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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 189 KB, 789x911, imperial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19435873 No.19435873 [Reply] [Original]

I just found out about this gem only 20k mcap

only 300k UNITS to make it
Listed on EtherFlyer - https://www.etherflyer.com/trade.html?pairs=UNITS-ETH
this is it. not gonna miss out on this one

>> No.19435887

Buy Link faggot

>> No.19435921

I bought 130k earlier, hope this moons.

>> No.19435929

that's a real gem bro! 20k mcap for real?

>> No.19435938

literally bought 100k just a few hours ago

>> No.19435982

Thanks just bought 120k

>> No.19435995
File: 21 KB, 513x355, scammer bois.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do NOT buy this obvious scam token. The team is attempting to pool enough external liquidity to dump for good and abandon the project.

>"team" planned to exit dump together
>one member dumped early and took all the uniswap liquidity
>remaining members are now desperately shilling and washtrading in an attempt to get enough liquidity and price to cash out

>dev will blacklist your wallet if he doesn't like how much you are trading
>dev intentionally broke the standard ERC20 getBlackListStatus() function so that nobody can check if their account is frozen

>pic related, when 15k tokens were worth about $150 each

>> No.19435996
File: 272 KB, 870x1159, romanpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies seethe.

>> No.19436001


>> No.19435999

This is going to be big, I can tell a good project when I see one

>> No.19436009
File: 474 KB, 961x828, mike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fake ass pajeets.

All you have to do to live like a king until you die is try to stay in the race. But you keep doing shady shit. You have a legitimate opportunity to get big and you are pissing it away. You don't have to be in it to win it or be the best you just have to stay in the race. For fuck sake.

>> No.19436033
File: 2.27 MB, 5000x3000, 1590765818284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right on time. Let me guess you made this thread too? Don't you have anything better to do?

>> No.19436071

This is pajeet tier shilling. You guys need to be more organic

>> No.19436093

I'm on the team and we did not make this thread.

>> No.19436101

just bought another 100k just to spite the retard fudders here that somehow popped out immediately once they saw an imperial thread
so jealous that they're getting in at 20k market cap when we geniuses knew about this gem and started accumulating when it was less than 1k market cap

>> No.19436118

Im on the team and we did make this thread.

Look at our supreme leader. He wants to stay anonymous

Only talking about price movement in discord.

Thank you supreme leader

>> No.19436141

No you aren't. We have decided to stop making threads until things have calmed down a bit. We are not trying to dump, this is a legitimate project.

>> No.19436167
File: 957 KB, 1200x600, mcafee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a smol bag of this.
But this dev is an absolute brainlet if he doesn't at least try to compete with McAfee. And I don't mean in the shilling way I mean like the McAfee anti-virus way. Where being a shitty product can still be hugely profitable as a competitor to bigger top shelf brands.

>> No.19436175

Seriously whether this actually Imperial or the hate group, can you just fucking scissor already and move on.

I am curious, how could the blacklist function be broken? Isnt the whole point that it would be a smart contract? But if true, that's big.

>> No.19436182

I'm on the team and no one made this thread
this was generated by biz itself
this is how great imperial is
even 4chan is endorsing it, creating UNITS shill against its will
this coin replace both USD and Chainlink
it will reveal satoshi as the founder of the true bitcoin: Imperial UNITS
this is why our creator is anonymous and dead
USA in shambles. Coincidence? No.
They are killing each other to loot each other's UNITS stack.
The virus? Don't get me started. Let's just say the whole world has enough time at home to buy a certain future replacement to the USD.

>> No.19436207

I actually just checked out of curiosity and now he has modified the blacklist function to always return false even if an address is actually blacklisted. What a fucking joke. I actually had some units on forkdelta and I wasted $1.50 trying to withdraw because of this thread. Guess what? The fucking exchange is still frozen despite the function saying it isn't. How many more times is this fucking clown going to modify the smart contract after release?

>> No.19436213
File: 92 KB, 1200x1188, ghost-06.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I'm not even sure the black list even exists.
All the FUD looks as fake as this project. A real gamble.

>> No.19436688

shut the fuck up with your discord scam bucc you filthy kike nigger faggot. HE's GOING TO DUMP ON YOU. CLASSIC EXIT SCAM

>> No.19436929

Fuck right off Bucc/Elvis/Karl/Jack
Nobody is buying your shit anymore
Also reminder that this faggot is actually a huge whale in ETH, much more than his exitscams would suggest, to the point where there is likely something much deeper and fishier going on with this absolute scumbag. I can't say anymore without him potentially realising who I am as someone who was close to him on discord for a while but believe me this guy and everything he's involved with absolutely stinks of shit and something bigger and far worse might be going on with him.

>> No.19437121

itt: the same old discord organized p&d from the buccaneer dev who tried to exit scam his old coin 2 days into creating it, then moved on to gathering trannies and preparing the same old with imperial