick their own executives, your statement would be true. However in the real world that simply isn't the case. Especially given that most companies, especially those in California and New York, are FUCKING AT WILL STATES AND YOU CAN BE FIRED AT ANY TIME.

>> No.19448476 [DELETED] 

Now you know why CEOs are paid millions. Imagine making excuses for CEOs when shareholders have literally replaced them for less.

>> No.19448511

Circle of Willis is not a bunch of one way streets, those streets can change direction at any time if necessary. Blood flow always finds the easiest route, and travels from areas of highest pressure to lowest.

>> No.19448523

nice dick hiding

>> No.19448561

This could be from when you had your head bent forward you were kinking the blood supply to your brain and eyes since you most likely weren't doing it to one side or the other. positional cerebral ischemia is definitely possible.

>> No.19448587

you mean sign off on it? assigning one person from human resources to pick a good candidate is old as time. take a good look at current cabinet and you're not gonna find 100% loyalty across the board

>> No.19449177
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Just wait for the bloodbath when he's found innocent

>> No.19449381
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so many blacks will kill themselves for doing all this evil in the wrong

>> No.19449390

This is why you don't vote Democrat.

>> No.19449392

You are naive, if you are still following the news you will only lose. Follow volume and price action.

>> No.19449416

I'm gay and I fucking kill myself

>> No.19449429

well it works so theres that

>> No.19449444

Kek, Orange man quotes one of the most racist sheriffs in recent history directly after a super racist looking police killing and doesn’t expect someone to do something. Anon, you smoking something? No one is innocent here, bro.

>> No.19449917

It bothers me a lot that the first thing that I check for is the presence of absence of a dick when I see these pics. We fall farther from God everyday.

>> No.19450717

The higher the stocks, the higher the price of basic essentials.

>> No.19450759

All the gender confused, faggy, losers I used to know in high school are screaming to kill cops and burn everything now.

>> No.19450781

Hillary. Lol. Voting Trump again. Fuck the media, fuck Hollywood, fuck the kikes, I'll vote for who I want.
I'm not even going to pay attention to this race baiting circus shit.

Chimping out over shit that happens 100s of miles away, yeah that's the path of reason.

>> No.19450811

It was just a coked up nigger that couldn't chill and got a heartattack. Normies gonna norm and niggers gonna nig tho.

>> No.19450819

Gas yourself kike shill.

>> No.19451735

That's called trying to time the market and it categorically doesn't work.

>> No.19452270

>and maybe unite them against a common enemy
His daughter married on of them, sadly

>> No.19452280

Every time