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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19443094 No.19443094[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Riots and looting are out of control nationwide and statewide curfews are now in effect.

Is the economy about to take another plunge?

>> No.19443101

ass too big

>> No.19443311

lol are you white boy?

>> No.19443357

Market prices based on emotion, not facts. Half the country can be on fire, and markets wouldnt blink. But, If there is a mass lockdown, then maybe we retest march lows? Dunno. Try TVIX if you feel ballsy about a crash.
Also that's man ass. Mmmm

>> No.19443358

Built for BBC

>> No.19443367

Only niggers can like a body part that a female uses to shit.

>> No.19443389

why the fuck does she have to twitch around like a god damned retard nigger!!!????

does everybody have fucking retard niggerbrain cancer?

>> No.19443398


>> No.19443431

>does everybody have fucking retard niggerbrain cancer?
Yes, it's a mind virus that's infected most of the western world. It's why you don't see any pushback to these violent niggers burning our cities down right now.

>> No.19443471
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>> No.19443488

There is no real economy. We produce almost nothing compared to what we consume. All that is happening is reality is catching up with us.

>> No.19443492

>be a hot 25 year old blonde
>unfortunately have a hobby that only makes things for ears
>"hmm I wonder how I can get people to care about me"
>Show of ass because you are a total whore

ugh. Women are a meme.

>> No.19443500

Fuck you jogger

>> No.19443514

Market literally will not go down w stimulus. Fuck the Fed people should be rioting over what those bastards are doing trilllions of new dollars into the hands of major investors. Bastards

>> No.19443522

if you saw that and automatically thought of black people then you are beyond hopeless anon...

>> No.19443605

>juden juden and juden

>> No.19443629

Cant wait for all joggers to be euthanized

>> No.19443719
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>juden juden and juden

>> No.19443750


Money printer go brrrrrr

>> No.19443937

I*rael and kikes have no right to exist

>> No.19444199

I dont want poo poo on my pee pee

>> No.19444856

Wait your fucking turn.

>> No.19444873


>> No.19444888 [DELETED] 

> - t. niggerbrain

>> No.19444984

> - t. niggerbrain

>> No.19445095

It's a fact that retail spaces are getting trashed right now. How does that hit you emotionally?

>> No.19445199
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>> No.19445227

Titties McBrapper

>> No.19445245

Melissa McNiggerbrain

>> No.19445259

No, once the nogs realize they cant rob anymore they will just go home.

>> No.19445277

all women are ______

>> No.19445293


>> No.19445309
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>retail spaces
O u mean the ones that have been closed and going bankrupt for the last three months? Get on the bull train bing bong

>> No.19445645

Mutt's law

>> No.19445675
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No, it will only go up. Stonks must go up. Money printer go brrrrrrrrrrrrr.

>> No.19445685
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>> No.19445726

What does this have to do with anything?

>> No.19445749
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>> No.19445785

>dark-skinned people burning cars and fighting police
>police can't control them and the white people are too cucked to do anything about it
How did the US turn into Sweden?

>> No.19445813

where are her nose holes?

>> No.19445824

they automatically close when she braps. sort of like how whales breath when they surface

>> No.19445833


>> No.19445843

I bought in on Friday thinking everyone would pussy out. I was so wrong it hurts.

>> No.19445860


>> No.19445872


>> No.19445963

How does this equate to a bull movement?

>> No.19446357

Kill all women