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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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19419918 No.19419918 [Reply] [Original]

Have 2 invites, gib 2 good flips and I gib you 2 invites.

Simple as

>> No.19419921

shameless bump

>> No.19420054

No one is gonna make flips anymore, just give out the invite and hope they pass this validation. You have plenty of time to teach them how to make flips for the next one

>> No.19420173

this project seems dead

>> No.19420233

Can't believe it died this week again, I wasn't done mourning its last week's death.
It'll be a long road to Q3. On the positive side, it gives devs more time to implement sharding.

>> No.19420273

is that real

>> No.19420281

fuck off, noone wants invites, flips are pajeet tier and chinks have overtaken the flip validation session with numbered flips. You are beyond delusional

>> No.19420392

>noone wants invites
I know. That's why I did the logical thing and invited a real life friend.

>flips are pajeet tier and chinks have overtaken
Did you think half of the world's population that lives in Asia wasn't going to participate? See the point above.
Also, it's important to keep in mind how flips are distributed: you don't get every flips from random identity, you get several identities and solve all their flips. This skews the perception of flip quality because 1 bad flip maker = up to 5 bad flips for you.

>You are beyond delusional
Please point out exactly where my delusion is.
The project hasn't had a proper launch yet, devs say that it's supposed to happen later this year. If you want to call the project dead before you get a chance for devs to take their best shot, fine. But I'll have to call you delusional for that as well.

>> No.19420416

>giving out invites a few hours to validation
>reeeeeee this project is dead

fuck off you lazy faggot
just dump them in the main telegram 10 minutes before validation starts like all the other pajeets

>> No.19420435
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kys soiboi

>> No.19420753

How possible is it to complete two validations at the same time?

>> No.19420844

If it is I will beat the fuck out of someone I don't know for child abuse

>> No.19420857

If you're very good at solving flips and lucky, not that hard. But missing either of those and you'll be better off just having 1 Human identity than 2 Verified.

>> No.19420872

i flip

>> No.19421384

Anyone looking for an invite?

>> No.19421469

no, go away