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File: 96 KB, 360x450, Taxman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19433695 No.19433695 [Reply] [Original]

Best way to avoid the tex man in crypto?

>> No.19433785

put a QR code tattoo within your ass and no one will ever find it.

>> No.19433794

But What if you're a faggot like OP?

>> No.19433805

don't ever exchange for fiat? have someone buy you stuff for crypto

>> No.19433812

>you're a faggot like OP?
I want my lawyer

>> No.19433832

Depends where you're from. But basically live in anther country for a year. If you're a mutt, renounce.

>> No.19433849

Yeah I bet you do. You want him bad ;)

>> No.19433879

I live in Austria. Laws are pretty chill anyways. I just have to hodl for one year. Still. If there is a rally i dont want be stuck and no be able to sell just because the government has their dirty hands in my pockets.

Is there a way for them to see what i'm holding and when i exchange etc.??

>> No.19433896

>he cashed out
Lmao you can buy almost anything with BTC online

>> No.19433957

Is buying gold or silver coins with crypto a good option?

>> No.19433966

>Is there a way for them to see what i'm holding and when i exchange etc.??
The reality is no, not right now.
Please know that I don't know Austrian tax law, But i'm from the UK its *similar*.
When you've left your country for 1 whole tax year you can remove your funds tax free. you can return for 182 day/year after.
>Can they see
No not right now. The issue is as these are blockchain transactions & bank accounts get reported (CRS). They could find out in the future. There are countries that don't have CRS but they might sign up in the future. You never know what could happen. Now saying that, the US is probably your best bet if you want to cash out early. The US is a tax haven to anyone that isn't American. In the states they don't have CRS they used FATCA. No telling the future but the mutts don't share the FATCA info with the RoW.

>> No.19433974

never sell
why would you sell your crypto for fiat anyway
if you're making money to buy things then you're a normalfag who doesn't get it
the whole point of crypto is to be a multimillionaire while still living the neet life pretending to be poor

>> No.19434002

Taxes are biggest scam in the history of the world

>> No.19434034


>> No.19434036

this is exaggerated but merchants like crypto because no chargeback

>> No.19434790
File: 4 KB, 225x225, 0xMonero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use Tor, mine 0xMR and shield with zk-SNARKs into p0xMR.

>> No.19434815

flame.exchange has no kyc

>> No.19434857

How buy house this way?
I’m supposed to buy groceries with gift cards with my six figures?!?!

>> No.19434884

>if you're making money to buy things then you're a normalfag

Is there a slight possibility your absolutely 100% retarded anon?

>> No.19434904

taxes are needed, but taxes above 10% are immoral

>> No.19434939

They consider crypto to crypt exchange to be a CGT event. I'm worried that I'll get fucked through that.

>> No.19434945
File: 58 KB, 500x354, eis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excactly! But how would they track if you exchanged or not? Can they actually do something to find out?

>> No.19434947

>pay for refugees and israel goyim

>> No.19434948

this is the shitty part
only tax should be on cashing out crypto
and taxes on PoS should only be when cashing out too

>> No.19435107

Anon, did you KYC before you bought? I've seen an anon purporting to be binance saying they don't report to counties, & that makes sense. If you bought/sold through an exchange based/registered in your country they will probably know.
>Can they actually do something to find out?
Anon, as I said in my last post you never know what the future will bring. More & more countries are joining things like.
Also Common Reporting Standards (CRS), this is banks reporting.
Just follow the stated regs, govs are going to be needing more tax funds with all the gibs. Portugal has 0% on Crypto btw

>> No.19435132

Buy high sell low

>> No.19435169

This is the only way. Tax man would be pissed.

>> No.19435198

>If you bought/sold through an exchange based/registered in your country they will probably know.

I bought through coinbase and crypto.com. I dont think Austria even has a running crypto exchange.

They probably know i bought crypto whcih is not the problem but i'm mainly worried about them seeing that bought other coins with eth and then sold back into eth again (which would be taxes right?!)

>> No.19435301

>i'm mainly worried about them seeing that bought other coins with eth and then sold back into eth again (which would be taxes right?!)
I don't know Austria regs on this. if your buying shitcoins know that you get an amount tax free generally.

>> No.19435352


Why are they needed? The government is a group of people. What can a group of people that has the "divine right" to steal do that a group of people you pay to deliver you services cannot? Explain.

>> No.19435623

No. Crypto gains dwarf gold and silver. If you’re American, you can cash out long term crypto gains at 20%, gold and silver are 28% no matter the time frame.

>> No.19435942

Fucking libertarians...

How about you move to south sudan if you want to live in a free market with no taxes or goverment. See how far you get living the reality of your retarded mindset.

>> No.19436711

>yes goy give your money to the state and international finance, you don't want to be one of those greedy lolbertarians now do you!!!

>> No.19437564

What does the tax form even look like.

I have hundreds of transaction over the last few months, $20k profit but much more transacted total. Can I just send them 15% and be done with it.

>> No.19437616
File: 2.96 MB, 240x238, Albania stronk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Withdraw the minimum non taxable amount into your bank account if you need to cash now. Or just launder it through an antique shop like everyone does.

>> No.19437651

I've seen this little guy everywhere, why is he always fighting people twice his size?
Little dog syndrome?

>> No.19437669

Just say you've lost access to your wallet or say it's stolen and make a huge fuss of it on social media. In truth you've sent all your crypto to your alt wallet then converge them into a main one. Don't import your old wallets into a new one! Just image you're doing PayPal fraud and inject autism into it.

>> No.19437823

>Greenland isn't part of anything
Guess who's gonna get a population boost?

>> No.19437891

Don't cash out. All in Suterusu, swap all coins to private. shuffle, get some XMR. buy stuff with it later.

>> No.19437957
File: 29 KB, 450x418, 1585466556586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19438352

best way is to crank up some glorious sons and when the IRS comes they wont even knock on your door out of fear https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUVDmVM9RtA

>> No.19439487

How do you avoid tax in Canada anons?

>> No.19439570

Because cryptocurrency goes through ridiculous boom/bust cycles. Optimally you want to cash out during the course of a parabolic bull run, or else you get stuck holding a bag for years and years.

>> No.19439623


Stable coins. USDC, USDT, DAI, etc.

>> No.19439649

Are there payment processors that allow online payments in stablecoins? That'd be ideal.

Of course, TECHNICALLY with the bullshit post-2017 crypto tax laws in America, you're supposed to owe tax upon every transaction, even if it's crypto-to-crypto. Although I don't see how this can even be enforced.

>> No.19439684

you just got to know where to cash out and never do it through a bank. in Canada, there are places that you can sell your crypto for straight cash and it goes unreported.

>> No.19439705 [DELETED] 


Buy Walmart, Amazon gift cards on bitrefill
>Local Transport
Buy Uber gift cards on bitrefill
>International Travel
Buy plane tickets and book hotel room on travala.com and cheapair.com
Buy Doordash giftcards on bitrefill

>> No.19439866

That's not great bro if the only thing you can buy with crypto is gift cards at select retailers. Its worth the taxes to be actually usable as real money accepted everywhere.

>> No.19439909


Who else gonna repair the chimpouts cause Karen wants her pet monkeys to feel better about her lifestyle?

>> No.19439952

You mean Local Bitcoins?

>> No.19439977

>muh jooz
There isn't a single nation without taxes that isn't a clusterfuck.

>> No.19440103

What THE FUCK did you just say about my mom?

>> No.19440787

America before 1914. Fucking retard.

>> No.19440924

In same boat anon

>> No.19441048

Yeah, now mention a country that has no income tax in a post-internet global economy dumb cuck.

>> No.19441579

> I live in Austria. Laws are pretty chill anyways. I just have to hodl for one year.
You're very lucky. Don't do anything illegal involving large sums of money unless you really have to. It's not worth it.
There are ways to dodge tax (e.g. "losing" your private keys), but then you can pretty much only use the money for consumption as tax autorhorities will be keeping a close eye on your bank account deposits.

>> No.19441622

Ever heard of diversification? If you net worth goes from say $10k to $1MM by "investing" (gambling) in shitcoins then it's pretty dumb not to diversify into other assets (more stable cryptos, cash, bonds, real estate stocks, PMs etc.). A lot of people learned that the hard way during the golden bull run.

>> No.19441764

We give the government trillions every year, can you name a service YOU personally receive from a Uncle Sam for it other than a few years of SSN and cat food in your twilight years?

>> No.19441771

So far I havent seen anyone recommend a good solution to this problem

>> No.19441847

>the whole point of crypto is to be a multimillionaire while still living the neet life pretending to be poor


>> No.19441895


I just want enough land to grow some vegetables and enjoy the birds. Maybe a girl would be nice too.

>> No.19443287

Im from Spain just lol at being a burger

>> No.19443371

Ever heard of clichés? Ever heard of CNBC? Ever heard of the Weimar Republic?

>> No.19443413

I dress like a tramp and literally carry gold coins with me to my shitty minimum wage agency job because I don't want to leave them with the nigger I share a rundown house with.

>> No.19443474
File: 256 KB, 483x581, elon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ATO has too small a budget to go after large multinationals
>budget just large enough to rip into individual investors


>> No.19443709
File: 45 KB, 800x450, 1546138919800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an American and I pay zero federal tax. Of course, I'm heavily involved in real estate, where there are hundreds of tax loopholes, so cryptofag mileage my vary. Taxes are for wage slaves and "professionals" (highly paid wage slaves). I consider my highest aim to be not paying taxes, my second major aim is gaining wealth. Any actions I take must satisfy those two objectives. Your nothing but a sucker for believing in taxes. Thanks for the roads btw.
.t libertarian

>> No.19443768

Bootlicker, those taxes go to pay one thing & one thing only. the interest payment on the national debt.
Look up 'the grace commision'

>> No.19443775
File: 95 KB, 261x238, alex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy foock BASED

>> No.19443838


>> No.19443845
File: 92 KB, 782x997, raging-merchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19443852
