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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19421725 No.19421725 [Reply] [Original]

why do you rentcucks do it? do you want to be poor for the rest of your life?

>> No.19421860

None of that applies to me. I don't live in a shithole and I make more money than you.

>> No.19421872


>> No.19421895

how can you possibly feel good paying another man's mortgage?

>> No.19421920

>oy vey goy none of that applies to me i make more (((money))) than you

jog on, schlomo

>> No.19421945

i live in a brand new, all concrete apartment building. On the other side of one wall is a stairwell. I have never heard a peep from my neighbors, except when there are people in the hallway talking loudly right outside my door. I can turn my music up as loud as I want and have never gotten a noise complaint.

totally different from my last apartment, where I lived in a creaky old wood building. I would get noise complaints just by listening to a podcast at normal volume, or my downstairs neighbor complaining I "walk too loudly". I literally had to tiptoe around and speak no louder than a whisper to avoid getting hassled. So glad to be out of that dump.

lesson is, if you're dealing with neighbor noise, move to a place that isn't a shithole.

>> No.19422447

>i live in a brand new, all concrete apartment building.

how much you paying for that brand new apartment building, goy?

>> No.19422486

put it this way, if I wanted to buy a place that's as nice as my apartment, it'd be 600 or 700 more per month once you factor in taxes, insurance, maintenance, and all that. That's money I can invest with instead, earning a higher return than housing appreciation.

>> No.19422490

Yes goy! Buy the top

>> No.19422601

Oh look it's this faggot again. Go home loser, nobody ia goong to pay for your pile of shit. Well maybe after the collapse in prices

>> No.19423014

stop yelling, rentcuck. those of us who own 4 walls don't need to scream over the sounds of our neighbors.

>> No.19423188

not an argument

>> No.19423294

My parents own their house and have endless problems with their neighbours.

I rent and can do w/e I want.

This is literally a case by case basis thing, it's okay that you chose to buy a house but posting these threads everyday to try to make yourself feel like you made the right decision is pathetic

>> No.19423420

A house is a ball and chain

>> No.19423432

Post the rent price.

>> No.19423493

I'm paying $1600 per month for a 1 BR, but the building is very upscale. Lots of high end amenities and everything is modern and all brand new. Great service too. I can put in a service request on the resident portal website and get someone out same day or next day at latest. Zero complaints about living here.

I've been looking at condos lately. If I wanted something as nice as I have now it would be at least $2200 per month once all expenses are factored in (HOA fees, tax, etc). Of course, the difference is you build "equity", but... I can build equity by taking that $600 and putting it into the stock market. Being a renter gives me flexibility. e.g. can get up and move at a moment's notice.

>> No.19423526

oh and forgot to mention. my place is literally right on the beach overlooking the water. location can't get much better.

>> No.19423737
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>$1600 per month for a 1 BR

>> No.19423758

>4 posts by this ID

oh this should be a good thread

>> No.19423783

seems pretty reasonable to me, especially when you consider how nice it is, and that an equivalent condo in the same city would be much more per month. I don't really want or need a house. I live alone. I don't need that much space. I like having the amenities you get in an apartment like this, and not having to worry about maintenance, yardwork, and all that.

Before moving here, I was living in the Bay Area and paying $1800 for a shitty rundown studio apartment (in a good neighborhood though). If I wanted something there as nice as I have here, it'd be at least $3000 per month, probably more. So glad to be out of there.

>> No.19423790

Mortgagecucks larp using other people's images.

>> No.19423806

What is your salary (plus or minus a few k to obfuscate it)?

>> No.19423828

around $110k per year, plus or minus any crypto or stock gains/losses

>> No.19423833
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Where Im from, you can easily get a all concrete, completely new apartment for 600-800€ per month

>> No.19423932

Feasible in your case. I tell people not to spend more than 10% of their salary on rent typically.

>> No.19423965

that's pretty much impossible these days. $110k * 0.1 / 12 = 916. While I could find a place that cheap it wouldn't be very nice.

If I was closer to the median earning, say 70k per year, 10% would be only $583 per month. I don't think you could find an apartment here for that little, unless it was a total shithole.

>> No.19424018

Yeah enjoy the 5 figure special assessment when you find out your building has hidden deficiencies that suddenly come up when they get to full occupancy

>> No.19424037

another reason renting is better than owning. No unexpected massive bills. No assessments. No having to replace the roof or the pipes, or remove mold, or termites. It's zero worries living.