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File: 516 KB, 1650x715, 1590946001691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19441604 No.19441604[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any biznessmen personally affected by the chimpouts?

>> No.19442394

kek. top quality meme.

Fuck niggers

>> No.19442942


>> No.19442978
File: 77 KB, 1031x1126, 1589467724707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish it was just a meme

>> No.19442996

Why did God have to make brown people
Everyone couldve been white

>> No.19443014
File: 193 KB, 600x869, 92BF9180-9FC9-40F9-8618-231144D5BDF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine where we could be if we weren’t being held back

>> No.19443019

gods wisdom > ours

>> No.19443027
File: 121 KB, 721x1000, sample-e5b6273f19680e48da77e8fa239fbc1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more lockdown. same difference.

>> No.19443062

You can’t have happiness without sadness, anon

>> No.19443076

Pretty sure photos on the left were from Madrid a few years ago

>> No.19443133

They're not. Twitter vid from a sheeboon in St Paul

>> No.19443308

>Fuck niggers
I'd like to remain std free thank you very much.

>> No.19443328

Except that pic is old and from Barcelona and nothing to do with the riots but we know you can’t expect real news from polfags

>> No.19443462

My dad was scheduled to go back to work on Monday after working from home for months. And then nigs smashed out the windows of the company and its all boarded up.

He is just confused. Imagine being 60 years old, going thru your whole life with things being relatively normal and then shit just decides to blow up around the time you're supposed to retire.

>> No.19443478

who gives a fuck. kys

>> No.19443501

Your skin is brown just like your ID

>> No.19443516

Take the Gnostic pill.

God is not good.

>> No.19443667

The plan is to organically test man in a way that God doesn't personally need to play a direct role in. Think of it as a divine artistic technique. God could instill you with certain traits right out of the box, but God can also bestow subtle variations of those traits by creating you, giving you some raw components, and then exposing you to a derivative race of monkey people to test you, shape you, and craft you into a final product. If God builds you directly in a specific way it's not the same as building you, exposing you to the "harsh elements" of the universe and allowing you to in some sense create yourself. It makes sense from a design standpoint, but it's not a particularly good time for those of you that are "in it."

>> No.19443687
File: 144 KB, 2120x1038, 1590944173477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but I laugh so hard at the autist NEETs at pol that didn't do shit after years of "muh boog"

>> No.19443784
File: 60 KB, 600x829, 1583100403950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but they did
didn't you see?

>> No.19443798

I live in NYC and havent heard or seen anything. It seems like the rioters only want to destroy their own shitty neighborhoods

>> No.19443826

Walking to another neighborhood to destroy it is too much like work which they are allergic to.

>> No.19443865

The absolute STATE of stormfags

>> No.19443934

You are a Mutt
You are not White
Deal with it

>> No.19443995

lmao boomers. oblivious to the clown world they birthed.

>> No.19444042

the worst thing is many of them will die feeling smug and not see any of the consequences they caused.

>> No.19444059

This is one reason why I became a Christian. The mental pain of blackpills like this one drove me to believe against all odds that there is divine justice in the afterlife.

>> No.19444086

So your response to promises of life being worth living being false was to choose to believe that the after life was worth living?

>> No.19444101

No, that godless boomers will burn for eternity.

>> No.19444121
File: 180 KB, 568x319, 3ejsn4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19444206

He didn't Cain did.

>> No.19444323

Fuck this stupid ignorant website. If anyone didn’t see that this is an old video from Spain then you are just gullible stormtards.


>> No.19444578

kill yourself and stop posting forever
return to whatever hive of cuckoldry to crawled out from

>> No.19444638
File: 886 KB, 500x2812, serveimage (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was riot twerking, I saw the live feed, it just wasn't that particular hoe. Who gives a fuck anyway, it's just an effect meme that perfectly sums up this garbage society we live in that refuses to face the truth. Fuck off fag.

>> No.19444720


>> No.19444731

I live in Minneapolis, I've been out the past 4 nights.

It's not the niggers who're setting everything on fire, they are taking advantage of the situation by looting but they're not the ones destroying cities.

It's antifa, black bloc, boogaloo. Every single person I've saw who has had incendiary devices has been white. Be careful, these extremists are attempting to frame the blm retards to advance their anarchist agenda and "topple the system".

If you live in a large city destroy cars with no license plates or out of state license plates.

>> No.19444796

It’s spelled “communist” but yeah I’m thinking you’re right otherwise

>> No.19444800

You do realize antifa and blm are on the same side, right? we see it all the time here on this very board with the black/brown "built for BBC" and tranny posters. How can you visit the chans and remain so politically naive?

>> No.19444805

Nope feels good to be a leaf right now

>> No.19444830

kys faggot

>> No.19444841

Cain created white people though. Read it carefully.

>> No.19444893

>antifa and blm are on the same side
This is the problem with the “intersectionality” angle. Police brutality in the US is a problem, black people are acutely aware of it. They aren’t able to protest without their “brothers in solidarity” taking down capitalism and pretending to be allies. Cops suck. Leftists fucking suck. Lastly
>biz business & finance

>> No.19444924

It doesn't fucking matter you faggot. We've all seen the riots and have bad and niggerish they are.

>> No.19444962

I have to admit being out in that chaos seems visceral as fuck. Probably the first time most of those people have ever felt alive. But they're living in the moment, the after effects of this are going to make life miserable for a lot of people and they're not gonna be police officers.

>> No.19444995

So, what you're saying is, as usual, the niggers are completely innocent and its all white people's fault?

>> No.19445061
File: 1.82 MB, 253x145, headache.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so swap it out for a real one? there's a million youtube livestreams for you to snapshot. doesn't change a thing.

>> No.19445096

Nope, not what I said at all.

>> No.19445676

>Why did God have to make brown people

niggers wern't made by God, but by selectively breeding a race of enslaved farming equipment.
Most black people are alright