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File: 11 KB, 275x183, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19424437 No.19424437 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on it.
No fud, no shill.
The time to buy this thing is now and I need to know if I should.

>> No.19424465

>The time to buy this thing is now
We are still in the bear market

>> No.19424476

The charts literally say its about to break out, and the 2020 bullrun is nigh.

>> No.19424483

it's not crypto
the tokens you buy have no use in the system
if the company becomes successful, they'll have an actual ipo

>> No.19424516

>The charts literally say its about to break out, and the 2020 bullrun is nigh.

Can you do me a favor and remember you said this and then wait a year.

>> No.19424578

If you dont think an imminent successful ETH 2.0 launch wont kick off the next bull run, I dont know what to tell you bud

>> No.19424661

ETH 2.0 isn't coming this year. It's not "imminent."
Furthermore, BTC is about to dump. It has been struggling against multi-year resistance for weeks now and has formed a descending triangle.

>> No.19424783
File: 168 KB, 956x626, cpdius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP can literally solve everything. Im serious

>> No.19424814

Already has utility to exchange currencies between aud/mex/yen/euro/bitcoin/ether
For .0000011 xrp

>> No.19424856
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entry level FUD

>> No.19424929

What are you saying? that’s proven; I do this with my XUMM wallet already...this is a multi-utility asset

>> No.19424968

XRP doesnt have full integration yet you fucking moron. ODL is going to 1 trillion in the future and right now its only 20 million daily.
im not responding to you. youre probably that schizo namefag that bumps XRP threads to 200 posts

>> No.19424980

btw, XUMM has less than 5 k downloads and XRP is already 20 cents. Now imagine if XUMM has 1 million downloads

>> No.19425023

Op asked for a redpill and I gave it. Luckily it doesn’t need “full integration” to have utility. I can still make cross-border payments between 4 countries currently. I’m sorry about your schizophrenia and wish you the best

>> No.19425026

Are you seriously comparing the price of xrp to an app still in beta?

>> No.19425029

So worth a bag @ 20 cents or nah

>> No.19425042

Yes if you want to use it as a utility toxin to move bitcoin without miner fees, you’ve found yourself a backdoor

>> No.19425045

No it can’t. If it was mass adopted then Ripple would literally just be an updated version of the Federal Reserve — a private entity providing on-demand liquidity. It’s cool and all that it has fast cross-border payments, but it literally doesn’t solve the underlying economic issue that the Fed perpetuates. XRP isn’t real crypto it’s an electronic version of the status quo.

>> No.19425062
File: 52 KB, 1283x115, 1590784899569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes the one saying XUMM integration is the only thing that affects XRP price. Im simply saying it only has 5 k downloads

look. i cant trust you fudders. Theres literally a serial schizo fudder that acts purposely retarded and spams every single xrp thread

>> No.19425077

debunked here >>19424856

XRP needs higher price for a larger volume

>> No.19425085

Its worst chart in top 100 lol

>> No.19425102

XRP solves literally everything. Liquidity smart contracts oracles. It can even do private transactions now. Seriously, its potential literally covers everything

>> No.19425123

It's not a crypto for one thing. Violated decentralized rule.

>> No.19425324

First off, a statement like that is incredibly naive. No one knows what will happen, and most people still don't give a fuck about crypto - technical upgrades is not enough to guarantee jack shit. Nobody actually really cares. I will buy ETH2.0, staking is clearly the future of crypto (which ironically will destroy the volatility and potential for madgainz that crypto has been known for in favor of boring old stability). That being said crypto is still a speculative investment and has nearly zero use case. The IRS doesn't consider crypto a currency because it isn't. When was the last time you used any crypto to buy anything? It doesn't happen. When was the last time a normie used crypto to buy something? Does not happen. Payment processing w/ crypto is decreasing, not increasing. Blockchain is cool tech, could be the future - not yet. Loving the technology and being invested in it is not enough. It's a speculative investment, full stop.

Fiat can be controlled by the governments, they aren't going to give up that control. If anything they would create their own bespoke blockchain technology. I don't want to get into ad hominem but it doesn't take a long conversation with an XRP holder to see they live on conspiracy theories and fantasy, they are unwilling or incapable to take themselves out of the crypto mindspace and acknowledge the facts and how the real world actually works.

>> No.19425337


Banks aren't going to adopt XRP. You need only look at the XRP price chart to see this. The risk/reward is not there, in fact it's ridiculous. You can't have that kind of price action being used as a reserve currency. The oscillation would be unprecedented. Early/late adopters would be so incredibly unfairly treated, such a paradigm shift in the financial world would create and destroy so much wealth in the world it would be sheer lunacy. Being open to being blindsided by incompetent holders who could crash your currency on a whim? It is all about fantasizing about the future, rather than understanding the future.

>> No.19425385

So this being a global currency for cross border payments isn't going to be a thing? How about that.

>> No.19425412
File: 967 KB, 270x252, FFB537D2-B37D-45CA-8974-E99D23D68B1C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute glowers

I’ve done my job here

>> No.19425508

Payment processing today is slow and expensive.
Yes, blockchain could help here.
No, blockchain is the solution.
Who cares about "partnerships" with banks when you are the banks.

The idea that all the banks are going to just switch to this crytpo is suspending disbelief ad infinitum. There are too many roadblocks. You have to run through all the implications. You would make a ton of money, okay. What else? The govt would be giving up all their control (fiat is a currency backed by a government) in favor of "decentralized" currency - the implications of that supposed decentralization are enormous. Is it decentralized? Who controls it now? Again, it would create and destroy so much wealth it's simply not feasible. If anything, gold has been used before as a reserve currency and could be used again, all the governments of the world are not going to buy your bags.

There's investing in cool psuedo-useful crypto's with neat tech and there's delusion.

>> No.19425578

Isnt blockchain slow and clunking? Xrp is supposed to be super fast and low fees.
And yet the "insiders" claim this will be tied to gold to give it stability.

>> No.19425957

You clearly don't know how ODL works or how it saves more $ than xCurrent.

>> No.19426065

you post that image in every single xrp thread, i highly doubt the person you are talking to is that same person and even if it was it only proves that someone is bored enough to fud their own bags for fun you schizo lol

>> No.19426176

so we're going to overhaul the financial system within 3 months ("september = $2000) and return to the gold standard? yeah that's likely and how things work in the real world lol

>> No.19426283

its a total shitcoin. banks arent using it despite the shill propaganda.
just look at its network usage. no one is using the XRP network for anything.
its network usage isnt even in the top 50 lo

>> No.19426361

Source for your network metrics?

>> No.19426526
File: 1.47 MB, 828x1792, EE380FD4-7636-4651-80AA-B9BB3EAC2428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glow harder faggot- stop acting like the arbiter of truth on a coin you know nothing about

>> No.19426539
File: 16 KB, 1300x800, 7283885D-B092-4C71-8584-C6882708A3B1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here the link to previous pic

Also here’s a chart proving Aussie liquidity and usage

>> No.19426653

Mirin' I'm bullish as fuck on XRP. 4 days in a row with 20million + volume.

>> No.19426659

Just look at the golden bull run of 2017. XRP really did overtake eth for the number two spot. Idiots even believed that it was on its way to dethrone bitcoin. I knew it wouldn't but it growth back then and the way everyone talked about it made me a little bit worried. Point is dumb money loves it. Financial institutions always win in the end and XRP is the number one crypto associated with them. But it's Ripple that's associated, the token XRP is not needed itself, you say? Well it doesn't fucking matter. As long as it XRP is the coin that is by far the most associated with banks, dumb money will fomo in it in every bull run. Many will fomo in it even more than bitcoin itself as seen in the beginning of my entire comment. Dumb money also loves its low price, they love having a high quantity of a coin.

>> No.19426733

XRP not needed is fud. XRP is needed to get the most out of ODL. Without it, financial institutions on Ripplenet still have to maintain huge nostro/vostro accounts to settle transactions.

>> No.19426770

Daily ODL volume is now above $20M on weekdays. I expect this to continue ramping up as more corridors go live. Eventually there may be an announcement that pumps the price, but don't count on major movement in the short term. There are too many haters that will fud it to death. They'll still be crying about decentralization when volume crosses $500M.

>> No.19426786

so I take it you don't believe any of the absurdly high biz larps of $2000+ then like the other schizos?

>> No.19427305

I funno, the economy is in the shutter and cities are burning with no seeming end in sight. You tell me things aren't weird?

>> No.19427365

>You tell me things aren't weird?
they're 'weird' but they're not overhauling the financial system and replacing it with the gold standard within a matter of 3 months, don't tell me you bought xrp because of a larp? oh nonono

>> No.19427396

20k stack here

Am I gonna make it?

>> No.19427424
File: 55 KB, 709x1024, 1567553733303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does $200 sound anon?

>> No.19427579

I'll probably be buying more because of people like you.

>> No.19427594

that's nice, not really relevant to what i said though is it?

>> No.19427682

And what happens when the stock market finally corrects and the dollar is no longer valued on the global scale? You think Q2 reports are going to be even semi bad?

>> No.19427708

faster than bitcoin, less fees, but pay 20 tokens to activate wallet
bank use it according to twitter, but that's a secret info, shush

>> No.19427734

answer the question, you think they are going to completely overhaul the financial system and replace it with the gold standard in 3 months? lol

>> No.19427785

>faster than bitcoin, less fees
so is runescape, are banks going to settle transactions in that?

>> No.19427790

First off, if the market corrects it will be just that, a correction. There won't be this massive paradigm shift where people buy XRP en masse. You sound very new to this, XRP has been shilled on here for a long time, newfriends are continuously fantasizing about these dystopian scenarios where XRP is adopted. I'll admit I owned a small bag of XRP at one point. It's almost a rite of passage, you become jaded quickly when you stop feeding your dreams of this global meltdown and embrace reality.

And if a meltdown were to occur, then all crypto and metals will all moon. They rise and fall together and always have. It wouldn't just be XRP.

>> No.19427830

It is more than possible imo.

>> No.19427833
File: 86 KB, 810x540, 1588908974541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual financial institutions are already using XRP to settle transactions though. A lot of big banks use Ripplenet to settle transactions. They will eventually use XRP when they realize that they can gradually free up the 27 trillion dollars that's sitting in nostro/vostro accounts.

>> No.19427862

ok then, I'll be sure to check back here in 3 months lol seeya

>> No.19427886

xrp ruined my life

>> No.19427892

DTCC glitch january 2017 coinmarketcap

Xrp price 4.3 million $

>> No.19427901

True, in this scenario everything with perceived value would moon. In this scenario the new standard would also dwarf everything else.

>> No.19427971

Riots started in canada.... are some of you going to loot at baba cucks house ?
Ive heard they have many ex ar peees gimme dem white boi

>> No.19428012

Wait why is Canada rioting? Someone get shorted on their timbits?

>> No.19428120

Paid soros activities

Try it out. Call out soros in newspaper media tweets and wait a few hours your account will be gone

>> No.19428121

It solves the problems that Jews face while still allowing them full power and control. This is all that matters. If you want to profit you have to think in terms of what’s best for Jewish interests

>> No.19428203

Wrong, they will lose. Evil always loses.

>> No.19428351

It would be the beginning of a new monetary cycle.