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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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19416752 No.19416752 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck did stocks end green with these riots and chinese trade war about to kick off?

>> No.19416768 [DELETED] 

Riots are waking people up not converting people to the left.

>> No.19416776

clack clack clack exit poompp

>> No.19416778

Stop buying dumb shit like tankers. Riots don't have an effect on these markets.

>> No.19416814

I bought KO puts

I hope this shit crashes monday, should have never ended green

>> No.19416843
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>I hope this shit crashes monday
okay mike burry keep holding out for that Big Short

>> No.19416855

>Rioters burn cars and smash windows
>New cars need to be purchased to replace damaged cars
>New windows need to be produced and installed, creating jobs
Market rally imminent

>> No.19416857

Give me a legit reason this shit should have ended green

>> No.19416869

don't fuck with the Fed

>> No.19416870

Markets have confidence of the country opening back up.

>> No.19416875

1. States opening up

>> No.19416877

>Stores burned down taking away jobs
>Insurance sky rockets
>Niggers get free TV's and liquor
Clearly bullish

>> No.19416888
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>he thinks the market moves on logic and reason

>> No.19416890

But a trade war should be hurting stocks, instead they bounce at the news of a trade war it makes no sense

>> No.19416906
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what do we think the market will do on monday? surge, crash, or crab? im betting inexplicable surge upwards
my predictions for the week:
monday: surge for no apparent reason
tuesday: crash after Trump says something ominous about China
wednesday: surge upwards again on some insignificant pharma news
thursday: crab
friday: crab all day, then surge upwards 10 minute to close

>> No.19416948

Its only an exit poomp bc they know rona numbers will go up
Its a meme tho so maybe it stays green
BIG doubt though

>> No.19416961

I hope those chinks declare a trade war this weekend

>> No.19416970

The drop happened because the virus. The virus is fake news. The gold bull run is still to come.

>> No.19417117

i really hope this does not happen. the last thing the US needs is for the price of rare earth elements to spike 1800%

>> No.19417126

Wow you're really stupid arent you?

>> No.19417129

>racism will work this time

>> No.19417130


>> No.19417163

Is that really your portfolio? you're doing it wrong anon. kek, I unironically doubled my this last week. I'm still buying calls, a lot of the market has just barely started recovering....and you think it's time for another crash? not happening.

>> No.19417177
File: 308 KB, 1125x2436, AF3C60DC-10C1-44D8-87F6-7E74D992E18C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are doing something wrong

>> No.19417270

his name is Jerome

>> No.19417292

Every successful nation on earth is run by white supremacist and plagued by institutional racism according to retards like you. Racism = success.

>> No.19417502


>> No.19417512


>> No.19417593

Not to get absurdly political, but the US needs to decide what exactly its economic goals are if its going to pursue a trade war. A vague hatred of China isn't enough of a justification.
Is the goal to move manufacturing back to the US? The amount of jobs created will be insignificant compared to the spike in the costs of goods. If anyone thinks manufacturing can employee as many people as it did in the 50s, they're deliberately naive. These factories will be almost entirely automated. All Americans will pay highly, and only a tiny percentage of Americans will gain jobs.
And that's assuming the manufacturing even moves back to America. First, it would move to India, Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand, South Korea, and so-on. Unless we plan on starting a trade war with all of them, in which case we regress economically and lose all relevance as a world power.
Or are there geopolitical goals? If China, for example, abandons its claim to the South China Sea and abandons its claim to Taiwan, would we stop the trade war? Would we only settle for democratization? Or regime change?
The costs of a full-on trade war would be absurdly high. I don't think anyone can answer the question: "How would we get enough rare Earth elements?" And that's one of about a thousand questions.
I wouldn't mind a few targeted tariffs, with realistic goals. For example, getting the PRC to respect American IP. That's an actually feasible goal that can be accomplished without destroying the world economy.
But on /biz/, there are people advocating that we flat-out halt trade. There are people advocating for a nuclear war. They would literally rather die than live in a world where their rubber duckies aren't produced in the US.

>> No.19417640

The market was already bull for the past fucking decade for literally no reason you stupid fuck.
America produces nothing besides shitty social media companies and the entire monetary system is fake and gay.

>> No.19417840

Big sorrento news incoming, get your calls ready

>> No.19417895

the us has rare earth reserves, they’re just uneconomical to extract. that will change quickly if china tries to cut their exports

>> No.19417936

goals are manifold - move critical industries out of china, stop handing china tech parity on a silver platter, put the kibosh on all of the ccp’s underhanded dealings intended to weaken the US position. trade war keeps china subordinate while us growth continues. if they’re going to try and manipulate the market we built they can suck on it for as long as it takes for the ccp to either collapse or get left in the dust

>> No.19417943

Imports/Exports as a percentage of GDP is about 15% including Mexico and Canada.

Sure, prices will go up but all that means is that boomers won't be able to fuck the futures of their children anymore because they want to buy cheap shit at wallmart. ANY jobs that come back will contribute positively.

>> No.19418022

OUCH. Is that yours?

>> No.19418033

You are a smooth brain. Virus aside, this is a zombie economy. The real crash hasnt happened yet thanks to the fed manipulating the market and basically being the ones that created a huge bubble

>> No.19418061


>> No.19418071

the dow is still down 4k from its all time high in january. fed involvement is at a all time high. they put 2 trillion into wallstreet over 6 months from december to current date

>> No.19418125

Trump stuck to his script today. Investors were anticipating aggression directed at China.

>> No.19418245

Where can I read more about this? It's something I've been curious about. Especially: how high would prices need to rise for US deposits to become economical.

>> No.19418762
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Stocks are fucking cheap as fuck, you can buy a huge stake at an airline or oil tanker that will moon 100× you'r initial investment and take you from ignorant ghetto rat to middle class almost overnight.

Too bad you're an actual nigger ghetto rat and you'll probably die a poor lonely faggot when your girlfriend brings you aids after fucking niggers for meth in the not too distant future.

Apply yourself and you'll see why the market is green, bull as fuck and why hedge fund faggots are making hand over first money in this fucking stupid market.

Key word is cheap as fuck

>> No.19418779

>You are a smooth brain
>he thinks the market isn't based on speculation
none of that shit is real you dumb fuck.

>> No.19418781

>But a trade war should be hurting stocks,

Yeah it is, in fucking Hong Kong, America is plucking a fucking parasite that's being draining its blood long enough, fuck China literally any country can do what those fuding NPC insectoids can it doesn't take too much to put a nike shoe together

>> No.19418812

>t. brainlet nigger

>> No.19418824

Pretty much this the only difference is they literally paid there workers cents per hour increasing the profit margin for companies.

Countries could wise up and make shit in house or more likely ship operations to India and Malaysia for cheap labour

>> No.19418835

Domp eet

>> No.19418880

>from couch cushion change to lunch money
but in all seriousness, nice work