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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19442027 No.19442027 [Reply] [Original]

Is looting financially smart? Last night the mall where I live got looted but I kept telling myself “It’s better to suffer injustice than to do injustice” but honestly at the same time I hate corporations. And corporations can afford to replace them. But I don’t want to be on the level of a jogger. But at the same time, if I don’t someone else will.

What do I do?

>> No.19442032
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>> No.19442039

Are you a nigger?

>> No.19442043

Too late

Try again next year

>> No.19442044

It's mostly arbitrary materialist junk, best to leave it alone.

>> No.19442048

>but honestly at the same time I hate people doing better than me. And people better than me can afford to replace them
ftfy. kys ugly fat fag

>> No.19442050
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>> No.19442067
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>> No.19442084
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>> No.19442103

Looting, like protesting, is for poor people.

>> No.19442128

I know guys sorry, it’s just when I thought that low level burger king working negroes can walk around wearing Chanel or Gucci it made kinda sad. But I know it’s all materialistic things but man I wouldn’t mind looking good to impress the ladies

>> No.19442145

>be opressed
>don't vote
>decide that nike store is a symbol of opression
>loot nike store during protest
>proudly wear nike clothing which you stole

>> No.19442153

Thank you anon, he would never stoop to such levels

>> No.19442177
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Allow me to play devil’s advocate for a moment but wouldn’t that make them modern day robinhoods?

>> No.19442197

acting out your feelings of low self-worth isn't going to help things...it will just make things worse.
odds are you grew up without a positive male model in your life and your mom fucked you up mentally

>> No.19442253

Yes you are completely right, thankfully I didn’t turn gay but I do have low confidence.

>> No.19442313

i understand that concept but what they're protesting isn't 'not having shit', it's racism and police violence in america, which, as a europoor looking from a distance is a perfectly legitimate thing to protest imo
corporations and small businesses which were looted only see one color - green. and a lot of the are in full support of social topics, they have nothing to lose by supporting them also it's good PR and by coincidence lol

>> No.19442532

I need something like that to signal my virtue.
How much do one of those cost?

>> No.19442955

Robin hood stole from thieves (feudal government), and gave it back to the producers (farmers and such). Looters steal from producers (businesses) and keep it for themselves. Very different

>> No.19443080

>Is looting financially smart?
If you get away with it, yes.

>> No.19443097

>I am a bootlicker and hope that by licking that boot real nice a shiny it won't be my neck underneath it next.
>Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go back into the coal mine to make more shareholder value while producing nothing for myself!

>> No.19443124

>he thinks corporations produce anything of real value

>> No.19443135
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This is now a Hitler thread.

>> No.19443149

>What is Nazi plunder

Actually looting is /pol/ approved, time to post this on pol

>> No.19443150
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>> No.19443163
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>> No.19443167

Absolutely not. Nothing justifies theft and damage to your neighbor's property, unless you're declaring war and are ready to finish it. These fuckers will go about being customers of the same outlets they robbed and smile in their face while hiding thousands of $ they stole. If you can live with, go ahead. I hope you'll get shot

>> No.19443195
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He was truly loved by his people

>> No.19443214
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>> No.19443245
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>> No.19443305
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>ITT Bootlicking mutts

You’re not white you’re American subhumans that are terrified of your corporate overlords

>> No.19443532

>What do I do?
Have you thought about robbing a Fed Ex truck?

>> No.19443565

>Nothing justifies theft and damage to your neighbor's property
Race mixing does.
Thats where you are wrong this country needs to burn.

>> No.19443674
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What is she eating? It looks like Nigeria egusi soup.

>> No.19445194

Disgusting. These pictures make me so fucking angry.

>> No.19445216

stay mad incel

>> No.19445383

There is nothing worth stealing in a mall. All consoomashit with big ticket items being worth 5k at the most. Even a low tier employee can afford one with enough saving or even credit.

Name one thing worth stealing. Pro tip. You can't.

>> No.19445551

>it’s just when I thought that low level burger king working negroes can walk around wearing Chanel or Gucci it made kinda sad
Even envying that shit makes you nigger tier. Stop that really fast.

>I know it’s all materialistic things but man I wouldn’t mind looking good to impress the ladies
What are you a fucking monkey?

>> No.19445609


I feel sorry for the little girl born with such a trashy mother. No high quality white wonen dye their hair and fuck black guys.

>> No.19445621
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>> No.19445690
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an art gallery in LA got hit and someone walked off with one of these. i’m not sure what current price would be but it’s at least 5 figures, there’s a dissected version that’s nearly 99k, i imagine this one is close to that price.

>will probably only be able to get 1/3 of that from buyers knowing it’s stolen (numbered)
>will still probably only sell it for 5-10k to a friend

>> No.19445780
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couple other things too. all the art stuff would have been a good snag desu

>> No.19445932
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>> No.19445933


>> No.19445960

Why do you assume mall = all corporate?
My local mall is filled with small, locally owned shops. Small business owners are obliterated by looters and vandalism.

>> No.19446028

buddy was telling me about how there was a time in l.a. during the come up in hip hop when there were riots and looting. turns out most of the famous hiphoppers would have never made the music they did without all that looted music equipment

>> No.19446073

This is true

>> No.19446112

If you need that in the next 3 months, you could, but clothing shops are doing pretty damn badly right now (or clothing stocks, at least, although they've gone up a little), so the assumption that they'll just be able to replace anything is arguable. that being said, perhaps there's insurance. Don't loot a mom and pops, okay? In fact, don't loot at all. unless you're 110% sure you'll get away with it.

>> No.19446220

>it’s just when I thought that low level burger king working negroes can walk around wearing Chanel or Gucci it made kinda sad
Dude. Dude. You won't get anywhere if you think those fools are better off cause they succumbed to their baser instincts to show off. Well... If you're single, i suppose showing off is not completely nuts and a waste of time. But if you're a family man, save your money and enjoy retirement at 40. 25-30 if you work like crazy and invest early.
haha man I hate most of them but like a few. Not sure how to feel about this

>> No.19447431

Two gays, powerful.

>> No.19448265 [DELETED] 
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Looting art is massively dumb as you wouldn't be able to sell it. Any buyer is going to ask if its legitimate, and ask for proof (in the case of KAWS, like a receipt). If not they will know its stolen and not buy it (or worse, attempt to turn you in an take the item for free). Art theft is massively complicated in the underground, and usually you need to secure a buyer before you steal anything.

It depends on how much you make. At the high end I think you could effectively loot maybe $1000-$2000 in resellable assets, which is commodity goods that could be resold without questions being raised. Note that this instantly excludes most smartphones and high ticket electronics. This also excludes things like jewelry (Which is probably under tighter security when the store is closed). Off the top of my head, it would be laptops and game consoles. At a home improvement store you could probably steal high end handheld tools.

However the expected value is just too low, compared to the cost. For me, I'd be looking at potentially losing my job and being thrown in jail for what amounts to ~3 days worth of salary for me.

Just doesn't seem worth it, unless you are already dirt poor. The corporations, of course, won't care. People seem to forget Apple used to get smashed and grabbed all the time when they introduced the glass stores. Now all of their devices get bricked when they leave the store and everything else is under lock and key.

>> No.19448499
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Unlike you, I have been around niggers 90% of my life. I assure you, they're more animal than human. They constantly put their focus on the short term and then beg for help when they make bad choices. I can't stand Europeans who've never lived in an inner city in the US sympathizing with Niggers. If you only lived in Detroit or Chicago for 1 week. You would understand why white/Asian people constantly flee black neighborhoods.