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19422842 No.19422842[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Nootropics can help you make more money, therefore they are an important part of any discussion of Business & Finance.

What nootropics work in your experience?


>> No.19423054



>> No.19423064

Where u guys buy this stuff

>> No.19423389

Modafinil is fucking great!!!

>> No.19423411

Percocet 30

>> No.19423580


>> No.19423586
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Modafinil definitely works but there are risks to it. I used some a few years back, but after one occasion I completely lost the ability to sleep, so I ended up not sleeping for about five days. During that time I had some psychotic thoughts but they passed when I was able to fall asleep again. After that I haven't touched Modafinil and after this shitty experience its become increasingly difficult for me to fall asleep or sleep over eight hours. Can't deny that I was really efficient on Modafinil though.

>> No.19423602

No one does better on drugs you fucking meme.

>> No.19423607

Modafinil cat was great back in the day but they're gone now. Last batch I ordered was from buymoda.org/ .

>> No.19423624

you needed to take rest off of moda. You used it every day, and I think you took several dosis per day

>> No.19423631

I never got insomnia that bad but I did get bad anxiety first few times. You gotta figure out the right dose for you. Half a pill (waklert 150) will get me focused and with good stamina for studying without any big effect on mood/angst etc.

You really gotta have a study plan before you take it though otherwise you risk getting distracted and jerking off for 10 hours straight.

>> No.19423641

works great for me, pdoc scripts for sleep shift work disorder

too speedy, but sometimes useful in a pinch

great to collect my thoughts and recenter mentally

all day. black like a man drinks it.

>> No.19423695


>> No.19423731

I use 1,3D as a ore workout but it’s basically Ritalin

>> No.19423827

Mods finial is good but damn addictive and lose its effect over time.
I been look for weeks into every medical, alternative medical and even esoteric and occult about something that lowers my need for sleep.
That way I save 1/3 of my life.
There was this 55 years old lady that needed only 30 min per day.
She once stayed up for 3 days for a research experiment, slept for 2 hours and was fully recharged
Anyone know any pills that could help?

>> No.19423907

Modafinil isn't addictive at all you moron.

>> No.19423933

I used it once a week, but I did drink coffee when I was on modafinil, which must have boosted the effects too much. Im not really sure why things went how they did, but I'd advise not to use caffeine and this together, although some say it enhances the focus. Its been about three years since I had this incident and I still have trouble sleeping. If I wake up at 3 am I feel fully alert and simply can't sleep, or if I wake up hungover I can't fall asleep again, can't take naps anymore and so on. Be careful with this stuff.

>> No.19423941

Armodafinil completely fucks me up. I get tense as fuck, my chest hurts and I just end up jerking off the whole day.
Would not recommend.

>> No.19423954

I reached steady state and never had insomnia. Sounds like you're a high wired neurotic type.

>> No.19423960

>testosterone enanthate
>huperzine a

>> No.19423984

This shit works but it gives you crazy headaches and makes your pee smell terrible as well as keep you up at night and in some cases alter the way you react to your surroundings. Basically it makes you so efficient it makes all your replies sound short and snappy. Aaaand if you take it often you build up a tolerance and it loses it effectivesness. And that's when things get really shit because then you need to build up motivation to do all your work again.

>> No.19424002

armodafinil fucked my shit too anon

>> No.19424021

>testosterone enanthate
did you require a script, anon? tell us more.

>> No.19424033

if you stack stimulants and trade, you're going to have a bad time. it makes you impulsive af

>> No.19424051

Was it only armodafinil or did the regular modafinil also do the same to you?

>> No.19424075

buy it from a steroid website
buying, owning and using personally are legal in the UK
I inject twice a week to make a total of 200mg per week which puts my testosterone levels around 1500ng/dl which is like the border between suprarphysiological and the peak of what could ever be naturally possible in someone doing everything perfect with perfect genetics
huge quality of life improvement, would recommend
I have some aromasin I bought just in case I ever get issues with it converting to estrogen in my body but that hasn't happened so I've never needed it

>> No.19424112


but what are the costs?? you know you now have to take this stuff indefinitely. If you stop you will get man boobs and stuff.

>> No.19424151

>huge quality of life improvement, would recommend

Exactly what?
Also are balding? Acne? Did your balls shrink?

>> No.19424160

regular moda was just fine.

>> No.19424198

those are not nootropics those are stimulants. nootropics don't damage your neurons literally everything in that list beside caffeine in dire moderation does, adderral is clinically proven to cause unrecoverable damage you piece of shit

>> No.19424219
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>it only affected you negatively cuz he didn't use it the way i do.
>no way it can happen to me!! no way i'm slowly destroying my brain!!

>> No.19424229

not if you take basic pct drugs
mood, health, fitness, libido
not an issue at 200mg but RU-58841 would treat it if it ever was
again not an issue at 200mg but microdosing accutane would treat it if it ever was
>did your balls shrink
maybe 10%, if I ever wanted to bring them back to full size I could take hcg

>> No.19424234

What does adderall damage

>> No.19424238

Only take a 50mg caffeine and 100mg theanine combo for about 2 months now

>> No.19424247
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>moderate stimulant use damages neurons

Maybe if you're a brainlet

>> No.19424255
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dopaminergic nerve endings, most likely


full artice:

>> No.19424264

I occasionally use Modafinil to medicate my diagnosed ADHD. Doctors won't prescribe me Modafinil and say Ritalin is better for me but Ritalin just downs me to no end; I lose all will to do anything on Ritalin.
Modafinil on the other hand gives me a way to control my hyperfocus and I can actually get shit done. However there's a very quick tolerance buildup and that fades very slow for me. So I'd do maybe a week of Modafinil (1 200mg in the morning) and then a month without, except when I have deadlines I have to meet. Modafinil does still keep me awake, even though I don't really get that sense of being in control that strongly anymore if my tolerance buildup is too high.
And since I want to keep purchasing Modafinil I'm not going to say where to buy because the last time I did that on a thread on /biz/ the site was taken down a week later so fuck you Agent Smith.

>> No.19424270

>nootropics don't damage
>Muh hollistic organic hippie bullshit that makes better than all of you at the same time it makes me one with the universe.

Dude, even pure water in excess fucks you up

Also, meth is a nootropic

>> No.19424274

Anything that can lowers your receptors sensitivity is damn addictive.

>> No.19424289

k some nootropics also damage, but in general they're just placebo with no effect therefore no damage either

>> No.19424334
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Caffeine, Nicotine and healthy lifestyle only (lifting 5-6X per week, getting enough rest, multivitamin and a high protein diet)

I wasted my teenage years through mid 20s as a degenerate addict, trying something like modafinil isn’t worth the risks

>> No.19424368


The sheer state of /biz/ brainlets

>> No.19424386

someone is triggered by truth it's okay anon we need zombie brainlet cattle in society too so nothing wrong with you becoming an empty shell by 40

>> No.19424480

Meth is a meme. If you it genuinely effects you you're a normie at the genetic level.

>> No.19424823
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"These results may have implications
for the pathophysiology and treatment of ADHD and raise
the question of whether or not plasma monitoring might be
indicated in ADHD patients receiving higher, chronic doses
of amphetamine."

if i take one or two per week it's okay

>> No.19424858

I’m 25 and gainfully employed and possible mild ADHD, how do I find a doc to write a low dose Adderall scrip

>> No.19424913

Adrafinil, modafinil's retarded older brother is great if you can't get a prescription for modafinil or don't want to buy from some shady Indian online pharmacy

>> No.19424961

Tell doc you are having attention issues that are affecting your ability to do work. I've noticed psyches don't give as much of a shit when it comes to your genuine happiness and mental health, but God forbid you can't be an economically viable busy body here's some Valium kiddo

>> No.19425118

Modafinil just makes it impossible to sleep
I've never seen any benefits to using it during the day but it is immensely helpful if I have to switch to doing night work

>> No.19425505
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I started taking caffeine pills.

Overall, I am addicted to porn, caffeine, nicotine

The first time taking 3 of 100mg caffeine pills was like crazy. Never in my life, I have been that social and fast thinking. Everything was at ease. I used to take 300 mg daily. Got a LOT of shit done while on caffeine. I could also sleep well surprisingly.

I think I became addicted to this superhero mode and the effect of caffeine has worn off. Getting in this state would require now much higher doses, at which there would be uncomfortable side effects such as extrasystoles and agitation.

Quitting it cold turkey made me totally depressed and tired for a week.

>> No.19425534

quit the porn, taper down the caffeine and then quit the nicotine

>> No.19425597

>Quitting it cold turkey made me totally depressed and tired for a week.
one more week and you would have been completely off the hook

>> No.19425658

porn is the most fucked up drug, you can get it anywhere at any age

>> No.19425753



yes, it is and it it is much harder quitting porn than quitting smoking.

Weird thing is, whenever I make some bad trades, I get this uncontrollable urge which makes me wanna cum. No benefits from porn, whilst nicotine or caffeine can really help you work more and efficient.

>> No.19425762

They don't though, long term they fuck you up.

>> No.19425805

If you're a burger you can get adrafinil and many other nootropics from nootropics depot. There's a 10% coupon on reddit unironically

>> No.19425959

nigger just stop watching porn, and meditate/exercise. it costs $0.

>> No.19426019

Okay here's the nicotine pill.
>Low strength nic for work or studying
>High strength for relaxing

>> No.19426104

>buying, owning and using personally are legal in the UK
testosterone does nothing if you are not low testosterone

>> No.19426157

yeah that's why there are studies where normal people gain a lot of muscle by injecting 600mg a week and doing no exercise

>> No.19426168

>which puts my testosterone levels around 1500ng
how much testosterone does a normal man produce x day? I have heard that testogel adds 2.5 ng/dl x day

>> No.19426195

testogel is a meme just inject it
normal levels depending on age etc, and are artificially shilled as being lower than what they should be by the government but for most men 500-1000ng/dl is fairly normal

>> No.19426354

Use to take 400mg l theanine, black coffee, 10mg rita , huperzine A and some piracetam/noopept for exams early in the morning

Worked like a train

>> No.19426656

>testosterone goes into the bloodstream transdermal
> it's a meme

>> No.19426667

>Worked like a train
lol you were on full stimulant

>> No.19426686

>Only take a 50mg caffeine and 100mg theanine
reddit meme
take tea it's the same

>> No.19426702

>meth is a nootropic

>> No.19426722

I tried it a few times and felt gay. It literally works only for absolute incels.

>> No.19426768

I do LSD microdoses of 10ug / dose. I find it gives me creativity and the ability to focus on a task.
I do mushroom microdoses whenever i do kickboxing. It gives me a sense and premonition of things to come when i am fighting on it. I call it a state of flow.
Moda do once a week considering that day that i take it i am very productive but exhausted the next day.

>> No.19426822

isn't microdosing a meme?
how could testo make you feel gay?
Didn't you experimented increase in libido?

>> No.19426898

No it works. Depends on you as a person as well. You don't want to take it too much (LSD) because it can change your perception upon reality. (I'd say like "disconnecting") But do it when you need to be creative.
Mushrooms on the other hand , I'd do it all the time. It depends on what you do with each. Mushrooms used during kick boxing for example , allows me to sense where an opponent might be moving or doing. Like predicting the movements. My senses i find are increased substantially as well. Only problem is that you need to stop taking it and wait about 4 days til you are back at the minimum level of tolerance. But it's like a natural kind of high. I get why our ancestors ate mushrooms and went raiding villages with it. It makes sense lol.

>> No.19426913

Phencyclidine is the only one that works. You think I'm joking. But I'm not.

>> No.19427022
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Modafinil is the only thing i ever bought in my life with crypto. bought it with ether when ether was at $60 (fuck my life). i bought it for my master thesis but then never used it, its still rotting on the shelf, kek

>> No.19427190

Did you even work out?
Bullshit study. Water weight. All will be lost when you come off.

Don't take PEDs unless you are into fitness and will continue forever. Don't fuck your health and then find out you don't even like lifting.
When used properly tho test is safer than alcohol. I've only done 1 cycle, put on 20lb and 100lb on my bench, and only just got into cardio recently and did a 5k in 25 minutes which isn't to bad for 2 weeks training roid "abuser".

I had insanely high natural test (1010) from lifting natty for 2 years, so my mood was barely effected, but I was a tad more assertive than normal.

Also microdosing accutane is a godsend. Feels so good to finally go for shirtless runs and get cat called by teenage whores.
It can be had insanely cheap from a certain lab on a certain source site.

>> No.19427259

maybe water weight without training but I've gained at least 10kg of solid muscle since starting, put 60kg on my squat and deadlift and 30kg on my bench
that being said I am very into fitness to the point where I'm looking at entering the industry for a source of income
and yeah microdose accutane is the fucking shit but you gotta be careful with tanning and being in the sun

>> No.19427571

did you experience bad trips?

>> No.19427586

>bought it
>never used

>> No.19427604

>Don't take PEDs
what are PEDs?
>I had insanely high natural test (1010) from lifting natty for 2 years, so my mood was barely effected, but I was a tad more assertive than normal.
explain please fra' (bro)
Bsically no social anxiety?
I am a faggot with that shit
Libido? How was libido?

>> No.19427638

how does this suit for social anxiety?
LSD does it block the message pathway to amygalda?

>> No.19427642

Avena sativa, borax, blackseed oil, pregnenolone

>> No.19427647

Anyone here take Wellbutrin? I know it's an antidepressant but has it helped your cognitive performance?

>> No.19427952

I just bought it cause I have an exam coming up and a masters thesis, gonna try it for the first time kek

>> No.19427981

Tell me more about pregnenolone and wellbutrin anons. I actually have both coming in the mail right now. I am taking testosterone too so very interested in preg and seeing if it fills any hormone gaps. Also have wanted to try Wellbutrin for a while.

>> No.19428003

unironically used to get a rash on the head of my penis when using modafinil but yes it does work

>> No.19428146

>social anxiety

Try 0.25g-0.75max phenibut daily. I take 6g+ for party mode once a week.
Just be careful and avoid withdrawal.

>> No.19428266

I found modafinal great for social anxiety. Or tiny doses of other stimulants.
Alternatively try propranolol
Nothing is a permanent fix, but they can give you the boost you need to go outside and get the exposure therapy and life experiences which are the real solution.

>> No.19428378


Propranolol is anxiety destroyer
on the other hand any quantities of stimulants would lead to anxiety, YOU may not FEEL it, but it will be there, creeping in....

>> No.19428485

It really depends on the person and their type of anxiety. It was good for me. But I've certainly read of people it was bad for.
Stimulants can overcome fear, the military knows that...
I never used more than once every two weeks and about 1/10th dose that normies were taking recreationally

>> No.19428534

Testosterone is the absolute best thing. It gives you insane mental clarity, confidence and drive

I also like to use SARMS as they indirectly increase the amount of free testosterone in your body without the side effects of pinning test

>> No.19428841

They have multiple sites, try modafinalxl.

>> No.19428865

Where can a burger buy these fun pills online with ether, legally?

>> No.19428884

Porn is worse than opiates as it hijacks your will and replaces all your memories with filth. When the will and memory are defeated, the intellect soon follows and you become nothing but the literal cumbrain meme.

>> No.19429005

I tried pregnenolone but I think the dose was too high. I took it for like a week or so and all of a sudden I felt great. No anxiety, good mood, really sociable. Then after a few days it all went out the window and it felt like I crashed. Depressed and crying about shit. Don't start with something high like 100mg. Start at a lower dose like 10mg and work your way up to see if it does anything.

>> No.19429040

I’ve tried a lot of nootropics ...best ones are stacks! Try peak supplement on eBay!!YOUR WELCOME

>> No.19429048

>I take 6g+ for party mode once a week
That would put me in a coma and I've taken phenibut for years

>> No.19429184

Noopept + choline = $EDI, $VXV, $DXD, $2KEY

>> No.19429352

ergotaminemesylate and propranololare the only ones I recommend and I have tried a lot of different substances

>> No.19429575

I quit all of these. The only one I've come back to is caffeine but at a significantly smaller intake. The rest are unnecessary if you plan well enough.

>> No.19429583

>posts stimulant

>> No.19429701
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>> No.19429720

Does modafinil give pleasurable fapathongs like adderall?

>> No.19429747
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Don't buy this trash, this are Indian shills, this whole board is full of chink and Indian shilling their trash.
This shit will give you ulcers and fucked up your kidneys, you been warned

>> No.19429814

Tried all of those.
Modafinil or Adderall = 100% increase in performance for one year then fluctuating between +50% and -50% performance forever after that as you never get the original benefits you used to get and you often have to deal with horrible side effects

Exercise + Protein/creatine supplements + Healthy Diet + Matcha green tea + high omega 3 diet through fish or chia seeds + good sleep schedule
= instant 20% increase in performance with yearly +1% permanent performance due to no negative side effects and positive long term effects of stability, maturity and improved health.

>> No.19429865
