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File: 6 KB, 250x250, xmr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19435179 No.19435179 [Reply] [Original]

if you don't like XMR you are probably an XRP hodler

>> No.19435187
File: 4 KB, 225x225, 0xMonero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19435190

scamjeets pls go.

>> No.19435206

XMR is the king

>> No.19435224

I have both. XMR is one of my biggest holds, but I also hold XRP not necessarily because I like it, but because it's not going anywhere.
Only retards do not have at least some XRP.
Financial institutions will always win.
XRP will always be the number one coin associated with financial institutions
There's a reason why despite the everyday fud against XRP everywhere, it's still the number three coin.
Just check out the bull run of 2017 see how history is bound to repeat itself.
XRP overtook fucking ETH for the number two spot.
Many people even actually believed it was on its way to dethrone fucking Bitcoin for the number one spot.
But XRP, the token itself, is not needed, you say?
Well it doesn't fucking matter. It didn't matter then, it doesn't matter now.
XRP will always be associated with Ripple and financial institutions.
As proven already, this association alone is more than enough to inevitably pump XRP's price.
The price itself is a bonus factor; dumb money loves low prices and they love owning large quantities of coins.

>> No.19435235

this guy fucks

>> No.19435268

Yeah well the only time that xrp is actually appealing is to uber noobs who just entered space. So for 95% of the time. Holding XRP will just make you lose satoshi

>> No.19435665

Shoo shoo.

>> No.19435684

Are you me?

>> No.19435696

I like the idea of anonymity but what's the point in buying it if it just follows the BTC price?

>> No.19435794

>if it just follows the BTC price?
Over the last few months XMR has been dominating darknet markets, essentially flipping BTC over on the darknet. This is huge and a really big deal as Bitcoin was the original darknet coin. XMR has all the magic ingredients that Bitcoin had during it's great run up from $100 to $10,000 + has lower circulating supply than Bitcoin. In the Year 2040 there will be more Bitcoin circulating than XMR.

>> No.19435835


>Over the last few months XMR has been dominating darknet markets

no it hasnt. just because markets accept monero doesnt mean anyone uses it. theres barely ANY transaction volume on monero. its dead.

>> No.19435864
File: 269 KB, 1200x1335, Brainlet_f3217f_6615771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are so fucking stupid that you probably pose a serious risk of danger to yourself.

>> No.19435897

Dominating might be an exaggeration, but monero volume on the dark net is probably rising. WHM is the fastest growing marketplace of 2020 and its monero only. Also please check out this transaction chart: https://bitinfocharts.com/comparison/monero-transactions.html

>> No.19435906

Have you ever even been on the darknet?
The top site Whitehouse market only uses XMR you fucking retard

>> No.19435912

I mean provably* but I’m being a phone posting fag rn (taking a shit)

>> No.19436023

that's why i said you should hold at least just some for insurance at the very least
i keep mine in hotbit to enjoy that 8% APY they're offering
bleeding in sats isn't necessarily the case for XRP 100% of the time
so let's say it does bleed slowly. even if you don't stake/lend it on an exchange because you don't want to keep coins there,
the minimal losses (losses not even guaranteed, it may even gain) you'd have will be more than negated by the next bull run
not only that but if you allocate just a little bit for XRP and expect crypto to become mainstream then it should gain long term anyway
even if you lose in sats it should gain in dollars
and XRP is a very safe choice despite all the fud as I said there's a good reason why it's still top 3

>> No.19436211

>> 8pct to lend out xrp
>> it doesn't have block rewards
>> wonder how they fund it?

yeah they probably take your xrp and sell it

>> No.19436219


Ok le' me tell you a lil' somethin' somethin'
There were these coins they grew in value etc, big investors bought a lot then they pulled out and it crashed, it all went to shit in a couple of days.
The thing is that the concept of a digital currency is a very good one and the future currencies will be just like that but before they introduce a major digital currency eg a digital US dollar, they need to test it, they pretty much done that, and then eliminate the competition or discourage them meaning they'll crash the crypto market even harder.

>> No.19436237

except i've been using hotbit for months now and have transferred out large amounts, including the promised rates i earned from staking many coins

>> No.19436257
File: 5 KB, 190x186, 1370337550417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP will go private which is why XMR fags are so salty


What other coin is XRP going to make obsolete next? find out on the next episode.

>> No.19436262


>> No.19436271

the thing is it doesn't matter how great xrp is cause its centralized and printed out of thin air. also ripple labs owns 60pct of the supply. No sane person holds this.

>> No.19436288

spoken like a fucking retard that did no research. XRP is the most Decentralized coin right now.

How XRp works is it starts out centralized and as more nodes are created it decentralizes.

Contrast that with Bitcoin for example it starts out Decentralized and as the hash power exponentially grows only the top miners can mine the coin for profit making it a centralized coin. Currency China controls over 55% of the mining network.

>> No.19436291

>will go
Brush up on your reading comprehension schizo

>> No.19436321

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.19436336

referencing an unrelated scam is irrelevant to what we're talking about, especially since espers is an obvious scam

>> No.19436359

Printed out of thin air.
Company holds 60pct of supply.

It doesn't matter how you try to twist and turn it. XRP is a U.S.A Company coin, printed out of thin air.

>> No.19436412

This retarded.

>> No.19436841

Holy shit, we actually have ripple fags trying to fud monero. KEK.
Listen faggots: we don’t care about you. Your entire project is predicated on pumping and dumping and sucking off kikes. Eat a big chode. Cryptocurrency should be established by the cypherpunks. It’s how bitcoin was, and it’s how monero is. We love bitcoin but recognize its deficiencies. Monero is the logical replacement — a fungible form of digital cash. We are taking over the dark net and afterwards all the bitcoin derivatives. Join the movement or be a basic bitch.

>> No.19436882

Listen here fags. I’m on my weekend vacation and instead of enjoying myself, I’m on this pajeet tranny posting forum arguing about internet coins. 1 of these coins being discussed will make many anons rich and if you don’t see it, you’re hopeless. Might as well start applying at your local McDonald’s cause that’s the job level intelligence you have if you dont see this opportunity

>> No.19436907

is it xmr?

>> No.19436922

XMR is what people think BTC is.
As soon as he said 'Might as well start applying at your local McDonald’s cause that’s the job level intelligence you have if you dont see this opportunity' He had to be speaking about XMR.

>> No.19436940

I'm also getting a Zcoin masternode and Zen super node just in case XMR is one of many.

>> No.19437005

Monero music video for those interested.

Please someone post the ripple bag holder meme where they all are walkig in fire. that shit is hilarious

>> No.19437029
File: 3.00 MB, 854x480, xrp.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand where these xrp tards keep coming from though. They do however always have it in common that they are tech illiterate and usually dislike all the actual decent projects like xmr

>> No.19437032

That's not how currency works. There will only be a few, lookup the 80-20 rule. Zcash t-addresses are not being implemented anywhere. Zcash has optional privacy therefore it is not fungible.

>> No.19437101

They're the same schizo, That's why 'they' jump on the samefag thing so quick, classic projection.

>> No.19437115

Zcoin is not zcash.
It’s still pretty weak though because the transaction amounts are visible and it has no user base.

>> No.19437393

Zcoin has some new stuff now. I don't want to miss out

>> No.19437478 [DELETED] 

0xMonero is the only real monero.

>> No.19437500 [DELETED] 


Your last point doesn't make sense. You don't know what fungible means. Zcash is 100% fungible in the same way bitcoin is. As user adoption of Z addresses increase this has no effect on fungibility - its already fungible.

>> No.19437665

Monero 1000 by q1 2021
10000 by 2023

>> No.19437967

Got a small bag of both sempai.

>> No.19438520

Bump for fungibility

>> No.19438682
File: 190 KB, 485x319, 1588713798821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19439296
File: 74 KB, 827x1181, YVhc_2Tglp3B4Wo4UJmVhNGnQqCY3UkV-3FsXo7rycM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19439339
File: 783 KB, 600x821, t3_7t6mrw 234234223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19440555

could you shut the fuck up for once

>> No.19441189

Kek'd hard

>> No.19441422

What exchange would I use to buy xmr?

>> No.19441923


>> No.19442444
File: 35 KB, 474x201, +_cc93895bbd26e82e0d0ceebde7d3bd70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19442482

Cheers dude

>> No.19443011

XMR is the real BTC. With surveillance capitalism gaining more and more momentum, it's a no-brainer that this technology won't attract more users.

>> No.19443072

Pedo + criminal - give them no chance.
Pick Zcash instead - better tech + not private by default.

>> No.19443110

trips of truth

>> No.19443252

All the coins will be in circulation by 2023/2024 shut your retarded ass up

>> No.19443708

imagine saying not private by default like it's a good thing. Also, if Zcash had better technology and was more useful, then Pedos and criminals would use it. So your criticism is fucking retarded.

>> No.19444821
File: 5 KB, 390x129, 0xMonerodotcom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19445086
File: 171 KB, 1000x946, 1590486057305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
