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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19415962 No.19415962 [Reply] [Original]

My toes smell like cheetos

>> No.19415971


>> No.19416346

Athletes foot

>> No.19416351


>> No.19416363
File: 101 KB, 500x375, 20200524_151256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19417496

Mine smell like tea tree oil. Bitches love tea tree oil.

>> No.19417510


>> No.19417575

ewww if they dont smell like fritos corn chips I WILL NEVER SUCK AND COOM ON THEM

>> No.19418171
File: 61 KB, 750x514, Cm8zTHvVYAA8IbW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine too, it's normal.

>> No.19418271
File: 620 KB, 1125x561, A47B085C-2DD7-46DF-B062-09EDE55A08FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m going to hide this here in this very fitting thread. This is a lifeline for the very few left on /biz/ with a modicum of intelligence. I created an entry exit indicator that produces extremely favorable trades. I have profited mid six figures using this model.

You’ll have to figure it out and build it yourself if you want to use it. I will not spoonfeed the idiot shitcoin scammers and pump/dumpers that have ransacked this board and have them crowding my trades.

If you are smart, goodluck, if your portfolio consists of 30%+ shitcoins, don’t even bother. You don’t have the talent.

>> No.19418288

If you ask an intelligent, non direct question about the model, I will answer it.

>> No.19418348

Assuming the model is the blue line with values between -0.6% and 0.6% on this graph, which values are selling/buying signals.

>> No.19418366

>buy below, sell above
wow am i 150iq

>> No.19418383

> ask an intelligent, non direct question about the model
Is the model correlated with the smell of OP's feet?

>> No.19418385

The blue line is formed from a specific set of data which you interpret to get your buys/sells. Under/above the red lines are where I set my buy/sells. You will have to create your own entry/exit and risk management strategies based on your avail capital. The model is not foolproof so going all in when the indicated isn’t the best idea. It has a very high win rate though so far.

>> No.19418396

Continue gambling on shitcoins using your gut. This isn’t for you

>> No.19418408
File: 44 KB, 800x450, 1520420708986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Under/above the red lines are where I set my buy/sells.

>> No.19418414

I’ll help you out a little more, for example recently I began buying at 3,800 and stopped at 6,700. Have not sold yet

>> No.19418431
File: 57 KB, 1125x394, F032D813-F0CB-4DB0-A9E1-46EA0050EAB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your flaunting your own ignorance, this isn’t for you. Continue going all in on the “hot” biz shitcoins.

>> No.19418470

How do we use your model properly for future trades, let’s say 2 months from now?

>> No.19418476


>> No.19418482

So this blue value is mostly at 0%, occasionally deviates in either direction. When it goes below 10 bps bitcoin is a buy, above 20 bps and bitcoin is a sell. What could it be..

>> No.19418487

According to your model, you should have sold at 9k so wtf do you mean you havent sold yet?

>> No.19418495

You can’t based off the screenshot, you’d need to build the model yourself. If you had the model it updates daily based of new data which would provide you with new entry/exits. I am currently ~80% into position from 3800-6800, waiting for exit signal.

>> No.19418497 [DELETED] 

Why do you act like such an asshole if you genuinely want to help people? I'm up significantly more than you from crypto but I don't feel any need to gloat. Show us the backtesting of your model. It's statistically irrelevant that you "have profitted mid six figures using this model" when you don't tell how many trades you have done, what your position sizings are. There are plenty of clueless day traders out there who are up millions because they threw a couple hundred k into the markets and got lucky on a few trades.

>> No.19418504

No, Blue line is the one to watch for entry/exit. Black line is just price history overlayed.

>> No.19418518

I only want to help people who deserve it, I am sick of the shitcoin scammers/PnD con artist who proliferate this board. I gave plenty of information for someone dedicated and somewhat intelligent to figure it out. You can perform your own back testing based on the picture I posted and with your own risk management strat. I’m not going to give away all that sensitive data to strangers on the internet.

>> No.19418541

The most noticeable signal is of course in march of this year which coincided with the peak CV panic

thinking aloud here

-something to do with liquidations (lot of those going on at the time)
-something to do with the stock market returns

also the blue line on a daily basis seems highly correlated with bitcoin itself, so this would appear to be some kind of mean reversion strategy too. although interestingly on this recently bullrun the blue line has remained at 0 so maybe not

any more hints?

>> No.19418545


>> No.19418548

my dick too, i suck your toes and you suck my dick?

>> No.19418552

>You’ll have to figure it out and build it yourself if you want to use it
>You can’t based off the screenshot, you’d need to build the model yourself.

>> No.19418557

Show us the backtesting of your model. It's statistically irrelevant that you "have profitted mid six figures using this model" when you don't tell how many trades you have done and what your position sizings are. Chances are you've just been lucky and think you're way smarter than you really are. There are plenty of clueless day traders out there who are up millions because they threw a couple hundred k into the markets and got lucky on a few trades.
> If you are smart, goodluck, if your portfolio consists of 30%+ shitcoins, don’t even bother. You don’t have the talent.
> Your flaunting your own ignorance, this isn’t for you. Continue going all in on the “hot” biz shitcoins.
You come across as an self-important asshole. You have shown us nothing that proves that you yourself got any talent. You're up a couple of hundred k. That's nothing special in and by itself.

>> No.19418595

Refer to

I’ll admit I’m being pompous, it is because I am agitated.

You are on the right track with one of those guesses

>> No.19418618
File: 439 KB, 1000x1000, 1568644061334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expect a pleasant conversation about toe odor
>some faggot posts a nonsensical TA chart

Thanks for ruining the thread fag

>> No.19418634

>Draw a line on the not so lows and another on the not so highs.
>Buy low, sell high
>Trannies and Blow

>> No.19418666

Again, the price is just for reference, it does not play a role in determining the entry or exit.

>> No.19418722
File: 113 KB, 991x661, AllBusinessPepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Under/above the red lines are where I set my buy/sells
Can I ask how/why you put the buy/sell at 6k &9k?
Thanks Anon

>> No.19418738

Read the other comments
Price data is just there for reference, the blue line is what matters for entry/exit.

>> No.19418796 [DELETED] 

is it longs vs shorts

>> No.19418854
File: 113 KB, 500x439, 1562425488773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i figure what the set of data is then how do i build the chart you built to show us

>> No.19419009

An easy google search will tell you how to make graphs in excel

>> No.19419161


>> No.19419995

this desu

>> No.19420180

You are just mean and trying to brag.It's obviously a great signal, but without hints to what inputs you use, it's no use to Abby of us.

Please consider dropping some real hints so that enterprising fags have a chance.

SAGE for obvious reasons