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File: 2.86 MB, 444x440, black hate white man killed miniapolos.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19434179 No.19434179[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How rich do I have to be to avoid this?

>> No.19434192

by not having apes on the streets

>> No.19434195

358.92 bitcoins

>> No.19434201

why was he running in a circle like a retard?

>> No.19434207

don't live near niggers

>> No.19434217

white people also do this

>> No.19434226

bull fucking shit.

>> No.19434228

hello rabbi, how was the shabat?

>> No.19434231

>white trousers

>> No.19434234

Just look broke enough to blend in. That's probably what all the other white people in the webm are doing. If you look rich you'll stick out

>> No.19434243

Don't live where black people live

>> No.19434259

This is what you get for freeing black people from slavery.

>> No.19434261

For now you can get away with 120k a year but soon only the richest of jews will be able to avoid this.

>> No.19434263
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Just move to a normal country in europe

>> No.19434264

The cop was justified. Prove me wrong.

>> No.19434271


>> No.19434276

I agree wholeheartedly fellow goyim!

>> No.19434279
File: 34 KB, 576x416, 4680f018b42698dc938bd33a6f04ebce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His final body position reminded me of pic related

>> No.19434314

Hey that's my bike!

>> No.19434316

Literally built for the BBC.

>> No.19434320


>> No.19434343

Knee on neck for 8 minutes is not justified. Where do they teach that restraint tactic?

>> No.19434368

When you could get stabbed by a perpetrator and risk losing your life over a crack addict. Fuck off to Leddit faggot.

>> No.19434373

sad, but clearly bringing a sword out into a crowd of angry people is not a solid choice to make

>> No.19434382

The world is unironically better off without George in it. Wonder how many more violent crimes he’d have ended up committing.

>> No.19434384

go back to your shitty containment board and take bsv with you, fragile white 4channer

>> No.19434434
File: 53 KB, 540x720, fc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even so , now multiple dead/small businesses fucked up and coulda been avoided

>justified maybe
but not worth it

>> No.19434447

>skateboarder beats the shit out of him
>niggers did it

I always thought the glowniggers meme was a meme. Now i know its true. Biz and pol are psyop.

>> No.19434515

OP, You have to be rich enough to be able to afford a second passport ($100k), this way you can renounce & never worry about the IRS from taking your passport.


You only have to owe $52k in tax, thats Capital gains on $250k sale. You can get your passport revoked. Also to get a second passport the taxes from your home country have to be in order not just for the 2nd passport but to renounce.

The smart man would insure his freedom with multiple passports aways.

Also, Did they hit him the head with a can? something like that, that was the final blow

>> No.19434524

Lying kike.

>> No.19434528

I don't know any cop who would consider that position justified.

>> No.19434542

How many American cops do you know?

>> No.19434544

You guys deserve all of this sooo much. This is just the beginning. All these actions are now getting normalized. Next time they start the protests armed and then you racist little incels will actually have a reason to complain.

>> No.19434549


>> No.19434551

ooooooh scary

>> No.19434553

did you guys see the whites cleaning up after the looters in minneapolis?

>> No.19434570

all it takes is a gun

>> No.19434594
File: 2.91 MB, 854x480, HappeningRightNow.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19434596



>> No.19434600


>> No.19434608


Well, the the guy did the right thing. Stupid youth shouldn't posses weapons

Based as fuck

>> No.19434609

He didn't die from knee-on-neck though.
>An official autopsy found no indication that Floyd died of strangulation or traumatic asphyxia, rather that he likely died of the combined effects of being restrained; underlying health conditions, including coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease; and any intoxicants in his system

>> No.19434610
File: 2.93 MB, 480x854, 1573335774371.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whites are a joke, no one will respect us until we become nazis again.

>> No.19434641

>incel hunting niggers with a longsword literally reeeing

>> No.19434642

he had a wallet and keys in one spot

>> No.19434647

They robbed his store and he chased them with a sword.

>> No.19434655
File: 137 KB, 1578x1148, 20200531_021057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19434660

They're probably gonna rip you apart as well you retard.

>> No.19434665
File: 34 KB, 599x733, murder blacks whites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19434703

Yeah but camera always malfunction when they do it which is why its


>> No.19434707

They instantly turn back into little boys

>> No.19434716


>> No.19434717

anything more recent?

>> No.19434736
File: 159 KB, 1024x1024, murder assault theft prostitution rates by race fbi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19434738

I am lucky that I bought into the Nazi ideology early

>> No.19434743

Don't disagree, happy he was there. Looked like he knew what he was doing...Ballsy AF to run up on someone like that.
It's slightly mind control, As it was such a change from what the kid was expecting.
No fuckin way in hell you could get me to do that.
But it's the typical american gun owner. The 2nd amendment has become a meme.

>> No.19434746
File: 178 KB, 860x880, 1575149370849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19434787

Based naive white kid
Who wouldnt love to see a few rounds in those 2 niggers (in minecraft)

>> No.19434793

I like how he did a split at the end and the urban youth was so impressed by his flexibility that they stopped beating him.

>> No.19434794

Theys just youfs that dindu nuffin

>> No.19434883

Someday people are gonna realize that American cops ARE wearing kid gloves. You couldn't pay me enough to take the kind of risks they take to preserve the rights of the suspect. I'd require Russian or east Asian standards to police.